All ratings for jeka396
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Response: Hubby got me 2 pressing seals as a Xmas present this past year ❤️
Response: Holy cow! You really got a lot of decos done there!
Response: Yep, 50 different illustrated mushroom PCs!! Weird but it’s mine to send out to the world!
Response: Yes, please reuse if you can!!!
Response: When the drive saves us hundreds per ticket x 5 passengers, it really adds up! Still not a fan but of the traffic, but like having the extra vacay spending money. I’ll be back in Toronto again in October for a work trip!
Response: Be ready for more packages, I keep drawing your name in deco swaps!!
Response: I don’t remember which deco I sent but I’m thinking maybe Tuija?
Response: They should be cherry blossoms as they came in the same kit as the geisha stamp I sent previously!
Response: So glad you enjoyed it! Just a mix of scrapbook paper pieces, lindys magical sprays, rubber stamping, and some metallic gel pen accents!
Response: Hmmmm…not sure- I use whatever is on my desk. Possibly it’s from a page-a-day calendar or just a random but sent to me in a swap!
Response: I received 9 taped decos from a swapper in Germany as a ‘thank you’ for sending a full deco back and 4 or 5 had that message on them about only taped pages. It seems odd to me because if they wanted the pages taped and they weren’t—couldn’t they just do it at the end? Anyway, I was worried that it might be a struggle to find places to send them next but will keep looking for these swaps with more open rules. Luckily, I had an IG swapper reach out to me for a trade as I sent her a homer a while back, and she does both kinds so I was able to send her 3 of those taped ones.
Response: Yes! If there is only one page, you should decorate and send home! Also, let me know if you ever need more decos (that aren’t last pagers) so you can keep playing in future swaps. I have a bunch and would be happy to send you one or more for nothing in return!
Response: I’m so glad you loved it! 🥰 and haha about the brain mishaps- I totally have them too :)
Response: Hurrah! So glad it arrived safe and sound!
Response: Well, I’ve made a number of very similar pockets for the ICM decos, but not sure I can take credit for this one! But, if I do recall correctly, it had been damaged so I repaired and embellished it a bit, haha.
Response: So crazy. Oh the stories our mail could tell!
Response: Yes please, reuse that pocket! Thanks for such a nice rating :)
Response: So glad it did arrive-yay!!!
Response: Ahhhh, I got it second hand. But it was a calla lily stamp from a 2004 Stampin Up set.
Response: I had a feeling you were the right one for the dragon deco!
Response: Not surprised you didn’t get the original, none of my Xmas cards that were in the box the same day reached their destination either :(
Response: So glad you like it! I’d probably pass along without decorating a page, one more page for me to enjoy someone else’s art when it comes back.
Response: Yikes! Glad it made it to you and I’ll have to be careful with those thin envies!!
Response: Nope, background was just some really cute paper I got in another swap.
Response: I’m so glad that you enjoyed the prints!!
Response: That one was my favorite too :). Thanks for the rating!
Response: You’re very welcome, glad you liked the flowers, it was something new I tried!
Response: Thank you, and I’m glad it arrived in time to allow you to do that! Hope inspiration strikes soon!
Response: No, I sent a handmade postcard! And I just sent it out the other day, so I’d be surprised if you got it already!
Response: Aw, thanks so much for the kind words, I’m so glad you liked them!
Response: Yayyyy thank goodness it did arrive!
Response: So glad you liked it, thanks for the nice message!
Response: Haha, I’ve got a ‘female singers’ themed one I need to work on now....and I don’t pay attention to music at all so that one is going to be a struggle!
Response: I thought the same thing when I got it....there sure are a lot of cards in there to decorate and it will be so thick at the end!! I’ve got 2 more like this and am struggling to find a good swap for sending them out!
Response: Wow, I cannot believe you just got something postmarked Dec14th. Funny, I think something happened to all the mail I sent that day-you are at least the 3rd person who had issues with mail postmarked that day! Glad it did finally arrive though!
Response: Omg, what crazy travels!!
Response: So glad you liked it, thanks so much for the kind words!!
Response: I don’t drink beer either, but my hubby does and saves the boxes for me to use! Thanks for the rating!!
Response: Nope, no more snow, just frost!!
Response: Yayy!! Thank goodness they weren’t lost!
Response: Awesome, so glad you enjoyed it!! Also, I mailed this Saturday afternoon from the box at my house so it’s crazy how fast it got to you!!
Response: If you got the mammoth cave card, that was the original!! The resend I believe was St Louis!! Thanks so much for the kind rating!
Response: Thanks for rating! Also, absolutely crazy how fast that got to you!
Response: You’re very welcome—I rarely use the round stamps for international mail, I like having the variety of the normal USA forever stamps!
Response: Thanks so much!!!!!
Response: Lol, my poor outlier husband :)
Response: I most commonly use pages from Vogue, Oprah, and Marie Claire. Thanks for rating!
Response: Hugs to you for your loss of Sophie, and I am so glad you enjoyed this swap!
Response: Ooh yes, that would look good on a rock!!
Response: Thanks so much for the rave review, I’m so glad you enjoyed it!
Response: Thanks so much, glad you enjoyed it!
Response: So glad you enjoyed them, I just got that little birdie and love him too!!
Response: That sure was fast! And we did have fun swimming, thanks :)
Response: So glad you enjoyed it, and that was a pretty quick trip to you! (nowadays at least)
Response: Yayyyy! So glad that the glitter tape risk didn’t backfire :)
Response: Shocked 😲 that you called them ‘not so ugly’. :). Yes, I’d be open to this again in a few months as well!
Response: So glad you enjoyed it!
Response: So glad you liked it, and absolutely open to a reply!!!!
Response: I have no idea where the blue mason jar dies came from, I just know I ended up with a bunch so I passed on a few! Glad you enjoyed the envie!
Response: Funny, I don’t either but am lucky that my spouse does and is kind enough to save them for me!!
Response: So glad you enjoyed the swap, I had a great time making the envies!!
Response: I’m trying to remember the order, but I think it was #2 (happened to my sis, not me). Thanks for rating!
Response: You're welcome, thanks for rating!
Response: I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
Response: You're welcome, thanks for rating!
Response: You're very welcome, thank you for rating!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: So glad I picked a good one for you, thanks for the kind words!
Response: So glad you found it fun!
Response: Glad you liked it!
Response: I'm so glad you enjoyed them, I love making envies!
Response: You're very welcome!
Response: You’re welcome!!
Response: Glad you liked it!!
Response: You’re welcome, glad you enjoyed!
Response: YW for the stamps!
Response: You are welcome, thanks for rating!
Response: You’re welcome, glad you liked it! Thanks for rating!
Response: You’re very welcome, glad you liked it!!
Response: Thanks so much for the lovely rating, I’m glad you enjoyed it!
Response: You are very welcome, I’m glad you enjoyed it!!
Response: You’re welcome! Funny, I got an envie from you today too!!
Response: Thanks so much for the kind rating, and glad you enjoyed the circles! Second time is a charm I guess.... but at least the envie didn’t disappear into the void completely!!
Response: You are very welcome, Jo!!
Response: You’re very welcome, I’m so glad you enjoy it!
Response: I am so glad that you liked it. I was so nervous about this one, as I’m not much of a traditional artist (drawing, painting, etc), but entered the swap anyway hoping I could make it up with my strengths ( craftiness, handwriting). I actually made 2 different Stitch postcards because I wasn’t entirely happy with the way the 1st one was coming along. Thank so much for the really kind words!
Response: You’re welcome!
Response: So glad you enjoyed it! That was fast!!
Response: You are very welcome, I’m so glad you enjoyed it!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: So glad you enjoyed it, it was a heck of a lot of fun! Thanks for hosting!
Response: Mine too, for sure!! Thanks for rating!
Response: I am so thrilled that you enjoyed it! Thanks for rating!
Response: You’re so very welcome, I’m glad you enjoyed it! Merry Christmas!
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for your rating!
Response: Thanks for rating!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: Glad you liked it, I’m thinking I sent you one from Atwater brewery. Their box art is awesome!
Response: Glad you liked it, thanks for rating!
Response: Haha, I’ve had that happen a few times now. Thanks for rating!
Response: You’re very welcome, thanks for rating!
Response: You’re very welcome, I’m so glad you enjoyed the envie!
Response: You’re so very welcome, glad you enjoyed it!
Response: You are very welcome, happy holidays to you as well!
Response: Haha, I’m so glad the pink wasn’t too obnoxious. Thanks so much for rating!
Response: So glad you enjoyed the envies, they were a blast to make!
Response: You’re welcome Selene! Hope my letter to you arrives soon!
Response: You’re welcome!
Response: You’re very welcome, thanks for rating!!
Response: Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for rating!
Response: You’re welcome!!
Response: You’re welcome!!
Response: You’re welcome!!
Response: You’re very welcome, thanks for rating!
Response: I’m so glad you liked them!!
Response: I had a feeling you’d like the Pooh card!! Thanks for rating!!
Response: Woo hoo! Glad the blind envie worked out! Thanks for rating!
Response: Haha, so glad you enjoyed it!! Thanks for the rating :)
Response: I’m so glad to hear that it was encouraging!
Response: You’re very welcome!
Response: Thank you for the kind words and for rating!
Response: That sure got to you fast! I’m glad you enjoyed reading it!
Response: Thanks for the kind words, I’m glad you enjoyed them!
Response: I am glad that you liked them and that they sparked your creativity!
Response: Glad you enjoyed it, funny you recognized my handwriting!
Response: You are welcome!
Response: I’m so glad to hear that it made your day, I had a lot of fun putting it together!!
Response: You are very welcome! I’m glad you enjoyed it and it was fun to see it pop up on my IG feed!
Response: You are welcome, glad it made you smile!!
Response: I’m so glad you enjoyed it!!
Response: You are very welcome! Glad you enjoyed it!
Response: You are very welcome! I enjoyed putting it together, and am so glad you enjoyed it!!
Response: So glad you enjoyed it, I look forward to your note!
Response: You’re welcome!!
Response: You are very welcome!!
Response: You’re welcome, so glad you enjoyed it!
Response: You’re very welcome!!
Response: You’re welcome!!
Response: You’re very welcome!!
Response: You’re welcome!!!
Response: Glad you enjoyed the envie and contents!!
Response: You’re welcome, glad you can use them! Thanks for rating!!
Response: Thank you for the kind words, I’m so glad you enjoyed it!!
Response: Glad you enjoyed it!!
Response: Glad you enjoyed it!!
Response: You’re welcome!!
Response: Thanks! It sure was cathartic to just spew it all out :)
Response: Glad you liked the washi!!
Response: Thanks for the heart and kind words, I’m so glad you enjoyed it!!
Response: I'm so glad! I was so worried I'd miss the mark!
Response: So glad you enjoyed it! I was pretty fond of that envie too :)
Response: Glad you liked it!
Response: Glad you loved it!!!
Response: I'm so glad it finally arrived. 3rd time's a charm, right? ;)
Response: Yay! I'm so glad!
Response: I'm glad you liked it, but I'm sooooo sorry about the postage...what a bummer! I usually try to overestimate...I wonder what the heck I was thinking when I stamped yours! Thanks for being so understanding!
Response: Awesome, I'm glad you liked it! I still can't believe I had a platypus sticker in my stash!
Response: I'm so glad you liked it!
Response: So glad you liked it! I'd love a reply letter!