Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: I am rested now and ready to take care of my hubby now. It was a nice break seeing part of the USA I have never seen. Thank you for the heart.
Response: So that is what they are! I'm glad you can use them. Thank you for the heart
Response: I did use a piece of insulated batting. I use it along with cotton batting for potholders. I am glad you like it.
Response: lol, that Elf always getting into things. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year
Response: I am glad you like my creation. It was hard for me to leave room to write. lol Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas. thank you for the heart
Response: I am now walking with a cane inside. Can also drive as it is my left knee replaced. I just have to time when I take pain pills. Thank you for the heart
Response: I like root beer better than cream too. Am trying different tastes. thank you for the heart
Response: I love making them.Got 3 going right now.:) Thank you for the heart
Response: Wish it could talk. lol I get the most interesting things that I use in junk journaling. I also reuse the cardboard postcard in them too
Response: You will love it. Try fireweed syrup and birch bark syrup also. I had some on ice cream. YUM!! don't use a lot.
Response: I am happy you got it. I was hoping the mail was late. I try to make mine more than a bunch of things pasted in them. Fun but time consuming. Thank you for the heart
Response: It is a cereal box. One of those special edition kind plus fussy cutting. Hubby has a sweet tooth
Response: I am glad you like the ATC. I enjoy making stuff for you. My hubby used to be a bird watcher and take pictures. :)
Response: I love using ribbons, lace and different fabrics in my sewing. My daughter gets me a box of odds and ends of ribbon, rick rack and lace for Christmas every year.. so fun
Response: Ash falls is interesting. I have taken scouts after hubby and I visited there. In the summer, there are students doing a dig under a roof.
Response: My hubby is hooked on it now. I have to order the candy every few months now. lol thank you for the heart
Response: The birds loveeeee the Corn palace...a big big feeder. lol
Response: Each day brings something new on our bods as we get older. I remember my parents telling me not to do things as we will regret it later. They were right. Jumping out of the hay loft isn't good for knees but it was so much fun at the time
Response: If you ever get to SD, go to Custer State park. They have a lot of buffalo herds. Or ND at Teddy Roosevelt National Park
Response: I love root beer. Homemade is the best. I grew up drinking it at soda fountains where It was made good.
Response: I do a lot of my cards that way. I learned to do that in fabric postcards. Thank you for the heart
Response: It is fun having GF, not. But good tasty food is being made now days. Thanks for the heart
Response: I love watching birds. Am hoping hubby will be well enough for us to go to the Platte river in Neb(March) for the sandhill cranes migration stop.I love watching their mating dances.
Response: I love that card...some fun with many kitties Thanks for the heart.
Response: I glad I found a really fun cat card. Glad you like it. Thank you for the heart
Response: I'm glad you like my creation. They are fun to do and hard to know when to stop. lol Thank you for the heart
Response: Ireland is beautiful. I couldn't see what I was taking pictures with the camera(that felt weird) I just pointed and shot. They all turned out wonderful. lol Couldn't take a bad picture there. :)
Response: you are welcome. Have a great day. In a blizzard with subzero temps
Response: That card must have an adventure getting to you. If only they could talk.
Response: The cards are opposite in environment but both are beautiful. If you ever visit the Badlands with a storm coming in...the colors are wild beyond belief. I saw it once.
Response: It was great! Time with the Chabane sibs is a time of laughter. We all had sore tummy muscles. Same with my daughter/sil. Then a week later, the get together for hubby/my's 40th anniversary...wonderful. I will hold these memories forever
Response: thank you for the prayers. Feb 1 is when they decide if they will do a transplant of cornea cells and/or cornea transplant. I am thankful that the cataract in my left eye is slow growing. Strange the things you get thankful for. :)
Response: Was the star ok? If not, I can recreate and mail in a padded envie. Guess that is what i should have done before. :( I gotten one swap in a baggy after the machines ate the packing.
Response: yes, I have. It is so good.
Response: hope you will like and can use.
Response: It was interesting to paper fold a star. I only do things I can hang on the wall from lights and trees as i don't have the energy to take it down
Response: wow, did I goof. I was getting ready several swaps at a time. Cynthia should have a note with your name on it. Sorry about the confusion. Thank you for the heart
Response: The fudge is good.My hubby watches the box like a hawk. I will have to order some more after Christmas
Response: It was more fun than I thought it would be. I liked it too. Have a nice Thanksgiving
Response: It is a beautiful land. So green but it is misty almost everyday. I would not want to drive there...narrow roads and on the left side. Thank you for the heart
Response: with gluten issues and lactose issues...cheesecake is one thing I miss the most. Thank you for the heart
Response: I want to do a Christian junk journal and mine will work great in it. I'm doing one using things from Israel only.(subscription box) Thank you for the heart.
Response: I love bible studies . Doing these is only way I can enjoy reading other's interpretations. Thank you for the heart
Response: It is a dress made from a pillow case for young girls. you cut off the end and cut arm holes. Add binding around the arm holes. Make a casing on the front and back, then run a ribbon or string to gather the front and back to fill the body. I make them for Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes as some of the places they go to the kids need clothes.As a kid, my grandma made all my clothes as my folks were very poor.
Response: I like to make them fun. thank you for the heart
Response: Once I got going I couldn't stop. lol Hope you could read it easily. Thank you for the heart
Response: oops , sorry about that. I thought I had everything on all the cards.
Response: I loved doing this one. It was had not to write on it. A brain stretcher. Thank you for the heart
Response: sewing is my hobby that can be mailed and I love doing fabric postcards. Thank you for the heart
Response: Glad you like them. Thank you for the heart
Response: I'm Glad you like the page and notecards. Thank you for the heart
Response: Glad you like everything I sent to you. I love sparkly stuff. Thank you for the heart
Response: I love happy mail also.
Response: This was a fun swap. Thanks for hosting it
Response: glad you like them. It was fun making them. Thanks for the heart
Response: Summer is going good.Right now, Canada smoke is gone for now.:) Thanks for the heart
Response: Glad you liked the journal. I like finding interesting things when I travel. Thank you for the heart
Response: Aspect, you got lucky with Mom. When I found Mom,she had 4 cats. Meow
Response: I used to have a jungle in my place before cats. Right now, I have 3 pineapples plants growing from tops of pineapples I bought. This will be an interesting experiment
Response: I have been sewing listening to the birds last few weeks. My scouts did OCC also. They loved shopping for it.
Response: I agree it is weird fabric.People give me their scraps and you get some wow's Thank you for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart. :)
Response: I'm so allergic to so much that I should be a I learned to go to restaurants on their slow times. :)
Response: I love the scenery....Big Horns are beautiful
Response: The box comes from Hawaii. I discovered them on a visit there. yum
Response: I'm glad you you liked the extras. I took over 200 picture while in the Holy Land. Thanks for the heart
Response: glad you liked my creation. thanks for the heart
Response: Glad you like the card.Thank you for the heart
Response: Thank you. for the heart and well wishes. 2 days til repair. can't wait.
Response: I wanted to keep them too. They are so much fun to create. Thank you for the heart
Response: I love these flowers and hoped you will too. thank you for the heart
Response: I had fun creating them. Glad you liked them. Thanks for the heart
Response: yes, I made it. the fabric is from a dress I made for me. I go veggies too. Flowers help bring bees to the garden. I have a corner in the front yard filled with flowers. love it. Thank you for the heart,
Response: Glad you liked it. Thank you for the heart.
Response: I am glad you like it.:) Thank you for the heart
Response: It sleeted,rained and snowed yesterday.A week ago,it was 80 and now in the 30's.:(
Response: thanks for the tips.I'll work harder on the next one.
Response: I still have connections to scouting yet.:) It is 70 today but for how long? thank you for the heart
Response: I keep a stash of cardboard cards ready. Thank you for the heart
Response: I loved this swap. Thank you for hosting it
Response: Glad you like them. I had fun creating them. thank you for the heart
Response: Glad you like the cats. thanks for the heart.
Response: Hawaii islands are so beautiful. The Holy land is one place I would love to visit again. If you go, you would want to have it as a tour. More history on what you are seeing. If you want to know the tour company, pm me.
Response: Glad you liked them. I watched a number of videos before I found what appealed to me
Response: glad you liked the box. Was fun creating it
Response: There are times I want to smack my honey but I would have to take him to the doc and then explain what happened. Not worth it. rofl
Response: I make a lot of my clothes plus change store bought clothes. I have fiber issues plus being short. When I got on my own, I got into the material and yarn.(had money then)
Response: They are good. It is what people around here do with beets
Response: After my folks passed, no more big get togethers. Over 25 people in that old farm house...2 shifts at the table. Little kids running all over. :(
Response: glad you like it. I love making bookmarks.Thank you for the heart
Response: Happy Thanksgiving. Thanks for the heart
Response: My hubby is the cereal eater. Since he likes kid cereal...the boxes are very colorful.Thanks for the heart
Response: I'm glad you like them.Thanks for the heart
Response: glad you liked the cards. Thank you for the heart
Response: It was set to music. I liked what they created too.Thank you for the heart
Response: thank you for the heart.
Response: There should be lots of stops to get cards. I am excited to see the museum and the ark. My hubby wants to go but he doesn't handle
crowds very well so he will visit by my pictures.(plus traveling is very hard on hisbody)
Response: sorry about forgetting to sign it. I love making cards like this. so much fun. Thanks for the heart
Response: Thank you for the heart. I'm glad you loved the card
Response: My first love is fabric so that is where my brain goes first to create. Glad you like the ATC
Response: I'm glad you liked the selection.
Response: Iceland is beautiful but not in a green way. The air is so clean there. I would love to visit again. Thanks for the heart
Response: it was tasty and naturally gluten free. I wanted more as it was good. I try to get my swaps ready as soon as I sign up...never know what life will give me.Glad you enjoyed the card
Response: I wouldn't mine going back for a visit. Enjoy when you get there
Response: Glad you like them. They were fun to do.
Response: I have been looking at Hobby Lobby rt after Christmas every time I'm in the town where it is at for Easter stickers and also Dollar store(where I usually have good luck) Seems most of the stores have a low inventory this year. Maybe next year be better. Glad you like what I could find.
Response: glad you liked the pages. I look for them now at rummages. They are so much fun to use plus giving the book a new life.
Response: glad you liked it. Happy St. Pats day.
Response: If you are into history, that place is great. All real old buildings and the insides set up for the time period. It is on I 90 in S.D.
Response: I enjoyed it. thank you for hosting the swap
Response: I'm glad you liked it. Was fun doing
Response: I want to be there right now. My zen place...
Thank you for the heart
Response: That is the hard part figuring what to create. I love sewing .
Response: That sounds interesting..fabric postcards. But I think I will need to reduce my fabric stash. Promised my daughter as she doesn't want to deal with my mess...her words.
Response: I'm glad you like it. Thanks for the heart
Response: replacement is in the mail
Response: I agree. We need to do some crafting this summer together.:)
Response: I mostly do simple patterns now days as my crocheting is to realize. thank you for the heart
Response: I'm glad it got to you. Mail seems to be slow and things get lost. Got a letter from the VA last week for a doc appt. in Sept. Good thing I knew about appt before hand
Response: You are welcome. I wanted to share with a kindred spirit. :)
Response: I want to order some more. The taste is different from local chocolate but I love it. :)
Response: 4 corners is beautiful. We went to Hovenweep nat. park but gotten lost driving back to Cortez (took a left when should have a rt) But it was a beautiful drive.
Response: I'm glad it got to you. Have fun stickering
Response: No trouble but teaches me to put things in a drawer
Response: The hot springs are great. I was at the blue
lagoon. Reykjavik is where most of the people live. Hope you can go some day
Response: sorry about missing writing the dates on it. I had them in my notes but must have missed putting them on the cards. I understand about medical issues. Right now, hubby and I are waiting for a lung biopsy to be done. With another issue, the CAT know why he isn't eating. (lost 35 lbs since middle of June) The 2 may be related by a scary name. :(
Response: It is so hard going out to eat. I have a few places that are very good about it. But am so more healthier without more gut pain. take care
Response: I'm glad you like the selection. There was a lot of hunting for these goodies
Response: I'm glad you like the wallet and the tea. I like adding chocolate chips to the mint tea...yum
Response: small world. My hubby went to HS in Sioux Falls. We go there every 4 weeks to the VA there
Response: Glad you like the card. The chicks said spring to me
Response: I love sewing as it keeps me sane at times. I do miss using new fabric as I get a lot of scraps.But they make cool stuff too
Response: wow, have never run into an other Chabane but hubby's family. they are originally from a part of France that gets claimed by different countries in wars. think it is on the east side.
Response: You are welcome. i had lots of fun trying to make the small amounts look great. That is what I love about found yarn...turning someone's dreams into a good product.
Response: Thank you. I'm a bit ocd when it comes to my crocheting and sewing. I'm glad you like it. :)
Response: It was fun to make. :)
Response: I wanted to see how coping them would work. My ink was running out but I liked the effect and hoped you would too. Thanks for the heart
Response: I'm glad you like them. This is a fun swap. :)
Response: I'm glad you liked everything. this is a fun swap
Response: Sorry about that, My writing gets bad a times now days. The bags are for the books,ect that the kids use in a church program at my church called AWANA. You can look it up if you want.
Response: Glad you liked it. I had fun taking pictures. My life is boring but hopefully you enjoyed a bit of my world. Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you like it. I love making shawls. Today is melting the snow from Wed..4" but had 50 mph winds.
Response: I'm waiting too til Christmas or Christmas eve...don't know know how long I can wait. :)
Response: merry Christmas. I'm trying not to start collecting playing cards on my trips. lol I do patches, keychains and magnets rt now plus the reusable bags now. Bags get used for my craft projects.
Response: I'm glad that you like the colors. I love bright colors too. makes me feel happy
Response: I'm glad you like this one. Thanks for letting me redo. Merry Christmas
Response: I am loving to do ATC's as they don't take up a lot of space and are fun to do. The background paper is over 30 years old. It was given to me a few years ago. Glad you liked it
Response: I'm really getting into ATC's. It has been on my mind to make a Christmas ATC with that last bit of old paper(over 30s) Thank you for the heart
Response: Glad you liked them. this swap is so much fun
Response: I'm glad you like them. They were fun to make.
Response: lol, I always can eat Chocolate.
Response: I have more stories. So as I remember them, I will write them down for next year. At my age, I forget stuff. :)
Response: It always is when the package goes out of the US. :( I hunted for a long time to find something that fits the hunt but isn't real heavy. Was fun
Response: I made the Satin flower from ribbon . Ruching is the method I used. I'm glad you like it.
Response: LOL, I'm glad you like what I sent. :)
Response: missed us again. :(
Response: Glad you like it. :)
Response: Glad you like it. It took a while before I could see the card plan in my mind. Was fun creating.
Response: I'm glad you liked what I sent. I had fun looking for things. The t-shirt was the smallest I could find that was nice and not goofy
Response: Glad you like them. I love them too
Response: I have been in all the lower 48 states. My bucket list is to hit 50. I'm signing up for an alaskan tour for next year. Want to make all of them before I get too broken down to go
Response: I love it but my hubby thinks it is too gory. So have to watch when he is sleeping. Thanks for the heart
Response: I do have people to reach out to. For him, therapy only goes so far. :( The docs have give me meds to make him sleep.We call them zombie pills. Bad thing about this virus, I am not getting my spring repite.:(
Response: My daughter and bf are doing better. I made them many masks for them to stay safe. Making the masks also gives me a purpose which helps to survive this.
Response: Birdie made a nest in my apple tree again. The tree is right by the house and I'm under that tree all the time. Last year, she had 3 broods in that tree. I can get to within 3 feet of her so I think she remembers me..maybe. A bright spot today. :)
Response: Yes, she is. Test was negative. :)
Response: She is doing better. docs thought Corona but the test was negative. Was a positive on the unit she works at.
Response: She is doing better now. Test was negative, thankfully. As for hubby, he still is. :( He had a TBI years ago and his memory is slowly getting worse.But he still knows me. :)
Response: This is a good time to be a fabric hoarder. :) We can help others stay healthy. I'm trying not to over work myself sewing...took a break from masks and finished a baby quilt.
Response: My daughter's test came back negative. Thankfully. she is doing better. I am doing both with my masks...selling some and donating some. The sell price is used to buy more thread.
Response: O, no! I thought it did. Too many of SD keychains have the Black Hills or Badlands or Mt Rushmore on them and not SD. Sorry about that. :(
Response: She loves her neck rubbed. I spoil my critters with attention. :)
Response: It worked out I was in Iceland a few months ago. :) I loved the fresh air there. No asthma problems at all. Wold love to visit again.
Response: read that you wanted to start a magnet collection so I sent you a seed starter for it. :)
Response: That is what I thought when I saw it. lol
Response: 1 to 12 is supposed be in order. But #5 is not. I wrapped and forgot which one was to be marked 5. I hope you will love what I made. Had fun but totally creative brain drain. :)
Response: hope it is one you don't have
Response: I'm glad you like the extras. The foil wolf is from Iceland candy. I took a respite trip there(was a tour group) wonderful place..very clean air and non touristy right now
Response: I thought they would be cool to do journals or ATC's with. Thanks for the heart
Response: you are welcome. Thanks for the heart
Response: will have to try your method for making pouches.Mine is a little different.
Response: Sorry about that. :( I used heavy duty glue. It was cool looking when I got done. First page had the maple leaf tree with an eek peaking out. Halloween critters under the tree. Zombie tape going across the 2nd page to the 3rd page. On the 4th page was 3 pumpkins with a message. I am assuming the pumpkins and some of the leaves fell off. bummer
Response: fruit is good. I love summer when the garden and trees are full. I only grow what I can eat. Hubby hates yellow squash but I love love them. Got a bummer crop. :)
Response: I do most of my soups now days by the dump method as made them for years. Hope they turn out good for you. The one I was going to send you is potato soup...very rich and has lots of carbs and fat....good for the subzero temps
Response: I will have to look that up as I never heard of it. I struggle with food for hubby(diabetic) and my food allergies...a lot of the times that means 2 meals to make
Response: I learned to embroider in grade school age. As for sewing...I learned grade school age too.(had to as Mom hated fixing holes) High School just refined my skills. I love sewing...making quilts of all sizes, bags ect .I make most of my clothes as I can't wear man made fibers. I also remake clothes I find in second hand places. I picked buttons that look like blueberries . I'm glad you like the needle case and the post cards. :)
Response: thank you for the heart and nice words. I loved making them and using a recycled postcard also
Response: they are all different patterns for each shop. Glad you liked my style. :)
Response: glad you like the goodies. :)
Response: Girl Scout cookies are the best!! :)
Response: The snow melted with the rain and to dry out and spring soon!!!
Response: I am glad you liked everything. I am trying to put interesting stamps on my packages.
Response: Glad you like them. I tried to pick some pretty cards to use. :)
Response: I'm glad you liked the sample. I have sand from 3 of the Great Lakes. They are all different.
Response: I'm glad you liked the package. I created the painted design on the textured paper. That is canvas. that was a last minute add along with the monster papers. :)
Response: I love them. They are kinda like s'mores from the fire
Response: YES!!!! I want spring.
Response: that may change by Sunday. My area may get 4 to 8"by Monday morning
Response: I love mint chocolate chip. <3
Response: the recipe would be great. i am slowly returning to scratch cooking. So much more healthier without the dyes and other chemicals (allergies)
Response: some of the pages was tissue paper and some was construction paper. I wanted a line free page but couldn't find an unlined journal at the time.glue was simple Elmer's glue. I did try some stick glue but didn't like how it held
Response: I'm glad you liked it. I had fun filling it up.
Response: Glad that you liked it. I created it on a trip and I tried t make it like you were along for the trip with all the fun stuff i found.
Response: thanks for the info on swamp tours. When I was doing the journal, it just seemed natural for me to comment on them. I love how the bible tells you something different each time you read it.
Response: thank you. I was so afraid you wouldn't like them.
Response: I'm glad you liked everything. Thank you for the comment on the bag. Yes, I did make it. :) My cats say hi back
Response: I tested it first as I was worried that it would have a weak magnet. It was hard to get off the board so I thought it would work. Glad you like it :)
Response: I'm glad you like everything. Hope it was worth the wait. I didn't want to send the bad germs I got hit with so waited til I was healthy.
Response: thank you for the heart. I am glad you liked the extras. My fur babies give me a lot of love and keep life interesting. :)
Response: I got carried away on getting stuff and forgot it was to be smaller. Am glad that you liked what I sent.
Response: I like larger potholders. No burned fingers. I am glad you like both. They were fun to make. thanks for the heart
Response: glad you like the goodies. it was fun creating them
Response: Two of the recipes are old family ones. I downsized them for you to cover 1 to 2 people. I think I will make one this weekend with the temps to be subzero. brrrr
Response: I'm glad you like it. It was fun making it.
Response: I'm glad you like the yarn and the other presents. thank you for the heart.
Response: I'm glad you liked the stickers. The dear Santa one made me laugh too. Merry Christmas
Response: glad you liked them. :) this swap was fun getting ready for. thanks for the heart
Response: It final came?! Yaaa. I plan to check my mailbox today. Hopefully I find a package for me.:)
Response: it is a small world indeed. Glad you liked the card. I grew up on a farm also but north of Avon, next county south of yankton.
Response: glad you like it. I'm a newby on atc's but love to draw.
Response: thank you for the rating. I had fun doing the creating. Am thinking I am hooked on colorful envelopes as am now looking at my junk mail differently now.
Response: wow, that must have been a good trip. If it could talk. The institute has amazing stuff. got the card when I took my granddaughter..the look on her face..:)
Response: you can put them in gravy, soup or stews. mom made a different kind that was baked with chicken....yummy. I agree that there are people who are not understanding that life isn't smooth all the time. Hubby can be a handful at times. besides his body problems, his mind is getting foggy. but i love him and will take care of him as long as i can. thank you for the heart.
Response: It is great. Everyone who tries one of my pies loves them. Hope you will like the recipe too. Thanks for the heart
Response: I am glad you liked my pages. It was fun thinking of what to say and decorate. I can't wait for stage 2 of this exchange. wonder what the subjects will be?
Response: glad you liked them. I had fun looking for the goodies. I loved them too.:) thanks for the heart
Response: wow, wonder what kind of trip it took? If only it could talk. thanks for the heart
Response: it is a beautiful state. Just out side of Cody is a wild horse area. You need a scope to see them as they do not let you near.
Response: glad that you liked them
Response: good. I will contact you later in the summer when I hopefully have some new ones.
Response: It is very popular here year round. I meet my honey there many years ago.
Response: I thought of sending some but the shipping..ow! thought you could use the cookie box sides on your smash books. thank you for the heart
Response: I'm glad that you like it. I thought it was the nicest one that I found.thanks for the heart.
Response: glad that you like the fabric.:) Laughter is dee
Response: I'm glad the colors are pleasing and the postcard is a good memory one for you. :)
Response: not sure. i had fun drawing thanks for the heart.
Response: it is basically bread dough that you work out like pizza and then fried in hot oil. you can then eat with powdered sugar, jelly or taco stuff on top. I like mine plain. yum.
Response: you take bread dough and work it flat like pizza dough. Then put it in hot oil in a frying pan.and cook til light brown. you can eat it hot with powered sugar or jelly or plain. You can also add taco fixings for an Indian taco What you fry it in changes the flavor. i grew up with lard used for frying. . Yum, want some now
Response: the green side has more rain. there is more pot lakes.Most of the people in the state live on east side from the cities to farms. The taupe colored side is dryer with the land used for ranching. The hills are more touristy and there is air force base too. West river people are more into cowboy hats and boots, rodeos. Every west river town has their own rodeo grounds. East river is more farm culture except for Sioux Falls ..that is like all large cities.
Response: Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas
Response: thank you for doing the swap. i enjoy doing the squares and getting ones with different colors that I use.
Response: you should see the Badlands when there is the deep blue of storm clouds behind them. Wow! Early morning or late evening brings out the colors the best..I feel the same with the Grand Canyon. Saw it on a college trip but want to come back with adult eyes and a better camera.
Response: lol, it is a small state in population. Now if you are German from Russia or Czech, we may be on the same tree.
Response: I had fun picking up stuff not thinking on the size of the package. That was the only size that I had that works. The pot holder/hot pad is washable. I love making them big so no burned fingers
Response: thats ok, I am slow too. Glad that you like them..:)
Response: I'm glad that you liked the ATC and buttons. Hubby is home now and we are learning to deal with the new stuff the docs found.
Response: you are welcome..:)
Response: I just checked the swap writeup. It says that that we make 3 bookmarks and send 1 to each swapper. You scared me that I thought I misread the swap agreement.
Response: It well worth the trip. If you can, do it in 2 days as you cann't tour this zoo in one day. Hubby and I are planning to go in 2 weeks. We will be staying overnight as it is a 2 1/2 hour trip for us.
The jungle and the fish area s are great. I also love the bird area.
Response: It is neat inside. I have stayed there many years ago but in the wing added on to the back.
Response: glad that you like it. We are going to see Mt Rushmore tomorrow but will do it eary in the morning as it is to be 100.. My granddaughter cann't wait.
Response: yes, I am having so much fun making these granny squares that i cann't stop.
Response: glad that you like them. they are a lot of fun making.
Response: sorry about that. I usually try to remember to do that..:(
Response: I was thinking a map would come in handy for a dream or real traveling. glad that you like what I sent..:)
Response: I thought it is a cute one.
glad that you like it
Response: I like visiting there. My mom was born near so we would visit grandparents on their ranch every year. Hubby and I try to go to Medora every other year.
Response: a car has no problem an RV now that is a maybe.
Response: you are to honk your horn before starting and to listen to hear for someone honking.. a honor method that works well there. there are about 2 tunnels like that on the road
Response: Hi, forgot to put a note in about the beaded earrings. I was thinking of the use of the beads for scrapbooking, ect for them. So if you don't wear earings, use the beads for crafting
Response: there is cacti there! I remember all too well getting thorns in me when going into the pastures on my grandparent's land. I think the cacti shot me no matter how far away I was from them.
Response: I spent the day making 3 '
raggy ann dolls for neices for Christmas..lots better than crowd swimming.
Merry Christmas..Dee
Response: I but up the seams with seam allowance laying op. of each other, then hold each seam by hand as I'm sewing. hope this helps
Response: sorry about that. I didn't take them to the window this time.
Response: glad that you liked the card.
Response: sorry about the label on it. I try to do too much at times and my brain goes walkabout.