Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: LOL thanks for the quick rating! XD
Response: Awesome! I thought you'd like that one, they're really unique!
Response: Awesome, hope you enjoy! I've been enjoying The Offspring since the 90s, but had only recently heard the song from this list - somehow missed it for ages but now it's my favorite!
Response: So glad you liked it! XD
Response: OMG I hadn't actually seen the video for that yet. Just watched it, that was a lot! LOL
Response: It's a great song, I just can't listen to it LOL!
Response: I just realized I forgot to send you the playlist / key! It's here if you want to take a look:
Response: I hope you feel better soon!
Response: I thought you'd like those stickers! :D
Response: I'm so glad you liked it! Yeah, Depeche Mode is always great! :)
Response: So glad you liked it!
Response: Yay! Glad you liked it. :)
Response: Awesome! I'm so glad you're entertained by it LOL. Yeah that one is real dark haha. But somehow so catchy!
Response: Yay! Glad you enjoyed! :)
Response: Awesome!! I haven't actually been to a drag show in like a decade, but they're super fun. I bet drag brunches are amazing!
Response: Yes!! They're so good!! I've seen them live a few times, would love to again. Great songs, great performers.
Response: Oh wow, that's amazing!! I've never found anyone else who's heard of him, much less seen him live. Was it in Canada? I'm so envious!
Response: Oh good! Hopefully the mail delays are fixed permanently! Really glad these swaps have started to arrive.
Response: So glad you like it! I had a lot of fun with that one!
Response: Awesome! I thought you'd like that one! :D
Response: Yeah there are a lot of pages in it! It's so pretty though, I hope it makes it.
Response: Yay! Glad you liked it! :)
Response: Yay! Hope you enjoy! :D
Oh yeah I hate how lots of decos get banged up in the envelope, the little paper seatbelt idea seems helpful for that! Hopefully they arrived in place.
Response: Oh good! Welcome to deco swapping, it's ton of fun! :)
Response: Yay! Always awesome to see new decos swappers around here. :)
Response: Yay! I was really excited about that one, can't wait to see how it turns out!
Response: Oh wow, that's so funny! I guess it's not that unique of a deco theme, LOL! :D
Response: Yay! Glad you like it :)
Response: Yay! Glad it arrived safe. :D
Response: Thanks for the quick rating, that did get there fast! You should definitely check out the podcast... the art market ones recently were SUPER interesting.
Response: Aww thank you so much! :)
Response: Oh good, that arrived fast!
Response: Awesome, glad you like it! Did that arrive before the envelope for the PF tag deco? I think I mailed the tag one first!
Response: Awesome, I'm so glad!! I'm sort of holding out to see how this one goes before I set up the next round, make sure the rules don't need clarification. I wasn't sure if the premise would be confusing or not since it's not a normal deco swap!
Response: Awesome! I'm so glad you liked it! :D
Response: Yay! Glad it arrived safe!
Response: Awesome! Glad you like it!
Response: Yay! Yeah I thought that deco was really fun, glad you like it as well! :D
Response: Yay! I was very happy to send one of those guys you're way! :D
Response: LOL! That arrived fast, yay! We were cracking up over that... it came together really well LOL. Glad you like it! XDDD
Response: Awesome, glad you enjoyed! :D
Response: Yay! Glad you like them! :D
Response: Glad you liked them! Happy to be the one to swap with you for your first ATCs! :D
Response: Aww thank you! They're so much fun. I'm so happy decos are popular on SB lately.
Response: Awesome! Glad it arrived. :)
Response: Yaaaay! I thought you'd like the stickers :D I'm so glad you're doing these deco swaps!!
Response: LOL! That's so funny! I'm glad you got a kick out of it! :D
Response: No worries! Glad it arrived safe! :)
Response: Yay! Very glad you liked it! :)
Response: Yeah I did the envelope and page with a gelli plate and then stencils I believe. I'm obsessed with gelli prints, they're so fun!
Response: Glad you liked it! It's such a fun deco theme!
Response: Yay! Yeah it's been great, you make it easy to host with all the work you do for CPG! :)
Response: Glad you liked them! :)
Response: Glad you liked them! :)
Response: Yay! Glad you liked it. :)
Response: Awesome, glad it arrived safe!
Response: Glad that swap finally showed up! :)
Response: Thanks! Glad you liked them. :)
Response: Yay! Glad it arrived safe :)
Response: Glad you liked it! :)
Response: Yay! Yeah I thought that one was super cute. :)
Response: Yay! Glad you liked them! :)
Response: Glad it got there safe! Definitely a unique theme!
Response: Yay!! So glad you liked all of it. :)
Response: Awesome, glad that finally showed up!!
Response: Yay! Glad you liked it!
Response: Thanks for rating!
Response: Yay! Really glad you liked them. :)
Response: Maybe! I totally don't remember the name! This would have been in the 1990s LOL.
Response: I'm so happy you liked it all! Thanks so much for your kind words, really made my day. :)
Response: Yay! Glad you liked the ATC and PC.
Response: Great! Glad you liked the deco :)
Response: Awesome, glad you liked the swap!
Response: yay!! Glad you liked the swap. :)
Response: It's so much fun!! Although my last couple times playing it's been dumb kids ruining the experience in different ways, it's so much more fun with a good group who knows how to play and doesn't cheat.
Response: Yay! I'm so glad, can't wait to see your deco!!
Response: Yaaay! I was so excited about that one LOL. :)
Response: Yay! Glad you liked it! They're so much fun to make. :)
Response: Yay! Glad it arrived safe. :)
Response: That one took forever to arrive, I was getting worried it was lost! Glad you like it!! Gelli printing is so much fun, it's the best!
Response: Glad you liked the swap. :)
Response: Yay!! Super glad you like it. :)
Response: Yay! Glad you liked it. :)
Response: Yay! I LOVE this swap series, I'm so excited about doing more collab PCs.
Response: Yay! Glad you like them! :)
Response: LOL! Glad you liked them. XD
Response: LOL I don't mind at all! It's super funny how seemingly un-random the name drawing is! XD
Response: Thank you! I was a little nervous about this one given the theme. :)
Response: That one was so fun! I think there's another deco on it's way to you from me for a different swap... I keep getting you as my send to partner LOL!
Response: LOL! Yay, glad you like them! :)
Response: Aww thank you! I wasn't first, took a lot of attempts LOL
Response: Yay! So glad you like them :)
Response: Yay! So glad you liked it! :)
Response: Glad you liked it! <3
Response: Yay! Glad you liked all of it. :)
Response: That's the goal, super happy you like them!
Response: Yay! Very glad you liked it. :)
Response: Yay! Glad you like them. :)
Response: Yay! Glad you liked them! :)
Response: Yay! Glad you liked them :)
Response: Yay! Very glad you liked the swap. :)
Response: You're welcome! Glad it arrived safe. :)
Response: It definitely does! It's a great feeling to finish them and get them to their intended recipient. :)
Response: Yay! Glad you liked the swap. :)
Response: Yay!! So glad you like it! :D
Response: Yay! Glad you like it! :)
Response: Yay! So glad you like them. :)
Response: Yay! Yeah I've been playing PoGo less as well... Like I think Sunday was the first day since it started I didn't even open the app. My friends here are losing interest too. D:
Response: Yayy!! So glad you like them! :) I've sent to you a few times recently, I worry you'll get tired of my swaps! Super glad you liked it!
Response: Yay! So glad you like it. :)
Response: Yay! Glad you like them! XD
Response: Yaaay! I'm so glad! :)
Response: Hah! I have sent you a few. Glad you like it! XD
Response: You're welcome, glad you liked them! :)
Response: Yay! So glad you like them! :)
Response: Yay!! You're very welcome! :)
Response: Yay! Glad ya liked them! :)
Response: Wow that was really fast! I was not expecting that from how long prior envelopes that taken to get there. :)
Response: Yay! Glad you liked them! :)
Response: Glad they made it safe! :)
Response: I'm so glad you like them! :)
Response: Yay! Glad it arrived safely. :)
Response: Yay! I'm so glad you liked it! I was worried it was missing since it took awhile to show up. I did do the card as well, with gelli printing. I'm so glad you liked it!! :)
Response: Yay! Glad you liked them. :)
Response: Yay!! I'm so glad you liked them! The darth one was a lot of fun, I wasn't sure I could pull it off. Really happy they arrived safe and you liked them! :)
Response: No worries, it happens! Glad it arrived and you liked it! :)
Response: Yay! I'm so glad you like them! :)
Response: You're very welcome! :)
Response: Glad you liked it! :)
Response: oh nice! A book page is a great idea! Love to see how that turned out. Also I just noticed I hadn't followed your instagram yet... going to do that now! :P Glad you like the ATC.
Response: OMG! I'd be curious to see the picture... I think I'd used clear tape on that envelope so it would be protected, I wonder what happened to it. O.o I'm SO glad it made it to you and that you like the ATCs.
Response: Glad you like them! :)
Response: Glad you like them! :)
Response: Glad you liked it! :)
Response: Really glad you liked them! :)
Response: Yay! Glad you like it. Gelli plates are so much fun. :)
Response: Yay! Glad they arrived safe. :)
Response: So glad you like them! :)
Response: Haha thanks! Glad you're not sick of them yet! :)
Response: Haha glad you like them! There are really good video tutorials for gelli plates... I've had great success with that!
ETA I was thinking about this, and I realized "tasteful" in that context might be a USA colloquialism! Just means "classy" or "appropriate" so... trying to be ironic. That totally might not have come across! LOL
Response: Yay! I'm so glad you like them! Pretty entertaining to make. XD
Response: So glad you like them! :)
Response: Happy summer to you too! I think I sent decos to you twice recently... I sent a RAK we'd talked about before with 2 decos, and then got you as my partner in this swap (with 3 decos). So you might have another on the way if you haven't already received both!
Response: I'm so relieved it arrived (and wasn't boring LOL) I was worried it would get lost or something since the envelope was different.
I'm way too responsible, I don't recommend it! LOL thanks for rating and for the heart!
Response: Glad you like them! I wish I'd gotten like 50 packages of that stationary when it was in stores... I think the whole brand was discontinued at some point and it was THE BEST.
Response: Yay! Glad you liked them! :)
Response: Yay! Glad you like it. :)
Response: Glad it arrived, weird it took so long! :)
Response: LOL! Glad you like them! :)
Response: yay! Thanks for the quick rating. :)
Response: Yay! Glad you liked it!
Response: Yay! Glad you liked it! I love blackout poetry, but it takes forever to find pages/phrases that work. Really fun when it does though! Glad you liked the swap. :)
Response: Thanks! Glad you like them!
Response: Thanks for the rating! That is terrible Definitely something to avoid!
Response: Yay! Glad you like it! :)
Response: Yay! Glad you liked it, it was so much fun to make! :)
Response: LOL Yup! I was shooting for almost subtle! :P
Response: Very welcome! Happy holidays! :)
Response: Glad you liked them! :)
Response: Hahaha I have a firm commitment getting the hard details in there! XD
Response: Glad you liked it!
Response: Glad you liked it! :)
Response: Great! Glad you liked the PCs! Let me know if you have any deco questions I can help with. :)
Response: glad you liked it! :)
Response: Yay! Glad you liked them!
Response: So glad it arrived and that you liked it! :)
Response: Thanks! haha I try. Glad you liked them!
Response: Thanks for rating! :)
Response: Glad you like it! Definitely fun to make. :)
Response: Glad you like them! :)
Response: No worries! Thanks for rating, glad you liked it! :)
Response: Thanks! Glad you liked them! :)
Response: I'm so glad you like them! They were a ton of fun to make LOL.
Response: Super glad you like them! :)
Response: Yussss. So glad you like it LOL! So much fun to make!
Response: Yay! Glad you liked it! :)
Response: Yay! Glad you liked them! I like 90% made that group as an excuse to make art like that LOL!
Response: That sounds really cool! I don't think I'll be able to this Saturday, but I'm totally interested in things like that. :) So glad you liked the PC! :)
Response: Haha yup, it was not subtle! Glad you liked it! :)
Response: Glad you liked it! :)
Response: Thanks! I'm relieved the swap wasn't lost or anything. Glad you liked it. :)
Response: Glad you liked it! :)
Response: Thanks! So glad you like it! :)
Response: Great! I'll message you. Thanks. :)
Response: Noooo I love the tape! :) Glad you like the decos, thanks for the quick rating!
Response: Glad you liked it! I hope that one makes it home. :)
Response: Awesome! Thanks for the quick rating, glad you liked it! :)
Response: Glad you liked them! Gen 1 is what I'm familiar with since I've mostly played Pokemon Go... Was never too much of a fan of the show or older games!
Response: Thanks, glad you liked it! :)
Response: Glad you liked it! :)
Response: Thanks for rating, glad you like it! :)
Response: Glad you liked them! :)
Response: Glad you like it! That was fun to make! :)
Response: Glad you like it! :)
Response: glad you like them! :)
Response: Yay decos! Glad you liked the stickers, I thought you might! :)
Response: Yay! Glad you liked them! :)
Response: Haha so glad you liked it! :)
Response: Thanks! So glad it finally arrived! :)
Response: I was super disappointed by the recent season! Especially the ending. I LOVE that name for a cat though! :)
Response: Yay! Thank you! :)
Response: Yay! You're welcome! :)
Response: Glad you liked it! :)
Response: You're welcome! :)
Response: Yay! Thanks! :)
Response: Thanks for rating! :)
Response: Hopefully soon! Glad you liked it.
Response: Nice! That sounds like it will be really cool looking! I'd be paranoid about accidentally crafting with a valuable stamp lol... My crafting stamps are from mail I've received.
Response: Really glad you liked it all! :)
Response: Thank you! Glad you liked them! :)
Response: Glad you liked it! :)
Response: So glad you like them! :)
Response: Glad you liked it! :)
Response: Oh no! That could be... awkward... Glad you liked it though! :S
Response: Glad you liked it! :)
Response: Glad you liked it! :)
Response: lol yup can't be too picky as far as filling them out! :)
Response: Thanks! Maybe this will be the one that comes home! :P
Response: Thanks! Glad you liked them! :)
Response: That's good! :)
Response: Great! Glad you like the deco! :)
Response: You're welcome! :)
Response: Yay! Glad you liked it. :)
Response: You're welcome! :)
Response: Thanks, glad you liked it!
Response: Haha hopefully! It's fun when it mixes it up a little more! Thanks for rating. :)
Response: Thanks for rating, glad you like.
Response: Thanks for rating. :)
Response: Yay! Thanks for rating. :)
Response: Yay, glad you like it! :)
Response: You're welcome! :)
Response: Glad you liked it! :)
Response: omg!! I'm so glad you liked it! Yours was so amazeballs I was worried you were going to be disappointed by them! I'm super happy you liked it. XD
Response: Yay! Glad it arrived so fast! :)
Response: Yay! I figured you'd like that one betree anyway! :)
Response: Yay! Glad you liked the theme! :)
Response: Crap I thought one of them had additional pages... Was there a "passes" page or blank cover page? Those should count as pages that can be decorated too. I can send you an additional one if you like, I was sure one was a non-homer.
Response: Nice! Glad you liked them and I look forward to getting yours. I really want to see these come back to me, I was so excited about making them!!
Response: Yay! Glad you like it. :)
Response: Yay! Super glad you liked it. :)
Response: Glad you liked it! :)
Response: Glad you liked them! Thanks for the heart! :)
Response: Yay! Glad you liked it. :)
Response: thanks for rating, glad you liked it! :) Blythe dolls are adorable, I don't recommend buying one and looking at cute Blythe clothes on Etsy unless you want to be tempted to spend way too much money!
Response: I know!! I was at a wedding the other day and parked next to a truck with WOT bumper stickers. Itt was the most exciting thing.
Response: I'm so glad you liked it! I was seriously worried you'd be disappointed since the one you sent me was so amazing. Really happy you liked it!!
Response: Yay! Thanks for Rating!
Response: Yay! Glad it got there and you like it. Thanks for rating! :)
Response: Really glad you like it! :)
Response: Glad you liked it/them! :)
Response: Glad you liked it!!
Response: Thanks for the heart, glad you liked them!!
Response: Glad you like them!
Response: thanks for rating
Response: Nothing wrong with obscure! :)
Glad you liked the card.
Response: I'm glad they arrived safe and you liked them! :)
Response: I am so glad you liked them! XD
Response: Thanks for rating! Glad you liked the songs!
Response: Glad you're not sick of my stuff yet! :) Decos are super fun!
Response: Glad you liked them!
Response: Glad you liked it!
Response: Glad you liked it!
Response: Really glad you like them!
Response: Glad you like them!!
Response: XD thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you like them! :)
Response: Awesome, thanks! XD
Response: Glad you liked them!
Response: I'm really glad you liked it!! Zentangles are really fun, it doesn't seem like a patience thing when I'm making them! XD
Response: Glad you liked them!
Response: Glad you liked them!! XD
Response: Glad you liked it!
Response: Really glad you liked them! XD
Response: Glad you liked them! XD
Response: Glad you like it! I didn't melt them, just pushed really hard and then covered it in mod podge.
Response: Glad you like them!!
Response: I'm glad you like them!!,
Response: Yay! I'm really glad you like them!!
Response: Glad you liked them!!
Response: haha thanks! I'm glad it arrived and you liked them!! XD
Response: Glad you liked it!
Response: So glad you liked the stuff! I wanted to cram it full of pink flowers, but I resisted the impulse. :P
Response: Really glad you liked it!! XD
Response: So glad you liked it!! Thanks for rating! XD
Response: I'm glad you like them! XD
Response: So glad you liked it!! XD
I got the sleeves from a nerd/game store. They are for the card game Magic: The Gathering. Those cards are the same size as ATCs, and lots of cool sleeves are available at any store that sells Magic: The Gathering stuff. Try places that have board games or Dungeons and Dragons type stuff, or sites like this:
Response: Thanks for rating!
Response: I'm really glad you liked the ATCs!! :)
Response: Glad you liked them! Thanks for rating!
Response: Haha glad you like it, thanks for rating!
Response: Thanks for rating. :)
Response: I got the stationary at Marshall's which is like a discount/second run store we have around here. I'm so glad you liked the ATCs!! Thanks!
Response: Glad you liked it!!
Response: Thanks!! I am so glad you liked it, XD
Response: Thanks! Glad you liked it! XD
Response: Glad you liked them!!
Response: Glad you liked it! Thanks!
Response: Thanks for rating!
Response: I'm glad, thanks!!
Response: Glad you like it!! :)
Response: I'm really glad you liked them!! <3
Response: Yay! Really glad you like them!!
Response: Thanks for rating!
Response: Really glad you liked them! XD
Response: haha a zombie flamingo would be awesome! I don't ever remember seeing anything like that. Maybe I should get an artist friend to draw me one... XD
Response: Glad you liked the board! Your I'm swooning over thoughts of corgi puppies again now... XD
Response: Works for me! I'll swap for your art anytime, I love it!
Response: I'm so happy you like them!! I will PM you about doing a private swap, I'd really like that. :)
Response: Glad you like them!! The mtg ornaments sound really cool... That would be a neat holiday swap! XD
Response: Thanks for rating!
Response: Glad they got there ok and you liked them. Thanks for rating!!
Response: Glad you liked them! Thanks for rating!
Response: Thanks for rating!
Response: Glad you like it! Thanks for rating!
Response: Thanks for rating and following back!
Response: Thanks for your rating. You have a cute Instagram!
Response: So glad you like them! XD
Response: Thanks for rating! Zentangles are super fun... I definitely recommend looking at patterns online while you do them, it helped me a lot!
Response: Thanks for rating!
Response: Thanks for rating!
Response: Awesome! I'm so happy you like them! XD
Response: That's perfect! XD
Response: Thanks Bonnie! XD
Response: yay! Glad you like it! XD
Response: I'm glad you like them!
Response: Glad you liked it!
Response: Glad you liked the song/comments!
Response: Thanks for the heart, I hope you love the recipes!
Response: glad you like them! I used watercolor and pen on them. :)
Response: I am really glad you like them! Thanks for the heart!
Response: I am so glad you like it!! I was worried I had done it wrong or something! I am definitely going to be joining more deco swaps in the future.
Response: Glad you like them! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for rating!
Response: I'm glad they arrived, thanks for the heart!
Response: I'm glad you like them! I really like combining zentangle elements with other things, but every time I've tried to do JUST zentangle ATCs I've hated the results.
Response: Mitotic slime is pretty awesome! He'd go great with Parallel Lives or proliferate cards! Thanks for the heart!
Response: I'm glad they got there! Maybe someday the original envelope will show up too. lol. Thanks for the heart!
Response: I'm really glad you like them! Thanks for the heart!
Response: I'm glad you like them! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Glad you liked them! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: glad it arrived, thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for rating!
Response: I'm glad they got there safe and that you like them!
Response: You're welcome, glad they arrived!
Response: glad you like them!
Response: Really glad you like them!
Response: Glad you like them!!
Response: glad you like it!
Response: glad you like it!
Response: really glad you like it!
Response: glad you liked them!!
Response: glad you like them!
Response: glad it got there and you liked it!!
Response: glad you like it!!
Response: so glad you like them!
Response: I'm glad you like them!
Response: I did make the earrings! I am SO glad you like them <3
Response: I am so glad you like it! It was a fun theme to make!
Response: I am glad you like it!
Response: glad you like it!!
Response: I am glad you like it!
Response: I am glad you like my Etsy! I have never found dollar stores to contain many treasures... it has been sort of the opposite in my experience. I steer clear of the dollar store item swaps here on swap bot... I would much rather get handmade stuff than something I could buy personally!
Hope so swap with you again!
Response: I am so glad you like it! I was really excited about that idea lol!
Response: I am so glad you like it! YAY Jellyfish!
Response: I am so glad it got there safe! I wasn't sure I could do a resend with which I was as pleased as I was with the original!
Response: glad you like it!
Response: It's a stamp with really awesome ink... Colorbox brand ink is pretty much the best thing ever!
Response: I wish my mom lived near me! My parents live in different states from me unfortunately, but I do have great friends here who keep me occupied! I am really glad you like the mothman ATC!
Response: I am so glad you like it! It was really fun to make!
Response: I am so glad you like it!! It was fun to make!
Response: I'm so glad you like it!
Response: glad you like it!
Response: glad you like it!
Response: glad you like it!!
Response: glad you like it!!
Response: glad you like it!!
Response: glad you like it!
Response: glad you like it! I am always nervous sending hand drawn things because I know my skills aren't great compared to a lot of people here!!
Response: glad you liked them!
Response: glad you like it/them!
Response: thanks! I am so glad you like them! I love making and collecting ATCs... I wish I was better at drawing and painting, I love receiving those ones but I struggle to draw anything I like!
Response: aww I am so glad you like it!!
Response: I am so glad you like it!! It was so much fun to make!!
Response: awesome, glad you liked it!!
Response: It was stamps! I absolutely love Colorbox inks... they are super messy and hard to clean off stamps but I haven't found another type that inks that vividly and goes on random surfaces as well!
Response: yay Arizona! I can't imagine living anywhere else now. Glad you liked the swap.
Response: I am so glad you like it! I was worried it was too simple in execution or something...
Have you tried goodwill type thrift stores for games? Sometimes they have really cheap games at those stores.
Response: yay! I am glad you like it!
Response: thanks, glad you like it!
Response: sorry, owl ephemera is really hard to find! My understanding was that the box itself, not the contents needed to be owl related. Sorry to disappoint.
Response: Thanks! I am glad you like it!
Response: No worries! I am glad you liked it!
Response: glad you like them!
Response: is that a problem? I thought it looked nicer... sorry if the thickness doesn't work for you!
Response: glad you like it!
Response: glad you like it!
Response: It's pretty clear on Deviant Art which pieces can and can't be used, and for what. That's why I really like it for stock.
In case it wasn't clear, the final pieces in the zine were by me and the stock I put in was in accordance with the artists' terms.
Response: thanks! I am glad like it!
Response: I am so glad you liked them!! It was a really fun swap to make!
Response: glad you liked the package!!
Response: wow that got there fast! I hope you enjoy the music!
Response: Glad you like it! Hateful cats need love too!
Response: dang! I thought the glue I used would definitely hold them. Must find better glue. Sorry!!
Response: thanks! Glad you like it!
Response: no worries! I am glad you got it, and hope you enjoy making it!
Response: I'm glad you liked them <3
Response: That one is my favorite of Gaiman's... hope you enjoy it!
Response: glad you like it!
Response: actually it wasn't from a periodical! I am really glad you like them!
Response: glad you like them!!
Response: I am glad you like them!! I kept getting you in different swaps, hope you don't get tired of my cards!
Response: I am glad you like them!!
Response: I am so glad you like it <3
Response: I am so glad you like it! Happy Thanksgiving!
Response: yay! I am super glad you like it!