Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: I LOVE these swaps! Its SO fun to see just how many different cards from different decks there really are!! hahah and we havent even scratched the surface yet!! heheeheh!
Response: Oh no! My daughter worked too.. *sigh* Left over chinese isnt so bad tho!!
Response: You are so welcome!! Happy Christmas! xx
Response: You are so welcome!! Happy Christmas! xx
Response: You are so welcome!! Happy Christmas! xx
Response: You are so welcome!! Happy Christmas! xx
Response: You are so welcome!! Happy Christmas! xx
Response: Yes we do!!! Let's plan on meeting up after Christmas sometime!!
Response: You are so welcome!! Happy Christmas! xx
Response: You are so welcome!! Happy Christmas! xx
Response: You are so welcome!! Happy Christmas! xx
Response: You are so welcome!! Happy Christmas! xx
Response: You are so welcome!! Glad you oike it! xx
Response: Youre welcome! These swaps are so fun!
Response: You are so welcome!! Happy swapping! xx
Response: You are so welcome!! Happy Christmas! xx
Response: hhah she SURE is a strange looking fairy!! LOL
Response: you are so welcome! I LOVE these swaps!!
Response: You are so welcome!! Happy Christmas! xx
Response: So glad you liked it!!!
Response: Thank you!! Glad it was a good Halloween!!
Response: I LOVE your swaps! So glad you like it! I thought it was a good fit, too!! xx
Response: I am SO happy you like them! I got the seed packet at an antique store in IOWA in 2017!! I have 2 of them and I wanted to send one to someone who would really like it! I'm glad I held on to it for you! hahaha!
Response: Let's do a private swap! I can send you some antique postcards and ephemera and you can surprise me with some Korean fun paper goodies!
Response: I am obsessed with lighthouses!! I love when they are open to the public and you can tour the inside! SO awesome, and to think... carertakers used to live in them!!
Response: I agree! I love the absolute randomness of the gifs we find for these swaps!
Response: You are most welcome! <3
Response: You're welcome! I had so much fun looking for pcs for this swap!
Response: I had SO much fun! I love the absolute randomness of the gifs we find for these swaps! lol
Response: I love WPD! I hope to make my own PCs for next year!! Thank you!! xx
Response: Happy Halloween! xx
Response: I agree! I love the absolute randomness of the gifs we find for these swaps! So glad you are back! Hugs and all that jazz! xx G
Response: I couldn't resist! heheheheh You are so welcome! xx Gabi
Response: Thank you for the lovely rating!
Response: My absolute pleasure! xx G
Response: My pleasure! xx G
Response: YAY! SO glad I ordered them when I did! I sent them ALL!! Im so happy you received one of them!! xx G
Response: My pleasure! xx G
Response: I agree! I love the absolute randomness of these swaps! They are SO fun to do!! Glad you like them! xx G
Response: Aw thank YOU! RT 66 is my fav!!!
Response: Thank you!! Jetoy is SO CUTE Isnt it? Love it!!
Response: You are so welcome! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You are so welcome! It was soooo fun!!! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Thank you SO much! It was SO fun to do! I love when an art theme just SCREAMS out to me and I am able to just roll with it!
Response: You're welcome! My pleasure! I love his postcards and HAD to get those when they went on sale! I sent them ALL!! hehehe!!
Response: Thanks Rich~ Glad you like! xx
Response: You are so welcome! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: We have the same issue here... sometimes its way too hot and once they even had to "cancel" Halloween due to a foot of snow! WEIRD FOR NJ!!
Response: You are so welcome! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: OO so happy that it will go to such a great use!! <3
Response: You are so welcome! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You are so welcome! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You are so welcome! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: I'm thinking you dont get COLD weather there really at all! Come to NJ! you'll happily (or not so happily) Freeze your butt off LOL~~
Response: My daughter wants to live in a haunted house! She said she will lay down the law and make friends with the ghosts and if they don't cooperate she will kick them out LOL!!
Response: You are so welcome! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Words of encouragement REALLY make a difference when said with a heart full of love!! <3
Response: It's usually chilly but sometimes Mother Nature gets a bug in her bonnet and goes wild and makes it 80 degrees LOL!!
Response: You are so welcome! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You are so welcome! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Next time you go to Cape May - go to SUNSET BEACH to the gift shop--- they have SO MANY Lantern Press Cape May postcards (not cheap!) I bought quite a few but they have so many different designs it's insane! The Bigfoot/VanGogh mash-up card is my fav and I DID buy 10 of them LOL!!
Response: You're welcome! Happy Spooky Season!
Response: Loretta is such a treat! Love her to bits! She's also a huge advocate for pet adoption so she was talking about that a bit!! Love her!!
Response: You're welcome! Happy Spooky Season!
Response: You're welcome! Happy Spooky Season!
Response: You're welcome! I LOVE these kinds of swaps! They are both fun to package up and send and to receive!! xx
Response: You're welcome! Happy Spooky Season!
Response: You're welcome! I love these swaps! We get a little glimpse of places we might discover we NEED to visit one day! xx
Response: You're welcome! Me too!!!
Response: Ahh they are so nice! Those are from 1919!
Response: hehehe such a weird thing for someone to paint, right?? LOL!! It was the perfect card for this themed swap! LOL!! Happy Swapping!!
Response: We visited Mayberry and LOVED the tiny, quaint little main street!!
Response: I LOVE these swaps! So happy you like!! xx
Response: You're welcome! Happy Swapping!
Response: You're welcome! It was such a fun swap!
Response: You're welcome! Happy Spooky Season!
Response: You're welcome! Happy Spooky Season!
Response: So happy you like!! xx
Response: You're welcome! Happy Spooky Season!
Response: You are so very welcome! xx
Response: I LOVE these swaps! Glad you liked the PC! xx
Response: You're welcome! Happy Spooky Season!
Response: YAY! So glad you like!!! Happy Swapping! xx
Response: Im sooo glad you liked them!! xx Gabi
Response: Happy Halloween!! xx
Response: YES! The pumpkin coffee and the muffins are amazing!!
Response: Its a haul to get there but worth the few hour drive along the Hudson for Sleepy Hollow! We have some ofthe scariest haunted farms and even 2 haunted prisons that are world renouned here.. this region goes ALL OUT for Spooky Season! xx
Response: hahh I know I cannot believe its already 1/2 way through September. What the heck... I thought it was the end of August! LOL
Response: You're welcome! Happy Spooky Season!!
Response: ME TOO! I wanna go back but I DO NOT want to go on the flight to get there LOL NO thankies! LOL
Response: YAY! So glad!! Happy Swapping!
Response: You're welcome! Happy AUTUMN!!
Response: My pleasure! I seem to be getting you to send to for a lot of swaps! heheh trying to mix it up a bit! ha!
Response: hahah true... lets just have a good thunderstorm LOL!!
Response: YAY So glad you like it all! These swaps are SO FUN! I am enjoying myself a LOT lately! xx Gabi
Response: You're welcome! Happy Spooky Season!! Dollar Store has a lot of fun Halloween cards!! Maybe you can go re-stock! heeheeh
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! I really enjoy these types of swaps because I am a profile reader and I want to send things my partner might need or want :) So fun!!
Response: YEs! She LOVES Horseshoe Crabs and the area of Cape May that she is in, is famous for Horseshioe crab breeding every summer (May/June) She loves it!
Response: These swaps are SO FUN! I cannot WAIT to have a full frankendeck to admire and use!!
Response: You're welcome! Happy Spooky Season!! COME ON FALL WEATHER!! lol
Response: Thank you for the wonderful rating! <3 xx
Response: I hope you had a great Birthday!! xx
Response: My Pleasure! So happy she liked it! xx
Response: Thank YOU! Happy Halloween! xx
Response: You're welcome! I love these swaps!
Response: Thank YOU! Happy early Halloween! xx
Response: Thank YOU! These swaps are SO fun, aren't they??!!
Response: You're welcome! I love these swaps!
Response: YAY! Looking forward to being penpals!!
Response: YAY! Arent these swaps SO fun!! Ive gotten stuff I did not even know I needed! hahah!!
Response: My pleasure! Enjoy the last days of Summer! xx
Response: You're welcome!!
Response: Oo good I'm so glad! I had a lot of fun sorting through and finding unique papers !!
Response: Oo you are so welcome! Thank YOU! I still have hopes that you will receive the original swap! i received a swap that was in transit for over a year! So there is hope! hahah!! ENJOY!! xx
Response: So happy you like everything! I really enjoy your junk journal swaps and how your prompts are so very unique! hoping you'll be hosting more soon! xx
Response: Oo yes way too hot this summer!! YUCK! Autumn is on it's way and it just cannot get here fast enough, in my opinion! haha I am looking forward to crisp, cool days!!
Response: You're welcome!! Happy early Halloween! xx
Response: Oooo me too!! I am SO excited!! Happy early Halloween! xx
Response: You're welcome!! I love these kinds of swaps!!
Response: You're welcome!! Happy early Halloween! xx
Response: Heheheh from one SPN junkie to another!!
Response: I am so glad you like it all! I love these kinds of swaps! There are so many places I would love to visit and find postcards and brochures and picture maps! haha! I love to use them in my travel journal when I visit places. So I ALWAYS grab at least 3 of them so that I can share with swapping friends too!!! <3
Response: So happy you like everything! these types of swaps are so fun!! Merry Christmas! xGabi
Response: I am so happy it got to you and you like it! I had fun putting things together for you! Xx Gabi
Response: Thank you! you are so kind! I love receiving from you too! We should do a private swap sometime!!!!
Response: You are so welcome! I absolutely LOVE making these theme ATCs !!
Response: So glad you enjoyed! xx Thank you !! x
Response: I am so lucky to live in a pretty area! So glad you like them! xx
Response: You are so welcome! I REALLY enjoy these swaps and love to find fun little ways to make our junk journals a little more endearing and interesting! <3
Response: Thank you, I really love these swaps! They remind me to work in my own journals and to create for myself which is so often forgotten !!
Response: Youy're welcome! So happy you enjoyed!! xx
Response: You are too kind! I have a 'style' with making atc's I've come to realize! I just enjoy them so much and look forward to each swap we do!! Thank you for your kind words and I'm so glad you like it!! xx G
Response: Thank you!! I had so much fun making them!!! xx
Response: Yay! So glad it got to you and very happy you like it!! ! I sent it just before I left for vacation and I'm, of course, worried that things didn't get where they were supposed to go!
x Gabi
Response: hehe you are most welcome! Poe is also a favorite of mine and I don't share my Poe stash with just anyone!! Wish we had some of your snow... instead what do we get? 40º temps and RAIN RAIN AND MORE RAIN! haha! xx Hugs! Gabi
Response: Merry Christmas to you and your family!! May the new year bring you lots of love, laughter, happiness and good health! xx Gabi
Response: Oh so true! I love the Grinch!! Merry Christmas to you and your family!! May the new year bring you lots of love, laughter, happiness and good health! xx Gabi
Response: So glad you liked it!! <3 Merry Christmas! xx
Response: So glad you liked it!! <3 Merry Christmas! xx
Response: So glad you liked it! It's so YUMMMM!!!! <3 Merry Christmas! xx
Response: So glad you liked it!! Snowmen are my fav! <3 Merry Christmas!
Response: So glad you liked it!! <3 Merry Christmas! xx
Response: So glad you liked it!! <3 Merry Christmas! xx
Response: So glad you liked it!! I found those cards and HAD TO HAVE THEM!! <3 Merry Christmas! xx
Response: So glad you liked it!! Im heading to Disney in Feb... CANNOT WAIT!!! <3 Merry Christmas! xx
Response: So glad you liked it!! <3 Merry Christmas! xx
Response: So glad you liked it!! <3 Merry Christmas! xx
Response: <3 Merry Christmas! xx
Response: So glad you liked it!! <3 Merry Christmas! xx
Response: So glad you liked it!! <3 Merry Christmas! xx
Response: So glad you liked it!! <3 The more holidays to celebrate the better is what I think!! Happy Holidays! xx
Response: So glad you liked it!! <3 Merry Christmas! xx
Response: So glad you liked it!! I also grew up and still live around light houses! We summered in Kennebumkport Maine and on Long Beach Island NJ right near Barnegat Light! I absolutely LOVE Light Houses too!! <3 Merry Christmas! xx
Response: So glad you had a nice Thanksgiving! Do you have Christmas/Holiday plans too? We'll be going to my Cousin's house, she just moved into her new house and is very excited to show her friends and family her new place!!!
Response: Oo YAY! Isnt that notebook so cool! I think it would make a great junk journal!!! x G
Response: hahah that was definitely one of the weirdest Halloween PCs I have ever run across!
Response: Great minds think alike! ;)
Response: These swaps are SO FUN for me! I love profile reading and trying to find at least a little something to make my partner smile! SO happy I could do that for you!! Have a fabu Spooky Season! x
Response: SO happy you like it! I am falling into a 'style' of my own and am really into making creative ATCs these days!
Response: Thank you!! I had fun making it and yes~ The postcard glows in the dark!! heeheh!
Response: I love it! I learned something from you!! hehehe that is awesome.. I am sure you are glad they didn't rename the town "Cereal City" That is just crazy LOL!! xG
Response: I LOVED making it! So happy you like it too! They are precious little books! I am so excited I may host another one!! Thank you for the heart! xx
Response: My in-laws live near the Cooper River - I know it well!
Response: YAY! so happy you like it all!! <3
Response: You are so welcome! i had a lot of fun with that. I am LOVING using vintage and antique ephemera as I dabble with collage! So happy you like it!!! <3
Response: aww Thanks! I am so glad you like what I chose for you! I LOVE these kinds of swaps and love to spoil my partners as much as I can! eheheh!! Have a happy weekend! xx Gabi
Response: oooo so sorry about that I will send you a completely different ace :) xx Gabi
Response: HAHAH I definitely had a giggle over this swap!! hahahaha!!
Response: Its a lovely tour and the tour guides are so knowledgeable! They make it really fun!
Response: YAY! Glad they got there in a timely manner and that you like them! :) hope 2022 is treating you well so far! xx
Response: My Pleasure! I really love researching my swappers for these types of swaps to make sure I can get them something extra special!! Hugs and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Response: You are very welcome!! i love these swaps so much!!
Response: Im so happy you like them! I enjoyed this project SO MUCH and I hope that we do another swap like this one very soon!! Have a great week!
Response: Im so happy you like everything! I had a lot of fun creating!!! These are some of my favorite swaps-- the ones where we create something for someone! xx G
Response: These types of swaps are so enjoyable for me and I can't wait for more of them!! Im so happy you are happy!!!
Enjoy your week! xx Gabi
Response: Thank you! I had so much fun and confusion with this.. LOL! So far it's been so fun!!
Response: YAY! So glad!! This was a fun swap and I look forward to hosting more like it! x Gabi
Response: We didn't get them all up ALMOST! The Skeleton horse is giving us a bit of trouble! HAH!!
Response: Thank you for the nice rating! I absolutely love these kinds of swaps!! SO FUN!!
Response: My pleasure!! These swaps are SO FUN!!!!
Response: iIt was a lot of fun for me to play with and create!! Hope you are having a great Sept so far! x Gabi
Response: Whoa that's interesting! Im so glad you liked the PC and cards :) Id love to see a train like that come through our downtown crossings! What a neat job you had!
Response: Hahah~ Thanks bunches! It was so fun to do! xx Gabi
Response: I had SO much fun with that swap!!! So happy you enjoyed it!
xx Gabi
Response: So glad you like it! yes the book pages are from 1863 :) WOO!!
Response: AWW YAY! Im so glad you like it! Gravity Falls is our favorite show pretty much of ALL times! We're currently LOVING Owl House and Amphibia too! SO FUN! Ooo My daughter is a Mabel cosplayer and my husband is Grunkle Stan and I am Lazy Susan!! HA! SO FUN!!!
Response: you are so very welcome ! I am new to ATCs and I'm starting to love them!!
x gabi
Response: I LOVE these swaps and am so glad you like them too! hehe! I find it fascinating to see the things people love to use in their junk journals!
x gabi
Response: I LOVE these swaps and am so glad you like them too! hehe! I find it fascinating to see the things people love to use in their junk journals!
x gabi
Response: you are so very welcome! Yes it's amazing.. and so much of the campus looks like it came straight out of hogwarts! x Gabi
Response: Thank you!! I love it so much! It's crazy that it thrives on neglect and that it's been growing since 1991! LOL
Response: You're welcome! Always a joy to send to and receive from you! xx Gabi
Response: I hope you will have success with this one. I have to admit-- Ive not received a finished journal back either and Ive been at it for years LOL!
Response: I made my swap card on :) hee hee hee!!!
Response: You're welcome! So glad you like it! Thank you for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome! So glad you like it! Thank you for the heart!!
Response: Sure thing, have a great day!
Response: You're welcome! So glad you like it! Thank you for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome! So glad you like it! Thank you for the heart!!
Response: You're welcome! I love these swaps and always try to make them special! Have a great day xx Thank you for the heart!! xx <3
Response: You were there at such a lovely time!! I hope you get to go back and enjoy it for a few more days and to visit the rest of the parks-- it's truly magical! xx Gabi
Response: My pleasure! So happy you like everything! xx Gabi
Response: Thank you for the lovely rating~ That was my 1st attempt-- I have several ideas for another one and hope you will be hosting another swap!! <3
Response: You are most welcome :) thank you for the lovely rating! xx
Response: You are so very welcome~ xx
Response: YAY!! He is my favorite! I absolutely LOVE him! I love printing and stamping on old book pages too so I decided to put the two together and make that TN! So happy you love it!!
Hugs! Gabi
Response: Hee Hee Hee ! I lovers YOU too!! xx
Response: So glad it arrived so fast! I was looking for a vintage chunk (I had some cardboard from the 1950s but I think I used it up!) xx G
Response: Im loving these SSS Swaps!!!!! SO FUN! I love that you have a great wish list! Made it so easy and FUN!
x Gabi
Response: YAY! SO happy! LOL!! Thank you!! xx
Response: SQUEE! I love how organized your profile is... it makes it easy to find something I KNOW you will love!! hee hee hee! Happy SKATING! xx G
Response: You are so very welcome! <3
Response: oh dear! IT REALLY Is cranky! I mailed a box on December 14th --- and it only arrived YESTERDAY -- and it wasnt far.. only to Virginia from New jersey!! C R A Z Y! Thank GOODNESS for TRACKING!!! LOL
Response: Oo LUG is a brand of bag... they are fantastic, rugged and come in all sorts of patterns, fabrics, shapes and sizes!!!
Response: so happy it arrived safe!! And super stoked that you like it!! HUGS!! Thanks for the heart!!
Response: Happy New YEAR! XX
Response: I'm so glad you like them! I LOVE making them and have so much fun with everything vintage ;)
Sending love and hugs for a HAPPY NEW YEAR! xx
Response: the 1848 checks are 100% original - they are not printed copies. They are original. They were purchased from an antique dealer and appraiser. Also you can find similar ones on Ebay (I researched them further) I have 100s of them all with unique signatures.
Response: You are so very welcome! I had fun with this swap!! x Happy Halloween!
Response: You are so very welcome! I had fun with this swap!! x Happy Halloween!
Response: You are so very welcome! I had fun with this swap!! x Happy Halloween!
Response: YAY! So happy you liked it! When I saw you liked vintage wedding themed things - I just HAD to send you that photo from my collection!! :) Happy SWAPPING! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Ahh so glad you like it!! <3
Response: Keep on Lovin' the Doctor!!! <3
Response: SQUEE! Im SO glad it got there safely and you like it!! I don't do many ATCs because I am so particular in my themes LOL! But this one called to me and I was like YES!!! I MUST !! :) Vintage Circus is one of my all time favorite themes too! Great minds absolutely think alike!! Thanks for the great rating and heart! xx
Response: Not to worry! I am confident it will make it's way to you eventually! After all -- I just recently received a swap postmarked NOVEMBER 2018 !! LOL
Response: yes -- MARIE!~ :)
Response: Im sorry about that! usually I am very good about writing the note-- it's the first thing I do. I wonder if it got tucked in another envelope by accident!!
ANyway-- I am so glad it reached you safely and you like it!! xx G
Response: You are most welcome! xx
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day!
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day!
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day!
Response: I LOVE these swaps! I am so glad you like everything! OO Ivy Sisters!! Princeton is my favorite go-to spot to sit and soak in the tranquility and vintage vibes. It's such a great place to be to recharge and refresh! AND the museum here is fantastic too!!
Have a great day!! xx Gabi
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day!
Response: You're welcome! Have a great day!
Response: Omg yess next year I will be in Bay Lake in January!! Let's definitely make plans to meet up!!!! SQUEE!!!
Response: You're welcome!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: My Pleasure!
Response: You're welcome!
I had fun interpreting the prompts! I LOVE these kinds of swaps!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: I agree.. it's sad !!
Sending hugs!
Response: You're welcome! I will give Belle and Beast your best wishes and a hug from you too!!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! xoxox!
Response: You're welcome!
I had fun with this swap!!
Response: You're welcome!
I hope your Thanksgiving was lovely!
Response: You're so welcome! I LOVE quirky and unique too! When I saw those I had to grab a few of them for swaps!!
Hope you have a great week!! xx G
Response: You're welcome!! :) So happy you like them! I love stamp swaps!
Response: Happy Thanksgiving!!
Response: Hugs and Happy Thanksgiving to you tooooo! xx
Response: Happy Thanksgiving! xx
Response: HAHAH Omg yours get grumpy with rain TOO?? I thought that was just ours! OMG HAHAH!!! They really are pains in the backside when it's rainy!!!! HAHAHA! omg thats so funny!!!
Response: My pleasure! I LOVE these swaps and I'm so happy that you like what I found for you!! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!! xx
Response: Happy Thanksgiving to YOU TOO!
xx G
Response: Hmm probably a good idea to open it early if you can smell its goodness already! Lol shouldnt be able to.... i hope it’s not broken GASP!!
I had a lot of fun shopping for you! I will post a 2nd swap soon! xx - G
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Glad you like!! :)
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Aw so happy you love them!!
Response: Always a pleasure!!
Response: YAY! so happy you like them!!
Response: Heheh yes-- I was getting nervous that my post office wasn't going to have those stamps! Thankfully I stalked them before they opened and got 2 sheets! They didn't get very many!!
Response: So true!! Perspective changes everything!! So happy you like!
Response: You are most welcome! :)
Response: I am SO happy to see this! I truly hope that you do receive the original package too! If you do, let me know!! I do have the customs form from it! I am going to see if they can track using that!
Have a happy weekend! xx Gabi
Response: Hugs! Aww you are so sweet! I love this site and all the swappers I've had the pleasure to meet and swap with! I am so glad you like it!!
Have a great weekend!
Response: You're welcome! :)
Response: My pleasure! :)
Response: YUMMMM!!
haha! Have a great weekend!
Response: Had to include a Charles Schulz Quote! ;) It's only fitting for such a card! heheh!!
Response: You are so welcome! I am heading back to Wildwood on Friday and hope to get a nice batch of postcards while there for the weekend!!
Hope you have a great day!! xx Gabi
Response: You're welcome! I'm so happy you like it!! xx Gabi
Response: You're welcome! I hope you have a super awesome OCTOBER!
xx Gabi
Response: You're welcome! I'm so happy you like it!!
xx Gabi
Response: you're welcome!! I had a LOT of fun with that swap!!
x gabi
Response: Awesome!! So happy you like it!! xx
Response: Perfect for fall, right?
Have a great week!
xx Gabi
Response: I'lll send you some cool weather!! LOL
Hang in there! It's on it's way! xx
Response: You're so very welcome! xx
Response: Awesome! So happy you like it!!!
xx Gabi
Response: You're welcome! I'm so glad you like it! It's the first time I've done an altered index card! I think I might be addicted!
Response: You're welcome!! Happy Halloween! xx
Response: You are so very welcome! xx
Response: You're welcome! I love DISNEY!!!
Have a great week!
Response: You're welcome!!
Response: So happy you like them!! x Gabi
Response: Hugs! SO glad you like them!!
have a great week!
xx Gabi
Response: HAhahah! Happy to enable! LOLOLOL!!!!
I love tucking in rubber stamps when I can !! HUGS!
Response: My pleasure!! Thank you for the lovely rating! xx
Response: My pleasure!! Thank you for the lovely rating! xx
Response: You're welcome! I love swapping with you!! We seem to 'get' each other pretty well!!! HAHA! Oh there's more where that came from-- that's just the tip of the iceberg... I have more goodie for youuuuu!!
Response: My pleasure!! Thank you for the lovely rating! xx
Response: My pleasure!! Thank you for the lovely rating! xx
Response: My pleasure!! Thank you for the lovely rating! xx
Response: My pleasure!! Thank you for the lovely rating! xx
Response: My pleasure!! So happy you like everything!! HAPPY AUTUMN!! xx
Response: My pleasure!! Thank you for the lovely rating! xx
Response: My pleasure!! Thank you for the lovely rating! xx
Response: you are so very welcome! I have more things for you - I think we need to do a private swap! HA! I just found some profile specific things for you!!
xx G
Response: Ooo yay!! Most of NJ is beautiful--- it's the two cities... Camden and Newark that give it a bad name - but... every state has it's armpit cities so... to know NJ is to LOVE it!! We have four distinct seasons, lots to do - our state is all about HALLOWEEN and celebrating... for 2 months LOL!! It's already Halloween season here and yep-- we're gearing up to get decorated! Our house is always the most elaborate one in the whole area!! LOL~!
I love these swaps-- I host them periodically! Glad you like everything! Have a fabu week! xx G
Response: You're welcome! Have a great week!!
Response: You're welcome! Have a great week!!
Response: You're welcome! Have a great week!!
Response: You're welcome! Have a great week!!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks! yes! I am !! HUGS Have a great week!
Response: You're welcome! Have a great week!!
Response: You're welcome! Have a great week!!
Response: You're welcome! Have a great week!!
Response: I think the bacon and latte die cuts might be stickers! You're welcome! Have a great week!!
Response: You're welcome! Oo Me too!! 11 is my favorite!! Have a great week!!
Response: You're welcome! Have a great week!!
Response: You're welcome! Have a great week!!
Response: You're welcome! Have a great week!!
Response: You're welcome! thank you!!!
Response: Yay! I know! it's funny how that happened!! lol Thanks bunches!!
Response: YAY~!! So happy you like everything! I had a lot of fun going through my goodies to find some key pieces that matched your likes!!!
Have FUN!
Response: You are so very welcome!! xx
Response: hugs right back atcha! Love you MUCHO!!
x Gabi
Response: I LOVE collecting playing cards and swapping them.. I use my fav card - ACE OF DIAMONDS (my birthday card!) as a place keeper in all of my planners!! HAHA!!
Response: I love these types of swaps! They are SO MUCH FUN!
Response: You're welcome!!!
Response: You're welcome!!
Response: You're so very welcome!! <3
Response: YAY! you're welcome! I had a lot of fun with it all!!
Response: LMAO! I have tried one of them the other one nope - I dont like radishes! LOL
Response: You're welcome!!I had a lot of fun putting it all together!!! HUGS
Response: My hubby tried it!!! I am not that brave! HAHAHAHAH!!
Response: Thanks bunches!
Response: SO glad you like it all ! I had fun with this swap!!
Response: YAY! Nothing better than a weekend full of GOODIES! <3
Response: My pleasure! I had a lot of fun with this swap!
Response: I love those postcards too! They were a great find! I had a blast at Graceland even NOT being an Elvis fan-- my hubby IS! I learned a lot and really started liking him!!
Response: Long Beach Island is a paradise! I LOVE it there and it truly does bring back tons of great memories!! <3
Thank you for the lovely rating! xx
Response: oh my pleasure!! xx
Response: I love snapping pics of my pets and animals ;) Hehehe so fun!!
OO yes.. February is when we'll be in Anaheim and travel around Southern California a bit! I'm SO EXCITED!!!!!
Response: You are so very welcome!! I LOVE swapping vintage goodies! <3
Response: My pleasure!! Hope you have a great week! xx
Response: Awesome!! I am so glad it arrived safe and in a timely manner!! Hope you're doing well!
Response: You're so very welcome!! SO happy you like everything!
Response: I'm giggling so hard over here! LOL!~! You know I love you, right?! HAHAH!!
Response: My pleasure! SO happy you like it all!! <3 Have a great week!
Response: you're welcome! I love when I have a little bit of something to share with someone who will like it! xx
Response: Oops - I though I wrote it on the left side - sideways! yep that's from me-- We have so many awesome musicians that come through here (princeton university) and it's always fun to pick up the free ad cards here on campus!! <3 Thanks for the awesome rating! HUGS!
Response: Aww thank you!! I'm glad you like everything! I LOVE these swaps so much! LOL!
Response: Let's get thru summer and into winter already - Im done with this heat -- that thermometer sticker is so tiny I had to use tweezers to get it off the sticker sheet and onto the postcard! HAHAHA!! Im surprised you even noticed it!!!! HUGS
Response: YAY! you are BACK ! I was missing you lots!! Glad things are moving forward! I always love seeing you in swaps and chatting back and forth!! I hope things are looking up for you now and that the summer will bless you with lots of smiles and good times!!!! HUGS!!!
Response: You're welcome! Such a fun swap!
Response: Happy Summer!! My pleasure really!
Response: You are so welcome!
Response: I'm glad it got there fast! Thank you for the message! I just didn't fully read the swap requirement or had a brain fart or ...probably both! LOL!! Thank you again!!! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Glad you like it!! Have a great weekend!
Response: I love these kinds of swaps! I'm glad you do too!! haha!! Have a great weekend!
Response: You are so welcome! I'm glad you like them!
Response: You're welcome! That was SO fun to put that swap together! I LOVE it when I have a partner that I love swapping with and I know what I send them will give them a smile! x Have a fab week!
Response: I love trying to tailor fit everything for my swapper partners! I'm SO GLAD you like everything!!
Response: SWEET! Glad you like it!
Response: YAY! So glad you like them!!!! Hope you are having a great summer! xx
Response: YES! they are so cute and funny to watch!! lol I love them!
Response: You are so welcome!! YAY! I'm SO glad you like it!! Sure thing.. private swaps are SO FUN!!
Response: I LOVE the boardwalks here at the NJ beaches.. so fun and unique!!
Response: I cant believe just how many themes of washi there are! LOL I keep getting washi sample swaps in the mail and I'm always surprised that I don't have them yet!! LOL!!
Response: Oh HAHAHA!!! Yes I'm good! my daughter 'made' that envelope LOL so I had to use it HAHA!!! Omg so funny! But it fit everything perfectly so it was great! LOL
Response: My Pleasure!! I'm so glad you liked it!!
Response: And the heat continues LOL!
Response: My Pleasure!! I'm so glad you liked it!!
Response: My Pleasure!! I'm so glad you liked it!!
Response: My Pleasure!! I'm so glad you liked it!!
Response: My Pleasure!! I'm so glad you like them!!
Response: My Pleasure!! I'm so glad you liked it!!
Response: I'm so glad you liked it!!
Response: Oh me too! I hope to get there in the next 3 years!! xx
Response: Aww you are so very welcome! I'm so glad you liked it!!
Response: I'm so glad you liked it!!
Response: I'm so glad you liked it!!
Response: YES! That's what I do-- make envelopes and also use them in my journals, scrapbooking pages and to make cards :)
Response: Yep! They do.. It was a pleasant surprise to me too!!
Response: Im so glad you like everything !I had a lot of fun piecing it all together!!
have a fab summer!
Response: I'm so glad you like them! I had a lot of fun with that swap!!
Response: YAY!! Thank you so much! So happy it got there! I LOVE these swaps!!!
Response: I'm so happy you like it all!! have a great week! xx
Response: Isn't it cool? I'm so glad you like it!!
Response: Definitely do try it! It's DELICIOUS!!
Response: Omg I love Scarlet Lime stuff too! hahah I am so glad you like it! I had fun making those - I hope there is a swap for Vintage paper scraps! I'd jump in on that one right away!
Have a fantastic week! xx Gabi
Response: ME TOO! I love clearance!! hahaah! Thanks so much! xx
Response: Thank you!! I have found some cards that will fit your profile perfectly! I LOVE your profile! I LOVE your mind and how you think (at least how I believe you think!) And I think we would be great friends!) I would love to do a private swap with you. I am so excited for you to receive these cards I have found for you!!!!
Response: Glad you like it , thanks for the 5 and nice comment :)
Response: My Pleasure!! Look into joining the group A Little Witchy... its AWESOME!
xx Gabi
Response: Oh ! I did camp reset last year - didnt get far with it but it was fun :) Have fun with it! I am watching from the sidelines this time!
ENJOY and thank you!! xx
Response: I LOVE that postcard!! Such a great one! We dont find ones like that every day! HAHAH!! hugs and have a HAPPY SUMMER! xx
Response: Yes I would love that! I will DM you about it! Thank you!! xx Gabi
Response: SO excited that you go it! Thank you SO MUCH!! xx I had a lot of fun with this swap and hope to do another one in the near future! xx
Response: xo My pleasure! xx
Response: I love to put on interesting stamps when I have them and when room allows... LOL!
Response: Omg we go to LBI every summer too! HA! We should see if we can get together for a bite to eat maybe when you're here!!!
Response: My pleasure! have a great week! xx
Response: You're welcome!! I love these kinds of swaps! xx G
Response: You are so very welcome!! xx
Response: Thank you!! Have a GREAT WEEKEND! xx
Response: MST3K Is B ACK! Go to this site to see when it's on and which chanel for your area!
Thank you!! Have a GREAT WEEKEND! xx
Response: Thank you!! Have a GREAT WEEKEND! xx
Response: Thank you!! Have a GREAT WEEKEND! xx
Response: Thanks!!! I had them made at Walgreens!! hehehe
Gabi in NJ! xx
Response: Yay! Im so glad! Thank you for the heart! xx
Response: My pleasure! So happy to be able to send a smile!! xx Have a great weekend!!
Response: Im so glad you like it! I am still new to the group and loving it!! Thanks so much!
Response: hehehehehe!! Yup-- got stickers... gotta do what they say... maybe next time I'll send "Girls Night Out" or "Movie Night" stickers ;) LOL!!
Response: Omg yes! I LOVE it ... and I stock up when I find amazing postcards! Even though they were expensive... it's SO WORTH IT!!
Response: You are most welcome :) i had a lot of fun putting it all together!
Response: I got the Dalek sticker at Wizard World comic con in Philadelphia, PA ! <3 so happy you got everything! Seems like it took a long time!! Hugs and Happy New Year! xx
Response: Hello!! Yes its Rose Quartz and I am so happy that I got you to send to! I LOVE your profile and I had so many things that I felt were meant to go straight to you!! Thank you for your lovely rating!! Be well!! xx
Response: Im so glad it got there safely and you like it! I LOVE these swaps! Keep on hosting and I'll keep on joining! xo!
Response: So happy it got there safely and you like it! HUGS!! Thanks for the hearts!! heheheh!
Response: My Pleasure!! Hugs and have a great week! xx
Response: You are so very welcome! I had a LOT of fun putting it together! hehehe
Hugs and have a fantastic week! xx
Response: My pleasure! I had a lot of fun making it!
Response: I'm glad you like it! Have a great weekend!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Aww so happy you like it! I LOVE these little old style halloween postcards! I found them at a craft show so I grabbed them!! HUGS!
Response: Im so happy you like it! I gotta admit I HAD SO MUCH FUN making it so I will definitely jump into one of these swaps again!! :) I'm over the moon happy that you like it so much! Most of the items were found items -- the vintage clothing was on a ripped magazine I found at an estate sale and the eagle metal charm -- estate sale too! HAHA!! Oh and that recipe -- I found in a shopping cart at the local grocery store! FUN!!
ENJOY!! Hugs and HAPPY AUTUMN!! ~Gabi
ps- the playing card was completely random - got it in a swap and it had washi wrapped around it - used the last bit of washi and Voi la!! HAHAH!
Response: So happy you like it! I am just starting with Zines and I'm still not exactly sure what to do with them so I just start someplace and see where it takes me!
Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Aww it was SO FUN to make! OMG I wanna do another one so bad !LOL SO happy you like it!! xx
Response: You're welcome!! The Pusheen sticky notes I got at Hot Topic! They have TONS of Pusheen stuff! CUTE!
Response: You're welcome! I had so much fun with this swap and I'm looking forward to the next one! eheheh! xx
Response: My pleasure! So glad you like it!
Response: YAY! So happy it arrived safely! It was my first try.. I wasn't exactly sure how to do it but I researched somewhat and thought it might fit!! Thanks! Im so glad you like it!! hugs! xx
Response: So happy you like them! xx
Response: So happy you like them! YES Aren't they GOOD? I love them!!
Have a great last few weeks of Summer! xx Gabi
Response: So happy you like them! xx
Response: So happy you like them! xx
Response: Youre welcome! They have that in a pack of travel themed washi-- I got it at Michaels! :)
Response: It's amazing! They have the COOLEST stuff in there but whao.. EXPENSIVE! Yikes! LOL
Response: Hello! So happy it made it to you! no that's not the case - i have sooo many washi samples that I always want to share with everyone. If I keep everything It's hoarding (shh... I dont wanna hoard!) and I prefer to share them, especially if I have some of them. So its not that I dont like them - I should just put a sticky note on them from whom they were received so I dont accidentally send them back since you already have them! I will send you some new ones in today's post!
Hugs and love GG
Response: glad you like them!! <3
Response: You're welcome!
Response: I wanted to do something different! hehehe yeah.. pretty crazy right?? Love ya bunches! xx Gabi
Response: Arent they great~? xxxo Happy weeeeeeeekend!
Response: YAY so happy it arrived safely and that you are enjoying your planner! I am really getting busy playing with fall motifs for mine too!! xx Gabi
Response: Happy Fall!! <3
hehe yes I wonder about our cats when we're away! I think they are all secret agents for a fabulous agency!
Thank GOODNESS for Friday!! WOO!! Yes It was HOT here too this week (almost 90!) and today it's in the 60s... a nice change, for sure! ENJOY IT WHILE IT LASTS! x
Response: You're welcome!! <3
Response: hehehe so glad you liked it!!! It was a weird card!! hehehe! thanks for the great rating! <3
Response: You are SO very welcome!! I LOVE YELLOW PAPER HOUSE!! Isnt that awesome?I had to share! I love them THAT MUCH!! Have a great day! xx Gabi
Response: My Pleasure! I grew up summering there and love love love it! <3
Response: Isnt it though? LOL!! Glad you like everything! Have a great week! xx Gabi
Response: Oh! That's pretty cool!! I love the NJ seashore.. it's nothing like the tv show "Jersey Shore" depicts!
Thank you for the heart! <3
xx Gabi
Response: I;'m so glad it arrived so quickly and you like it! Wow Im surprised too as Ive had some mail issues with international sends lately!! So happy its there!!
xx Gabi
Response: Im glad you like them!! <3 thank you for the lovely rating! have a great week! xx
Response: You're welcome!
Response: heheh! Couldn't resist! ;)
Have a great evening!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: Aww you're a love!! <3
Response: My Pleasure!! Enjoy the rest of the long weekend!! I hope you have tomorrow off too! ~Gabi
Response: You;re welcome! Have a great night!
Response: You're welcome!! xx
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! Yes the beach here is gorgeous!! Have a great night!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! HA! Your storms are a little more powerful than ours!! Have a great weekend!
Response: Thanks! Yes it's been a great weekend so far! <3 xx
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Thank you!! have a great night!
Response: What a great idea!! I LOVE IT!! <3 Hugs!!!!
Response: thats great news! You're so very welcome! Have a great weekend!
Response: Im confused.. what happened with the stamp? I can re-send...
Response: You're welcome!
Response: I will send snow your way as soon as we get some! heheheh!!
Response: Oh that's a great idea! Love it!!!
Response: Oo yeah teenage years.... It's pretty interesting... to say the least! HAHA!!
Response: You are so very welcome :) I am so happy it arrived safely and that you like everything!! I had fun shopping on ETSY for sure!! :)
Have a great night!
Response: Oo good! I hope so!! *HUGS*!!
Response: I am SO happy! have a great week!!
xx Gabi
Response: You are so very welcome! I'm so happy you like it!
Response: <3 lotsa love! <3
Response: You're welcome! Have a great week!
Response: always a pleasure!
Response: Ah cool!! My uncle owns Ina Auto Parts on Ina Rd! I miss Tucson SO MUCH!! hehehe Hope you have a great week!!
Response: You're welcome!! <3 Have a great week!!
Response: You're welcome!! <3 Have a great week!!
Response: You're welcome!! <3 Have a great week!!
Response: You're welcome!! <3 I had a lot of fun with it!! heehehe!!
Have a great week!!
Response: You're welcome!! <3 Have a great week!!
Response: You're welcome!! <3 Have a great week!!
Response: Hahah NO worries! have kids too and sure do know how things get misplaced... mysteriously LOL!!!
<3 Have a great week!!
Response: Yes! I LOVE HANK!! Go see it if you haven't yet!!
In an hour we're going to see Secret Life of Pets!!
<3 Have a great week!!
Response: You're welcome!! <3 Have a great week!!
Response: You're welcome!! <3 Have a great week!!
Response: NYC is amazing isnt it?! <3
<3 Have a great week!!
Response: You're welcome!! <3 Have a great week!!
Response: You're welcome!! <3 Have a great week!!
Response: You're welcome!! <3 Have a great week!!
Response: You're welcome!! <3 Have a great week!!
Response: Meow!! <3 hehehehe
Response: Hhahah right?" LOL!! Happy 4th!!
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Always happy to swap with you, Diane!!
Response: Hey Nathan! Thanks!!
haha yes.. you definitely deserve some TIME OFF!! I hope you have a good time once you DO get your vacation time!
Response: I'm sorry too! I'm still confused by this customs form and its reasoning.... Weird! xx Gabi
Response: Thanks for Rating, Marc!! xx
Response: So glad you like it!! <3
Response: You are most welcome!
Response: Thanks again, Marc!
Response: You're most welcome!
Response: Thanks! have a great weekend!
Response: HAHAH exactly!! Have a great weekend!!
Response: Did you? HAHAHAHAAHAH!! OMG that's hilarious!!!
Response: You're welcome! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Im so happy you like it!! You're so very welcome! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! Wow, I would LOVE to meet up with you at the Regional NY Stamp show! There are so many new shows to see on broadway too -- we would have a lot of fun!!
Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! I have a lot of fun with these specialty swaps! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! I love to try and 'fit' in as much of my partners likes as I can with a swap.... even a post card swap! hehehe
Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it all! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like everything! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Hey Robert!
RIGHT? I am really a bit shocked by that too! They do have his house to tour if you wanna pay for that sort of thing but it's kind of a sterile type atmosphere - almost unpleasant....
Freaky weird!!
Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: My Pleasure! ;)
Response: So happy it got to you safe and sound!!
Yep hiking is my fav thing to do when the weather cooperates!!
Response: Hugs and lots of love and a heap of THANK YOUS for your UNCLE PETE!! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Thank you for giving me my 1000th heart!! <3 I a so glad you like it! I am busily working on another one for another swap and I can't wait to see what everyone else makes too!!
have a lovely weekend!!! xoxoxox
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: ANYTIME you're back this way, gimme a shout!! I'd love to meet up with you for coffee and some lunch in Times Square!!! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! I am a very energetic, happy, optimistic and grateful person :)
Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Thank you! I got it!! that is crazy! I love how people are all connected SOMEHOW!!! HUGS!
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: If you ever vacation out in the NYC area - let me know! We can meet up and I can take you to some cool craft/art stores ;)
Response: My pleasure! I had so much fun shopping for this swap and finding all the goodies! I am so happy you like it all! I could not find a box to fit it all but I found that zip pouch and it was perfect!!
Hugs and enjoy!!
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! What a fun swap!! I had a blast shopping and putting everything together!! hehehe It was soooo much fun!! Im glad you like everything!! I am going to run another swap soon! Keep an eye out! xx Have a great day!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: YES! It is amazing.. what a definite difference for sure!!!
Have a great weekend!
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Thank you!! <3 I appreciate it!! I realized something was weird so I jumped to fix it asap! Thank you for the lovely rating!! xx Gabi
Response: Im so glad you like it!!! I got that card at the Metropolitan Museum of Art! I LOVE that place and can get lost... seriously!! HAHA!!!
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: That is crazy!! I think I'd need a new pair of pants if I ever saw one in person!! LOL
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome!Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Squee! I LOVE Frida Kahlo!! <3 I am always happy to be sending postcards to you and also receiving from you!
YES! The Princeton University Art Museum is absolutely fantastic and it's quite large! It takes a few days to really be able to see everything! I love their little gift shoppe too --- so many postcards! <3
Enjoy your day! It's 88 degrees here and it seems Summer has arrived!
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Sounds great! I have a few Tarot Decks that I am happy to piece out and swap!
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it!
YES! When you are back in this area you HAVE to visit the Princeton University Art Museum!! They have SUCH an awesome collection of amazing pieces by SO MANY famous artists! I was really surprised when I first visited!!
Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You/re welcome!!
My dream is to visit the National WWII Museum in New Orleans... I hope to get there within the next couple of years!! I imagine it will take me days to see everything!!!
Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! My pleasure!
Response: I hope they bring you some creativity!
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: come visit!! Lots of places to go and tons of things to do here! You always have a tour guide on hand if you DO decide to visit!
Response: Congrats Skye! So fun! I love being a cheer mom!! Cheer stuff is hard to come by, that's for sure!! But I have seen planner cheer stuff on ETSY ;)!
Sure what kinds of things could we swap?! FUN!
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Yes it was lovely! Thank you !! You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome!Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! I love swapping with you!! You seem to feel the same way that I do about swaps!! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! I'd love to!! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Sure no prob! :)
Response: I do too.. I will post another swap of prompts soon!
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Thanks, Diane! YEs it was so fun!! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Hehehe!! You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Im so happy you got everything safely! !Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome!Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Me too.. they are BIG critters and a lot could have gone wrong that, thankfully, didnt! HAHA!!
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: I'm glad you like it :) Thank you for the heart :)
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Isnt it a great zoo?! xx
Response: You're welcome! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: I LOVE TIM HORTON'S hahah <3
have a great weekend!!
Response: Oh yes... me too on both accounts! HAHA!!
Response: Thank you for giving me my 900th heart!! <3
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Crazy! Small world!! I love living here! It's so pretty and the campus is amazing!! Have a great weekend!
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like them! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You are very welcome!
Response: YES! Come visit!
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it all! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Sorry to hear that!! I hope that things go well over the summer and into the next semester!
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like them! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! I had a lot of fun walking around looking for interesting green for this swap!! Have a great night!! xo
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Oo me too!! You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! I am so glad you like it! I am new to making them so I will keep on trying new things and playing with these swaps! They are so fun!!
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: haha Judy! You and I both.. heck no to going up in one!! Nooooo way!!! LOL
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Wow I LOVE the CEO of that company! What a great way to wind down after a stressful work week!! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: I am so happy that you like it!! <3 thank you for the lovely rating!
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Thank you for the lovely rating! I had a lot of fun compiling that board - the colours are so calming I could look at them all day!
Response: Oo me too! CUTE!!!
Response: Thank you!! I had a lot of fun pinning this board ;) I am relatively new to the pinterest rage but I can see now why it's so addicting! I think I sank a good 4 hours into creating that board but it was so relaxing and so fun !!
Hmmm I sent you another a swap this morning too for the sharp shooters group :) GREEN!
Thanks for the heart! I'm happy you enjoyed my yellow and blue board!!
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Yay Im so glad!! Have a lovely week!!
Response: YAY! Im SO GLAD! I am quite a pen lover myself and the smoother the better!! Enjoy!!! <3
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: I went to a paper specialty store and bought a sheet of this map paper about a year ago. It's faux-vintage but oh so pretty. It called out to me so I had to get it! I Figured it would be good to use on handmade stuff and mixed media.
The washi is from Paper Source and it's 'restaurant" themed - remember going to restaurants a few years back when they still had matchbooks ? I think it's supposed to be reminiscent of that! HA!!
Response: Give your planner my love! heheh I'm so glad you like it!
Response: You're welcome <3
Response: You're welcome ! I am having fun with these swaps so much!
Response: You're welcome!!!! <3
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Isn't Cheshire Cat just awesome?? heheh He is my favourite Alice in Wonderland character by far!! <3
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome!Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! I had a LOT of fun making it!! <3 Have a great week!
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Oh no.. poor ferals - they deserve a good life too :( My mom has 4 of them now... the number fluxuates from 6 to 4 to 3 to 5.... lol Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! I'm so glad it arrived safely and you like everything!! I had a blast putting it all together! I love these Swap in a Bag swaps!!
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: LOL you are my freakin ' spirit animal AHAHAHHAH!! <3
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You are so very welcome! I had quite a lot of fun with that swap and look forward to doing more "In a bag" swaps!
Response: Im so happy it arrived safely and that you like it!! have a lovely week!!
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome!!
Response: You're welcome!!
Response: You're welcome! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like them! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: YAY! wow that was the craziest swap ever LOL!! Im so SO happy they got there! Sending love and hugs!!
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome!Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: That's so cool! Your Grandfather is a piece of NYC history!
Message me when you're here - maybe we can grab a coffee or something!!
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you both like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome!Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Aren't they though? I agree!! <3
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Let me know if you do! We can meet for coffee or ice cream !!
Response: My pleasure!!
Check with your local postmaster - one of the mail clerks at my post office is evil. She charges me extra for EVERYTHING. Last week it was 'Im going to have to charge you extra, you wrote too large on the envelope"
I checked with 2 other postal clerks in that SAME POST office - both said she's insane. Then I told the post master and she apologised.
Check with your post master- you should not be paying extra postage for things like that!
Response: the work that goes into illuminating is amazing!! I love it
Response: <3 You're welcome! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: Hey!
Too funny!! I will continue to look for some interesting ones as I'm sure I'll be sending to you again real soon!
Response: So glad you liked it!!
Have a great weekend!
Response: Love her too! she is the first Princess my girls ever met when we went to Disneyland for their first time back in January 2005 - she is special to me forever!
Response: You're welcome! have a great weekend!
Response: You're so welcome! I am so happy you liked it! I had fun taking those photos!! Princeton University's campus is pure magic with different highlighted spots at different times of the day. It can look one way at 9AM and then look like a completely different place at 4PM- Its MAGIC! :)
Hugs and love!
Response: You're welcome! Have a great weekend!
Response: YES! hahaha Donald ROCKS!! <3
Have a great weekend!
Response: Yay! I'm so glad it got there safely! I LOVE JETOY!
Response: Warmer weather would be greatly appreciated!! HURRY UP SPRING!!
Response: You're welcome! Enjoy the weekend!
Response: MY Pleasure!
Have a great weekend!
Response: Hahah yeah its one heck of a word but it's SO COOL!
Response: HI Lynn!
wow that got there quickly! I am so glad you like everything! I had fun putting it all together!
~ gabi
Response: You're welcome! <3
Response: Thank you for the heart :)
I don't like long flights either! yuck!
I like close by trips the best!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You;re welcome!!
Response: My pleasure!! <3
Response: hehehehe I am glad to give you a smile! Lots of love from across the country!!!
Response: heheh I've done that! sometimes when I rate using my phone it doesn;t work!
Response: Yay! Im so happy to hear this!!
Response: You're welcome!! <3
Response: Thanks for the heart! ROLL TIDE!
Response: *waves* Hi Jenny!!
Response: <3 My pleasure!
Response: I hope the weather holds up for your photos and if you haven't had them yet I'm sending good weather vibes!!
Response: I'm happy to give you a smile <3 Hugs
Response: you're welcome! <3
Response: You're welcome! <3
Response: Oh! I'd LOVE to visit Disneyland Paris! I am sure it's amazing!
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: You're welcome! So happy you like it! Have a great weekend! xx
Response: YAY! I'm so glad! I dove into my stash for them! I love to send older stuff in hopes that people dont have 'em!!
Happy Swapping!
Response: Hahah isn't it so cute!? I love stingrays but I sure don't wanna swim with 'em! LOL!!!
Response: Ohh speaking of FLOW...
Keep an eye on your mailman....
Response: I am so glad you like it!!
Happy Swapping!!
Response: I'm so happy it got there safely! It was such a fun swap to put together! I'm going to host another similar one soon! Have a great day!!
Response: heh heh heh! I am so glad you like it!! I saw that and HAD to get it!
have a great weekend!!!!!
Response: I am SO happy it has arrived safely!! <3 It was a fun swap! Thank you for swapping with me!!! I hope we can swap again sometime!!
Response: Thank you, Hiromi ! I am so glad it arrived safely and that you like it! Thank you for the nice rating!
Have a great week!
Response: YAY! So glad it got there safely!
Let me know if you need anything!
Response: I am going to start off slowly and do something with journalism :)!
Response: I am so glad you like everything! I LOVE these kinds of swaps! I love to look at people's profiles and see what will give them a smile :) Happy New Year!!
Response: I'm so happy you like it and that it reached you safe and quickly!! Sending warm hugs from NYC! â¤ï¸
Response: My Pleasure, Mark! If you have anything specific in mind, let me know! There are tons of places around here (Touristy) which have free bookmarks! ~ Gabi
Response: You're welcome! hehehe! oh yes... I LOVE Doctor Who!! <3
Have a great week!!
Response: You are so very welcome! Thank you for the lovely rating! <3
Response: I got it a monthly kit I subscribe to! Isn't it great! I Love love love things like that too! Thanks for the heart! <3
Response: You're welcome! Thank you for this great rating!! If you wish to do a private swap - Let me know! I attend a LOT of Comic Conventions and have access to a lot of these types of ad cards and other various related things!
Response: Ah good I'm glad you like it! I was getting tired of the seeing the same ones so I was elated to find those new ones!
Response: You're welcome! <3
Response: I had as much fun putting it all together as you had opening it up! LOL! <3 I'm very happy you like everything!! xx
Response: You're welcome!! He's one of my favorite disney characters! :)
Response: You just love me .. just admit it ! HA!
Response: You're welcome!!! Hope you have a great week!
Response: You're welcome!! The MET is a MUST SEE!! <3
Response: You're welcome :) Princeton University has such a gorgeous campus!!
Response: YES!! SPN con! it was absolutely amazing ! There's a convention in Germany in the Spring....
Take a look!
xx Gabi
Response: You're welcome! I am very happy you like it all :)
Response: My pleasure :) <3
Response: hehe Iguanas are so cute!! <3
Response: YAY! I LOVE finding the perfect postcard for my partners!! <3 HAPPY SWAPPING!
Response: I am so happy you like it!! I knew it was going to be perfect for the perfect partner! <3
Response: You're welcome!!! Best wishes and kick ass in RN school!! <3
Response: My pleasure! I hope we bump into each other in future swaps too!
Response: SO happy you like it!! When I saw those postcards at Disney Studios I had to have them!! LOL!!
Happy Swapping !!
Response: You're welcome :)
Response: HA! I saw that i had you for both swaps and thought it was pretty funny too! I am glad you got a breeze of warmth from the beach postcard! :) Happy swapping! <3
Response: Yay ! I'm so happy it arrived safely and you like it! <3 Happy Swapping!
Response: You're welcome! Happy Swapping!
Response: Yay Thank you for the great rating! I took my time with that one finding the right vintage postcard and trying to integrate a good spooky spirit!!
Happy Swapping!!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: I LOVE POSTCROSSING <3 hehehe
I'm glad you like the postcard!
Response: ME TOO!! <3 heheheh
Thank you for the great rating! <3
Response: haha im a freak.. I wish I was more freakish when it came to thinking about art.. I gotta work on that.. Keep your eyes open... I'm sending you a strange thing in the mail..... LOL
Response: Tulips are gorgeous!!! <3 Happy Swapping!
Response: You are so very welcome! I LOVE planner swaps.. I love to find the perfect things for my swappers. I try to be as unique as I can! Today I just found some fun shaped paper clips I can't wait to send out!
Happy Swapping!
Response: I am so glad !! <3 that makes me so happy!!
Response: My Pleasure! <3
Response: So glad you like it!! <3 ohh yes I love mad max:Fury Road I;d love to see what you made!!!
Response: Excellent! So happy it arrived safe and so quickly!!! Thank you for being a great partner too! I appreciate it more than you know!!! <3
Response: So happy you like everything :) hehe those cat clips are the cutest!!
Happy swapping!! <3
Response: Im so glad you like it!! I wanted to do something different, something that would be memorable and also use things you could re-use or save! Thank you for the lovely rating!! <3
Response: Turtles are great, aren't they!? I agree.. they have a sort of wise look to them! Happy Swapping!!
Response: You're welcome ! I definitely wanted to do something different and special for this swap!! I am so delighted that you like it!! <3
Response: You are so welcome!! <3
Response: You're welcome!
Response: My Pleasure! <3
Response: You're so very welcome! <3
Response: My pleasure! <3
Response: You're welcome! <3
Response: Nope it's a song by John Denver :) HEHEHE
I can't draw ANYTHING.. I don't even attempt to ROFLOL!!! I can't risk scaring children !! AHHHAHAHAHAH!!! <3
Response: You're welcome Sulieen :) My pleasure!!
Response: You are so very welcome! I'm glad you like it! <3
Response: You're welcome!!
Response: youre welcome!!!
Response: You are so very welcome!! <3
Response: Im in the fb group too! two of them.. I havent swapped in them yet though - maybe soon!! Im glad you like the pocket letter!! I think with each one I make, they just get cuter and more detailed. It's a works in progress! I look forward to swapping with you in FB!! heheeh
Response: You're welcome :)
Response: You're welcome! I'm so glad !!
Response: My Pleausure!! <3
Response: Thank you, Carol! I'm so glad you like it!
Response: absolutely my pleasure!!! xox
Response: I'm so happy you like them!! I wanted them to look special :)
Happy Swapping! <3
Response: My Pleasure!! I love these types of swaps!! They are the most fun! <3
Response: You're welcome! I'm so glad you like it! It was my very first one ever!! Happy Swapping!
Response: I'm so glad it got there safe and so quickly!! You're welcome! It's my pleasure!!
Response: My pleasure!! Im happy it didn't tear this time!! <3 Happy Swapping!
Response: You're welcome!! <3
Response: You're welcome <3
Response: my pleasure!! Thank you, Doctor Coconut is the sweetest boy! He has his own instagram @Doctor_Coconut :)
Response: My pleasure! Happy Swapping! <3
Response: My pleasure! Happy Swapping! <3
Response: My pleasure! Happy Swapping! <3
Response: My pleasure! Happy Swapping! <3
Response: My pleasure! Happy Swapping! <3
Response: My pleasure!! Have a great weekend!!
Response: That must simply mean we're amazing ;) hahahah!!! <3
Response: My pleasure! I'm so glad you like it!! <3 Gabi
Response: You're welcome!! I thought she was cool too! I had never seen that one before! <3
Happy Swapping!
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you like what I sent!! Happy Swpapping!
Response: My Pleasure
Happy Swapping!
Response: You're welcome! Happy Swapping!!
how's life over seas?! Will you be there long? If you ever want things from 'home' let me know - I'd love to swap!
Have a great day
Response: Hey! I forget which sticky notes I wrote on!! remind me? Hehehhe
You're so welcome!
Happy valentine's Day! xx
Response: Aw Im so glad you liked it :) HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!
Response: Awesome!! you're so welcome!!
Response: You are SO welcome! It's my pleasure! I am so happy that you like the swap! I love to find out what makes my partners tick ;) hope you have a great weekend and HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!! xoxoxo
Response: My Pleasure! ! Happy Valentine's Day!
Response: my pleasure! I love quotes so I try to join lots of quote swaps!!
Happy Swapping!!
Response: You're welcome! :) I love these free advertising cards! I sometimes go to the restaurant to see what new ones they have!! heehhe
Response: No worries!! Thanks for the heart <3 Happy Swapping!
Response: You are so welcome! <3 I am glad you liked it! This was such a fun swap for me!!
Happy Swapping!
Response: You're welcome!! I am very happy it got there safe and quick and intact!! Have a great time!!! <3
Response: Princeton University is a m a z i n g!
So happy you like the swap!!
Happy Swapping!
Response: I am so glad it arrived safely and you like it!!! Happy Swapping!! Thank you for the nice rating! <3
Response: You're welcome! <3
Response: I am so glad it arrived :) WOO!! I had A LOT of fun putting everything together! I will definitely join it next year if she does it again! SO MUCH FUN!
Enjoy your year of smiles! Hugs!!
xoxox Gabi
Response: Hello Deb!
Yes I am doing AMAZING with my resolutions this year!! I have had almost no junk food and I have stuck with my commitment to myself to become more aware of being healthy!! It's not easy but I've found that if I write everything down in my planner I am more apt to be aware!!!
Response: You are most welcome Jennifer :) <3
Response: Yay it arrived! <3 Yes that is my scottish fold, Doctor Coconut :) He's an instagram celebrity (well at least he thinks he is!) :)
I had fun making that!! Hugs!!!!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: You are most welcome <3
Response: it was my pleasure!!!
Response: You're welcome! I miss Colorado so much. I know I need to go home and stay there ... just trying to do that takes time!! xoxox
Response: Heheh Oh yes! Can't get more touristy except for maybe Las Vegas! HA! Also kinda convenient that I live right next to NYC too LOL!! :)
Happy Swapping!!!
Response: me too! Ben Franklin was brilliant! <3
Response: My pleasure! :)
Response: Yay that makes me so happy! I am soooooo glad you like it!!
Response: You're so welcome! Happy New Year to you too!! xx Gabi
Response: You're so welcome! Happy New Year to you too!! xx Gabi
Response: You're so welcome! I am so happy you like what I sent. Happy New Year !! xx Gabi
Response: LOL you crack me up! Omg I love swapping with you! Eagerly awaiting your next swap post! HEHEHEH
Hugs from me to YOU! xx
Response: I am so happy it arrived safely !!!
Thank you for the lovely rating!!
Happy swapping :) I love love LOVE sending swaps over seas! It's my favorite type of swap!!
Response: You're so welcome! Happy New Year!! xx Gabi
Response: haha I cn't believe I forgot to put the letter in there. I have a scatterbrain!! Did it arrive yet? xxGabi
Response: You're so welcome! Yes, Christmas was lovely! Happy New Year!! xx Gabi
Response: HA It was surely perfect for that swap!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! <3 thank you for the great rating!!
Response: You're so welcome! Happy New Year!! xx Gabi
Response: You're so welcome! Happy New Year!! xx Gabi
Response: You're so welcome! Happy New Year!! xx Gabi
Response: You're so welcome! Happy New Year!! xx Gabi
Response: Thank YOU! <3 Happy New Year! May your 2015 be full of happy swapping goodness!!
Response: You're so welcome! Happy New Year!!
Response: Thank you!! You just gave me my 400th Heart!! HAPPY NEW YEAR! I'm so happy you like everything! <3
Response: You're welcome!! Happy Holidays! <3
Response: You're welcome!! Happy Holidays! <3
Response: You're welcome!! Happy Holidays! <3
Response: You're welcome!! Happy Holidays! <3
Response: Aww you're welcome!! I'm glad you like it!!! Happy Holidays! <3
Response: You're welcome!! Happy Holidays! <3
Response: You're welcome!! Happy Holidays! <3
Response: You're welcome!! Happy Holidays! <3
Response: You're welcome!! I LOVE Doctor WHO!!! Happy Holidays! <3
Response: You're welcome!! Happy Holidays! <3
Response: Merry Christmas!! <3
Response: You're welcome!! Happy Holidays! <3
Response: You're welcome!! Happy Holidays! <3
Response: You're welcome!! Happy Holidays! <3
Response: You're welcome!! Happy Holidays! <3
Response: You're welcome!! Isn't it cute!! I HAD to get those!! PERFECT for the swap!! Happy Holidays! <3
Response: You're welcome!! Happy Holidays! <3
Response: You're welcome!! Happy Holidays! <3
Response: You're welcome!! Happy Holidays! <3
Warmest wishes for a HAPPY AND HEALTHY 2015!!!
Response: You're welcome <3 Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Response: Oo warm day in the homeland!! I sure miss Colorado --- especiually during Christmas!! Enjoy the nice weather!! heheeh <3
Response: You're so very welcome! Have a beautiful weekend!!!
Response: Edited:Thank you for the re-rate and updating :) -
All packages from here go 1st class mail. I cannot send global priority as it is $74.74 - I can't ever send that way. There's no other way to send a parcel like that but 1st class so i don't know where the other swaps wound up. This wasn't my 1st international swap - I send many packages internationally.
Thank you for the kind rating! :) I will ALWAYS honor my swaps no matter what. I never would want my partner to feel badly about things.
Thanks again!!
Not only did I contact you first about this as I had not been rated and I mailed it on time... but now I have now mailed this swap two times.
I will find the receipt.
I have been in contact as per swapping etiquette.
I am sick about this.
Response: You're welcome!!! <3 Happy Swapping!!
Response: Aw good! I tried to find some unique ones!! <3 Happy Swapping!!
Response: My Pleasure <3 Happy Swapping!!
Response: Thank you thank you :) Glad you like it! Turkeys crack me up... I couldn't resist !! <3
Response: You're welcome!!! <3 Happy Swapping!!
Response: You're welcome!!! <3 Happy Swapping!!
Response: Oh how cool! Really? Similar handwriting?NYC IS amazing! I LOVE IT here!! <3 Happy Swapping!!
Response: Yes! I love my job! :) You're welcome!!! <3 Happy Swapping!!
Response: Aw good! Glad you like it!
<3 Happy Swapping!!
Response: Jersey in da house! :) hahah yep we're awesome here in the good old Garden State! ;)
<3 Happy Swapping!!
Response: you're welcome! Happy Swapping! <3
Response: You're welcome!!! <3 Happy Swapping!!
Response: You're welcome!!! <3 Happy Swapping!!
Response: <3 Happy Swapping!!
Response: You're welcome!!! <3 Happy Swapping!!
Response: haha that's too funny!! LOL Happy Swapping to YOUU!!!
We should meet up for lunch or coffee one day!!
Response: I am so glad it got there safe and on time! I was worried about postal congestion because in November and December it's very busy with Holiday cards and packages!
Thank you for the lovely rating! I am so glad you like the photos!! I had a lot of fun taking pictures for the swap and I hope that there is another one posted too!!
Response: Good! Let me know when you get here! We can grab a coffee or better yet, "Do lunch" :)
Happy Swapping!
Response: YAY! Im SO glad you like it! I think the road-side america cards are a blast!! AWESOME!!
Happy Swapping!
Response: So happy you like it!! Happy swapping! <3
Response: You are welcome! :) Raccoons are soo cute! Couldn't resist getting that card when I saw it! So true, I've only seen one or two Raccoons that weren't roadkill!
Response: I am so happy it reached you safely! Yes :) I wanted to send lots of paws!! I LOVE my dogs so much so I completely understand the cuteness of paw stuff!! :)
Happy Swapping!!!!
Response: You're welcome! I learned a lot about them while I was writing it out! Hehehe!!
Happy Swapping!
Response: You're welcome!!
Response: Yay! I'm so happy it arrived safe and sound! Glad you like the goodies! Happy Swapping!
Response: You're welcome! I am so lucky to live in a really pretty area!
Response: Absolutely my pleasure!!
Response: No worries! I am so so SO happy it arrived safe!
See ya at the mailbox! xx
Happy Swapping!
Response: You're so very welcome!! Happy Swapping!
Response: I'm glad you like the little collection of things I sent! Happy Swapping!
Response: My Pleasure! Happy Swapping!
Response: My Pleasure! I have you as a send-to partner for another swap too! <3 See ya at the mailbox! Happy Swapping!
Response: You're welcome! I had fun with them! Happy Swapping!
Response: I'm so glad!! Happy Swapping!
Response: It is sooo beautiful here and I make sure to never take it for granted!
Happy Swapping!
Response: YAY! I'm SO happy! :)
Thank you for the lovely rating!!
<3 Happy Swapping!!
Response: You are so welcome! <3 Thank you for the lovely rating! Happy Swapping!
Response: Heheh Well.. E IS for Essie after all! How could I resist! heheh! So happy you like your package! I had so much fun shopping for you!! xx HAPPY SWAPPING!
Response: So happy it arrived safe and sound! isn't that thing so CUTE?? I love it!! hahaha I'm so glad you like your goodies! I find these swaps SO FUN yet so very challenging!!
Happy Swapping!
Response: You are most welcome!! Happy Swapping! :)
Response: Oh yay! Thank you!!! Happy Swapping!!
Response: You're welcome :) I am glad they arrived safely!!
Happy Swapping!
Response: You're welcome!! <3
Response: Im so happy it arrived safely!!
I can't tell you how much fun I have putting packages together!! Happy Swapping!!
Response: You're welcome :) I had fun with that swap!
Response: You're so welcome! I had a lot of fun trying to put together a good swaps for you!! Happy Swapping! <3
Response: Heheh Me too! Than you for the lovely rating! xx Happy Swapping!
Response: Your're welcome! I love your User ID !!!!! Have a great weekend!! <3
Response: Im so glad! Have a great weekend! <3
Response: Ha! Slander certainly looks like one serious little man but he's a lovebug!! I think Grumpy cat is too heheeh!!
Thanks for the heart!!! <3
Response: Yes it alerted me and I left a note right after on the right side of your page ! Thank you so much! I was so worried!!
Thanks again!! Happy Swapping!
Response: hehe I'm so happy you liked it! I had a LOT of fun with this one! At first I wasn't sure... did I want to use a cereal box? An old gift box?... then I saw the cardboard cover of my scrapbooking paper pad!
I can't wait to see another swap like this. It's been so fun!!
Response: You are welcome I love swapping and my favorite part is sending things to make my partners smile!
Happy swapping!
Response: You are so very welcome!! I had a good time putting it all together!!
Happy Crafting!!
Response: thanks for the heart! <3
Response: Im so glad!! Happy Swapping! Thank you for the heart!! <3
Response: You're welcome! <3 !! Happy Swapping!
Response: Left you a comment on your blog!! Happy Swapping!!
Response: Im so glad!!!
Happy Swapping!
Response: Thanks!! hehe I had had had to send that along too!! Thought it would give you a smile!
Happy Swapping!!
Response: You're welcome Michelle!! Halloween is comin'!!
Happy Swapping!
Response: You are so welcome! <3
Response: You're welcome! Happy Swapping!! <3
Response: My Pleasure!! xx Happy Swapping!
Response: I am so glad you like everything!! I had so so so much fun shopping with my daughters to find each and every bit!! M'Kayla (my 12 year old) Chose the Chicken Cotton towel - LOL she's creative HA!!
Thank YOU for a great rating!! xx!! HAPPY SWAPPING!
Response: I'm so glad it arrived safely! Thank you!!! <3
Response: You're welcome :) Happy Swapping and thanks for the rating!! <3
Response: You're welcome! I love these swaps!!!
Happy Swapping!!
Response: You are so welcome! I'm glad it arrived safe and sound!! It was a really fun project and I hope to be in more Zine swaps very soon!
Happy Swapping and thank you for the lovely rating! <3
Response: You're welcome!! I hope you like it!! I do-- I have lovely teas from around the world and I love to swap them too!
Response: thank you! I love to write so these little prompts are a big help!! I find that hand writing them helps me think about them too and it gears me up for writing!
Happy Swapping <3
Response: Thank you!! <3 I am a busy one indeed and I try to spread some coaching around wherever I can ;)
YES We have lots in common!!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: I'm so happy you like it all!! I had fun putting your package together! Happy Swapping!!
Response: You're welcome!! Happy Swapping!
Response: You're welcome!! Happy Swapping!!
Response: I'm so happy it gave you a smile! Happy Swapping! <3
Response: Thank you for the great rating! <3 Happy Swapping!!
Response: Thank you :) <3 It was a little different than my usual but it was SO FUN! :) I would definitely do another Zetti swap! Happy Swapping!
Response: Eu tinha muito divertido escrever em Português! Eu tive uma pequena ajuda do Google Translate! <3
Tenha um bom fim de semana!
Response: I'm glad you like it!! Thank you for the lovely rating! <3
Response: I LOVE THESE JARS so much I'm a rabid addict!! hahah! I can't wait to see another one posted! I'm ready! lol
Happy Swapping!
Response: You are most welcome! Thank you for the great rating! Happy Swapping! <3
Response: Thank you so much! <3 Enjoy your weekend! Thank you for the lovely rating!
Response: Oh good haha!!! Happy Swapping!
Response: No worries! Thank you so much!!!
Response: You're welcome! .. weird I found those cards at Party City and had to grab them .. I use them for Washi Tape ;)
Response: You're welcome!
Happy Swapping!!
Response: oh! haha that's too funny, us too!! <3 Happy Swapping!
Response: You're welcome!!! Happy Swapping!! <3
Response: You are SO welcome! I had a lot of fun with it!! Happy Swapping!! <3
Response: Im SO happy you like everything! I got the DW Post-its in NYC at a comic book store! :)
Response: You're welcome! I own a really popular Cullens/Twilight website - send me an inbox message if you are interested!
Response: thank you! it was my first time trying zentangles! I had fun with it and hope to hone my skills !! Thanks!! Happy Swapping!
Response: you're welcome!! Happy Swapping!!
Response: No worries! I am just glad it got there safely and you like it!! Hope you're well! Happy Swapping!
Response: You're welcome! It's my ALL TIME favourite colour!!! <3 Happy Swapping!
Response: You're welcome! I LOVE THESE SWAPS!
Response: I'm so glad you like them!
Response: You are so welcome ! I love taking the extra time to put together a nice package. It makes it so much fun for me and for my partner too!! Happy Swapping!
Response: Amazon . com ;) - do a search for Alice In Wonderland :) Sticky notes, note cards, etc :)
Response: You're welcome! I am so happy you like them!! <3
Response: You're welcome!! Happy Swapping!!
Response: You are sooo welcome!! I LOVE these kinds of swaps and can't wait for the next one! xx Happy Swapping!!
Response: Thank you!! I had a lot of fun making it! Happy Swapping!!
Response: I'm so glad! I was worried because each journal is such a personal project! Happy Swapping!
Response: You are so welcome! I am so glad you like everything!! Happy swapping!!
Response: Heheh I'm so happy you like everything! I had SO MUCH fun putting that little package together for you!! Happy Swapping!
Response: You are so very welcome! It was my pleasure! xoxo Happy Swapping!
Response: You are so very welcome!! <3
Response: IF you ever get out this way I'll meet you at the museum!! hahah!! Im glad you like it! I love swaps - My favorite part is reading people's profiles and finding things they'll love!
Response: I am so happy you like everything! Yes.. I am a profile-stalking swapper hahah! I love reading people's profiles. It's a window into their craft rooms and their lives and when people really try hard and have a great profile like yours, it makes it SO SO SO FUN to search for little things that would give the smile that I am always looking to give! Happy Swapping!!
Response: Oo that got there so quickly! I'm so happy you like everything! I had a lot of fun looking for Hello Kitty stuff!! Happy Swapping!
Response: I'm happy they got there safe and sound! I really love these quote swaps! <3
Response: I am glad you like everything! I love planner swaps too! My FAV :) They make me happy when I can personalize them and sort out and package them up!!
Happy Swapping!!
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you like everything :) <3
Response: Yay Im so glad it got there safely! I had fun with that one - I have never hand-drawn before and was honestly not sure how it would be received. I used colored pencils and ink to color it in - was fun! Im working on my caterpillar ATC now :) FUN!! Glad you like everything!! HAPPY SWAPPING!!
Response: YAY! So glad it got there so quickly and you like it all! I love making pockets and places to tuck things away for planners! I have so much fun trying to come up with new ideas!! SO happy you like everything!! Happy swapping!!
Response: You're welcome! That got there nice and quick!! Happy Swapping!!
Response: You're welcome! I am so glad you like everything! I LOVE making dashboards... it's like zen to me hahah calming and so fun to find the perfect theme for whomever I am making them for!! One can never have too many dashboards! I rotate mine every week or two depending on my mood, seasons, holidays etc!
Happy Swapping!!
Response: I'm so happy you like the PC :) I live very close to NYC - if you ever want NYC stuff - let me know - we can always do a personal swap! Happy Swapping!
Response: YAY! I'd LOVE to!! I just sent you a PM :) xx Have a great Day!
Response: You're welcome! Happy Swapping!
Response: Oh Im so glad you like them! I used an old road map from my car glove box that was in there for like 5 years LOL!! I haven't used it because I have GPS now ;) I laminated them so they wont get torn or bent!
Thanks for the great rating! <3
Happy Swapping
Response: You're welcome!!
Response: These quotes put smiles on many faces!! Thank you SO much for participating in this swap! !! <3 Happy Swapping!
Response: Great!! Yes please! I followed you on instagram ScrapHappyGabi <3 Happy Swapping
Response: thanks for the rating!! I'm glad you like it! Happy Swapping
Response: Hi Emina!
That's ok!! I know that international things take time to travel! I am just happy that you got it and like everything! I'd LOVE to swap with you again! Sending hugs to you!!
Response: I'm so glad you like everything! You're welcome! My favorite part of these swaps is actually compiling stuff and getting it all ready to go! It always gives me ideas for ways to decorate my planner! Happy Swapping!
Response: Since I am Dutch (though I don't speak Dutch yet... I wanted to make a set that was special for you in your native language so my friend helped me by translating :) I am glad you like the swap! This makes me very happy! Have a lovely evening <3
Response: You're most welcome! Happy Swapping!!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Oh good! I am so happy to hear that! I wanted it to be unique!
Happy Swapping!
Response: So glad you like it :)
I get the sleeves from a gaming store in NYC called Midtown Comics but I am sure you can find them online! They are Standard Sized Elite gaming card protector sleeves
Response: My Pleasure! I love making up theme kits so I'm anxiously awaiting another theme kit swap hehe!!! I am glad you like it all! Happy Swapping!!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Oh good! SO glad you like it!
Response: You're welcome! ENJOY!! <3
Happy Swapping!
Response: I LOVE sending swaps so much! It's just as fun for me to prepare packages for my partners as it is to get them!! heehhe!! I'm so glad you liked everything! xx Happy SWAPPING!! !Gabi
Response: I am so glad you like everything! I had a lot of fun putting together that swap! Happy Swapping!
Response: You're welcome! Happy Swapping!! <3
Response: I'm so happy you like it! It was the first swap of that kind I've ever done. I had a lot of fun with it! heehe!! Happy Swapping!! <3
Response: Oh good! I'm so glad to hear that!! Happy Swapping!
Response: Isn't he cute? He is so so so much cuter even in person! HAHA! He drives me crazy though.. he distracts me with his cuteness! LOL!!
Response: You're welcome! Have a great weekend!!
Response: Hi! I'm glad you like them!! The cat one I got at a little teeny stationery store in the west village in NYC :)
Response: I'm very glad you like it all! :) Happy Swapping!! <3
Response: You're welcome! <3
Response: You are very welcome! happy Swapping!! ;)
Response: You're welcome!! I'm so glad you like everything!! Happy Swapping! <3
Response: Thank you!! I was honesty so nervous about this swap as it's my first pinterest swap and I wasn't sure if I was doing it right! I'm glad you like his pictures! He's crazy! LOL! <3
Response: thank you haha! he's ridiculous and such a character!! I am so glad I did this swap right. I was so nervous and started to wonder if I was even allowed to use my own photos!! Thank you!!
Response: heheh I had to send the moustache washi... just HAD to for our Statler love ;) Ricky Skaggs is my all time fav musician.. and Vince Gill holds my heart as far as vocals go... George Strait and the Statlers have me 100% for Lyrics and also vocals.... *sigh* hehehehe!!! Yes ! I can see your heart is in KY!! <3
Response: You are most welcome :) My pleasure!! <3
Response: You're welcome! I am so glad you like it! hugs!
Response: You're welcome!!! Happy Swapping! <3
Response: You're welcome!! ENJOY!! ~happy swapping!
Response: hi Vanne! I am so happy you like it!! <3
Response: I'm glad you like it!! Happy Swapping!
Response: Yay! You're welcome!! I'm so happy it arrived so quickly!! Big hugs !!
Response: My pleasure! I love sending Happy mail!! Im glad you like everything! Happy Swapping!!
Response: No wayy! Lol I should mark them with a sticky so I dont accidentally send them back in a swap! Ive only sent two that I received so far due to having those washi's - gotta spread the Washi love!!!
Response: You're welcome!! Enjoy!!
Response: You're welcome! Glad you didn't have any! ;) I Can't believe just how many WASHI tapes there are out there!! <3 'em alllll!!
Response: You're welcome!!
Response: I am so happy it arrived and that you like it! I just had to make one of Hachiko!! He's a Chihuahua.. and that was perfect for "C" !
Happy Swapping!! <3
Response: YAY! Im SO happy!! I had SO much fun * you have no idea* shopping for this stuff! I am looking forward to another swap like this. It's soo my kinda thing!!
Have a great weekend!! xx
Response: you're welcome! I'm so happy you like them!! <3
Response: You're welcome! It got there fast!! <3
Response: Sure thing! let me know if you need my blog URL <3
Response: Me too!! Thanks for messaging me! friends for life <3
Response: You're welcome! :)When I saw those I freaked! I am a total crazed Whovian :) Who's your favourite Doctor?
Response: Oo that got there fast! I'm glad you like the card. Such a pretty city, well worth a visit! Have a great night!! xx
Response: Happy Swapping!!! <3
Response: Happy Swapping!!! <3
Response: Happy Swapping!!! <3
Response: You're welcome! I hope you have a lovely night! ~Gabi
Response: You're welcome! :) Have a great weekend!! Happy Mother's Day!
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you like them!! <3
Response: Oh you're welcome! I'm so glad it got there so quickly and safely! Have a great week!! <3
Response: You are welcome :) I am so happy that it arrived safely and quick! Happy Swapping! ~Gabi
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad to hear that some of them were new to you! Have a great weekend!!
<3 Gabi
Response: You're welcome! It's been a fun swap! <3