Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: Glad you liked it all; thanks for joining in!
Response: Hoped you;d like it; it was between that one & a dog plaque....
Response: Glad you liked him!!
Response: You are so welcome! Yes, my pets are my babies.
Response: So happy that you liked it!! It was fun to put together...
Response: I do the same thing=)
Response: Ha Ha I love that you read it to your cat!! Thanks for the smile=)
Response: Thank you so much!!
Response: Thank you! I think one inch of snow is too much!! Ha!
Response: You are welcome. Hope your holidays were fantastic!!
Response: Hope the New Year has been treating you well so far!!
Response: Hope the New Year is treating you well!!
Response: Hope your holidays were nice!!
Response: Hope your holidays were splendid!!
Response: Hope your holidays were spectacular, Hannah!!
Response: Thank you & thank you=) Happy Holidays!!
Response: Thank you; happy holidays=)
Response: Hope your holidays are happy!!
Response: Nope!! Hope your holidays are happy!!
Response: And the same to you!!
Response: Aww, I am glad you did like everything!!
Response: I hope you liked everything; I always like to go a little above & beyond in this swap; makes me feel good=)
Response: Thank you so much!!
Response: You are welcome; hope your Halloween was fun....
Response: You are welcome. Hope your Halloween was great, too!!
Response: Yep, that is what Thanksgiving is for; family time. I am glad you got to have a good time. Happy Holidays!!
Response: You are very welcome. I love that bear=)
Response: Thank you; I appreciate hearing that!!
Response: You are welcome & I hope you had a nice Halloween, anyways!!
Response: Thank you. How was Halloween at Disneyland?
Response: Hope your Halloween was great, Hannah!!
Response: Hope your Halloween was great!! We did have a nice anniversary; thank you!!
Response: I am glad you liked the swap. Halloween is such a fun time of year, if not a bit cold at times!!
Response: You are welcome. Good luck on your appeal!!
Response: You are welcome; glad you liked it. Happy Halloween!!
Response: Hope you have a Happy Halloween!!
Response: You are welcome; Happy Halloween!!
Response: You're welcome!!
Response: Always enjoy having you as a partner. Sorry your body won't behave!!
Response: Thank you for hosting...
Response: Well, when I found your gift, I was jealous. Almost thought about keeping it for myself=)
Response: Glad you liked him!!
Response: Aww, thank you for your nice comments.
Response: You are welcome; I like sending true happy mail!!
Response: Thank you, Kristy, for always hosting fun swaps!!
Response: Thank you, Hannah. Happy Haunting to you, too!!
Response: My hubby & I do them together, too. They are fun & usually good for laughs=) Thanks for joining11
Response: Thanks, Carachea!! Happy to have you in the swap!!
Response: Oh, I am glad that you did=)
Response: Good for you on out-lasting the manipulative supervisor. They suck!!
Response: Glad you liked it!!
Response: Thank goodness it finally did but the forest fires are still burning like crazy.
Response: Thanks, Angela!!
Response: Thank you!! It is just an image that I had in my clip art file. Do you want some copies of her?
Response: Glad you liked it=)
Response: I am glad you liked the package. It is always so nice to receive true happy mail=)
Response: I am so glad you like it!!
Response: Thanks for your kind comments!!
Response: I am saving all mine, too. I guess it is a good thing I don't care about instant gratification=)
Response: We had triple digit weather for weeks;; thank goodness it is done to a more tolerable 90 degrees!!
Response: Thanks for joining the swap!!
Response: You are so welcome!!
Response: Oh, thank you!! I am glad that you were able to put the post cards to good use. I have more if you are interested?
Response: You are welcome; thanks for the rating & heart!!
Response: I am so glad you did; thank you!!
Response: De Nada;thank you for the kind comment!!
Response: I knew you liked cats=) Thank you for the kind comments & rating!!
Response: Thank you for not being offended by my fish!! I appreciate the comments & rating=)
Response: Thank you; hope you'll like what I found!!
Response: Thanks, Angela!!
Response: Thanks, Debbie...
Response: I am glad you liked the dragonfly. I know technically it is an insect but I saw on your Profile that you liked dragonflies & I just had to go with it=)
Response: Thank you; I am so glad you liked everything!! I feel lots better now...
Response: Yes, I thought K was more challenging than most we've had so far. Thank you for joining the swap!!
Response: Brenda, Thank you for joining my swap & for the lovely towels/charms.
Response: So glad you liked the dragon post card. Yes, those plastic envelopes are wonderful as I don't always use Modge Podge or anything like that to "glue" on my art work. I get mine through Amazon... Thank you for joining my swap!!
Response: Thank you; I am glad you liked them!!
Response: You are very welcome!!
Response: I am glad that you liked it,,,
Response: I agree; I save mine for Christmas time, too...
Response: You are so welcome!!
Response: Thank you, Dianne, I appreciate it...
Response: Thank you; I am glad you liked him=)
Response: Thank you & thank you for participating, Jean=)
Response: I am glad you like it!!
Response: Thank you, Kristy, I am glad it was true happy mail.
Response: I'd feel bad if I didn't send another & it is on it's way. Thank you for your patience!!
Response: You are welcome=)
Response: Thanks, Hannah. Every once in a while, I do try to think outside of the box=)
Response: Hopefully, you didn't have any of those post cards!! Thanks for joining the swap...
Response: I am glad you liked him; he was my first ever gargoyle that I've done. .
Response: Thanks for joining in these swaps, Marinda. They are always so much fun!!
Response: Oh, I am sorry to hear you are a Type 2, Most medical conditions are not for sissies!! Hope you had a fun St Patty's Day!
Response: My hubby wrapped all of them; he wraps better than I do!!
Response: I like vintage a lot, too!!
Response: Thank you; I appreciated that!!
Response: Thanks Tessssssa!!
Response: Hope you were able to put the images to good use; looked like a nice kit=)
Response: Hi Kristy, Thank you!!
Response: So glad you liked it, Rose. I enjoyed putting it together....
Response: I am so glad that you are still enjoying these. My haircut was a bomb but thank goodness my hair grows fast!!
Response: Thanks for joining!!
Response: Well, I saw on your Profile that you like the beach so it was easy to come up with a them. You have a good week, too....
Response: Glad you like the tote & letter.
Response: I love that wrapping paper
; I save it for special occasions=)
Response: Oh, thank you; I appreciate it!!
Response: Glad you liked it!!
Response: You are welcome; hope you are doing okay!!
Response: You are welcome!!
Response: Aww; I am glad you liked the post card. I love working with hearts..
Response: Thanks, Jen, glad I made you happy with my mail=)
Response: Aww, thanks, Hannah. I thought he was kind of special, too=)
Response: It was a hard holiday but i know it will get easier over time. I told hubby I hope you didn't get offended by that answer!!
Response: Ain't that the truth=)
Response: Happy New Year to you, too, Angela!!
Response: You are welcome; Happy New Year=)
Response: Sure thing! Happy New Year!!
Response: Yeah, winterizing can be a pain in the butt!! Hope your holidays were nice!!
Response: You are so welcome. Hope your holidays were great!!
Response: Thank you & thank you for participating!!
Response: Oh, you are welcome. Thank you for your kind thoughts & I am sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. These holidays were hard but time helps to heal somewhat. Happy New Year!!
Response: Oh!! You have lived in Big Foot country!! That is cool to find out=)
Response: Oh, I am so sorry about your mom. It is really hard to get in the mood of the holidays when there has been that kind of loss. Hugs to you as well!!
Response: Thank you, Debbie, I appreciated what you wrote...
Response: You are welcome=)
Response: Oh, Mindy, I am sorry to hear about your recent losses, as well. It is never eady.
Response: Yes, it is a sickening feeling. I am so glad you like the one I re-sent. Happy Holidays!!
Response: You're welcome; Happy Holidays to you, too=)
Response: Thanks!!=) Happy Holidays!
Response: Thanks for joining; they are a lot of fun!!
Response: Hope you like what I picked out for you=)
Response: You're welcome=)
Response: Thank you, Angela. I hope you & yours are doing really well this holiday season. The weather really dictates whether or not I can do hand written letters. Not doing so well on that here lately=( Cold weather does that to me!!
Response: It was fine; hope you did, too=)
Response: You are welcome; I am sure those people appreciate getting your post cards.
Response: Glad you liked her; she is something, isn't she?=)
Response: I am so glad you like her!!
Response: i love these swaps, too, and the more creative the answers the better=) I love reading everyone's answers...
Response: Hope your Halloween was happy, too=)
Response: Oh, I am glad!! Happy Halloween to you, too=)
Response: Thank you, Kristy, I really appreciate hearing that. Hope your Halloween is really fun & safe=)
Response: Aww, thank you, I feel honored!!
Response: You are welcome! I thought you might like the mermaids=)
Response: Thank you; I am glad you liked the swap=)
Response: I am glad you liked the swap!! Happy Halloween=)
Response: Thanks. I am so sorry to hear that. Time is always of the essence in a disability case; hope it gets resolved soon!!
Response: Thanks, Yooper!!
Response: Oh, I am glad that you liked it!!
Response: I am glad that you liked them. I didn't have a lot of supplies like she did so it was a bit more challenging.
Response: Ha Ha Ha Yes! I remember the old Oily Of Olay=) I agree; great minds do think alike!!
Response: I am glad that you liked everything. Arthritis can really be the pitts. I make myself hand write every once in a while just to see if I can still do it.
Response: I got your name & I just knew what theme to do=)
Response: I agree, there are way too many cute woodland animals to pick just one=) Glad you liked the swap....
Response: Wow, I would have thought you'd be approved by now. Sorry to hear that you are not. I just wanted to send a little pick me up because I remember how bad things got for us while we were waiting to get our answer.
Response: You are so kind, Coleen. I am going to try to keep practicing those cards cause I still don't feel much mojo on them.
Response: You are welcome=)
Response: Thank you; I appreciate it...
Response: Tea is a good thing=)
Response: Oh, Jane, I am so glad you liked them as I kind of went with a little bit different color schemes on mine. Aren't those dragonflies cool? Unfortunately, the shop I bought them from is no longer in business=(
Response: Love your enthusiasm=)
Response: I think Scatts are just so fun. Don't feel bad, I get accused of interrupting all the time, too!! Thank you for participating in this swap=)
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for joining in...
Response: Oh, I thought about that after I sent the pc (the coral) but it was already done & ready to go. Next time there will be gray coral=)
Response: Woo Hoo!! So happy they made it; I was just getting ready to start another set. Thank you for your kind comments; I don't have a lot of self confidence in some of those You Tube videos!!
Response: I am glad that you liked it. I would have stuffed even more ribbon in there if I could have!! I tried to put everything in a container that you could still use. Wasn't sure what your drink preference was, though..
Response: Wow, we even had that weighed at the P O!! I am still more than happy to pay what it was shorted....
Response: I've been wanting to do a Big Foot pc for a long time but never really knew who would like a pc like that or not. I am glad you like him!
Response: Thanks, mcorbus=)
Response: Thanks, Rivi, new one will be on it's way soon...
Response: Well, I am glad you liked the items; I didn't think it was going to be that hard to find those colors but boy was it!! I love glittery pens, too!!
Response: You are welcome=)
Response: Hope you liked it, Rose!!
Response: Glad you liked them; thanks for the heart & five=)
Response: I love that gold pen; it is so easy to use, I got it off Amazon...
Response: Thank you!! Glad that you liked them=)
Response: I wish you much luck on your appeal. I ended up getting an attorney & I think that is what helped my case along. Plus you get back pay from what/when you have worked. They don't make it easy for people to get on disability. Good luck!!
Response: Oh, Bonnie, you are so welcome. There are just swaps where I really like to spoil my partner. Am glad that you could put everything to good use; including the note card. I used to save everything but our house is so small; we just don't have room, anymore!!
Response: Thanks for your patience, Lauren. I hope you liked my version of the folio, okay....
Response: Yes, I think wolfeagle made a great start to that pc; would love to see how it turns out=)
Response: Ha Ha Ha You can do it!! I know you can=) (Save it for Christmas time, I mean)
Response: Aww, thanks=) I wish I could say my wrist is healing quickly but it is not. That is old age for you, I guess!! Thanks for joining in the swap!!
Response: Scattegories are so fun; I don't know what I did before I started doing them=)
Response: Thanks for being in my swap, Michelle. I think Scattegories are so fun!! Yes, great minds do think alike=)!!!
Response: You are welcome; hope you like them=)
Response: Glad you liked it. That is so cool to hear that you were a truck driver!! Lucky you to get to see a lot of the US...
Response: Thank you! Spitz had a nice birthday (couldn't find any birthday hats, though) & I hope your birthday was just as nice=)
Response: Thank you for rating!!
Response: Thank you; I appreciated hearing that....
Response: Thank you for joining my swap!!
Response: Thanks for joining the swap!!
Response: You are welcome; I love that gift wrap & only save it for special occasions=)
Response: Thank you so much for your kind words; I appreciate it=)
Response: You are so welcome; yay!! I wasn't sure if the shimmer would still be on there by the time it reached you...
Response: Thanks for joining my swap; these Scattegories are so darn fun!!
Response: I am so glad you liked it!! I am getting more & more in to doing 3D post cards but have to be careful about the weight. The PO is soooo picky!!
Response: Thank you & thank you for joining in on this swap=)
Response: I am so glad you liked it=) Thank you!!
Response: Happy Easter to you, too & thank you for joining my swap=)
Response: Thank you for the heart & 5 & also for joining my swap!!
Response: Can't wait to see how you started the pc off!!
Response: Thank you so much!!
Response: Awww, thank you.
Response: Tonia, You are so welcome. I will keep an eye out for sloth stickers for you.
Response: Thank you had fun swapping with you!!
Response: I am glad that you liked the items & that you can put them to good use!! Thanks for helping me declutter a bit=)
Response: Hope you enjoyed working on it=)
Response: Wow! I learned something new when you told me that about foxes. They are one of my favorite animals. I never thought about them living on a beach!!
Response: Awww, I am glad you liked the package. I almost went for a chocolate heart but since I saw on your Profile that you liked the Chic A Sticks & Big Hunks, I went for that instead. ..
Response: Yoiu are welcome. I am looking foward to doing these swaps this year.
Response: Thank you for joining my swap=)
Response: Wow, your New Year has started off easy. At least cataract surgery is fairly in & out type thing, So can you see now!!?? Thanks for joining my swap & hope the New Year settles down for you a bit soon=)
Response: Hope your year has started off well...
Response: Laurie, You are always so kind. Thank you for being so pleasant!!
Response: Welcome; happy holidays to you, as well!!
Response: Welcome; happy holidays!!
Response: Welcome. Happy Holidays!!
Response: Welcome!! Season's Greetings!!
Response: Welcome, happy holidays=)
Response: Welcome!! I had fun making it!!
Response: Glad you like him!!
Response: It is a digital stamp. Glad you like her=)
Response: Laurie, You are always so nice; I really appreciate that as I often feel that I miss the mark on projects. I am just so dyslexic when it comes to You Tube videos!!!
Response: So glad you like it!!
Response: You are so welcome; glad you liked the package=)
Response: Thank you; hope your Halloween is awesome=)
Response: I am glad you like her; wasn't sure if she was festive enough!!
Response: Glad you liked it; I about squealed with delight when I found those book marks; thougt they'd be a nice tuck in. Have a wonderful Halloween, Kristy!!
Response: You are welcome. I like to do these kind of swaps once in a while; it is fun to shop arond=)
Response: Oh, goosey, I am so sorry!! I meant to send you a note to let you know I could not reach the paper I was going to send a sample of & I think I forgot. I am going to have my hubby try to pull it down from the top of the closet when he gets a chance. It may be more of a challenge than I am aware of!! I still intend to send you a piece of it.
Response: We have a black cat so those book marks really stood out to me, too=)
Response: You are welcome; Happy Halloween!!
Response: Oh, yikes!! Did I do it wrong?
Response: You are welcome! Happy Halloween=)
Response: Happy Halloween to you, too, Denise!!
Response: You are welcome!! Happy Halloween to you & yours!!
Response: Oh, thank you so much. I am a huge animal lover & I also do tend to prefer dogs over cats but it is all good to me=)
Response: Not sure what we are going to do; I want to send them a Halloween package a piece in the mail but not sure what to send!!
Response: Hi! The paper is actually part of the chicken image. If you know how to use "Paint" I think you can take the chicken image off & just have the paper.
Response: Mona, You are so welcome! It clicked on me (of course, after I sent the box) that I didn't send any wax for that stamper!! Many apologies about that!! Hope your Halloween is super!!
Response: I am so happy you like ir=)
Response: Oh, Jan, you are always so kind!! Thank you for letting me know that you liked the swap. That always makes me feel better!!
Response: Thank you; I really hope you enjoy everything; it was fun trying to pick appropriate items out=)
Response: No problem, hope you can put them to good use=)
Response: You are welcome=) Yep, me, too!!
Response: Oh, okay. I just thought the rag rug might be something fun to try.
Response: Thank you for the rating & heart=)
Response: Hi Yooper! I tried to make it more your "retro" style so I am so happy you like it!!
Response: Agreed! I hope not in someone's garbage can; it was a nice post card!!
Response: You are totally welcome! Thanks for joining my swap=)
Response: Thank you for the nice comments; glad you liked him!!
Response: Thank you; FLWAVE. I appreciate your patience!!
Response: Great!! I am glad you like it=) Just something kind of different....
Response: Thanks!! Glad you were happy with the washi=)
Response: Thank you so much for the kind comments. I really appreciated that. I know the color scheme was way different than what the video featured; hope that was okay.
Response: I was trying to make something you could use in your garden/recipe journal. Hope you are doing well=)
Response: Hope you liked the post card=)
Response: Thank you so much; I appreciated hearing that=)
Response: I am glad you like it. I was trying to do something different.
Response: You are so welcome; they really had a good deal the day I went in so I am more than happy to share=)
Response: You are so welcome! Don't know what was going on with the Post Office on this one!!
Response: Thank you for the rating & heart=)
Response: Thank you, I am glad you like him=)
Response: Well, I was hoping you didn't mind vintage cats. Thank you for the nice comments!!
Response: KC, I am so glad you liked it. Thank you for being so patient.
Response: Thank you, Jan. I appreciated your nice comments.
Response: Thank you, Jan. I was trying to stick with a shabby chic theme. Don't honestly know if I did it or not!!
Response: Yeah, I try to stick with things people like on their Profile List. Glad you like
him. I really liked that image.
Response: Oh, I am glad. I have some other things headed your way, too...
Response: Glad you like it. The colors of the back ground were made with shimmery paint I just got recently. Now, I can't think of the name of it off the top of my head!
Response: I am so glad you liked it!!
Response: I am glad you like it!! Wasn't too sure what color theme to go with since most Vikings wear brown....
Response: Yeah, that was a fairly good sized dragonfly; didn't know it was going to be that big but decided to try & work it out=)
Response: I am so happy you like it!!
Response: Well, I know I had told you that I mis-placed one of the swap items; found it so it will be on it's way=)
Response: Thank you; I appreciate that!!
Response: Thank you, Kristy!! Your nice comments made my day!!
Response: I am glad you liked him=) I wanted it to look like a school picture. By the way, hope you had a happy birthday yesterday!!!
Response: Thanks! I bet it turned out super cool with your additions!!
Response: Thank you, January, for your kind words. I am pretty sure that is not the kind of face you were expecting but I really like his look. Am glad you did, too=)
Response: Okay, thank you. I was having nightmares about that darn gusset!
Response: I am glad to hear that; thank you=)
Response: Awww Thank you! We have four boys & one girl. She is more trouble by herself than all four boys put together=) She loooooves those balls!!
Response: Glad you liked it; yes, those charms were calling my name=)
Response: Glad you like them, Yooper=)
Response: Oh, I am glad you liked it. I really struggled with that closure!! You are my partner for another swap coming up soon so 'Ill see you in the mail box shortly!!
Response: Sure thing; no problem=)
Response: Thank you, Martha; glad you liked it=)
Response: Oh, Rose! I am so glad you liked it. I am not very experienced with Steam Punk but decided to give it a go=)
Response: Sure thing! Thanks for joining this swap=)
Response: Oh, I am so glad you liked it. I thought the glitter might be too much. Not many people request spider post cards so I thought it would be a fun one to send=) Our weather is so much more springy now even though it is raining today. Hope you are enjoying your spring!!
Response: Hi Allegrae, Thanks for the heart & rating=)
Response: Oh=)! I am so glad the button survived!! I've never used one of those kinds of envelopes before so wasn't sure how sturdy it would be. I am happy you liked it
Response: Thank you for the rating & heart, Rose!
Response: Thank you for the rating & heart.
Response: Well, tracking number says it was delivered so I hope whoever got your mail enjoyed it!! Happy Easter=)
Response: You are welcome; Happy Easter!!
Response: Did you look on the back of the card? That is usually where I put my info at. If not, I apologize. Yep, that is what I sent=)
Response: You are welcome; Happy Easter!!
Response: Aww Shana, thank you. Am glad you liked the card & bits & bobs=) Happy Easter!!
Response: Thank you, lylanni; I wanted to make extra sure it was purple=)
Response: Woo Hoo!! Thank you for coloring Alice; I was so worried about that. I suck at coloring=(
Response: I am glad you like her; she was a little different=)
Response: Thank you, Kristy, I didn't think it was ever going to make it there. I am trying to experiment more with art sprays, they are so fun to use!
Response: Oh, Linda, you are so welcome!! I had a lot of fun=)
Response: Thank you!! I am glad you like it=)
Response: Hope you liked it; I know the sheep was a little different!! Woo Hoo!! You were my 800th five!! Thank you!!
Response: Hope you can put everything to good use=)
Response: Whew, I am glad those markers all worked. I guess I could have tried them out myself but I didn't even think of that!!
Response: Well, they had a section of knick knacks but if you are like me; those just take up space & collect dust. I was pretty happy with what I found for not having much available.
Response: Glad you like the package=)
Response: Shirley, I am so glad you like the post card; I have never worked with that particular cardinal image before but it turned out fairly easy to use....
Response: Yeah, the rose frame around it poofed it out a bit but I thought it was necessary for the whole design. Glad you like it=)
Response: Hi there! Feb was actually violets & primrose & I sent a primrose tag.
Response: You are so welcome; I just realized that I forgot to put a note in the box depicting what I sent for each item!! So sorry about that. T for tea. L for lip gloss & D fotDistress ink pad. Your Profile was very helpful=)
Response: You're welcome....
Response: You are so welcome. You were fun to send to=)
Response: I have to admit; I "cheated" on two of them & had to look them up!!
Response: You are welcome, Michelle=)
Response: I agree; it is a nice card. Wish i could see how it turns out....
Response: So glad you like it, Star. Thank you!!
Response: So glad you like it!! Mail has been so wonky lately I just wanted to make sure it got there safely=)
Response: Robin, I am glad you liked the happy mail. It was fun putting it all together. I got the hedgehog stickers at Michael's. If I had been thinking correctly, I would have bought more of them. I was just so surprised to see them!!
Response: Hi Melissa, The lottery ticket bouquet is a great idea! Yeah, I am thinking really hard about that contest=)
Response: Hi Patti, I just happened to hit a really good sale on rubber stamps; usually it is hit or miss with our thrift stores!!!
Response: I am glad you like the packet, Dartha. Enjoy your Valentine's Day, too=)
Response: Glad you liked the items' Lisa. Like I told you in my note; I have a hard time with blue!!
Response: Tama, I am so glad you like it!! I thought those were nice colors to work with.
Response: Thank you, Katie. Thanks for joining my swap=)
Response: Thank you, Mary=)
Response: You are welcome; thank you for letting me know you liked the package=)
Response: Glad you like the package. Yeah, funny enough, my hubby is the one that found everything!! He is a good partner in crime when I go to the thrift store=)
Response: Wow!! It took 16 days to get there!! I got my partner's post card from Australia before you got my post card from WA state. That is just crazy!! I am glad you like them, though!!
Response: I am very happy you like the swap!!
Response: Oh, thank you!! I am so glad you like it. I don't know why but I just love scarabs!!
Response: Happy New Year, Rose!!
Response: Nancy, I am so glad you liked it. I know it was kind of different from normal but I got such a kick out of the images especially for Bride Of Frank & Frankenstein!! Hope you can put everything to good use=)
Response: So glad you were happy with this happy mail!! I enjoyed sending for it=)
Response: I am glad you liked it. That is so crazy that the post office said they could not find you. I hope you have a wonderful year this year, too!!
Response: You are welcome; hope your holidays were happy ones!!
Response: Glad you liked what I sent & I am looking forward to receiving your letter=)
Response: I am glad you like it but I can't help it, Rose!! I guess I am just a worry wart by nature!
Response: Yep, I wish I could have bought all the sticker but didn't have enough $$$. I'll probably never get that opportunity again, oh, well... Happy Holidays!!
Response: You are welcome=) Merry Christmas to you & yours, as well....
Response: Glad you liked the stickers!! Sadly, not all is going well with Spitz. She is having some health issues & I am afraid she may not be around much longer; breaks my heart....
Response: Aww, thanks, Mindy. Hope your holidays are excellent ones=)
Response: Yes, kittens are something else!! I love your description of her=) Happy Holidays!!
Response: You are welcome!! Happy holidays to you, too=)
Response: I haven't had anyone call me Cat in ages (both of my parents are deceased)=) Thank you; I know the drawing was really rough...
Response: You're welcome!! Aren't they all kind of big babies? Ha Ha Ha
Response: You are welcome; hope your Thanksgiving was nice!!
Response: You are welcome! Yeah, she is an ornery, little booger!!
Response: So glad you like him; I thought he was so cute=)
Response: Oh, Bonnie!! I am sorry it didn't show up before Thanksgiving!! I thought it would be in time. Our mail has been sparse, too. Hopefully, it will pick up... Hope your Thanksgiving was a good one!!
Response: You are welcome; Happy Holidays to you, too!!
Response: Oh, you are so welcome! It is fun to get somet!hing different in the mail box once in a while. Just makes for a nice day
Response: You are welcome. I love that series of cats that this particular artist makes. They are so fun & cute!!
Response: We are going to try!! Happy Holidays!!
Response: Thank you, Rose!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Happy Holidays=)
Response: Happy Holidays=)
Response: I am so glad you liked the package. I wasn't too sure if you would like the rub ons or not but they seemed so cool for ATCs!!
Response: Thank you!! Happy Holidays=)
Response: You are welcome=)
Response: You are so welcome. I am glad you liked the swap=)
Response: Oh, did i put the wrong number on it? Sorry about that. All I remember is that I sent you two in a row.
Response: Welcome; I like yours, as well=)
Response: You are welcome....
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome=)
Response: Oh what a relief!! I was starting to get worried; now, on to post card 101=)
Response: You're welcome=)
Response: You're welcome=)
Response: I am so happy you liked it. I've never been in a swap like this before & it was very fun to shop for!! I already have new ideas for next year=)
Response: You're welcome....
Response: Glad you like what I sent=)
Response: I am glad you like her; I thought she was soooo cute=)
Response: You are so welcome Shana. It was a pleasure=)
Response: You are welcome; just wish I could color better!!
Response: I am glad you like them!!
Response: Glad to hear that=) Thank you!
Response: Glad you liked it, Patti!!
Response: Yeah, I thought it was pretty cool looking, too=)
Response: Wow!! That seems like it took forever; was starting to get worried...
Response: Marianne, You are so welcome!!
Response: Glad you like him; I just LOVE that image=)
Response: Yay!! Glad you like her=)
Response: Oh, I am so glad you like him. The ghost is actually a digital stamp...
Response: You are so welcome; hope you have a fun Halloween!!
Response: Yeah, that brought back memories. Yep, all Tim Holtz.
Response: Thank you for making me feel better!! It does seem like an unusual size but whatever works=)
Response: Thank you, Kathy. Yeah, I didn't want a scary mummy...
Response: Wow! Only 10??!! Glad you can put them to good use...
Response: Glad you like it!!
Response: Well, I would have sent more bear stickers (I love them, too!) but due to some rearranging; couldn't find them!! Argh!
Response: So happy you like it!! I don't know why but purple is a hard color for me to work with. I struggle with it...
Response: Actually, my name is Collette. Yeah, I think there is a glitch in the system as I have left ratings for swappers & they end up disappearing. Am so glad you liked the tag=)
Response: Oh! I am so glad you like her. I just couldn't bring myself to do a regular demon or devil or grim reaper....
Response: Thank you, Shirley. Package just went out on Tuesday....
Response: Yay!! I love old werewolf movies; too=) Am glad you like the post card; I was worried that it might be a bit too plain....
Response: Awesome! Thanks for the rating & heart=)
Response: Glad you like it. Yeah, that makes sense; thanks for offering these swaps up!!
Response: Glad you liked the variety=)
Response: You are so welcome=)
Response: Always happy to have you in my swaps, Harmony=) Thank you. Now we are having air quality hazards due to all the smoke from forest fires. It is never ending, isn't it? Don't you have hurricanes coming your way?
Response: You're welcome, Sherry. Thank you for the heart & rating=)
Response: Thank you; I am glad you liked it. I thought about putting more on it but I didn't want it to look too crowded=)
Response: Thank you for the heart & rating=)
Response: Yay!! I am glad you like it, Kristy. After looking at it, I can see there are some things I want to do on the future tags in this series. Thanks for hosting=)
Response: Aww, thanks, Barbara. Glad you liked everything=)
Response: Oh, I am so glad you liked the package. I kind of was having a hard time with this swap & was crossing my toes that you liked at least something in the mix=)
Response: So glad you liked the items; thanks for joining up=)
Response: Happy to hear that, Michelle=) I am starting to love the new thrift store we got!!!
Response: Thank you for the heart=)
Response: Wow!! What did it do, go around the world first?
Response: Wow, it finally got there!! I was starting to get worried. Yes, I signed up for the next one, too. I'd never done these before; they are pretty fun=)
Response: No, thank you=) I am excited to see the rest of the year, too....
Response: Oh, Kristy, I am so glad you like it. It was a bit intimidating for me as your ATCs are always so phenomenal!!.
Response: You are so welcome; glad it finally made it there=)
Response: Glad to hear that!! I was really pleased with the rabbit prints I found=)
Response: You are welcome; sorry about the troubles with the post office!!
Response: Great; glad you can use them=)
Response: You are welcome; it is going good so far; just dang hot!!
Response: Drat! I know. No matter what I did I couldn't get it to print out any clearer. It was hard to even find a map of Lincoln; go figure!!
Response: Woo Hoo!! It finally made it there!! I was getting a little worried. I am glad that you can use the extras; I thought they were kind of cool....
Response: You are welcome. I hope you can use the items!!!
Response: Glad you like it=) What did you put as your favorite food?
Response: Sure; thanks. I had a devil of a time trying to adhere that netting=)
Response: I am glad you like it; hope it made it there in one piece? I was worried about that & packed it as good as I could.
Response: You are so welcome!! Thank you for joining the swap=)
Response: Oh, I am glad that you like the pieces. Thanks for joining my swap & don't forget; I am sending you another piece soon!!
Response: I wish now I would have done a mermaid!! Glad to hear your eyes are doing well; mine, too=)
Response: Thank you! Can't believe it took so long; mail is still crazy....
Response: I am so glad you liked them. I was hoping you didn't mind that I used her photo!!
Response: Hope you can put everything to good use=) Wow! That got there fast!
Response: Sorry! I don't listen to much modern rock these days. Glad you like the pc, though=)
Response: I have lots of favorite flowers so it was hard to narrow it down!!
Response: You are so welcome!!
Response: Glad you like him, Martha. We had chickens when I was growing up & for some reason the roosters always seemed mean!!
Response: Glad you like it=)
Response: Wow! It only took two weeks to get there? I thought it would take much longer than that. Thank you, I am still not feeling super well but better than what I did.
Response: Oh, good, I am glad you like it!! I don't usually work with those colors but decided to give it a try. I love any flowers that are kind of bright & bold=)
Response: Woo Hoo!! Thanks, Angela=)
Response: Thanks, Martha!!
Response: Happy to hear you liked the packet=)
Response: I am glad you liked the swaps=) Yes, the new lawn furniture is awesome!!
Response: Ha Ha Ha Glad you liked it=)
Response: I am so glad you like them; I wasn't sure about getting the apron but decided, what the heck!
Response: Very happy that you like it. Yeah, t think those protective sleeves are awesome=)
Response: Ha Ha Ha Yes, we do & if I could afford more, I would=)
Response: I am so happy you like them!!
Response: Really happy to hear that you liked the package=)
Response: Thank you for letting me know=)
Response: How funny!! It looks & feels just like our cat, too=) You know how those black cats can be!!
Response: You are welcome. I am glad you didn't mind the simplistic look. I just didn't think the image needed a lot of "stuff" hooked to it=)
Response: It was on the best seller's list so I hope it turns out good. I have such bad brain fog from the fibromyalgia now that I can't read anymore but it sure looked like an interesting read; hope you like it!!
Response: Thank you!! Like what you did on your part of the ATCl Turned out nice=)
Response: Jen, I am glad you liked it. I thought it was rather cool when I saw that word=) I'd never heard of it before, either. Been wanting to do a pirate ATC for a while now!!
Response: Thanks, Kate, can't believe it is almost over!!
Response: Susie, So glad you liked it!! It was a fun swap to be in=)
Response: Martha, You are so welcome!!
Response: Martha, Sounds like a plan=)
Response: Hope everything worked out okay!!
Response: I am glad you liked the package; hope it put a little "spring" in your step=)
Response: Oh! Thank you for letting me know you liked it; I appreciate that=)
Response: I am glad you liked the ATC & washi. Thanks for the rating/heart=)
Response: Patti!! Ha Ha Ha Yeah, I know, it is hard not to wait but this year I am waiting. I hope you like the scent choices I picked out for you=)
Response: Oh, Colleen, I am so glad to hear that!! Was the globe all in one piece? I was so worried about that!!
Response: I am so happy you liked it; thank you for the rating/heart=)
Response: That is a great idea to use your sewing machine!! Wish I had one. Hope you like the tea; I've never had that kind before. You & yours stay safe, too=)
Response: Thank you; you, too=)
Response: You are so welcome; as far as I am concerned; birthdays are a big deal=) They are special days=) I hope you have a wonderful time on yours...
Response: Was very happy to pass some on=)
Response: It was a little bit different from what I usually make but I am glad you like it=)
Response: Happy it made it safely!!
Response: Thank you; I am so glad you like the mini....
Response: I am glad you like her, Hannah!!
Response: Happy Valentine's Day, Karen & thanks for being in my swap=)
Response: You are welcome; glad you can put everything to good use=)
Response: My hubby wrapped that!! I just added the decorations. I am going to wait for Christmas with mine, too=)
Response: Glad they arrived!! Thanks for all you do in the groups=)
Response: June, I thought those buttons were pretty cool but didn't have a clue as to how to use them. Glad you'll be able to put them to good use=)
Response: Glad you like the starters; you know I had a heck of a time with this swap!!
Response: You are so welcome; thanks for the heart & rating!!
Response: Glad you liked the swap; can't believe it got there that fast. You know how the mail has been...
Response: Thank you for the rating/heart, Jen. Hope your New Year has started out well!!
Response: Ha Ha Ha Thanks, Gabi=) Hope 2021 is treating you well.....
Response: Ha Ha Ha I hear you, Vicky!! This is the first year I've really been in terested in doing it. So far the mood hasn't left me yet. We will see how it goes!! Happy Swapping to you, too!!
Response: Happy Swapping to you, too!! Hope the New Year is treating you well!!
Response: Thank you! I hope your New Year started well, too=)
Response: I am glad it finally got there; I hope it didn't get smooshed in the mail!!
Response: You are so welcome; will be emailing you shortly!!
Response: Sure!! Thank you for joining my swap=)
Response: Oh! That makes me happy to hear that!! Glad that you enjoyed the mail=)
Response: Ha Ha Ha It was hard but I eventually did find some Harry Potter stuff; glad you like them=)
Response: Happy you liked everything=)
Response: Glad to hear they are there=) I forgot to mention; don't set them near any kind of heat. i don't wrap very good so hubby did all the wrapping=) Merry Christmas to you & yours, too!!
Response: Thanks. Thanks for hosting....
Response: Good, I am glad you liked it all=)
Response: I am glad you like them; I tried to stay more with colors that you listed on your Profile.
Response: Glad you like the washi. Oh, I am sure people do probably mess up your last name but I think it is so cool=)
Response: Thanks for the rating/heart, Nan...
Response: Hi Jen, I think the last few letters of the alphabet are going to be a little bit harder but who know; maybe they won't. Yes, I have that dreaded disease of buying something & then finding out later that I already had it at home!!!
Response: Great !! Thanks for the heart/rating, Renee=)
Response: Welcome=) Happy Holidays!!
Response: Wowf! You got that already!!?? I've been waiting for something from CA for three weeks now!
Response: Thank you, Jen, I appreciated hearing that!! I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful, too! Did you get hit very hard by the hurricanes?
Response: Agreed!! I was so happy that our governor finally opened things back up but sadly now we are once again closed due to rapidly spiraling Covid cases. It seems to never end...
Response: Welcome & Happy Thanksgiving!!
Response: You are so welcome, Michelle. It was a pleasure to send them to you. If it helps at all I can send you the item number from my Amazon order. They are even on sale for a dollar less than I paid for them=) I am usually pretty cheap but thought they were so cute. The only thing is that they don't have a sentiment in them. You have to add your own....
Response: Cool! Sounds good, Tracy=) I'll be looking for your letter...
Response: Welcome, Brenda!! Have a happy holiday season=)
Response: Thanks, Debbie! I know that holidays are really different this year but I do hope that you'll have a nice Thanksgiving=)
Response: Thank you, Vicky!! Happy early holidays=)
Response: Aww, MaryAnn!! I am sorry to hear that you are going through such a rough tie.This has been a bad year for many pe
Response: You are so welcome! I didn't know that people could train their own service animal? Do you think it is hard to do? He sounds so cute but you are right; people just don't get it about not petting the service animals.
Response: I am glad you didn't thi tnk it was too the wall!! Can't wait to see how it turns out....
Response: I look forward to seeing what you add!!
Response: You are so welcome; glad that you like him; thanks for joining=)
Response: I agree; the 3 Elements are fun=) Thank you for the rating & heart!!
Response: Thanks for letting me know it got there=)
Response: I hope the button stayed attache on!!??
Response: Glad you like them, Can't wait to see what you do with them=)
Response: I am glad you like the idea...
Response: Sure thing=) Happy Halloween to you, too!!
Response: Hope you can put them to good use=) Was there a tea bag in there afterall?Happy Halloween!
Response: Yep, as hard as I try I can't get that picture of her as a chicken out of my head=) Kids are so funny sometimes!! Happy Halloween=)
Response: Deb, I am so glad you like it. I know it was a bit different than what I usually make=) Enjoy your Halloween, as well=)
Response: Thank you for the rating & heart, Shana!!
Response: Yay!! I am glad you like it; Kathie. I know it was kind of different but I loved that image=)
Response: Sorry I had to send the tv dinner squashed. Didn't really know how to send it!! I hope you have a nice birthday=)
Response: Now that October is only a day away it does seen close.
Response: Yeah, that post card already had a lot on it but hope you can find a little room=) Aren't animals amazing?
Response: Thanks for the rating & heart, Renee!!
Response: Thanks for rating & the heart, Anita=)
Response: You are so welcome!!!
Response: Thank you, Tracy!! Happy early Halloween!!
Response: Wow! That got there fast!! Go figure! I am glad you like her. I really didn't want to go with cutesie...
Response: Carol, I am so glad you like it. I totally did not know that there are no armadillos in AZ!! I learn something new every day=)
Response: Woo Hoo!! Glad it got there safely!!
Response: It was a fun post card to make.
Response: So glad you are able to work with it; I was worried about the polka dots!!
Response: Vanne I am really happy that you like her. I almost did a burlesque ATC but didn't know if you'd appreciate it or not=)
Response: These are pretty fun swaps. Too bad more people don't sign up!!
Response: Thank you, Mary. Glad you like the post card....
Response: Mary! Thank you so much for the comment=)
Response: Glad you like it=) Sorry to hear about your knee; that is tough break right before your vacation!!
Response: I am happy you liked the swap=)
Response: Cool!! Like I said; it was Ireland or the Incredible Hulk=)
Response: Thank you so much for the nice compliment!!
Response: Awww So glad you like her. She is a lot different from what I usually make. My sister is a nurse & I always send her things like that to make her laugh. She has been a nurse for a very, very long time.
Response: Oh! I am so glad=) I used a new kind of adhesive & was hoping it all stayed together!!
Response: Sorry everything was such a mish-mash; I generally like things to match=)
Response: I am glad you like it; I was hoping you didn't think it was too "outside of the box" thinking!!
Response: Wow!! That took forever to get there. Unfortunately, I think it is only going to get worse, though. I sent a post card to CA & it took over three weeks to get there!! That is just outrageous. Well, I am glad it finally made it!!
Response: Wow!! That took almost three weeks to get there!! I am glad you like it; I like it, too, so much that I almost kept it & sent you a different swap!!
Response: Great!! Thanks for hosting=)
Response: Happy to know you received everything okay!! Glad to know you liked the Mario ATC!!!
Response: Wow, those got there fast. Thanks for letting me know they arrived....
Response: You are so welcome=)
Response: I am so glad you like it. It was a pleasure to make...
Response: Glad you like it!!
Response: Glad you like it; it was a bit different for me....
Response: Thanks, Jen. Glad you like her. You'll be getting more mail from me shortly as we are partners in several more swaps! Hope you don't get tired of me!!
Response: Thanks so much, Jen. Glad you like the ATC. I know, if someone smiled in those old pictures you'd almost think there was something wrong with them!!
Response: Thank you so much; I really appreciate your comments!! I hope it didn't get squished too much=)
Response: Wow! That took the scenic route!! Glad it finally made it!!
Response: You are so welcome. Yeah, I've had that duck tape for a long time & have never used it so figured it was time to go=)
Response: I am so glad it made it to you & that you are happy with him!!
Response: I am glad you like the items=)
Response: You are very welcome, Beth. I had fun putting it together=)
Response: So glad you like him!!
Response: Yeah it kind of sucks to not have a craft room but we just do the best we can=) Maybe one day....
Response: Glad you like the envelope; I had fun making it=)
Response: Thank you for the 5 & heart. Maybe one of us will win=)
Response: Thank you; you, too. Hopefully one of us will win=)
Response: Welcome & thank you for participating!!
Response: That is one of my biggest fears that my mail will get wet. I think I am going to start pu tting scotch tape on all my addressed envelopes. So glad you were happy with the swap! Oh, yes, when it comes to fur babies there is always a lot of love=)
Response: Most welcome. The most exciting thing we've done today is laundry!! Ha Ha Ha We are going to have a picnic tomorrow....
Response: Thank you so much!! Ha Ha Ha Yep, next time on the BMW=)
Response: I guess great minds think alike=) Wow!! You've been 13 times!!?? Lucky you! I don't know; unfortunately, I think this virus is going to be with us for a long time....
Response: You're welcome=)
Response: You are welcome=) If I owe you postage, please let me know... i was worried about that...
Response: Wow! That took forever to get there. Mail is moving so slow!! Glad you like it...
Response: Welcome, Donna=) Wow, that took forever to get there...
Response: Yeah it takes me a little bit longer to do ATCs/post cards/etc cause I always want to use the perfect image. Well, at least to me it is perfect=) Very glad you like them!!
Response: Oh, I am so glad=) Which one did you like the best?
Response: Thank you & you, too=)
Response: Everyone that I showed that "talent" to told me I was weird=)
Response: I am so glad you liked the items=)
Response: Thank you so much!!
Response: Yeah, birdcages are fun to work with. You are welcome=)
Response: I am sooo glad you like him. I was afraid you might think he was too childish. Thank you for noticing he was fussy cut. I love fussy cutting but sometimes it is frustrating=)
Response: Mindy, you are so welcome=)
Response: Thank you & you, too=)
Response: Oh, really? I am usually so good about adding that; well, sorry about that. I am glad you liked the things, though=)
Response: You are so welcome!!
Response: I am glad you like it, Leslie. I found that lace on Amazon years ago & can't find it anymore; it is pretty cool looking..
Response: Tha nks, Vicky! You stay safe, too!! Letter coming shortly....
Response: Very welcome, Sylvia!!
Response: You are so welcome. I was really sweating it to think of an appropriate H for you=)
Response: Glad you like the JAMS. There was so much more I wanted to put on them but there just wan't enough room=) I look forward to seeing how they turn out...
Response: I am glad to hear that; thank you!!
Response: Wow -- so what did you end up doing with the bunny? Michelle, you are always fun to send to=)
Response: Thanks, Donna=)
Response: Yeah, some of them are harder than others=)
Response: Oh, I am so happy that you liked your swap=)
Response: Just, wow, I can't believe that it took almost three weeks to get there. I was happy to do that swap for you=)
Response: You're welcome!!
Response: I am so pleased that you like it. I've been wanting to use that paint chip for a while now=)
Response: Sure, no problem=)
Response: Glad you can put them to good use=) Happy Easter!!
Response: Welcome & Happy Easter, Happy big ticket birthday too!!
Response: You are so kind!! I wish you were my sister=)
Response: So glad you like the mail=)
Response: Welcome! Happy Easter & thanks for hosting=)
Response: You stay safe, too, Renee & Happy Easter=)
Response: I am glad you like it. It was worth it=)
Response: No problem! Happy Easter=)
Response: Most welcome=) Happy Easter!!
Response: Most welcome. Glad you like the message=)
Response: You are welcome! I agree=)
Response: Thank you so much; I am glad you like it=)
Response: So glad you could find some things to use=)
Response: Wow, that took a while. Rats, tell me how much I owe you & I'll reimburse you.
Response: You are very welcome=)
Response: Thank you, Patt!! Glad you like it=)
Response: I am happy that you like them=)
Response: Donna, You are very welcome=)
Response: You are so welcome!! Glad you can put the things to good use=)
Response: Most welcome; I hope I did it right?
Response: I know, I know but I just hate to waste=)
Response: Glad you like it!!
Response: Yeah, I don't think it would have made it through the mail safely naked. Thank you!!
Response: You're so welcome!! I love those papers & was happy to share=)
Response: That is a great idea about adding texture, MissPaula, as like you well know, sometimes these post cards can get very full of stuff!
Response: Most welcome, Dale. You have a nice St Patrick's Day yourself=)
Response: I am so glad you liked the variety. Thanks for swapping with me!!
Response: When I saw it I knew immediately that I needed to get it for you. Most welcome=)
Response: I thought it was awfully cute, too=) Most welcome!!
Response: No problem=) Thanks for participating!
Response: You are very welcome=) You hav
Response: I am glad you like it. I hated to put the word nosey as I didn't want to offend you but that was one of the words. Didn't know what else to put=)
Response: I am really glad you liked the items I sent. I hope the shirt fit? You mentioned that you were really petite so hoping the shift fits=) No worries about the postage=)
Response: Thank you so much for the nice compliment; I really appreciate it. Post cards are still kind of new for me.
Response: I love LRRH, too!! Thank you for the nice comments & heart=)
Response: Thank you for the nice message!! Oh & the 5 & heart, too!!
Response: You are welcome=)
Response: I was just hoping you could put some of the things to good use=)
Response: You are so welcome=)
Response: Thank you for the nice compliment=)
Response: They do. I thought they were kind of cool=)
Response: Aww Thank you so much, Lora!! I really enjoyed putting that package together & totally lucked out on the items I found for you. Thank you for the rating/heart=)
Response: It is, isn't it?=)
Response: Thank you, Diane! You, too=)
Response: I am glad you like it. I am trying my hand at mixed media more these days. Happy Valentine's to you, too=)
Response: Oh, you are welcome!! I have not done a lot with mixed media before so I was a little nervous. Sure! I'd love to hear from you=)
Response: You are welcome=) Sorry about that; I just can't afford a lot of international mail swaps right now.
Response: You are welcome! The weather is definitely changing every year or so it seems. Spring is my favorite season=)
Response: Oh, I am glad you liked it; I am still fairly new at doing hand made post cards. That is so sad about all the lives that were lost in the fires; human & animal.
Response: Awww You are welcome! I had never seen anything like that seed catalog before & was hoping that you would like it. I am glad you enjoyed the total whole swap experience.
Response: Thanks, Paula!!
Response: Happy Valentine's Day=)
Response: You are so welcome! Happy Valentine's Day!!
Response: Thank you! Happy Valentine's Day=)
Response: Hey there=) Well, I didn't want the jewels to fall off so thought it was better to envelope it. Very happy that you like it!!
Response: Yep, Happy Valentine's Day=)
Response: Fun post card to work on....
Response: Thank you so much!! I am glad you liked it=)
Response: Wow!! That was fast. I hope I taped them up good enough=)
Response: You are so welcome, Michelle. When I saw that rooster table runner it screamed your name at me=) I hope it fits somewhere...
Response: Aww Thank you!! I am so glad you liked him=)
Response: I am so glad you liked them, Gabi. I couldn't pass up such a good deal=)
Response: Awww It was a fun swap to put together=) Glad you like the beads; I knew that I couldn't do anything with them as I am all thumbs!!
Response: Am glad to hear you were able to pick something out for fun!
Response: Sherry, I am so glad you like it! I looked everywhere for a "doable" yellow dino & could not find anything. Decided to make my own=)
Response: You are welcome! It was a fun swap to put together=)
Response: You are welcome! Yeah, I don't know. I think we are all related to a lot of people & just don't know it=)
Response: I am sooo glad that you & the kids liked everything!! I was out of my element when trying to pick something out. I wasn't sure what size cage you had. Glad it all worked out=)
Response: Hey Vicky! Yes, they are kind of ugly & he is one very big boy. We live near a highway & I just hope he doesn't get up there & get ran over!
Response: Thank you so much=)
Response: Ha Ha Ha Too funny=)
Response: Thank u!! I am glad u liked it. Happy New Year=)
Response: Thank u so much!! Merry Christmas 2 u, 2=)
Response: Hi Shelia! Well, I just buy one of those cheapy little weekly planners & just dot down the more pertinent things things that happen during the week. If I had 2 sit & journal I don't think I could do it!! Wow, there is a surgery 4 the eye issue? I didn't know that. Yes, let's hope 4 a better year health-wise=) Happy Holidays!!
Response: Glad 2 hear that!! I love Zots=)
Response: Thank u 4 the nice comment, ktk8!! Thank u 4 the Christmas wishes, 2=)
Response: Oh, donetta, thank u so much 4 ur kind comment. I really appreciated it!!
Response: Thank u, Kristy! Hope the holidays r treating u well=)
Response: Thank u so much!! The same 2 u & urs!
Response: You r so welcome!! I was beginning 2 get worried that it wasn't going 2 make it there=)
Response: No problem! And the same 4 u & urs=)
Response: Sure! Happy Holidays=)
Response: Glad u like it=)
Response: I know it is kind of unusual; can't wait 2 c what u add 2 it=)
Response: So glad u like it; I love foxes!!
Response: Oh, I am so glad u liked them. I tried 2 kind of go by ur Profile. Thank u!!
Response: You're so welcome!!
Response: Glad u liked it=) Merry Christmas 2 u & yours, as well....
Response: Happy Swapping=)
Response: Happy holidays 2 u & urs, 2=)
Response: Yeah, I am not brave enough 2 face Black Friday shopping!!! Glad u like the bookmarks. Good 2 swap with u Vicky=)
Response: I figured u could put the used postage 2 good use=)
Response: Thank u & Happy Thanksgiving 2 u & urs as well=)
Response: You r so welcome!! Happy Thanksgiving 2 u & urs as well=)
Response: Thank u & the same 2 u=)
Response: So glad u like the items. Fun swap=)
Response: So glad u like him=)
Response: Well, I hope u like the rest of them, 2. Sorry I am not much of a gift wrapper!!
Response: Ha Ha Ha Am really glad that u like it=)
Response: You r so welcome! Happy Thanksgiving!!
Response: You're welcome; Happy Thanksgiving=)
Response: Happy Thanksgiving 2 u, 2=)
Response: i am so glad u liked it; I was so afraid u wouldn't.
Response: You r welcome=) Thank u so much!!
Response: I agree; it was turning out nicely. Wish we could see the end result=) You're welcome; I thought the washi was fab 4 u=)
Response: Oh, great! I am happy 2 hear that. Really? That is odd as I am generally so OCD about providing my swap info. Sorry about that.....
Response: So glad u liked them=)
Response: Ha Ha Ha That would b great=)
Response: There r actually quite a few people on here from the other site. I guess that shouldn't surprise me=)
Response: You are welcome. Happy Halloween 2 u, 2=)
Response: So happy 2 hear that=) You, 2!!
Response: You r so welcome!
Response: Happy that u liked everything!!
Response: You r welcome! Happy Halloween!!
Response: Glad u like her=)
Response: Glad u like it=) I sent it on 10/5; wonder where the heck it has been floating around at! Our mail system never ceases 2 amaze me....
Response: Sure, no problem=) U, 2=)
Response: Oh! I am so glad u liked her!!
Response: Oh, that is 2 funny! We also have a black cat & she is often naughty!!
Response: Ha Ha Ha It was fun 2 shop 4. Glad u liked everything; Happy Halloween!!
Response: You are welcome=)
Response: Thank u 4 the rating & heart!!
Response: So glad u liked her=)
Response: You r so welcome! Thank u!!
Response: So glad u liked it. I wish I could say I drew the cat but it is actually from a coloring page I found. Have a great Halloween!!
Response: You are so welcome!! I was beginning 2 worry that they were not going 2 make it!!
Response: Glad 2 hear that; it is on its way=)
Response: You r welcome!! I hope ur Halloween is a fun one=)
Response: I know; Miss Paula made a cool start to her post card. You r welcome 4 the washi=)
Response: You r welcome=) Thank u 4 the rating/heart!!
Response: Thank u 4 the rating/heart=)
Response: Thank u 4 the rating/heart=)
Response: Glad the items made u happy=)
Response: I know; isn't Halloween such a fun time of year!! Thanks 4 the rating/heart=)
Response: It has a very pretty background. I almost hated covering some of it up!!
Response: Thanks so much 4 the rating/heart, Gabi=)
Response: Thank u 4 the rating/heart=)
Response: Sounds great! Glad u liked the post cards=)
Response: You're welcome; have a good one=)
Response: Sure! Hope ur Halloween is a great one=)
Response: Sure=) Have a good one!!
Response: Fantastic!! I look forward to it=)
Response: Glad 2 hear it got there safely=)
Response: Thank u!! These Art Colabs r pretty fun=)
Response: You are welcome, Toni!
Response: Hi Diane! I know what you mean. It is fun to make something different on occasion.
Response: Hi Kay! U r welcome!! Am working on my printer so hopefully soon!!
Response: Thank you. I kind of went nuts on the junk journal stuff!
Response: I know, some of these pcs turn out really cool, don't they? Streaking tigers? HeeHeeHee
Response: You're welcome=)
Response: So glad u liked it. I was afraid that because it was not a typical ATC that u might not like it. I like chickens, too=)
Response: I had fun making that envelope=)
Response: Hi. I am glad u liked the purse & contents. I am sorry about the security tag; it wasn't intentional. If u want 2 send me the receipt I'll reimburse you for the wire cutters. There is not much else I can really do.
Response: Yay!! It made it!! Would love 2 see how it turned out....
Response: Sure, no problem=) Thanks 4 the heart/rating!!
Response: Awww=) Happy 2 hear that!! Thanks 4 the rating & heart!
Response: Maybe bobby pins? Thanks 4 the rating & heart=)
Response: Carol! I am really glad that u r happy with everything; great communications=)
Response: You r welcome!! I just thought it would b something different=) I can't wait 2 c it when it is done!!
Response: Ylou r welcome. Glad u like them=)
Response: Thank u, Zander, 4 the heart/rating!!
Response: You are so welcome!
Response: So glad you like it!!
Response: I am glad you liked the ATC! I love brads, too!!
Response: Thank you; it is a great swap to do each month; so fun=) Happy swappin'!
Response: Great; glad to hear you liked it & I am glad to hear that you'll be able to put the stamps to good use. I collect them but never end up using them!!
Response: You are welcome, Dorothy! Thanks for the hearts/rating=)
Response: Ha Ha Ha Can't wait to see what you come up with as I am super new to these. They seem like a lot of fun...
Response: Awesome!! I am glad you liked everything; thank you for the rating/heart=)
Response: Thank you, Anita!! Glad you like the birds....
Response: Glad you like it. Wish I could have found more like that one!!
Response: So glad you liked it & the flowers. I know the mini pocket letter flowers were kind of bright/loud. Thanks for rating so quick!! .
Response: Thank you!! I am so glad it made it there safely. That took forever to get there; I hope there was enough postage on it? Anywho, thanks for the heart/rating=)
Response: You are so welcome! Thank you for the heart/rating=)
Response: Christine! I already have everything packaged up & ready to go=)
Response: You are so welcome=)
Response: Thank you, Singske. I wasn't sure if I should add more to the post card than I did or not. With being new at it; it is a little nerve wracking!! I appreciate your comments=)
Response: Ha Ha Ha Glad you liked them=)
Response: Well, this is my very first Pass & Paste so I was really nervous. I've never done anything like this before so I am really looking forward to seeing the final results... Thanks for your contribution!!
Response: Thank you for the heart/rating; I was hoping whimsical would be an okay theme....
Response: Thank you & thank you for the heart/rating!
Response: Thank you so much!! I was really hesitant to do it since I've never done a dragon before. I am so glad that you like him; thank you for the heart/rating=)
Response: Maggie, YOu can always take the rubber stamps off of the wood & use clear blocks to put them on. Just a though=) Happy swapping to you, too!!
Response: You are welcome! Yep, we have hay here. I used to have a boy friend that bucked hay all summer long & it is definitely hard work. It really is a small world; isn't it?
Response: You are so welcome! I am happy that you like her. She looks just like our cat; that is why I picked her out for this ATC=)
Response: Glad to hear that=)
Response: So happy that you liked it=)
Response: Hi Tricia! I am really glad to hear that! Hope things are well with you=)
Response: You are welcome! I think I am going to do blue next if there is any interest....
Response: You are welcome!! Hope you liked it all=)
Response: Wow! I am really happy that you are able to put some of the things in the box to good use! I wasn't sure if you did rubber stamps or not so I am glad to hear a few will be living with you from now on=)
Response: I am glad you liked it; it was something different for me to make. Happy Swappin'=)
Response: You are so welcome. I hope your week was a nice one=)
Response: Happy to hear you like the peacock ATC; I was worried about it. I am sure that you will put the other things to good use=)
Response: You are welcome=)
Response: Glad you like them, Sherry. Thought different kinds of paper would be lots more fun to send=)
Response: Awww Thank you, Donetta! I enjoyed making that ATC. I love the older photos.
Response: Happy to hear that you liked it!!
Response: So glad you liked it!!
Response: You are welcome; Kim! Hope you are having a great week=)
Response: Whew! I thought maybe I might not be doing them right; glad to know that they were appreciated. I look forward to doing another one of these if you do more=)
Response: Thank you for your kind comments. It doesn't really hurt anyone to do a kind thing for someone else & I feel like you deserve a happy week, Happy spring=)
Response: You are so welcome! I am thrilled that you like them so much=)
Response: Wow! That got there fast!! You are so welcome; glad you liked the items I picked out. Hope you are having a great spring time=)
Response: You are so welcome; hope you had an extra nice Easter=)
Response: Yay! Go Beatrix Potter!! Thank you for the heart/rating=)
Response: It is a small world=) You are welcome; thank you for the heart/rating....
Response: You are welcome=) I hope you had a great Easter, too!!
Response: So glad you liked everything; Diane! Happy Easter to you & yours=)
Response: Thank you, Nancy Lee! Happy Spring to you too=)
Response: Ha Ha Ha I hope he finds some=)
Response: Awww Sorry you had that kind of day but glad you liked everything!!
Response: Happy to hear that, Stephanie!! Thank you=)
Response: Glad to hear that=) Thank you for the heart/rating!!
Response: Sure & thank you for the heart/rating=) Happy Easter!
Response: Hi Jen! Happy Easter to you & yours, also=) Thanks for the heart/rating....
Response: Wow! I must be losing it; I generally put that stuff on the back of the card; sorry about that!!
Response: Happy to hear that!! Sorry I had to mutilate the stickers a bit; I hope they made it there safely, though!! Thank you for the heart/rating=)
Response: Oh, great!! Glad to hear that you liked them=)
Response: You are so welcome! Thank you for the heart/rating=)
Response: Awww I am happy to hear that!! Thank you for the heart/rating=)
Response: Happy to hear that, Renee!! Thank you for the heart/rating=) If I find any more octopus post cards I'll try to remember to send them your way!
Response: Glad you liked it all=) Thank you for the heart/rating!
Response: Hi Kathie! So glad you liked it. I just love birds with unusual coloring. They tend to be so striking. Thank you for the heart/rating=)
Response: Believe it or not; that bear is off a card I got for my hubby for St Patty's Day. I asked him if I could have it back for a project!!=) He said, "Yes". That is okay because he bought me the same exact card!! Great minds think alike=)
Response: Oh, Luisa! I am so glad you like it; it is not really a common type of post card but I loved the colors on it=)
Response: Thank you, Karen, for the heart/rating. Just wanted to make sure it got to you safely=)
Response: Wow! That was fast! Happy to hear you liked the greenery=) Also glad to find a good home for those post cards!
Response: So glad you liked everything; thanks for the heart/rating=)
Response: Very happy to hear that! Thanks for the heart/rating=)
Response: You are welcome; thank you for the heart/rating=)
Response: No problem!! Glad you liked them=) I tried to match things somewhat to your Profile. Figured you'd like the vintage things=)
Response: No problem=) I thought that Leprechaun thingy was cute; glad you liked it. Thanks for the heart/rating=)
Response: Thanks for the heart/rating. Happy St Patty's Day to you, too=)
Response: Donetta, So glad you liked it!! I know, I just love that trim; can't remember where I got it from, though. I think Thank you for the heart/rating=)
Response: Hi Karmi! Oh, you are welcome; thank you for the heart/rating. I thought it was so appropriate that you picked hockey (for Canada) & I picked baseball (for USA). Too fun=)
Response: I thought that swap idea was awesome;thank you for the heart/rating as I enjoyed putting it together for you.
Response: Awww Thank you; so glad you like them=)
Response: Wow! That got there fast!! I am so delighted that you liked the atcs. I have been a long time lover of kewpies & thought a baking theme would be a little harder to do but the kewpies sure worked out well for that. So glad you like them!!
Response: You are welcome; hope you like it=)
Response: You are so welcome; thank you for the heart/rating=)
Response: Glad he made it there safely. We've been having so many problems because of heavy snow in the state; mail has slowed down to an absolute crawl around here....
Response: Ha Ha Ha I know, isn't that almost always the case!!?? Thanks for the heart/rating=)
Response: I agree; hedgehogs are so cute. I've never heard of Mrs Tiggywinkle before but shall go inquire about her shortly. Thanks for the heart/rating!!
Response: So glad you liked the things I sent. I know, those Valentines are the coolest I've seen in a long time. Thanks for the heart/rating=)
Response: So glad you like it. That is a cool idea to have a teddy bear book! You've inspired me now!! Thank you!
Response: You are welcome=) Isn't he just he cutest little thing with his tongue sticking out like that? Ha Ha Ha
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the heart & rating=)
Response: So glad you liked it, Beth!! Thank you for the rating/heart=)
Response: You are welcome; thank you for the heart/rating=)
Response: You are welcome. Thank you for the heart/rating=)
Response: Glad to hear you liked it; yeah, that swap was a little "puffy" but I thought you might like the trims=)
Response: Awww So glad you liked the post card=)
Response: Hey, we are almost birthday twins. Glad you liked the mini PL. Thanks for the heart/rating=)
Response: You are welcome; thank you for the rating/heart=)
Response: Glad you liked them; thank you for the rating/heart=)
Response: I thought those cards were cute; glad you liked it & you are welcome. Thank you for the heart/rating=)
Response: Thank you for letting me know; I was so worried but am glad to hear that it got there just fine=)
Response: You are welcome! Hope you have a lovely valentine's Day=)
Response: You are welcome=) Happy Valentine's to you, too!!
Response: Thank you; I hoped you would like it.
Response: Wow! That got there fast!! Sorry for writing a "book"; didn't realize how much paper it was going to take up!! Ha Ha Ha Thank you for the heart/rating=)
Response: Glad to hear you liked everything!! Thank you for the heart/rating=)
Response: Cool!! Another ferret lover=) Yay!! So glad you liked the ATCs; hope the New Year is treating you well....
Response: Glad to hear it liked it all=) Thank you for the rating/heart...
Response: Awww So glad you liked everything. Thank you for the rating/heart=)
Response: Wow! That was fast!! I am so glad to hear that you liked the packet. I am sorry that I ran out of bags! Thank you for the heart/rating=)
Response: Ha Ha Ha That doll arm kind of shocked me at first but if I was in to assemblage it would be a great piece!! I think I might have kept a few things that you added in like a fly swatter & some hand held fans. They will work great for this summer. No, I didn't make the fox & I almost kept it for my ferrets but they would chew the eyeballs off & swallow them so I decided to send him on. Happy Swapping to you, too=)
Response: Thank you for the rating/heart!! I hope that the New Year is treating you well=)
Response: Awww Thank you for the heart/rating. I hope that the New Year is treating you well=)
Response: You are welcome; hope the New Year is treating you well=)
Response: Oh, no, we don't drink apple cider vinegar!!?? Did I actually write that? I meant just apple cider. Hope the New Year is treating you good=)
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the rating/heart & Happy New Year=)
Response: Thank you for the rating/heart! Happy New Year=)
Response: Thank you for the rating/heart. Happy New Year=)
Response: You are so welcome! Thank you for the rating/heart & Happy New Year's to you, too=)
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the rating/heart=) Happy New Year!
Response: Hey! Glad you like the ATC=) Happy Holidays up there!
Response: Shirley, You are so welcome. Hope that you like most of the teas. I tried to pick ones out that were kind fo different. Happy Holidays!!
Response: You are welcome=) Happy Holidays!!
Response: Glad to hear it=) Happy holidays to you & yours, too!!
Response: Hope you liked the card! Happy Holidays to you & yours=)
Response: You are welcome=) Happy Holidays to you & yours!!
Response: You are welcome=) I don't remember which owl I put on it? I have several owl address labels as I tend to really like owls=) Happy Holidays, Maryann!!
Response: You are so welcome=) Happy Holidays to you & yours, too!!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the heart/rating & Happy Holidays!!
Response: Sure=) Happy Holidays! Thank you for hosting this fun swap....
Response: You are welcome; Happy Holidays=)
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the rating/heart & Happy Holidays=)
Response: You are welcome! So glad you liked them=) Happy Holidays!
Response: You are welcome & Happy Holidays to you, too=)
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the rating/heart & Merry Christmas to you & yours, as well=)
Response: Yes, that Barbie doll head meant a lot to me. Ha Ha Ha That is great that you bought some pink poinsettias=) They really are pretty & seem so shabby chic, too...
Response: You are welcome; Merry Christmas to you, too=)
Response: You are welcome=) Happy Holidays!
Response: Oh, I like candy cane milk shakes, too!! I don't know why as I am not really a milk shake kind of person but certain flavors win me over every time=)
Response: You are welcome=) Merry Christmas to you, too!!
Response: I know, right? This was a great swap. We have something to look forward to every day=) Happy Holidays to you & yours, too!!
Response: Oh, good!! I am so glad it made it safely there. You'll have to let me know how the hot chocolate is as I bought a couple extra for me, too, but have not tried them out yet. I just loved the packaging=) Ha Ha Ha Happy Holidays!!
Response: You are welcome. This is a nice swap & it has been fun opening all the cards up. Happy holidays, Diane=)
Response: You are welcome. Happy holidays to you & yours, too=)
Response: You're welcome=) Happy Holidays!
Response: You are welcome=) Thank you for the heart/rating! Happy Holidays....
Response: So happy that you like them=) Happy holidays to you & yours!!
Response: Wow! That got there fast!! I am so glad you like it; thank you for the rating/heart & Happy Holidays to you & yours=)
Response: You are welcome, Ellie. Oh, how fun=) Merry Christmas to you & yours, too!
Response: Me, too=) Happy swapping!!
Response: You are welcome=) Happy Holidays to you & yours, too!!
Response: Oh, so glad you liked them, Isabella!! I was so nervous about making them; wasn't even sure if I did them right but I used that pine cone die cut once & then immediately forgot what I did with the die!! I still don't know where it is at...
Response: You are welcome, Shirley=) Hope your holidays are happy ones!!
Response: Oh I am so glad you like it!! I was really nervous about making it as sometimes I tend to over-embellish=) I had fun making it. Happy holidays to you & yours, as well!!
Response: You are welcome! Happy Thanksgiving to you, too=)
Response: Isn't it fun to get all these cool things in the mail? Thanks for the heart/rating=)
Response: Wow! I feel honored=) So glad you liked the items. Wishing you & yours a Happy Holiday season, too!!
Response: Glad to hear you liked the initial swap items. I got lucky; your initials are pretty easy=) Happy Holidays!!
Response: Hope you liked everything=)
Response: I know. Isn't it fun to watch the cards come in for this swap? It is almost like opening a gift every day=)
Response: You are welcome=) Oh, how odd! I've never heard of that book before & I am surprised that no one has ever mentioned it to me. I may have to get it & check it out!! She is so popular. Happy holidays to you & yours....
Response: Yes, I did=) Thought it would be nice to send something fun. Thank you & Happy Holidays to you & yours, also!
Response: You are welcome!! Thank you for the heart/rating=)
Response: Oh! That sounds intriguing=) Thank you for the heart/rating!!
Response: Hi Michele!! Such a small world=) I have not been on here for very long but I am enjoying it quite a bit. Thank you; I am glad you liked it.
Response: So glad you liked everything. That got there fast!! Merry Christmas to you & yours, too=)
Response: Good idea! Thank you & Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours, too=)
Response: You're welcome=) Thank you, you, too=)
Response: You are welcome. I know, right? It will be fun to open them up daily. Thanks for the heart/rating=)
Response: So glad you liked everything=) Happy holidays to you & yours!!
Response: Thank you for the rating/heart=)
Response: Glad to hear it!! Thanks for the heart/rating=)
Response: You're welcome! Thank you for the heart/rating. Yes, I got that ribbon off of It gets lots of compliments....
Response: Thank you; you, too=)
Response: Glad you liked them & Merry Christmas to you, too!!
Response: You are welcome!! Merry Christmas to you & yours, too=)
Response: Thank you for the heart/rating=)
Response: I know, that was a new one for me, too. I guess there is a tea for just about everything!! Maybe you can give me some helpful tips on the Essential Oils. I am just starting to learn about them. Every time an ABBA tribute comes to town I just have to go see them. Drives my hubby up the wall=) Happy holidays to you & yours!!
Response: You are welcome=) Thank you for the heart/rating!!
Response: Great!! I look forward to hearing from you=)
Response: Thank you for the heart & rating=)
Response: Yay! That was fast!! Glad you liked everything=) Thank you for the heart/rating....
Response: Thank you; I appreciate that. Glad you liked the extras I sent. Thank you for the heart/rating=) Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours!!
Response: Oh!! I am so glad to hear that. Thank you for the heart/rating=)
Response: Glad you liked it. Thank you for the heart/rating=)
Response: Ha Ha Ha That is great that you guys dress up, too!! Thanks for the heart & rating; Happy Halloween=)
Response: Great!! I look forward to it=)
Response: So glad you liked it; thank you for the heart/rating=) Well, I made sure I double - triple checked your Profile. Good thing I did, too!! I am not really into skulls/skeletons, either. Nice to get to swap with someone in the same "neighborhood"!
Response: Thanks for the rating. Yep, they have their moments=)
Response: Hope you found my answers entertaining=)
Response: Thank you for the rating & the heart. I hope you like the cursive writing. I have not done cursive writing in a super long time=)
Response: No problem=) I wanted to make sure that it didn't have the slightest possibility of getting bent!! Ha Ha Ha I am sure you will put it to good use=)
Response: You are welcome!! Happy Halloween=)
Response: So glad that they made it to you finally!! Hope you have a good Halloween=)
Response: I thought he was a hoot; so glad you liked him!! Happy Halloween to you, too=)
Response: Thank you; glad you liked the ATC & extras. Thank you for the rating & heart=)
Response: Thank you!! I appreciate the heart & rating=)
Response: Thank you very much! Glad you liked everything; hope your Halloween is a good one=)
Response: You are welcome=) Have a great Halloween!!
Response: Hi Pikkis=) So glad that you liked everything. I know you probably don't celebrate Halloween much in your country but thought you might enjoy getting a Halloween card, too! Yes, I look forward to future swaps with you, too!! Good to see you here...
Response: Hi. I am sorry; I looked for a derby hat & a big tea cup but they had none to be found. It sounds like you are the type person that most hats will look good on you=) I have a big head so that doesn't apply to me.....
Response: Happy Halloween to you, too, Janis=)
Response: Happy Halloween to you, too!!
Response: Thank you; it hardly seems like it has been 20 years! Happy to hear that you liked everything. Thank you for the heart & the rating=) Happy Halloween to you!
Response: Glad you liked everything; thank you for the heart & rating=)
Response: Ha Ha Ha I agree. We should swap critter tales some time=)
Response: Glad to hear that; sorry I didn't have any shells from here. Thanks for the heart & rating=)
Response: Thank you so much! Have a Happy Halloween & thank you for the heart & rating...
Response: Oh, Carrie! I was so glad to hear that the book met with your approval=) I was just about chewing my fingernails (and I don't do that because they are not food!!) to hear back from you. I am going to be sending you some papers & other ephemera that I didn't use as you can use them for other wine swaps when you do them. Sure, we can do another swap; let me know what you would like to do & we can work something out. So glad you liked it!!
Response: Yay! Glad it finally made it there!! Thanks for the heart & rating=)
Response: Thank you for the heart & rating; Happy Halloween to you, too=)
Response: Happy Halloween to you, too=)
Response: Sure=) Thank you for the rating & the heart=)
Response: Thank you; I enjoyed picking the things out for you...
Response: Ha Ha Ha I know what you mean about the post cards=) Glad you liked it all....
Response: Thanks for the heart & rating=)
Response: I am glad you liked everything; thank you for the heart & rating=)
Response: I know, I lucked out. So glad that everything was to your liking; thanks for the rating & the heart=)
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart & the rating=)
Response: Yay!! It made it unscathed!! Well, I am glad you like it as like I mentioned; steam punk is not my forte but thought Id give ti a good shot=)
Response: That is great to hear that you liked everything=) Thank you for the heart & rating....
Response: Happy that you are happy=) Those envelopes are so easy to make; aren't they just cool? Thanks for the heart & rating...
Response: Thank you!! I was so worried about my first hand sewn project; I am thrilled that you like it & thank you for the rating & heart!!
Response: Thank you for the heart & rating=)
Response: You're welcome=) I have so much fun making those envelopes & they are so easy to do. Sorry the post card wasn't more state themed; I have a hard time finding post cards around here, anymore...
Response: You are welcome! I agree; it is such a fun place to be=) Thank you for the rating & heart!!
Response: Wow! That got there fast!! Glad you like the little stapler set; I thought it was awfully cute=) Thanks for the rating & heart...
Response: I agree; it was a great find; glad that you like it=)
Response: That makes me happy to hear, Hanna, that you liked everything. I had fun picking it out=)
Response: So glad everything arrived safely!! Thank you for the heart=)
Response: So glad you liked the card & extras. I had fun putting everything together. Thank you for the heart=)
Response: I am so happy you like the ATC! I was trying to do something vintage & didn't know if it quite hit that theme or not=) Thank you for the heart!!
Response: I am glad you liked everything; thank you for the rating & heart=)
Response: Awesome; so glad you are enjoying the things I picked out for you=) Thanks for the nice comments & the heart!!
Response: You are welcome. Glad you liked the items I picked out for you=)
Response: Oh, you are so welcome=) Yep, I did take a "little' peek at your Profile=) Ha Ha Ha Glad you liked the package!! Sorry to hear about the family issues; hope everything is okay!!
Response: You are welcome; you are my first swap; thank you for the heart=)