Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: Of course! I hope it arrived intact. <3
Response: If you want to meet up, let me know! I tend to frequent the thrift stores and tiny restaurants around here.
Response: uuughhh definitely let the post office know (at the office, not the carrier.) It's the machines that are doing it after DeJoy "cut costs."
Response: You might like the site The Storygraph! They aren't Amazon-owned and they have a free or paid version. You can log your books, tag them with whatever you like, and check "similar books" or click on different genres. I also use Libby to click on the publisher company and search their books for things I might not normally read. Libby also lets me select just audiobooks or regular + "available now." There's almost 200,000 in the list! I scroll and tag with "to read" until I feel like that book. Hope you find something new! It's a big world!
Response: I hope you have a lot of fun! I want to do "the right way" but... there is no right way. I'm not great with a lack of firm instructions. I hope you find more comfort with figuring out what you want to do, and that you can make as many different journals and notebooks as you want.
Response: Awww! I love doggos! Thanks for adopting one. I hope he's recovered well.
Response: <3 It's really no problem. I've been derailed by fibro + bad weather and then $2k USD in vet bills just this week, so I am Exhausted and... not even able to do much. College is way more important! Best of luck, and congrats on finishing that degree!
Response: I'll have to be more careful about layering on the clear tape. A lot of mail is coming to me damaged, with envelopes torn open at edges or sides, or other issues. When I called + sent photos to USPS cxserv, it's def the machines... which they can't do much about. Our option is to pay the $1 or so more for 'non machinable' stamps. ugh! I'm glad it arrived at all!
Response: Nail polish, believe it or not. I had mixed up quite a few custom batches for a glass magnet order and had a lot left over. I don't wear nail polish, so I wanted to use it for something!
Response: I did! Even with Blind Swaps, that's great when I have no time or energy... but if I do, I have so much stuff now, I can afford to see what people like. <3
Response: Not at all! You sent something way better- actual photos and experience in a castle. How amazing! The castle itself is *only* maybe twice the age of my country. :P
Response: I'm glad it arrived! <3 I love joining the STMB swaps. I hope you discover wonderful things.
Response: Can't wait to join more swaps with you. I started a Newbie group, especially for brand-new users to raise their ratings. They will be important from August-December, mostly, since the big holiday swaps start then. I hope to also run 'public' newbie-friendly swaps as well, so I hope you keep checking back.
Response: It was a wild dream for sure. I hope I wrote it down somewhere... But I couldn't forget that scene.
Response: I'm so glad. Someone sent me a pile of postcards of famous Chinese sites. They're absolutely beautiful. You can really see where much of the Heian-era Kyoto influence came from. Kyoto was built to be a mirror of Chang'an, including the street names. Isn't that interesting?
Response: I'm amazed it got there so fast! <3
Response: not at all! I did the same thing this week. <3
Response: oh! Derp, I responded to the message before reading profile ratings. :P I'm glad you hosted!
Response: It's definitely my "old lady" writing! But done so that it blends in with the card, a hint at ghostly effects on paper. There and not-there.
Response: Likewise! <3 I'm moving in March, though, so feel free to e-mail as well.
Response: Sure! Send me any ideas! I'll have fewer in March and end of Feb but that's because I am apparently moving?? uh. Yep. Found out this week. haaa~
Response: I'm so glad. <3 I follow a lot of licensed LMHCs and other people. Uh. I "failed" therapy a couple times, so I guess "self care," the real kind, is high priority. Message any time.
Response: I am so glad that it came! Message me any time.
Response: If I'm at the same apartment complex next year, I hope I can get them to close off a parking lot section and "trunk or treat" for all the kids. Then I can dress up again! And be the Weird Guy who hands out candy, books, small toys (like McDs)...
Response: Losses come with animals. They have a lifespan of maybe 1/10th of a human, and they do best when they have others of their own kind to bond with. It's sad each time and never gets easier... but I try to somehow have enough to give the next one a home.
Response: <3 Thanks! Maybe next year I can convince the front office to do a "trunk or treat," a safe place for apartment kids to trick or treat.
Response: I thought you might need it, even if the swap was "officially" for a postcard. You've got a lot going on and something small is big when that happens.
Response: uhhh probably? :P I've mostly lost my crafty-ness, so when I can't think, I assemble cards and decorate envelopes. I'm glad you liked it!
Response: feel bad, frustrated, like a failure, etc. is pretty damaging. Art is SUPPOSED to be freeform. Not everything is SUPPOSED to be some Masterpiece. In our society, we aren't "allowed" to sing off-key or paint mediocre landscape art. We have to be The Best, and not ONLY the best, we have to turn it into something to sell on Etsy! ...................... or that's all BS and maybe how about not. Rebel! Rage, rage against the dying of the light! And make good art.
I hope you join the next round. Bring your friends!
Response: I definitely will from now on! <3 I've noticed that I've gotten a lot of torn envelopes in the past 6 months, too. I didn't have such issues before. I ran an online shop, so I'd have noticed right? But these days... hn. A little more tape does no harm.
Response: I'll message about profile based swaps soon! You might also want to ask LavenderSprinkles about joining the LSRUS group. There are monthly Wish List swaps in the forums as well.
Response: I don't know why I didn't notice that I was sending it back! I often hold onto things I like for a few months, and then mail them back out so that I can share them with others. ATCs and small artworks are meant to be seen, right?
Hope you're doing well!
Response: Aaah! I'll be sure to tape envelope edges or use heavier papers.
If you like, see about messaging LavenderSprinkles to join us at LSRUS group. There's also a monthly wish list in the Forums. I try to destash by sending out a few envelopes a month... Not sure it actually helps :P But I feel better! hahaha
Response: I'm so glad! It helped me, too. I can't wear most of what I liked now that I'm too sensitive to heat... and I live in FL. haha
I consider myself lucky to be in the position to make someone enjoy life. Thanks for swapping!
Response: I am so glad! If you have an instagram or something for your work, let me know. I'd love to see your collages!
Response: I'm so glad you liked everything!
Cats can be a handful, especially when it comes to vet bills. One option, if owning a cat isn't easy right now, is to see if there are local pet shelters. Many allow people to come in and "socialize" animals, talking to them, petting them, just being around. A lot of shelters don't have time for that and it helps animals get adopted faster. I don't always have time or a car to go across town for that, though... but if I really wanted to start spinning yarn again, that would be the first stop for long cat fur to spin in with wool!
Response: I have a LOT of craft supplies, so I'm always getting new stuff in and sending new stuff out. Right now, I have a thing for cotton yarn, glass and stone beads (especially purples, greens, greys, and strangely, pinks), and assorted charms. I don't care about metal content. I have tonnes of yarns, beads, fabrics, emb. floss, and jewellery I can trade. Oh, I'm also looking for the Harry Potter books, except #5. :P My little sister has never read them.