Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: Yes! This was a great challenge. What fun!
Response: Yes! Molding paste with paint on a template I ususally use for geli prints! Inspired by a recent journal page I had received from a fellow swap-botter. I wish I could remember who!
Response: the sage green and pink is absolutely delightful together. Thanks for the nice comment! Take care
Response: Merry Yule, Lovely! I am glad the postal service is moving again. Take care!
Response: We were informed of the pie shop in your town by a local north of you. He made a joke about knowing we've gone too far if we hit a fork in the road. He wasn't kiddin'. We ate a lot of the pies and bought a bunch for the road. I love the pies all around Australia!
Response: Thanks to you who hosted such a wonderful swap with a new idea for twinchies! I loved creating for this swap. Thank you!
Response: Oh darn. I wonder if I got it mixed up with another woodland themed postcard? Thanks for the nice rating dispite the oversize! Take care
Response: Happy Autumn to you too! Take care
Response: Working with tiny bits certainly helps with all this creative energy. Thanks for the rating, take care
Response: A big learnig curve for me here! I;m not used to leaving space in the backgrounds to focus on the surreal images in the foreground. Thanks and take care!
Response: I'm so happy it arrived before Halloween! Thank you and take care!
Response: Thanks Donna. Many blessings to you too. I appreciate the nice comment. Take care
Response: The tags are left over bits from masterboards after I've cut out the postcards, atcs, journal page from it.Thanks for your nice comment
Response: They all must have been from a geli printing day I had early summer! I'm just using the last little tags this week in crafts and I will have to pull out the geli printing stuff again soon. Take care!
Response: Ohh thank you for the nice comments. I so very rarely just use paint and pens only and I'm not particularily great (or confident) with drawings, so I was nervous. It seemed a little incomplete without paper, washi, and layering.
Response: Isn't it wonderful? I purchased lots of ornate ribbons and fabrics recently to up my game with the mixed media swaps! This was perfect. Take care
Response: Thanks, Sherry. All the best!
Response: Thank you. I will send naked next time. Take care!
Response: Thank you! Tak e care.
Response: I made 8 so I sent off half. Another new mix of crafts with putting pockets on Twinchies! I agree, these were so fun to make. I'm excited for your geli print ventures. They really do make lovely backgrounds 😃 Take care!
Response: You're welcome. I always try some thing new with them.
Response: These were so much fun to learn. The side pockets was an awesome paper crafting skill to learn. I'll use it a lot. Take care!
Response: The vintage swaps are always my favourite. I have a lot of old books from my grandmother and I enjoy using her old magazine scrapbook for swaps. Take care
Response: Yep. I try to include handmade things in all the swaps.
Response: The layering is so satisfying! Thanks for the nice comment. Take care
Response: Thanks for your nice comments. Take care
Response: Thanks. Alphabet challenges are always fun to put together
Response: Thanks. These are so fun to make
Response: OMG I'm sorry! They are supposed to be 3x3. I make ink box cards a lot so I don't know what happened, but I'm guessing I was making them in between a bunch of overtime night shifts and I should have been sleeping, not crafting! You are kind not to request a resend, but they're your first, so I'll re-do this one and get them sent out by the end of this week. Take care!
Response: I wish I knew/remembered. There is a swapper who photographs all thier swaps and it's always inspired me, but alas,I haven't documented anything
Response: I think I took a long break from using the gold tones, but I think it's coming back into my colour choices these days. Wishing you all the best! Take care
Response: It was a good challenge. I didn't know how to make those internal pockets on a flip book before, and now I do! Wahooo, thanks for hosting this challenge!
Response: Thank you for hosting the ATC Bag swaps!
Response: Thank you! Those tree papers are fom a beautiful paper pad of changing seasons that was purchased a recent trip to Japan that my mother in law went on
Response: The goodies are for you to use as you please, not for the swap. Thanks and take care!
Response: I love that. Yesterday I had a brief and wonderful encounter with a red chested hummingbird! I've only seen blue chested hummingbirds around here!
Response: Yes! The ripped washi additions really bring some colour pop to collage. I very much like using it in my collages and mixed media now. Thanks for the rating and very nice comments!
Response: I get excited about the contents of very decorated envelopes too. I held onto that dragonfly for a long time too, so how nice that it went to you with them being special to you! I've got one more dragonfly here. Maybe I'll put it aside for when I get you again. We seem to be in a lot of the same swaps these days! Take care and thanks for the comment and rating
Response: These "with a twist" swaps are my current favourite ongoing challenge swaps. Thanks for the great comment! Take care
Response: i love when that works out! Thanks so much
Response: Such a great comment! Thank you!
Response: I hope the original package makes it your way one day! Thanks for connecting with me and your patience!
Response: Always nice swapping with you! I waved a little hello your way last week when I drove past on my way to see my mama in Campbell River.
Response: Look up Gelli printing! You'll be a fab painter in no time! Thank you!
Response: díky moc! I loved my time living in Praha for 5 years. I collected a lot of stamps and old photos whilst there. A beautiful country with top notch people. I miss it everyday. opatruj se!
Response: Yours always fits my tastes too! Thanks for the nice comment.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for rating!
Response: Thanks for your kind comment! Happy to be swapping, always!!
Response: I'm glad you liked the assortment. It's fun putting it all together!
Response: Thanks! Happy swapping to you as well!
Response: Thank you! I hadn't put together a full pocket letter in a long while, so I found it difficult deciding whether to add more, or leave it as it is. I'm glad it was well received! Take care.
Response: I used "distress ink" and very distressed music sheets. And yes. That is number from a receipt. You're a difficult person to get hearts from. I think you might just not like my style. EDIT: I wasn't fishing for a heart, but I do thank you! I also didn't mean the comment as a negative comment towards you. Re-reading my original comment looks like that. I'm sorry! I'm happy you clarified about the lack of a more detailed note to explain method. Will do.
Response: Thank you! Looking forward to your letter!
Response: Appreciated. Thanks for the comment.
Response: I love these ATC bags! Hoping someone will host more of them.
Response: Thanks for the very nice comment.
Response: Oh, I had so much fun making this. I love the darker themes.
Response: Thank you! I appreciate anything handmade that comes my way.
Response: I don't use pink often, but when I do, I always pair it with black and I like how striking they look together.
Response: Yes, I will never not join a Junk Journal supply swap! Always fun to put together. Thanks for the nice comment
Response: Oh my goodness! I wonder where it went!? Was the envelope all beaten up? Glad it made it to you! Thanks and take care!
Response: WOW! I've never had mail arrive from Western Canada to India in 2 weeks before!
Thanks for hosting so many creative and challenging swaps. They're great. Take care!
Response: That's kind of funny because I never send tea, so getting that from me is unusual. I also didn't look at your profile because I packed the three packages before I got the address' like the swap challenge states is an option. Thanks for the nice rating!
Response: Yes, I most certainly contradicted myself in those two questions! I noted that when I re-read before sending, but decided to just leave it. Thank you!
Response: Yeah, that is a weird fish. Thanks for the rating!
Response: hahaha! I should be more conscious of duplicating extras when I send numerous swaps to the same person! Thanks for the nice rating.
Response: Phew! I was a bit worried after getting yours (which were delicious by the way) ;)
Response: Thanks for the nice words and rating. Take care!
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the kind words. Take care
Response: Thank you! These swaps are super fun!
Response: Oh I love the Acrylic Pour! I'm glad I purchased lots of gold coloured paint.
Response: Thanks! Take care
Response: So fun to put together! Thank you.
Response: Loving the golds! Thank you
Response: This swap helped me go through and organize a very messy corner of papers in the craft dresser. I was worried I didn't have enough white and beige like tones, but this corner didn't disappoint! Thank you for the nice comment.
Response: Thank you and take care!
Response: Awesome! Thank you for the nice comment and rating. Take care!
Response: Thank you so much!
Response: Oh wow! Thank you for your super nice comment! Take care and all the best to you!
Response: Thank you! I love the learning that comes from these YTPC swaps.
Response: Awww thank you, that's a really nice thing to say. Although they are time consuming, I love the feeling of a completed flipbook. Take care to you!
Response: I am glad it has arrived to you safely! I am sorry it looks like it arrived well after Valentine's day, though the hearts are always lovely at any time of the year. Take care, lovely elflady!
Response: Awww you always say such nice things about my crafts. I appreciate it. The mini daffodils have arrived in my front yard! We are so lucky.
Response: Oh, that's great. Thank you for the nice comment and rating. Take care!
Response: Thank you for the nice comment. I love bunnies too; we have 2 bunnies in a separate hutch in our chicken run! HOpe you are doing well too!
Response: I also pop them in the box by my house and not at the post office, so that might take more time. But I am glad you like them! Take care!
Response: Thank you for your beautiful comment. SOmetimes I have a little extra time to make it a little extra special. This must have been one of those times! Take care.
Response: Thank you! I am a sloppy layerer, that's for sure.
Response: Thankyou for the lovely rating. I agree, I love this community so much. The nicest part of it is that there is so much diversity in that some people just starting with crafting can mix with really precise crafters in such a relaxed environment.
Response: I am happy you love them! Thankyou for the nice comment and rating. I just joined the most recent uno dos tres swap!
Take care
Response: Awww I am flattered that it is going into your collection! Thank you!
Response: I love the art with circle series!
Response: Thank you! What fun it is to put together a rainbow of crafts.
Response: Thank you and take care!
Response: Thank you and take care!
Response: Thanks for the nice compliments. I hope you are well and I look forward to swapping with you again, Cheyanne!
Response: Thank you. Colour play is my favourite.
Response: Thank you! Using washi on the crafts themselves and not just on envelopes is new for me. Take care
Response: I am all about the mushrooms these days. I was inspired by two swappers (Jbee and supersquirrel) whose mail included lots of fungi details and they were so beautiful. I stocked up on mushrooms, and then this swap was started!
Response: Thanks for nice comment. Take care!
Response: Thank you. Take care
Response: Thank you. I love making pockets!
Response: I'm am loving those little mushrooms right now.
Response: Thank you and take care!
Response: Thanks. Such funny weather we've been having, hey? I was in a tee-shirt in the garden last week!
Response: Thank you. I'm all about colour play and textures these days! Take care.
Response: I made so many and you're such a great swapper to receive from.... Thank you!
Response: Thank you so much! Take care. Hope you're having a great summer!
Response: Very strange! Where is my head? Thanks for the heart anyways!
Response: I loved making these!
Response: Thank you! Take care~!
Response: Awe thanks for such a nice comment! My heart feels good thinking of making something inspiring! Thank you and happy swapping!
Response: The mixed media is my favourite. I am just never satisfied when I try other styles and always go back to it. Thank you for the nice comment and rating. Take care!
Response: Thank you! I am glad it arrived in a reasonable time! Take care - I'm sure we will swap again sooner than later.
Response: Thank you! Take care
Response: Handmade item preferences noted! We have similar swap preferences, so I am sure we will cross paths again. Take care and happy swapping. Thank you for the nice rating and kind words.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the rating.
Response: I couldn't decide which to send, so I just popped both in! Thanks for the nice rating
Response: These were super fun to make. I am glad you appreciate them! All the best and take care. Thanks for the nice comment and rating!
Response: Always a pleasure swapping with you!
Response: I am loving these new pocket making crafting skills I have gained from this community! Pockets are so fun to make and fill. All the best to you and thank you!
Response: Awesome. I was literal this time with the face! All the best to you!
Response: Thank you and a Happy New Year to you!
Response: Yes! Portugal is wonderful and I hope to go back and explore South of Lisbon, North of Porto and a lot more inland areas. I am happy the swap was great for you...and I loved what you sent me, as you can see from the heart I sent your way <3 All the best to you and happy swapping. I hope to swap again with you! I see we are in a few of the same swaps coming up, so it is possible soon!
Response: I don't remember what it looked like, but I'm curious now! I hope I didn't mix up 2 swaps!! Thanks so much for the rating. Take care.
Response: Thank you! I have made a lot of Journal pages the last few months. So satisfying!
Response: That's ok Thank you!
Response: Oh, I am happy you love it! I just put another package in the mail for you yesterday too! Thank you for the rating and nice comment. Take care!
Response: I am loving this group so much right now! I've learning so many little tricks in the month since I've joined. My happy mail is stepping up!
Response: Thank you for hosting all these creative and fun swaps!
Response: Thank you for the rating and the lovely comment! Take care.
Response: Thank you! FYI, "It Takes TWO" is my favourite group right now along with "YouTube Paper Crafters" and "Amazing Mail Art". Thanks for the super creative swaps like this one. So fun!
Response: This was my first time making these and now I am hooked. I've made a dozen more since I sent off your package! So useful and creative for happy mail!
Response: Oh thank you! I was a little worried about the changed layout!
Response: It arrived to you overseas so quickly...or as it would pre-covid! Good news! I've had some mail take months. Thanks for your lovely compliment and for the rating. We are still experiencing fairly low numbers here on Vancouver Island and I am hoping it stays that way! All the best to you and yours. Take care!
Response: It took almost 2 weeks just for a package to get to me from a place that takes me less than 3 hours to get to! Wild days. Glad you like them! Thank you!
Response: You're welcome. It was fun to go through old photos and reminisce a bit before sending! Thanks for the rating and take care.
Response: Thanks for hosting these great swaps! Some of the best ones of swap-bot for sure!
Response: Oh WOW, I sent this to you way back in late March!! So some mail is taking as long as almost 6 months to get from Western Canada to Eastern Australia. That explains why I've noticed such large gaps in ratings as I send mail out quite regularily. Thanks for the lovely comment. I'm glad you'll make good use out of the items. Take care and I hope you'll get to enjoy some outside time as your weather improves and hopefully lockdown will ease! The rains have picked up here and the chill is on. All the best and take care!
Response: Thank you! I am sorry it got all bumped up along the way.
Response: Thank you and all the best to you !
Response: Thank you. I love these challenge/theme swaps.
Response: Thank you! Looking forward to the Art with Triangles up next!
Response: It's never too early for Halloween!
Response: I enjoyed this one so much! I hope there are more circle swaps soon!
Response: You're welcome! I hope some of it will be of use this year!
Response: Awesome, thank you!
Response: Halloween's around the corner!
Response: Halloween starts in full force on September 1 for me. Never too early!
Response: THank you and take care
Response: What a fun swap! I was worried it could get lost because it is such a funny shape and smaller than expected when I traced out the cd., Glad it arrived!
Response: Oh no! I will send again in an envelope! **aug 4 edit* Another Mail Art package was sent to you on July30 or 31 (in an envelope so bits dont fall off en route). Let me know that it arrives to you intact! I do appreciate the nice rating with some bits missing from the original postcard. ♥️ Take care.
Response: You're welcome. These envelope swaps are super fun to make and receive!
Response: You're welcome! Nice to send to you again. Take care.
Response: What a fun process. The pass and pastes and collaboration card swaps hosted by wolfeagle are among my most favourite and the most creative for sure!
Response: Thanks for the nice rating.
Response: You're welcome! These full envelope swaps are so fun to create and to open!
Response: Thank you! I was worried because the Zetti's I see online are so fabulous. All the best to you as you head into your Winter (or colder) season!
Response: Thank you and you are welcome! Take care.
Response: Looking forward to them! Thank you for the rating and for your contributions to the card! Take care.
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for the rating. All the best!
Response: You're welcome! I am loving the geli pad!
Response: What a wonderful compliment! Thank you for saying so. All the best to you and take care!
Response: Thank you for hosting such great swaps and being so active in the community! Yes,I would like to exchange some chicken photos!
Response: That was fun to put together. I am happy to hear you have found some use for some of the items already!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the rating!
Response: The images really spice up the profile. I love seeing what others come up with. Take care!
Response: Oh neat! Thank you for the rating. Take care.
Response: Ohhh nice! Thank you!
Response: You're welcome. Thank you for hosting such creative and fun swaps! It is always a pleasure swapping with you.
Response: I'm a queen of too much detail. Thank you for rating. Take care.
Response: Good to hear! Blessings <3
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for reading. Please write back if you like! I will respond <3
Response: Oh! Thank goodness! I was worried about all the little envelopes vs. using larger mail envelopes glued together. But "you nailed it" feels great! Thank you and you stay safe as well. We are lucky to be on this Island!
Response: Awesome! Thank you.
Response: Yay! I am happy you've got some new things to work with. Enjoy!
Response: Thanks for hosting! All the best to you too!
Response: Thank you for your lovely compliment. It is a big deal coming from an amazing crafter like yourself!
Response: I love these collaboration swaps! Thanks for the rating and take care.
Response: Thank you! These kinds of swaps are always fun for going through the stash. I always find some treasures for me too that I forgot about and it's like new! Take care
Response: I hope she continues these tag swaps! So fun! Thanks for the rating and take care,
Response: I wonder if you are talking about the Geli printed ones! I am loving my new gel pad!
Response: Thank you. These are fun!
Response: I thought I'd try something different to see how it would turn out. I can wait! Thanks for the rating and take care!~
Response: Yes! Some of the paper is handmade and some of the paper is gelli printed! Thank you!
Response: Yeah, I think sometimes customs doesn't like fatter envelopes without custom forms on them. I guess I get it! I hope you'll find them useful for Christmas 2020! All the best this coming year and thanks for hosting a great swap!
Response: Thank you! I love the gold too! I am using so many gold tones in my crafts over the last year.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: My first profile decoration swap! So pretty. I am happy to know how to do this now when I make profile comments!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Thank you. All the best and Happy New Year!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: My first profile decoration swap! So pretty. I am happy to know how to do this now when I make profile comments!
Response: Thank you! I really enjoy challenge swaps like this.
Response: Thank you! Also, thanks for creating and hosting such great swaps!
Response: Thank you! I love these swaps!
Response: I am glad you enjoyed this swap. I enjoy adding all the little things after making the envelopes for these swaps!
Response: Thanks for hosting a great swap!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for hosting such great swaps all the time. I have often gone to your page just to see if I've missed anything you are hosting!
Response: Oh I am so glad! Thank you!
Response: Thanks Sherry! Take care
Response: Thank you so much for that warning. I didn't know! I hope the envelope was not damaged too much. Thanks for the stellar rating and take care!
Response: you're welcome! THanks for rating
Response: I love these swaps! Still waiting for the one coming to me.
Response: Hearts are a nice theme for every month, not just February! Thanks for the rating, take care.
Response: I am glad it made it. I got yours almost a month ago! I'm sure we'll be swapping again soon!
Response: Autumn vibe is my favourite colour! haha. Thanks for the rating.
Response: Awesome! I was sure some of those wouldn't make it through the mail. Lucky us!
Response: I've had a running streak of delicate postcards making it in one piece. Thanks for the rating! We'll be swapping again soon, I am sure !
Response: Awesome! Thank you
Response: Thanks and take care!
Response: Thank you! I am looking forward to your creations!
Response: I love the fossil fish too! Thank you for your lovely comments. All the best and take care!
Response: Oh I am glad it arrived to you and not back to me (which has happened recently). Thank you for your patience; I am glad it arrived! Thanks for organizing these lovely swaps. I love the handmade notecard swaps a lot!
Response: Awesome! Thank you!
Response: Great news! Thank you for the rating!
Response: Well that arrived much faster than I expected! Great news! Thank you for the rating and thank you for all your great swaps and the work you put into the groups you lead. All the best!
Response: Ohhh I love Hallowe'en! Thank you for the rating. Take care
Response: It arrived in 10 days! This is great to see as my mail usually takes longer. Thank you for the rating!
Response: Thanks for the rating! All the best to you!
Response: Oh what a compliment! I have received handmade mail from you before and for you to say that I've inspired you feels so great! All the best to your crafty endeavors!
Response: Thank you, Barbara!
Response: A lot of my swaps have been arriving later than expected, but youre the first to mention it being open by customs! I am glad it arrived! Thanks for the rating.
Response: The staple was an element I have never added to an atc before, but it really looks cool and I will certainly use a staple or two or three as a detail again! I love these challenges for this reason!
Response: Mu kids eat a lot of cereal, so I try to use all the cardboard for crafts. Thanks for the rating!
Response: Totally a fun swap to put together! Thank you!
Response: Thanks, Sherry! Take care
Response: I love the early Hallowe'en swaps!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: So happy you like it! These swaps are always tricky as everyone is so diverse in what they are expecting! Thanks for rating!
Response: I am happy it arrived! It was such a great idea for a swap. I hope you do it again sometime.
Response: Thanks for the rating! Take care.
Response: Awesome. Thanks for the rating! I am looking forward to the one you are sending my way! Take care
Response: Thanks for the kind words. Happy swapping!
Response: I am stoked it will be added to your collection! I only save my very favourites for my collections! I am flattered.
Response: I am hoping to get back to the Geli prints soon! I LOVE using geli prints for the backgrounds. I just have to find some time. Until next time!
Response: I look forward to seeing the finished art! I love these collaborations!
Response: You are always welcome. Thanks for the compliment!
Response: I am happy it arrived this time! Thank goodness!
Response: I loved the colours in this one too! Thank you
Response: Thanks for your contributions hosting at the Butterfly Lover's group! I am currently enjoying your butterfly and colour series!
Response: Thank you for your compliments. Take care!
Response: Thank you. I hope the host continues this swap. I know I have another one coming up shortly, but hoping she continues.
Response: I am loving this butterfly and colour series! Thank you.
Response: Thanks. I hope you'll use the extras! Enjoy!
Response: I love this years series!
Response: I hope I didn't mix it with a Collaboration postcard! Thanks for your ratings.
Response: You're welcome. This was a fun theme!
Response: Such fun swaps!
Response: I am loving the metallics. Thank you!
Response: Yes, a first for me too until 2 days ago when a lady sent me a message stating that a package she sent to me came back to her...postage good, address good, and the same sticker notice! Thank you!
Response: You're welcome! I miss your inchie swaps!
Response: I love these pass and paste creations! So interesting how they turn out. THank you!
Response: THanks. I have so many butterflies!
Response: Thanks for hosting a lovely swap!
Response: Thanks so much!
Response: That's a nice compliment. Thank you!
Response: Thanks for hosting these awesome swaps!
Response: Thanks for the compliment. Take care
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for a nice rating!
Response: These swaps are very fun. Lots of room for creativity. Thank you and take care!
Response: Thanks for your patience with this swap. Glad it arrived!
Response: THanks for the lovely compliment. I love adding texture!
Response: Oh dear ! I will send again!
Response: I was happy to see metallic as a choice!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for rating.
Response: Thank you! All the best to you, take are!
Response: I am enjoying this metallic theme a lot these days. Thank you!
Response: You're welcome! Thank you a well
Response: Beautiful Tasmania! I cherish the time I had on your beautiful island <3
Response: Yay! Thank you. I loved it too and had wished I had made or had the supplies to have made a copy as I sometimes do.....
Response: Thank you. I am happy you like it. Take care!
Response: Thank you! I look forward to seeing what everyone adds to it! All the best, take care.
Response: I would love to be in touch. Please write back if you so desire! I will respond :)
Response: Thanks for always hosting such wonderful swaps in 2 different groups I am in. They are my favourite.
Response: Yeah, I noticed that after I had used the book page. I am not sure what it is from as the pages were sent to me in a swap. Thanks for the rating! Take care.
Response: Thanks for your comment and rating! All the best to you.
Response: What a fun swap!
Response: Thank you. Yeah, I love spooky stories and I have certainly not heard them all!
Response: Seeing all those crows observing her what a sight to behold....but it looked an awful lot like they were standing with the lady!
Response: Yeah, I don't know if we were all just dreaming it up and feeling real. We are always learning more about the brain! I can never hear enough of these kinds of stories though!
Response: Oh true enough. Thanks for rating!
Response: You're welcome. I've got quite a lovely little ATCoin collection going now!
Response: Thank you for hosting this challenging swap for me. I am not an avid drawer, so I appreciate the heart!
Response: Thank you! A butterfly and a bird. A lovely combo.
Response: You're welcome! THank you for the rating.
Response: I am glad it brought a smile to your face! I love these "put on" swaps and the "happy swaps". Take care
Response: I am glad they arrived! Thanks for joining the swap. Inchies are so fun!
Response: I am really into the metallics these days. Thanks for rating.
Response: I can't wait to see it!
Response: I love receiving swaps with lots to look at! Thanks for rating. Take care.
Response: Thank you! I've got some new stamps, paints and stencils, so I've been going a little stamp and ink crazy!
Response: Oh I love the forever petulant atc! Or was it petulance forevermore! Haha. I thought it was very clever.
Response: Thank you! I've made dozens! They are so fun.
Response: It just snowed a lot here on Southern Vancouver Island. It rarely snows here. My poor tulips and daffodils!
Response: Will the Island be covered in snow or will the tulips survive? Hope your Valentines day warms up!
Response: Oh cool! The swaps were close enough to each other that were probably cut from the same big piece! That's super random. I am glad you like!
Response: You're welcome. These swaps are fun and useful°°°
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for rating
Response: I am glad you liked it. I like the free themed card making.
Response: You are welcome. I love the freedom of sender's choice!
Response: I am happy you enjoy the variety! I have only recently discovered ATCoins as well. Such fun.
Response: This was my first butterfly lovers group swap. I am excited about the next ones
Response: Thank you, Mona!
Response: That took a long time to get to you! I am glad it arrived. I am looking forward to being penpals with you!
Response: Awesome! Thanks for the rating!
Response: Thank you,. I am so inspired by everyone here. I get little ideas all the time!
Response: Ohh I am bummed that they arrived after Christmas! I hope you'll use them next year!
Response: Thank you! All the best to you in 2019
Response: I always hold onto the stamps until I come across a collector! Sorry I didn't have more this time. Take care
Response: Thanks for rating and a Happy New Year to you!
Response: Thanks for rating! Take care and Happy New year
Response: Thank you for the message! Take care!
Response: You're welcome! Tha is for the comment and the heart!
Response: That's ok, it happens! Thanks for the heart and the message!
Response: All the best to you in the new year! Take care
Response: You're welcome! Thank you for commenting.
Response: Thanks for the rating. Hapoy New Year to you!
Response: Thank you. You're my partner for the "triangles are great" post card swap as well (which was just sent this morning)! Hopefully you'll enjoy that one as well. Take care and be safe with those earthquakes and aftershocks happening there right now !! <3
Response: Thank you. I didn't realize it was supposed to be just a chunk of cardboard until the swap from my partner (the coordinator) showed up with no art on the front, just the cardboard!! I appreciate the heart. Take care!!
Response: Thank you! I am happy it arrived in good time!
Response: Thanks so much for your lovely words! I've enjoyed the coin making so much I have joined every artist trading coin swap I can find. I'd love to get a little collection going before I go back to regular ATCs. Take care!
Response: I just recently made my first envelope flip-book, and this was the flip-book I made right after it. I guess I was inspired by the last one and went a little envelope crazy. I am glad you enjoyed that. It certainly makes more room for goodies! Take care, thanks for the rating!
Response: Thank you. I wasn't sure about the skeleton as I knew it would have arrived after Hallowe'en, so I am super stoked to read you love it! Take care
Response: Thanks for hosting all these awesome creative handmade swaps! Take care
Response: Stamped image packages are my favourites to go through when they arrive. I am glad you enjoyed the package! Take care
Response: Oh I am so happy it came intact! Thanks for letting me know about the detached bit, sorry that happened! Thanks and take care!
Response: I am enjoying these flip-books so much! Thanks for the message. Take care.
Response: Thanks for rating. Take care
Response: I couldn't decide on just one colour, so I thought I'd include them all!
Response: Yay! I am glad you liked it! Thanks for these private swaps. Much enjoyed.
Response: Thanks for hosting these put on it swaps! I love them!
Response: I enjoyed putting it all together. I've been inspired by swappers on here with their creative presentation packages. It's really fun to look around for the paper goods among the paper crafts!
Response: Hooray for Happy Mail! Thanks for hosting all the fun swaps.
Response: Thank you! Take care
Response: They really are super fun to do. Take care!
Response: Thanks for hosting! This was a slightly challenging theme for me, so it was extra fun. Cheers!
Response: Thanks for rating! Take care
Response: Yeah, this was really cool swap. I hope she hosts it again! thanks for rating. Take care
Response: Shall we do it again? A different theme?
Response: Happy Halloween! Thanks for your lovely words. I am glad it arrived!
Response: Thanks for the lovely comment.
Response: I love sending and receiving these mixed media swaps! I always get something unusual that I wouldn't generally purchase myself, but I always end up using in the end! Enjoy!
Response: Thanks! I hope you'll respond ;)
Response: I use these colours so often, I was surprised at how difficult it was to find stuff to pass on! I am glad you found it good! I love these colours too. Thanks for rating!
Response: Thanks so much. I really enjoy putting together these flat item swaps!
Response: I thought I just sent the second package to you last week! Perhaps this is the 1st package and another will be on your doorstep in 2 months! Here is hoping! Thanks for the rating!
Response: Awesome. Take care!
Response: So happy you found it useful. Thanks for the kind words. Funny, I am just putting another package together for you now for the WIYM - Paper fun swap.Take care.
Response: you're welcome. Thanks for rating!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: you're welcome!
Response: This was a very enjoyable ATC challenge! Thanks for the kind words. Tkae care!
Response: I've been so inspired by the different flip books I've been seeing in the mail lately. Thank you for rating
Response: Thanks for hosting this swap. Ihope you'll host more like this!
Response: I love the challenge of only sending one colour. Thanks for rating, take care.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the rating.
Response: I thought you might recognize that😻!! Thanks for rating and take care ☆☆☆☆☆
Response: Oh I am happy you like them. I tried to make them very different from each other for a variety. Thanks for rating, take care!
Response: Thanks for rating! Take care!
Response: Thank you . I really enjoy making them. Still a slight challenge for me, but coming along. Take care!
Response: So happy you like it! All the best and take care!
Response: I was going to get it in the mail on the day of our flight, but I did not. It traveled with us to Portugal. I had a strange and cultural transaction at the post office that I won't forget, so that's was kind of neat. I will elaborate in the next swap I send your way, hopefully soon. Thanks for rating and take care!
Response: So glad you like the swap!
Response: I loved putting together this swap!
Response: I didn't realize brown and blue go together so well until I made this card!
Response: Awesome! So glad you liked everything!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! So glad it arrived!
Response: So glad it arrived! I have been having some trouble with some of my packages arriving in a timely matter lately. I might want to go to the actual post office instead of the one in shoppers drug mart, though I don't know if that's the issue....
Response: It was so great to do a Samhain themed book page in May! Thanks for the lovely rating. Take care
Response: It took awhile to do all that writing! We are spoiled with keyboards these days. Thanks for the nice comment. Take care. I will respond if you write back, it just might be a little shorter ;)
Response: I am glad you are satisfied with the swap. It's really hard to send only the requirements. I am hoping she ups the amount in future swaps. I am loving the junk journaling I am doing with previously received items.
Response: I love these inchie swaps. Thank you for the lovely comment. Take care
Response: You're welcome. Take care!
Response: There they are! Awesome. Thanks for the rating. Take care
Response: So true! It is certainly a magnificent leaf, particularly in the Fall when it does go red! All the best to you. Take care
Response: I wasn't sure, but I thought it was Welsh! I am excited that I got it correct. Thanks for your lovely message. Until next time!
Response: You're very welcome. Thank you for the lovely rating and message. take care
Response: Thank you! My craftly goals include more and more little details and colour combos. I am happy that you commented on the detail! Hopefully next time you receive from me there will be even more details! Cheers
Response: Awesome, thank you!
Response: Ahhhh I was frustrated with the background on this swap! I was trying a new method of painting, and I redid it a couple times and thought I kept making it worse, but then after looking at some space images, I fixed it up with a different idea. I am glad you like it!
Response: Awww thanks for the lovely compliment! I am happy it is visually appealing for you. All the best! Till next time....
Response: Awesome! I am glad yours got to you in good time. I have had a few swaps come back to me short on postage in April, so I've been a little worried about all my swaps as of late!
Response: Thanks. I really enjoy these mail art swaps.
Response: You're welcome! Until next time!
Response: Wow, thanks for such a nice message. Her art really resonates with me. I loved making and receiving this swap too!
Response: Awesome! I love these supply swaps.
Response: Thank you! I love challenge atcs like this one! super fun.
Response: You're welcome! Happy swapping
Response: haha, a polka dot extravaganza for sure!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for your rating.Happy swapping!
Response: Awesome! Thanks for rating and happpy swapping
Response: Awesome! Thanks for the rating. Take care!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the rating, take care!
Response: Awesome. Thanks for rating!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: I am glad! Happy swapping and thanks for the rating!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the heart!
Response: You\re welcome! Thanks for the rating.
Response: Thanks for rating! Take care
Response: Thanks for hosting a great swap! Take care.
Response: Thanks! The house suits our family so much. We are lucky beasts! Take care and happy swapping!
Response: I am happy the package made it to you Anastasia! It was exciting for me to send to Russia. Happy swapping! Take care
Response: Great swap idea! Take care
Response: Yes! It looks like it did go through! Thanks so much for attempting so many times and the notes you left in the comments section. Take care.
Response: Thanks for doing the 1:1 art swaps with me! Take care, thanks for rating
Response: Ohhhh I love this postcard too, thank you! I'm happy it went to someone who really likes it too! Take care and thanks for rating!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for hosting great swaps!
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for rating, take care!
Response: Awesome! Thanks for the rating. Cheers!
Response: You're welcome, and thank you for the kind words! I am always up for private swaps too ;) Take care!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for rating
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for hosting a great swap!
Response: They are fairly new to me and so fun to create. I was worried the washi tape wouldn't hold it all together for its travels! Thanks for the rating, take care.
Response: Awesome! Thanks for the rating. Take care
Response: Aww thanks for the kind words! I am loving the mini flip books; so many possibilities for secret pockets, layering, ribbons, and of course extra goodies! They are so fun to make!
Response: Thank you! My favourite of the three I sent you is the silver one. Thanks for the kind words and the rating! Cheers!
Response: Thanks for the rating. I really enjoy preparing these destash swaps as much as I do receiving them ;) Cheers!
Response: Awesome! I mixed a few of his styles around. They didn't turn out as AMAZING as I had in my head, and a little different from my style of work, but they were super fun to make. Thanks for the rating.
Response: You're welcome. Thanks for the rating. Take care.
Response: Thanks for rating. Take care!
Response: I am glad it arrived in one piece!
Response: Thanks for your kind words! Looking forward to next time :) Take care!
Response: Thanks for the kind words! Take care
Response: I got a swap package last week from a woman who lives 4 blocks away from me and it took 11 days! Thanks for your patience. I think the Christmas season really backed things up here in Western Canada. Hopefully next time it will arrive in under a month!
Response: Woah that was fast. It is cool they arrived together because I am pretty sure they were sent days apart. Thanks so much for the quick rating. Take care!
Response: Oh I am glad it arrived! If you would like to stay in touch, please respond! I would love to read your answers too. Also, I am sure you have lots of ideas of where to go outside of Victoria, but If you would like some other ideas (from a local persons point of view besides the obvious) message me anytime. Take care and thanks for rating!
Response: I am glad you liked it! Thanks for rating
Response: THanks so much!
Response: I had a hard time letting this atc go. I should start making doubles so I can keep some of them! Thanks for your compliment, as well as the rating. Take care!
Response: Awesome. Thank you for the rating. Take care!
Response: I am glad you like what I sent. I wish I could remember each and every swap! I have been doing so many swaps lately that I seem to be forgetting. Thanks for the rating.
Response: Awesome! I do hope you write back. You seem super interesting and my sister is a hooper too! Take care!
Response: I am looking g forward to your letter! I am glad you like the pocket letter. They are New to me in the last 6 weeks.
Response: Ha! I love that ribbon! Glad you like it too. Thanks for rating!
Response: Thank you. I have been enjoying the host*s junk journal supply series. I am glad you*re in the ethereal swap! I will be using an image I received in a goddess themed swap I hosted last month. Looking forward to it!
Response: I am so happy it made it to you! Take CARE!
Response: I am glad you liked it and thanks for rating.
Response: I am glad you liked it. Happy New YEAR!
Response: Thanks for rating. Happy New Year!
Response: Thank you! Happy Holidays to you as well. Take care
Response: This was my first flip-book. cheers!
Response: Thank you! I am really loving the process of making layered artist trading cards.Take care
Response: This is a great theme for my supplies! Thanks for rating. Take care
Response: Merry Christmas to you too! Thanks for hosting this super swap. Take care!
Response: I am glad you like what I sent. Thanks so much for rating. Take care and happy swapping.
Response: Awesome. I look forward to keeping in touch! Until next time, cheers!
Response: I am glad to hear you will use it all! Thanks so much for rating. Take care!
Response: Elyse is so excited to have a new penfriend from India! Thank you for the rating. Take care!
Response: Pocket letters are very new to me, so I am relieved that you like it! Thanks so much for the rating. Cheers!
Response: Thank you for doing this swap with me! I am glad you like all that I sent. Thanks for rating! Until next time, cheers!
Response: Yes! Elyse has been putting aside crafts and goodies for her replies to her letters in the New Year. I love that the kids got a chance to be a part of our love of swapping.
Response: I enjoyed this one so much. I will probably host this one again. Thanks for rating. Cheers!
Response: She loved doing this swap. Such a treat to be able to include the kids in our love of swapping. Take care!
Response: I love seeing my daughter get so excited about receiving something in the mail from her own peer group! It's a wonderful thing. Thanks for being a part of that.
Response: Such a great swap! Thanks for doing this swap with me. Cheers!
Response: Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for rating.
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the rating. Cheers!
Response: Thanks for the info. I just started using washi tape, but I guess it is more decorative than actually tape. This is the second time this month that my packages have arrived like this so I totally appreciate the heads up! Thanks for the rating, and I am glad you will enjoy the things I included. CHeers!
Response: I am clearly not a good guesstimater! It was only one extra stamp so I went for it., so cheap to send within Canada! Enjoy!
Response: Thank you for such a nice compliment. Cheers!
Response: I am glad it arrived and I am stoked you love them. Enjoy!
Response: Awesome. Thanks!
Response: Thank you for such a lovely compliment on my work! You are very welcome.
Response: You're welcome. Enjoy!
Response: Awesome. Thanks for rating
Response: Thank you. I always make an atc or postcard first with lots of random layering, often with the scraps of other paper crafts, and then cut the inchies. It's been really satisfying. I am pleased that you noted the backgrounds!! Thank you. Let me know if you'd ever like to do a private inchie swap!! I'll gladly make more
Response: Inchies are super fun! I hope you host more of them.
Response: Awesome. I am looking forward to your letter. Cheers!
Response: Awww, thank you for your compliments! I really enjoy making gift tags! You are welcome. Thanks for joining my swap!
Response: Thank you for such a nice compliment of my atc! You are very welcome. Cheers!
Response: haha! Yes, I guessed the weight and it turned out to be 60 grams, but not too expensive to send, so I didn't remove anything. Enjoy!
Response: I'd love a 1:1 swap. Will be in touch mid November to see if you're still up for it
Response: You're welcome~
Response: Thanks so much!
Response: I love these swaps for that exact reason. Thank you!
Response: You're welcome. I am sure we'll swap again. Cheers!
Response: You're welcome, and thanks for rating!
Response: Thanks so much. I've made so many atcs this month! I'm running out of recyclables! Cheers.
Response: Awesome! You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! Glad you can use the things I included
Response: Awesome! Cheers
Response: Thank you! For a little back bend, this finger is taking forever to feel normal!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Wow, I just sent that on Friday! And thank you for the tips for my future pocket letters. Very much appreciated.
Response: Awesome, thank you!
Response: Thanks so much!
Response: Lucky indeed! Thank you for rating,. Until next time!
Response: You're welcome! Thank you for rating, take care
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for much for rating.
Response: I love Hallowe'en images from those days! Spooky indeed. Thank you for rating. Cheers
Response: You are welcome! Thanks so much for the rating. Cheers!
Response: Yes, I've received three swaps from you already. It was a pleasure to send one out to you. AH and yes! I did mention you in my letter. :) It took me quite some time to get all ten swaps together and out too, but it was fun! Thanks for rating, I'm sure we'll be in touch through future swaps.
Response: Awesome! I am glad the items will be put to use. Take care
Response: Thanks for rating. I hope you have a great day too!
Response: I am surprised how few letters I have received for this swap. 6/10 swaps have arrived and only one letter! Thanks for rating. Take care!
Response: Wow! That crossed the Atlantic quicker than I think any mail I've sent has taken before ever! If I remember correctly, I sent these out less than a week ago! I am glad you enjoyed it. You are welcome! CHeers!
Response: Awesome. I also just sent off another package to you yesterday! Thanks for rating. Cheers!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Awesome! Thanks for rating. Take care!
Response: You are very welcome! Thank you for the lovely rating. Take care!
Response: So fun to make! Thank you for rating. Cheers!
Response: Thanks for rating! Cheers
Response: Thanks for rating. Cheers
Response: Right on! I am glad you will use them. Cheers!
Response: I had a hard time parting with the atc I sent you! I am so happy you like it! Thanks ks for the rating. Cheers
Response: Thanks so much and welcome back. I am new(ish) here and it's such a great community. Looking forward to future mixed media craft swaps! Let me know if you're ever up for a private swap. Cheers!
Response: Ohhh nice place to see the eclipse! THanks for rating, cheers!
Response: Awesome! Thank you for rating. Cheers!
Response: Oh great! That was certainly an unusually long wait considering we are on the same continent! If you are ever up for a private swap of any kind in the future, I am up for it. Thanks for rating :)
Response: Awesome! I am glad you like them all. Thanks for rating. Cheers~!
Response: Awesome! Rubber stamping is very relaxing. I will have to do more of these swaps. Thanks for rating!
Response: Thanks for the rating, Mendy! And welcome to swap-bot.
Response: Awesome! Thank you. These kinds of swaps with a combination of something handmade and some extra craft supplies are my favourite!
Response: Thanks so much. You are so kind!
Response: Thanks for the rating! I hope you find good use for everything sent!
Response: You're welcome, and thanks for rating! I am excited about this swap. Spooky stories are the best! I think there is a second similar swap started for later this August! I'm "watching" it, Cheers!
Response: Thank you! And thanks for your response and advice through email. Much appreciated.
Response: You're welcome! Stamping is a new hobby for me. It is so enjoyable!
Response: Awesome! I am glad you like it. Cheers
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for the nice rating. Happy crafting!
Response: I hope you can use them all ! Thank you.
Response: Thank you! Creating a monster ATC was a fun challenge!
Response: Awesome! If my address isn't clear on the envelope, message me and I will reply with my address. I am always looking for crafty minded pen friends. I am glad you like the tags too. Enjoy!
Response: It was hard to let them go! I liked them a lot too, haha. Thanks for rating!
Response: What a fun challenge this swap was! Thanks for the kind words :) Cheers
Response: This was a great challenge - especially unexpectedly without a sewing machine! Thanks for rating!
Response: Awesome. Thanks for the rating, and thanks for joining my first hosted swap!