Swap-bot Time: March 15, 2025 10:45 am


Date Joined: April 17, 2009
Last Online: March 16, 2012
Birthday: November 1
Country: United States
Etsy Faves - so far :O)
Amazon Wishlist - Let me know if it doesn't work!

NEW! / Mostly on it!

Hello! I believe I am all caught up on things that are due. Please let me know if I am mistaken - I will gladly rectify. I'm going to be slowing down on swapping for a while...got a bunch of upcoming things to do and lots of money that needs to be spent, so until that all evens out, I will be at a minimum. Still, if you have an idea, run it by me and I'll see if I have the time and cash-ola!

I normally rate the same day I get my goooods. That's 99% of the time. Then there are those night where I am captured by a monster and made to lay down with her and my brain gives up and falls asleep. So, no ratings those nights! If I haven't rated you, please pm me. The other teeeeeny tiny possibility is I got lost on my dashboard and missed something! :O)

If you're going to be late for whatever reason, let me know. I appreciate honesty a lot and my lenience will follow. I'd rather you be late because something important came up or heck something not so important, than you mark sent and then nothing. Or just leave it hanging which can be annoying. :O)

I won't be mad or write horrible things in the forums about you! And if you ever have to choose between finishing the stuff for my swap and feeding your kids/pets, or getting some sleep or some other crucial part of living - please, I can wait! lol

Also....Hope you don't mind -

Hope you don't mind!

Favorite Crafts

I use:

  • 100% cotton
  • fleece
  • felt (WOOL felt included)
  • good condition vintage linens - quilts too - you guessed it - thrifted!
  • ribbons & trims (ooo, that embroidered stuff!)
  • buttons
  • Eyelet trim
  • Elastic The list really could go on and on, but why? :o) And I stopped typing thrifted because there were too many more! I am happy with thrifted items as long as they are not unusable and/or nasty!

Favorite Books

I like science, history, languages (ohhh!), most everything has it's winners. Not into romance novels...Sorry Reginald, bare to the waist and Lady Victorianna, breathless with anticipation (yikes). Recent reads: Pope Joan, Jewel, A Dirty Job (by the oh-so-funny Christopher Moore), A Year in Provence, Empress, A Series of Unfortunate Events #7, The Secret Life of Bees, The Mermaid Chair, Diaper-Free Baby, The Little Book of Venom, Baby Stuff, Crazy Quilting, African-American Quilts, California Landscape Garden, Crazy Like a Fox, Clip-Clop, Ella Sets Sail, The Book of Animal Ignorance, Dear Fish, Mommy's Best Kisses, No More Diapers for Ducky, Too BIg for Diapers, The Monster at the End of this Book, Daddy Hugs, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?, Peter Rabbit Peekaboo, Who Lives in the Rainforest, Cutie Pie, The Birth of Venus, Polar Bear ,Polar Bear What Do You Hear?, Cute Stuff, The Gilded Chair, Little Beauties, The Birth of Venus, Duck Says Quack!, I am a Mantee, The Pigeon Wants a Puppy, Piglet is Entirely Surrounded By Water, The Constant Princess, Dream Catchers (how to make them - wow!!), The Ultimate Sewing Book, Vogue Sewing, Itsy Bitsy the Smart Spider, Who am I?, Spiderman, Little Beauties, Toujours Provence, (Eyes, Nose, Fingers and Toes)

About Me

I like funny, witty, often too ascerbic...of course there has to be a measure of manners, although it is refreshing and astounding to occasionally see someone "show their "A"". I am drawn to the unusual, quirky and weird. If something fits that description, my eye and person are immediately pulled to the one bizarre item in view...either in the grocery store, antique shop, thrift store, the park. Anywhere. I can't say I have to have whatever thing it is, but I tell ya- I enjoy finding the strange. I have recently been in love with old-fashioned/vintage items. I love woodcrafts, vintage/heirloom quality usually makes my heart a-flutter. I have piles and piles of fabric, as well as more ribbon than I can use in a reasonable amount of time still I'd welcome more. We also love buttons in this house. My husband is into little shield-like metal buttons, so we are always on the look out for that type. I just like the unusual and ones that have great practical use...like eyes or accents on plushies/soft toys. We're also a Star Wars family. All the kids in the extended family as well are Star Wars obsessors. We have some babies in our family and I love handmade items for them. My long of "want to do" crafts is mostly items for children. I will get to you, you list!!!! The kids are as follows: Girls: 14, 10, 7, 3, 4 months. Boys: 10, 7, 4, 3. (These are not all mine! :O) ) I like to garden and can't wait to get a little fruit/veg patch going, as well as companion plants to help them grow and ward off pests. I want a chemical free garden that I can nourish family and friends through and get a whole heck of a lot of enjoyment from. My favorite color is grey, which I have been told is not a color...so maybe I have a favorite non-color. Adding that, of course, I love almost all the other colors, except horribly pukey greens, sickly pastels and awful awful awful red-violet (you know that crayon, right??). I love animals, live and as motifs. Some of the current faves are (some are kid-inspired): Pandas, Armadillos, Pigs (piggeees!), Horses, Cows, Elephants (emp!) Moose, Deer (oh, and fawns), Turtles (turty), Hippos (opens mouth wide!), Dolphins, Whales, Birds, Walruses (Awlruh), Ducks, Hedgehogs. Platypus, the requisite dog and cat, Rats, Dragons, "Nemo (memo) and Dory (dor!)", Dinosaurs, Owls, Kinkajous, Kangaroos (hop hop), and the (as my husband calls it) "cutest animal on the planet" - the wombat....all wombats are called "Herbie Wombat" by him. And he makes them do this little snort, then some indescribable adorable noise. Did my vows include keeping him even if he's being so disgustingly cute? I gotta think back........ My big kid alternates between pretending to be a dog and a kangaroo. Complete with the hopping or licking...hooray for wet "dog" kisses.

Favorite Television

We are a no-cable-house. If we have access to it, we have no self-control. That doesn't stop us from buying (and renting) seasons of Lost, 24, Dead Like Me, Deadwood, Sopranos, Arrested Development, etc. We totally watch tv, just not in the regular sense. My faves are: Firefly, Invader Zim, Arrested Development (watch this! hilarity and absurdity with fantastic writing!), Deadwood (fantastic Shakespeareanesque (look at my new word!) writing, though the coarse language was hard to get used to), Dead Like Me, Alias, Dark Angel, Voyager, Taken, The Thorn Birds, Shogun, Lonesome Dove, Centennial, The 4400, Good Times. Secretly I like all the singing and dancing shows (I love seeing people being able to express their talent and just enjoying it - even if they aren't spectac). And let's face it, you can't help but love the ones who are terrible at it too. Though some should really reevaluate why they are doing it and possibly find an activity better suited to their particular talents), and the Home and Garden channels too!

About Me

I am a happily married mama of a busy busy toddler. I love being outdoors. I enjoy animals (sometimes for dinner -EGAD!). I like trying new things.

I don't like:

  • Hollandaise sauce
  • Veal
  • Easter pastels
  • turtlenecks
  • cruelty to animals
  • spilling food on my white shirt
  • kids spilling food on my white shirt
  • ANTS
  • Cordyceps fungus
  • fou-foura
  • fretting
  • white-Minnnie-Mouse shoes
  • caffeine (besides Dr. Pepper!!)
  • that country look that consists of the yukk combination of powder blue and dusty rose (bleeeeeuch)
  • meanness for its own sake
  • those bubble-eyed goldfish and whoever decided doing that was a good idea
  • capers
  • Banana or watermelon flavored items

I love:

  • A good laugh
  • Historical fiction
  • Ellen Degeneres
  • Chamomile, Fruity & Rooibos Teas
  • Beautiful, weird or interesting ribbon, buttons, and oh oh oh fabric
  • Asian themed items
  • Reusuable shopping bags
  • A nice kitchen towel, even knitted or crocheted!
  • Mychelle products
  • Handcrafted items
  • Embroidered Goods
  • Sweaters
  • Stickers (even letters) & Stamps
  • Comfy, fun shoes
  • Wool
  • Office Supplies
  • Scarves - esp silk for play
  • Good home cooked food
  • Organic/Natural products
  • Science/Archaeology books
  • Space/Science Fiction
  • Horror movies
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas
  • Skeletons/Skulls
  • Travel and related paraphenalia
  • Horseback Riding
  • "Muddin"
  • Photographs
  • Wooden toys
  • Robeez (I love not to lose shoes!)
  • My stork scissors
  • Scandinavian motifs
  • Sciency outline pictures - like x-rays or silhouettes
  • Alphonse Mucha (sigh)
  • Learning of any kind
  • Linguistics
  • Sanrio is cute
  • Halloween!
  • Americana (not the overly complicated country versions...simple like)
  • Any kind of nesting dolls...matryoska, I think
  • Outdoor activities (casual type stuff - playing, hiking, nature exploration, etc)
  • Cooking
  • Baking
  • Cozy spot to read
  • Animals
  • Sign language
  • EC
  • Thrift Stores, Consignment Sales - treasure hunts are for us!!!
  • Glass bottles/jars ( love the ones with designs :O))
  • Sweetgrass baskets
  • Crib Quilts
  • Old corningware/ pyrex bowls (good repair also - faded ok)
  • !!!!!Sesame Street!!!!
  • Quilts
  • Vintage linens
  • Alan Rickman
  • Okapis
  • Daniel Craig
  • Milla Jovovich
  • Postcards
  • Black Cherry Cool Cups
  • Cupcakes and ice cream cones (with ice cream!)
  • Musicals (NOT Westside Story. Sorry - hate it!)
  • Grits (NEVER with sugar!)

Music & Movies

Music: - Norah Jones - Mary Chapin Carpenter - Motown - Garden State Soundtrack, esp In the Waiting Line - Tori Amos - Moulin Rouge Soundtrack - Madeleine Peyroux - George Strait - Anita Cochran - Everly Brothers - Show Tunes - Harry Connick Jr - Elvis - Boyz2Men - Steve Miller Band - Outkast - k-os, Superstar pt 2 - Bill Withers - Otis Redding - Marvin and Tammy - Kelly Clarkson - Johnny Cash - Queen - Songs with the word "California" in them. I don't know why. - Tim McGraw - Dirty Dancing Soundtrack (I'll admit it. :O() - Pictures at an Exhibition - Sing Sing Sing! - Tennessee Waltz - Farmer Hoggett - Forrest Gump Soundtrack - Black Eyed Peas - Dave Matthews Band - Aerosmith -Tom Petty

Movies: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Monty Python and the Holy Grail - Pride and Predjudice - Star Wars' - Harry Potters - Lord of the Rings Trilogy - The Money Pit - Shaun of the Dead - Amelie - Priceless - L'Auberge Espagnol - Murphy's Romance - Elizabeth - The 13th Warrior - Turtles Can Fly - Hot Fuzz - Napoleon Dynamite - My Life Without Me - Gone With the Wind - The Sound of Music - Mary Poppins - Oklahoma - Disney Movies (NOT Home on the Range!!) - Barefoot in the Park - Seven Brides for Seven Brothers - Alien collection - Star Treks - Sliding Doors - Love Actually - All My Babies - Under the Tuscan Sun - Serenity - Underworld - The Nightmare Before Christmas - The Lady in White - Willow - Sweet Home Alabama - Steel Magnolias - A Walk to Remember - The Great Outdoors - Spaceballs - The Golden Compass - Boys on the Side - Ever After - Moulin Rouge - Dr Zhivago - Gone With the Wind - Billy Elliot - The Ten Commandments - Quo Vadis - The Glass Slipper - Party Monster - Saved - The Fifth Element - The Hours - The Secret Life of Bees - My Fair Lady - He's Just Not That Into You

Like to see in my mail!

On a quest for: ~ FELT FOOD!!!! ~Issues of Threads magazine ~Sesame Street items: Vintage linens (sheets, curtains, tablecloths) to repurpose, so if they're ripped or worn in some places, we don't mind! ~Vintage Sesame Street toys, not plush. Mostly those little ones like the Little People and the playsets and accessories they go with (think early 80's) ~Handmade Sesame Street items - wooo! ~Lilo & Stitch fabric/linens ~Sesame Street anything except plush ~Fabric with pink whales on it ~Panda or pig fabrics ~Vintage Star Wars linens ~Remnants or pieces of kimonos, not the faux, costumey stuff ~Armadillo fabric

So...here's my not-so-great list that seems very small and narrow. So, please feel free to keep an open mind about my open mind and not my closed list when choosing what to send!

There are very few things I do not like. One of the top things I do like it is: A cigarette smoke infested item....I'm talking about so imbued that the smell cannot be removed or if it is, it takes too much effort to be worth it. Also, no naked-y stuff. Not interested really. No gelatin, fake sweeteners, hollandaise recipes, styrofoam, dirty items, markers that have a stinky smell, any edible forest creatures or pate. :O) So, no stinky pate markers made from deer and rabbits, especially!

Trying to be greener

Things we do as an attempt to live more sustainably (is that a word?) and responsibly: - Steel reusable drink bottles - Recycling at every opportunity (Thankfully our county accepts most everything!) - bumGenius diapers to suuplement disposibles - Donating unwanted items rather than chucking them in the trash - Repurpose items that have outlived their current use - Eco-friendly cleaners (most all really do work and lack that harsh chemically smell - yuuucko) - Tap filter for our water - no more buying cases of water bottles - Powdered laundry and dishwashing detergent - weighs less and lasts longer than liquid - Pack lunches and snacks whenever possible - Shop the warehouse store (Great deals/less packaging) - Support of and planning a native plant garden for wildlife - Natural pest control - Thirft shops (recycle!) - Driving the Hybrid when possible - Using reuable shopping bags when I remember to bring them in, otherwise being sure to turn in plastic bags and reusing paper ones for toting items or as wrapping paper for packages - Buying organic when possible, as pesticides hurt animals, birds and our water, oh yeah... our babies! - Shopping the local farmer's market - Shopping for items made using sustainable resources (Check for the FSC and Interface, Inc!) - More to come...

Flaked on!

Mystery Vintage Item by IZLA - angel by FOOF4E

Favorite Color Swap by cassiecards -


MrsAnnaSue rated for ~Recipe book swap~ on Dec 3, 2009
Comment: Thank you for the cookbooks and extras! I hope you and your family have a great Christmas and all the best for 2010! Anna
ericae rated for Quotecard Postcard #27 on Oct 8, 2009
FOOF4E rated for A Make-Us-Happy Swap, 1st Edition on Sep 14, 2009
Comment: Thank you so much & as always - love it. You send the best stuff :) - & the blue placemat made a great bag for my girl for lunch.
zerofantasies rated for zero & Ellama1 on Sep 6, 2009
Comment: Thank you for the wonderful goodies! I love them all~
Skdluzak rated for Quotecard Postcard #27 on Sep 4, 2009
Comment: thank you!
sweethappychick rated for Sesame Street ATC on Sep 3, 2009
Comment: Thanks for the lovely atc very cute
Comment: Hey Shalimar, Thanks for the great sheets and the button extras...very sweet! Might be your partner next round! lol, hugs Leah
wenot rated for Vintage/thrifted sheets as fabric #4 on Aug 29, 2009
Comment: Thank you Shalimar, for the lovely fq's!
craftyPrincess36 rated for Quotecard Postcard #27 on Aug 27, 2009
Response: Thank you for rating me!!
Comment: OH now I feel like I didnt send enough! Thanks so much I love all the fabrics and the dress is insaine and all of the other odds and ends... Great package If I could give you 5 hearts I would. If you ever need anything form OZ give me yell. Hugs Leah
Response: Oh nonsense !! Do you have any idea how much money I'd have to spend to fly to Australia and search out a kangaroo with a boomberang?? I didn't even know I needed one! That adds more $$$! I am happy you liked it! I had fun peeking around for stuff! Thanks for the offer too! I appreciate your rating and think that heart **looks** like 5!
khogie rated for Quotecard Postcard #26 on Aug 18, 2009
Response: Thank you very much for rating me!!
jukejan rated for Private swap - Ellama1 & jukejan on Aug 17, 2009
Comment: Thanks for the fun variety of goodies. That Bozo card made me LOL. I appreciate all the thought that went into my package, thanks!
Response: Oh, great! I m happy to hear Bozo is good for something. lol I hope you can make some great stuff with that plethora of randomness! Thank you for the rating and that heart!
CatInTheHat rated for HOOT! 'cause they're cute on Aug 17, 2009
Comment: Thanks for the lovely magnets and stuffie! The magnets are living on my fridge and I'll definitely be keeping them!
Response: Great! I liked them, but I think the color scheme made my husband crazy. lol I think I forgot to say that I did not make the stuffie! I didn't - fyi, but he is so cute, my kid wanted to eat him. Ugh! Thank you for the rating and the heart!!!
Comment: OOO. an extra. Thanks. Metallic paint on dark paper is cool.
Response: Welcome! I had fun doing it. I may appropriate some other things to dot all over. Muuhaaahaaahaaa! Thank you for the rating and heart!
DarkSkullMistress42 rated for ~Kitchen Towel Swap~ on Aug 6, 2009
Comment: Loved it! thanks:)
Response: I am happy to hear! Thank you for rating!
y0uresoscene rated for Vocab postcards #4 on Aug 5, 2009
Comment: thank you for the bird postcard, its really cute.
Response: Welcome! Thank you so much for the rating! Have a great day!
motes rated for Robots and Monsters on Aug 4, 2009
Comment: Oh, it's here and the monster's great and I love it! YAY!!!
Response: Oh goood! I knew you'd be able to see the love in his eyes, errr eye! Thank you for rating me and for the heart adn most of all for understanding when I was dee you emm bee!
crazyred rated for ~Kitchen Towel Swap~ on Aug 3, 2009
Comment: I love the towel that you sent, and I very well might do the sun-dress thing. How cute! Thank you so much! Best wishes!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for taking the time to rate me and thanks for the heart. I hope your dress turns out great!
Response: Thank you for rating me!
perfectlie rated for One word swap on Aug 1, 2009
Comment: omg...thank you so much for the great "Twilight" game...I'm so excited...If I could I would give you 10 hearts :)
Response: Oh goood! SInce it was the only thing I could find, I thought it would be a hit or miss. THank goodness it was a hit! Thank you for rating me and for my one real heart and 9 intended ones!

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 78 6 7
Completed Fives Threes Ones
82 119 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
0 15 28 39
View all

Currently In

  • the user is not currently in any swaps :(

Currently Hosting

  • the user is not hosting any current swaps


kristakz on Nov 20, 2009:

Thank you for the wonderful fat quarters from the Fabric Tag!! I love them both!

MammaBear on Nov 18, 2009:

Hi Shalimar, I recently realized that you haven't rated me for the Sesame Street ATC swap. I also want to make sure you received it. Please rate or let me know if you didn't receive so I can resend. Thanks, Peggy

surprisemom on Sep 10, 2009:

Thank you for the fq's in the WTA FF. Loved the sparkly pirate material and plan to make a dotee out of it. :)

bettflow09 on Sep 9, 2009:

Thankyou so much Shalimar for the beautiful earthtone fq for the FF fabric tag. I dearly love it!!!

SEMOkraftee on Sep 8, 2009:

I got the Tag pkg. Thanks so much for all the fiber and the fabric. =)

DosLittleMonkeys on Sep 4, 2009:

Just stopping by to invite you to join the fun! The Aranzi Aronzo swap sign up deadline is today! :)

Starsnow on Sep 1, 2009:

Thank you for the fun cookbook. I hate to tell you that I remember having many of those meals, sigh old coot I guess. As my in-laws used to say "Ya Done Good".
Thank you! WTA TSTH Starsnow

jannikinz on Aug 31, 2009:

Thankyou for the very pretty floral fabric. NFS-wta #27.

namesarefun on Aug 29, 2009:

I received your baggie of scraps and papers today. Thank you.

OrigamiGrace on Aug 25, 2009:

Thanks much for the lovely buttons from Button Tag at Cheap Postage!

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