Swap-bot Time: March 15, 2025 9:38 am


Date Joined: May 31, 2009
Last Online: November 5, 2010
Birthday: June 7
Country: Canada
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Happy 143rd Birthday, Canada! ▐▌♥▐▌


It has been a while since I've been truly active on Swapbot. Since I've resigned from my job and yesterday was my last day, I'm officially unemployed. My choice - wanted change. So I'm trying to learn to relax again and enjoy time off. For some reason, I cannot help this urge to jump back in the grind except it wasn't the point of quitting in the first place. Realign my mind, my goals and my plans. Take a bit of the NOW and ignore the future for a little bit. Walk through the park or around my neighbourhood. Enjoy the sun despite the rather chilly temperatures. (It's suppose to be summer!)

What will I do now?

Karate training. Try out yoga. Write a bit. Continue writing letters, of course. Maybe I'll help out at dojo... volunteer for kids' class. Be a good Senpai ("senior student"). Visit the library and get back into reading. I've missed my books and catching short slips of time on the skytrain or the bus to work just doesn't cut it. Not enough. My beloved books. I've missed reading. Sleep more. Go camping. Visit friends whose schedule never meshes with mine.

At the moment, I've already registered for the fall semester. Taking Art History, English, Biology and waitlisted for Political Science. I miss school. I look forward to all the new information being crammed and pounded into my head, even the stress of midterms, quizzes and exams. Productivity. I love school.


Unfortunately, due to the max stress load from school and personal life (drama amongst friends), I will not join any swaps for the month of April. Maybe my focus will be better after April 26th, my last Final Exam for the Spring term.

On the other hand, I've finally posted my 101 in 1001 list: http://vitamin-d.xanga.com/723452676/101-in-1001/



School routine slips back in and here I am, nose to the grind, absorbing bits and pieces of knowledge. They all glisten like pretty baubles. How useful they are is a test for my future. Or maybe they are simply there to attract others. Whichever.

My 101 in 1001 list is coming along quite nicely. I've actually finalized a final draft and will post on my blog later on. I plan to start it on April 1, 2010 and the deadline date is December 26, 2012. Boxing Day. Woo-whee... I know I can't leave anything to the last minute. I know I'll be stuck working on that day, for sure. Oy.

My letter project is coming along just fine. I'm almost at my 500th letter and to celebrate, I'm going to buy myself a JapaDog. I've never had one. I've only heard rave reviews about it and it was only of those, "Oh. I can do that later." type of thing. Might as well zap my tastebuds. I predict it'll will taste like a hotdog mixed with the makings of takoyaki. Yum yum. To accompany my JapaDog, I'm probably treat myself to a bottle of Happy Planet juice. Triple yum.

Working on this mirco mircofiction piece for a swap has left me stumped. I didn't realize how difficult it is to cut back words. Each one needs to be succinct and I realize, at times, my image is a bit blurry. I don't quite hold to the theme or picture very well. This is a challenge indeed. I have two down but working on a third one. Ack.

The Paralympics starts up and the tickets to the sledge hockey are already sold out. It looks like the fun is still happening. It's not as big as the Olympics but events are still popping. I can't wait to see it. How are people going to react to all of this?


Goodness gracious! Time does fly when the city is roaring. But now, everyone floats back down to reality.

Lately, I've been writing up a storm and collected a new list of pen pals from a random link on Indie Fixx. My right hand and wrist has sore spots. I've been massaging them, rubbing in Tiger Balm, but to no avail. It looks like I need to slow down or it may be necessary for me to wrap it up in a cloth bandage. I cannot write to people fast enough and sacrifice my hand. I still need it to complete the rest of my semester. =P

Anyway, I plan to follow @violettedream 's neat-o idea of "101 in 1001" because I am one to prefer a long to-do list and steadily work through it. I cannot sit and only complete three tasks 100%. A long list of preset tasks is preferable. It's the concept of choice. I have choices... and it will still lead to that small satisfaction one receives when the pen ticks off the tiny square. I love love love it! Check it out on her blog:


Projects in Progress:

  • 5000 letters with no deadline (at 625/5000)

I tried writing a letter a day for one month. An experiment of sorts. The results? I found myself writing more than one letter one day and struggling to pick up the pen to paper the next. It may have been my mood or maybe the lack of topic for me. All in all, I decided I didn't need a deadline, just a goal. Thus... to write 5000 letters. I'm not sure what I'll do after that but by then, I'll face that when the time comes.

  • knitting stuff & setting up Etsy

I'm horrendous about this one. I'm still deciding upon a format I want to present the necessary information. I also need to get around to taking pictures of my products. Oppsie me.

  • applying for bursaries, scholarships and writing opportunities

Gotta pay for school somehow.

Little Miss Active

One of the big things in my life is karate. It's a big deal for me and I have several minor and major goals set for it. I'm not sure if I'll ever reach them but I am certainly giving it my best shot.

The best things I love about karate is the discipline it instills in me, the stress relief it gives me, and, most especially, the people who I train with weekly through my dojo. It's a group of very special individuals which I cherish quite a damn bit. Of course, I feel somewhat bashful of ever letting them know... it must be the whole "tough exterior" thing going on. Hehe...

I love to play sports. I'm usually game for most kinds and fairly active. I play soccer, basketball, frisbee and volleyball. I swim. I hike. It's all about fun and games to me. The only one I may take seriously is only karate though.

My Favourite Chapter ever -

From 'Life of Pi' by Yann Martel:

Chapter 56

"I must say a word about fear. It's life's only true opponent. Only fear can defeat life. It is a clever, treacherous adversary, how well I know. It has no decency, respects no law or convention, shows no mercy. It goes for your weakest spot, which it finds with unerring ease. It begins in your mind, always. One moment you are feeling calm, self-possessed, happy. Then fear, disguised in the garb of mild-mannered doubt slips into your mind like a spy. Doubt meets disbelief and disbelief tries to push it out. But disbelief is a poorly armed foot soldier. Doubt does away with it with little trouble. You become anxious. Reason comes to do battle for you. You are reassured. Reason is fully equipped with the latest weapon technology. But, to your amazement, despite superior tactics and a number of undeniable victories, reason is laid low. You feel yourself weakening, wavering. You anxiety becomes dread.

Fear next turns fully to your body, which is already aware that something terribly wrong is going on. Already your lungs have flown away like a bird and your guts have slithered away like a snake. Now your tongue drops dead like an opossum, while your jaw begins to gallop on the spot. Your ears go deaf. Your muscles begin to shiver as if they had malaria and your knees to shake as though they were dancing. Your heart strains too hard, while your sphincter relaxes too much. And so with the rest of your body. Every part of you, in the manner most suited to it, falls apart. Only your eyes work well. They always pay proper attention to fear.

Quickly, you make rash decisions. You dismiss your last allies: hope and trust. There, you've defeated yourself. Fear, which is but an impression, has triumphed over you.

The matter is difficult to put into words. For fear, real fear, such as shakes you to your foundation, such as you feel when you are bought face to face with your moral ends, nestles in your memory like gangrene. It seeks to rot everything, even with the words with which to speak of it. So you must fight hard to express it. You must fight hard to shine the light of words upon it. Because if you don't, if your fear becomes a wordless darkness that you avoid, perhaps even manage to forget, you open yourself to further attacks of fear because you never truly fought the opponent who defeated you."

Additionally, I'd like to add a beautiful saying from a friend:

"My friend: upon reading this, I will remember your words and cherish your guidance. In suffering times, thanks for rekindling my spirit when it burned faintly; for replacing my ignorance with perseverance, my stubborness with determination and my hesitation with discipline. Your inspiration was the greatest gift that showed me no goal exists without a path. I will continue to smile but today my smile struggles through saddened pain when I say we must part before we can meet again."

~ Welton Vo, via his Grad Write-up

RIP Welton (Aug 30, 1986 - Feb. 15, 2005)

Reduce and Reuse

alt text

I plan to reuse packaging and whatever means I have at home. I can be very creative. I also plan to bring home any reused packaging material from work to save even the little bit.

Please remember to add your username and the swap's name to every piece of mail sent to me. Thank you very much.


Comment: thanks for sharing your profile with me i enjoyed reading it..
Badk1ty rated for Writing Outdoors - July on Sep 19, 2010
Comment: I sent you an e-mail about this. Let me know if you have any questions.
ellie1200 rated for Writing Outdoors - July on Sep 6, 2010
Comment: Interesting story and letter. You made me reminiscence about late-night college days at the coffee shop!
Comment: Thanks for the nice profile comment, it's nice to see someone from so close by!
Comment: WOW! I can't believe that you left such a thoughtful comment! That was so very nice of you! I like it here in Japan. The people are very nice. The only thing I don't like is the weather. We are having a long Summer this year and it is so hot and humid. I loved being in the Navy. I actually really miss and sometimes wish I would have stayed in, but I know I would miss my daughter too much if I had. I started with crochet before I tried knitting, I didn't like it because I did it too tightly and I couldn't get myself to do it looser. LOL My daughter also loves to perform and takes ballet. When we were in the states she took tap and ballet, but there is no tap teacher here. I am afraid of clowns because I got lost at a circus when I was little and I thought all of the clowns were laughing at me, I know, silly looking back, but I can't shake the fear. ;)
VetTechMommy rated for Be Friendly! on Sep 1, 2010
Comment: Thank-you!
AmoAngelus rated for Penpals aged 18-28 on Sep 1, 2010
Comment: It finally arrived! Thank you very much for the lovely long letter ^_^
heliogal rated for Postcard Swap on Sep 1, 2010
Comment: Gosh, I'm sorry for taking this long to rate. I didn't realize I hadn't done it. Thanks for the funny soccer pc and the nice message. I think wind or water power would be better for your area.
sweetypiedie rated for Postcard Swap on Aug 18, 2010
Comment: Hi there Dee, thanks for the lovely postcard of Vancouver and nice message you wrote. I'll answer you questions in a PM shortly! I really love the cute stickers you put on there too! ~ Diane
tishous rated for Postcard Swap on Aug 14, 2010
Comment: Thanks for the great Da Vinci postcard! I didn't mind the green tea a bit :)
Emkay rated for Random Envie Of Nourishment 2 on Aug 13, 2010
Comment: Thank you for a wonderful envie. I like everything, you send <3
AnaGoncalves rated for Be Friendly! on Jul 26, 2010
Comment: Thank you so much for the warming letters. :) It was nice to hear of your experiences in each one, and I love the little origami papers. Very cute. :) Happy Summer
Whiskers rated for Postcard on Jul 24, 2010
Comment: Very interesting card.
user5311 rated for Letter Swap on Jun 28, 2010
Comment: What a fun letter to receive. Many thanks.
deborah rated for Microfiction Minimum on Apr 15, 2010
Comment: Thanks for your fiction... you asked for constructive criticism, so: I think what needed the most improvement was a sense of the exterior. You gave a really good idea of what was going on inside the characters' heads (not easy in so few words!) but not the world around them.
Comment: Great letters thank you
Comment: Thank you for the letter. I will get something out to you in the mail as soon as I can.
Artistic rated for Micro Microfictional. on Mar 28, 2010
Comment: Thanks so much for the micro stories.
Artistic rated for Browsing the Library #2 on Mar 20, 2010
Comment: Thanks for everything!

Rating Overview

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4.9365 44 0 0
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35 62 0 1
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2 25 8 0
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preslarb on Sep 19, 2010:

Hi! I'm Bonnie, your hostess for the "Read My Profile and Leave a Nice Comment"...I'm angeling for one of your partners. It was a pleasure to read your profile...wow. I admire you for taking time off from the working world to realign your life. I work in a job where I do data entry and it can be very detailed and tedious...I'm not a detail oriented person..certainly not organized so I struggle a lot..thankfully I work with some great people, so that makes it a little easier for me. I with you well in your endeavor to complete school and keep up with your writing as well...writing, what a gift that would be ;^). Letters everyday?? That is a wonderful goal!! Thanks for the wonderful excerpt from "Life of Pi"...wow...it really spoke to me. Fear can be so crippling!! I'll be saving it and putting it on the wall in my office to share with everyone. Thanks again for sharing that...and for being a part of my swap ;^)!!

raegun83 on Sep 5, 2010:

Hi Dee! I think it's funny that we are partners in the read my profile swap and we are so close by to each other. Do you know anyone who lives on the island? I've been working a lot lately, not over 40 hours a week but busy just the same. I have 2 jobs right now so it seems I'm forever at one or the other. How has your summer been? I hugged my kitty for you. :) Although I would have hugged her anyway. That's too bad that you're allergic, but as long as you can still have fun with friends' pets that's good. I don't know what I would do without my cat now that I've owned her. Ugh, I'm a sappy cat lady. I googled Bead Freaks and I'm sure I've been there, but just can't really remember the owner right now. I'll make sure I check it out again next time I'm in Van. But speaking of Main, have you been to The Regional Assembly of Text? Love it! And the I Found Gallery? I could spend so long looking at stuff there! I don't really know how I got into beads and jewelry, but I feel like I always have worked with them. I'm impressed that you can use broken jewelry in your knitting! I haven't tried knitting yet but I recently got a small lesson in crochet. Wouldn't say I really know how to do it yet though. I love books, and I love the library! I have always gone to the library, I was in many a reading "club" in the summers at the library when I was little. I read so much as a kid my parents couldn't buy enough books to keep up with me. I have a fairly big collection of books, mainly from garage sales and things though. I like used books, and tend to buy new only when I really like the author or want to keep the book. I like reading and then returning it so someone else can enjoy it. I have a few library books I'm working my way through right now. I used to work at a bookstore, and although I bought a bunch of books that I probably wouldn't have if I didn't work there, I still used the library even while working there. I mainly read at home, in bed or on the couch. I'm quite forgetful and never remember to keep a book in my purse for work. Nice to "meet" you! Raelene

rinfrog on Sep 3, 2010:

Hi! I'm Corrin, your partner for "Read my Profile and Leave a Nice Comment #2" Wow, your a very busy person! You sound like on of my friends, he always has to have a million things going on to be truly happy, lol! I am returning to school myself, can't wait to cram some more info in there! It's nice to see that your recycling too. I always try to figure out what I can re-use in some kind of differant way! I love reading too, I just started one that was my grandmothers favorite author: David Eddings, ever read any of his? Hope you have a Great Day!

LynnViolet on Sep 2, 2010:

Hi, Lynn here. I'm your Read My Profile and Leave a Nice Comment #2 swap partner. Managing a career change, huh? How's that working in this economy? And going to school too, that can be pricey, important, but pricey. I hope you can continue & meet the goals you've set. You sound very determined & strong. It's cool that you have so many intrests.I'll bet Karate is fun and have always wanted to give it a try. Canada is beautiful & I hope to visit some day. Pleasure meeting you & hope to swap again in Bot land.

violettedream on Aug 14, 2010:

Hey thought you may be interested in my new Writing Buddy Pen Pal Swap Keep Smiling!

bluehairedmary on Jul 17, 2010:

Check out my Jane Austen inspired writing swap!

kimmer on Jul 17, 2010:

I too would love to swim like a mermaid - and I think i would like to sit on a rock in the ocean and comb my hair....

MommyKnows on Jul 14, 2010:

How about checking out the new EASY almost handmade bookmark swap?

TurtleInPink on Jul 1, 2010:

Hello, thankyou for your out-of-the-blue message! I love those! :D I am ok thankyou, a little warm! How are you? :) xx

druideye on Jun 28, 2010:

Thanks for the profile message!

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