Are you sure you want to signup for Round Robin Traveling PC Swap #208 - US Only?
Yes, sign me up! or No, I changed my mind.
Welcome! I’m excited to continue this swap from @Carrii
How It Works
Send postcards that will eventually return to you. Cards can be any 4x6 type (homemade or ad cards included) as long as they’re sturdy and USPS-compliant.
If this is your first round:
Pick 2 postcards (one per partner).
Write your name & address on the "deliver to" side.
Add a Forever postcard stamp.
At the top of the message side, write:
Mail each postcard in an envelope to your partners, including a note with the swap name and your username.
Returning Participants:
Sending Instructions:
Other Notes:
Join the RRTPC Group for updates.
Thanks for being part of this great swap! 😊
Terms of Use: Swap-bot facilitates swaps among the members of this service. You expressly agree that use of Swap-bot is at your own risk. You must be 18 years of age or older to use the Swap-bot service. Content posted to Swap-bot is solely the opinion and responsibility of the user posting the message. Swap-bot expects that all users will post respectful and courteous content. Swap-bot takes no responsibility and assumes no liability either for the content posted on the site, or for your communications and relationships with other Swap-bot members. Read complete Terms of Use.