Hearts ratings for iolair
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Response: Thanks Julie! A Merry Christmas to you and yours too!
Response: Thank you! Apologies for the late reply as I have been away overseas. Have a great Christmas too!
Response: Latest ever response, but I'm glad you enjoyed reading the letter and also all the ephemera! Yes, it looks so much fun there, I'd probably also do a lot of craft shopping to be honest, haha. Thanks for the rating!
Response: thank you for the rating :)
Response: I didn't host this one (unless I'm confused, haha), but thank you for the rating <3
Response: Thank you, I'm looking forward to it! Thanks for the rating too!
Response: I hope you enjoy them :) Thank you for the rating!
Response: I hope you enjoy them if/when you get to them! happy reading and thank you for the rating :)
Response: Thank you for the rating. I agree - it's a good quote and something is helpful to remember!
Response: It was a fun swap! Thank you for hosting and for the heart :)
Response: So glad you enjoyed it all :D Thank you for the heart :)
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Wow, that's a very late Christmas greeting, lol. I'm glad it got there safely though. Thank you for the heart :)
Response: Oh that's good to know! I did get a little bit confused as I know there are some Inuit from Canada as well. The art is certainly very interesting. Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart :) Best of luck with your own reading resolutions too!
Response: Sorry for the late response! I really appreciate the lovely comment (and the heart!) - I'm so excited to hear that we have similar reading tastes! I also rarely come across people (that I get to interact with, not just lurk around, lol) who like to read such things, especially the weirder/darker stuff. I accepted your friends invite and have been lurking your profile - your read list is making me want to up my game, haha!
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it! I really need to get to reading his other works. Happy New Year to you too and thank you for the heart :)
Response: I think I've seen the Muppets version a long time ago, my memory is pretty bad so I didn't feel confident that I had enough to say about it in a letter, haha. Maybe next year! I hope you had a lovely festive holiday too, and that your 2022 is also going brilliantly! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart :)
Response: Thank you for the heart :) Nice to hear you also enjoyed some of the books on my list! Take care!
Response: You're very welcome, thank you for the heart! I'm sorry to hear that it had a rough time getting there, though :( I wonder if it's because it wasn't quite flat? I'll try to make it a bit more post-office proof next time, hehe.
Response: 😍😍💖💖you always leave the loveliest comments that truly make me smile, thank you Lena! Oh gosh, the binding I think is something I really need to work on, lol, I appreciate you being so nice about it! Your journal made it to me safely and I am just about to rate you after I finish this, sorry for the delay! Thanks also for reading all my totally random rambling. I always think of things to say after the fact, maybe next time I'll actually get everything in and it will make sense too, haha.
Response: You're welcome, thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you, glad you enjoyed them :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you for the heart :)
Response: No problem at all, I can relate to that, ha. Thank you for the heart :)
Response: I'm really glad you like them! I think I might try to design my own next time, it would be fun. Thanks for the heart lovely <3
Response: Happy New Year :) Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart :)
Response: Thank you my dear <3 All good, I've been so late with so many of my other swaps, and just late to respond in general! It's a hectic season I think!
Response: Thank you Lena <3 Not a late rating at all, I hope you had a great Christmas!
Response: You're very welcome :) Thank you for the heart!
Response: Hahah yes, honestly I had so much trouble thinking of an original character so it was like low key real life plagiarism 😂 but I'm glad you like them. And I reckon cat people are the best people 😉
Response: Thank you for the heart! I hope you can visit one day too :)
Response: Ohh, thank you for such a lovely comment and the heart! I had fun making it, although it was a bit challenging as I think I made it too narrow haha. But I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Response: Aww, you are so kind! I really want to try and do more collaging in my work. Thank you for the heart :)
Response: Wow, Cindi, thank you so much for such a detailed rating (and the heart too)! I have met a few people on here who enjoy The Haunting of Hill House/Shirley Jackson's works, but you must be the biggest fan so far :D
I haven't seen the movie adaptations, I vaguely remember the 1999 version being on TV but I was a bit of a chicken as a kid so I never watched it properly, haha. I will definitely give both versions a go, now.
I really enjoyed 'We Have Always Lived in the Castle' and really want to name my next cat Merricat, haha. (Also as I don't have human children, only fur children, lol). I'll have to look for those Stephen King works too, I've never heard of them. I really enjoy adaptations of his works, if anything I sometimes feel they work better on screen than in the written word, but I can't say why I think that exactly!
I can't remember if I mentioned this in the letter, probably not, but I recommend the book 'Shirley' by Susan Scarf Merrell, which is a fictionalised account of Jackson's life, as well as the movie adaptation starring Elisabeth Moss. I don't really know that they're that accurate as biographies, but in terms of exploring the atmosphere of her work and her interests, I think they're spot on. Thank you again!
Response: I am so pleased you enjoyed the swap! I love making fun happy mail. Thank you for the heart :)
Response: Oh that's great to hear! You are very welcome :) Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you so much for your understanding about this swap, yet again! I feel like I keep messing up with your swaps, I'm sorry about that! I appreciate you being so accommodating, thanks for the heart <3
Response: Sounds like such a cool tattoo :D I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Response: And as always, you are so sweet and lovely <3 I love swapping with you too, it's so much fun! And I totally get you about the social anxiety. Esp post-lockdown I'm re-learning how to socialise with people (and I was never great at it anyway, lol).
Response: Hi Natalie! I hope you enjoy Her Body and Other Parties if you end up listening to it, I'd be curious to know what you think of it! I've heard good things about the High Fidelity movie, I have a feeling I might enjoy it more than the book too. Thank you for the heart :)
Response: I'm really glad you enjoyed it :) It was fun going through my horde of stuff, haha. Thank you for the heart!
Response: Oh that's great, I hope you enjoy them (well, enjoy is maybe not the right word considering the subject matter - perhaps better to say I hope that you get something out of reading them!). The TV show 'Des' with David Tennant is also quite good. Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart! I hope you enjoy reading them if you do decide to :)
Response: You're welcome! Thanks again for your understanding! I am absolutely a Halloween lover, I wish there were more of us here in Aus so we could get more craft supplies here, haha.
Response: Thanks so much for your understanding about the swap and my misinterpretation of it, haha. I've just gotten into die cutting, it's a lot of fun! I'm glad you liked the postcard :)
Response: Thank you for the heart :) I'm glad you enjoyed it! It was an interesting challenge for sure. Have a lovely day!
Response: Thank you for the heart! I enjoy reading her poetry, she's not one that gets taught often here so it's been a nice discovery.
Response: Thank you for the heart! I'm really glad you enjoyed reading it. It is hard to express my thoughts about things sometimes, I think I need to take notes whilst I read or something. And yeah, you're right, I probably shouldn't get hung up on whether I am qualified to talk about a book, haha.
That's good! Mail is so unpredictable these days. Take care!
Response: Thank you for the heart :)
Response: Haha yes I try to! Glad you could read it. Happy Halloween and thank you for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the heart :)
Response: Thank you for the heart! I would love to be able to do that one day, it seems like such a fun holiday to celebrate :D
Response: Glad you enjoyed it :) Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart! It was fun making the pocket letter :)
Response: You are very welcome! I'm glad you liked it, thanks for the heart :)
Response: Yay! I'm really glad you liked it! Haha yes I noticed that too, I meant to mention in the letter and then forgot (it was such a rambling letter so prob for the best, lol). Your sewing is a lot neater though, I really liked your pouch 😍Honestly I wish I had done more with the swap, I really want to try to make different types of folders/tags/etc next time. Def keen to read poetry and talk about Shirley Jackson :D
Response: Ooh! I just had a look at your profile again and I think I know which one it is. You have good taste ;)
Response: You are welcome :) Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart!
Response: Thank you for the heart! I'm glad it's not just me who can't get into her work. Maybe one day I'll try again, but atm..meh.. haha. Hope you have a nice day too :)
Response: Thank you for the heart, I'm glad you enjoyed the swap :)
Response: Aww yay, I'm so glad you enjoyed them! Yes, I'd love to hear back from you if you have time and I'll certainly write back :D
Response: Sorry to hear it - yay for a new month indeed, hope it's going better for you too :) Thanks for the heart!
Response: I'm really glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for the heart :)
Response: Thank you for the kind words, I was a bit worried about them but I'm glad you liked them! Haha it's good to hear that you also have a house of unread books! Thank you for the lovely message and the heart :)
Response: Haha, I can relate actually, although I still love horror media, I don't think I have the 'tolerance' that I did when I was younger. I agree, it's not nice to think about the real things that could be happening. Thanks very much for the lovely message and the heart :)
Response: You are very welcome! Yes, I agree, moths can be very beautiful, even though they often get overlooked for butterflies. And mythology is very interesting indeed, I keep meaning to do more research about it. Thank you for the heart!
Response: I think it's hard to find horror that is scary in fiction because it can be not quite as immersive as movies or games, in some ways. I would love to hear your recommendations one day! Thanks for the heart :)
Response: You are very welcome! I feel I still have a lot to learn about flipbooks but I enjoy making them. Haha, I am like that too with a lot of my stationery. Thank you for the heart :)
Response: Oh wow, that is slow! But I am glad it arrived safely in the end. Thank you for heart and kind words :)
Response: Glad you enjoyed, thank you for the heart :)
Response: Oh great! I will have to look into that one, I know it's one of her most famous stories but I don't know much else about it! Thank you for the rating :)
Response: Thank you! I think next time though, I really will try to cover every bit - I really liked how yours was like a complete artwork rather than a postcard :)
Response: You're welcome! Yes, getting out in nature definitely helps a lot :) Thanks for the heart!
Response: I'm so glad you enjoyed the card and the facts! It was educational for me to look up trivia I didn't know, haha. Thanks for the heart :)
Response: Thank you for the rating and the kind words! I'm really glad you enjoyed it, it's nice to be able to send cards that match people's interests! Yes, there is definitely some interesting folklore in that part of the world! Hope you are well too :)
Response: Thanks for the rating Jess, hope you're keeping safe and well too <3
Response: What a lovely comment, thank you so much for the kind words and generous rating :) I had a lot of fun decorating so I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Response: Thank you for the very generous and kind rating! I'd love to do another swap with you again at some point, it was a lot of fun! And your swap was very generous also, I really enjoyed (and the fact that it actually can fit in a journal like a pocket tag, unlike mine, lol). I wish there were more of us active here, whenever I do chonky crafts like that it's so much more economical to swap domestically.
Response: Oh that worked out great then, haha. Glad you enjoyed it :D
Response: Cats are the best :D You are welcome, thank you for the rating!
Response: So happy to hear that Moni :) I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Response: Hi Jess, totally understandable, I hope you are keeping well and safe in these crazy conditions lately. Thank you so much for such kind words about my swap, I'm really flattered <3 I did really enjoy putting it together even though at the end I was like 'hmm, I don't think that's actually a zine', lol. Anyway I'm really glad you enjoyed it and the goodies. Thank you for taking the time to write such a lovely rating, and hope to see you around on swap-bot again in the future :)
Response: Glad you enjoyed it, thank you for the heart! I'll have to check that out, I've never heard of it (not surprising as I don't watch a lot of Aussie TV) but I do love animals :)
Response: You're super welcome, thank you for the rating and heart I hope you're feeling better now. Please don't worry too much about replies or anything, your health is 100% the most important thing!
Response: Thank you very much for the rating + heart :) Oh that's awesome, I had never heard of the school incident before I started researching for this letter, I'll have to look up that podcast!
I wish I was good at drawing like you so I could have done some fun pictures in my letter, but I'm glad you enjoyed it anyway :D
Response: Hi Maxi, thank you very much for the heart! I hope you do enjoy the books if you get a chance to read them, you seem to read a lot so I appreciated the chance to add to your TBR, haha. Hope you have a nice day too!
Response: Oh no! Thanks for letting me know, I'll have to try and make it more durable in future.
They can be hit or miss, but I sometimes like them in between novels when I feel I don't have the attention span to commit to something longer. Happy reading :)
Response: You're welcome! Yes, it's amazing when you think about how long those books have remained popular and in print across the generations. The illustrations are wonderful. I hope you enjoy revisiting them if you do get a chance to :) Thanks for the heart <3
Response: You're super welcome, thanks for the heart Raynor :)
Response: You can't go wrong with it! Thanks for the heart :)
Response: Yay! Glad you liked it :D
Response: You're welcome! I hope you enjoy it :)
Response: Oh I'm really glad you enjoyed it and am flattered that you found it inspiring! I had a lot of fun putting it together, I think it forced me to be creative in a way I haven't been for a while. I hope you have fun putting together more journals :D
Response: You're welcome, glad you enjoyed :)
Response: You are so welcome Joy :) I'm really glad you enjoyed it all and am really touched that you have put the bunny postcard somewhere special. I had a lot of fun putting it together!
Response: You're welcome, although I'm sure there's not any 'proper' way to do it and I bet your recipient loved yours just the same! I just like to get as much onto a postcard as possible anyway because of the international postage costs haha ;)
Response: You're welcome! That got there faster than I expected, so glad to hear you enjoyed it :)
Response: Glad it got there safely! You're welcome :)
Response: You're welcome! Haha yeah it's a shame isn't it, but glad you liked the stamp at least :)
Response: You're welcome, thanks for the rating :)
Response: Yay! I'm so pleased it arrived there safely and that you liked the things in it! You are very welcome :)
Response: I'm glad it arrived safely and that you enjoyed it :) Haha, hail Paimon!!
Response: Thanks for the rating, hope you enjoy the tea :)
Response: I'm glad it was interesting! You're welcome, and very happy that it reached you safely :)
Response: You can't go wrong with stationery!
Response: Totally agree, there is a lot of space for creativity!
Response: Daydreamers unite! :D
Response: so true, thanks
Raynor :)
Response: Oh my! That is a big baby, haha :D