Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! So who did win? Surely now both because they landed together in your mailbox. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I think without the tutorials I would never be able to solve the cube. And even with the tutorials I don't get all the magic behind it. But hey- only result matters. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was fun to make.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like it.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like it!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Yes, now I'm fully used to the new date too. :)
Response: Thank you! It took some time but now I think that my inspiration is slowly getting back to me.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! All papers I've made are now nicely stacked in a box. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome, thank you!
Response: Good things come to those who wait. I'm happy that it arrived savely. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you, I'm happy that it arrived savely. Happy New Year!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy New Year.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Happy New Year!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Have fun using the creatures in your next projects. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Maybe when I'm feeling an urge to play with paint again... :)
Response: Thank you for your kind words, you're welcome! I'm glad that you liked everything!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! The different travel durations are quite interesting. seems like international mail is handled quicker (my mail to and from the US arrives usually very quick) than your domestic mail. Which is paradoxic...
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Seems that we bought similar new Spirograph sets...
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like the unusal note card. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Can you guess which is my favourite shape? :)
Response: Vielen lieben Dank! Einen tollen Herbst wünsche ich dir noch!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Always circles in my (and this person) head. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I had to look up Yayoi Kusama but I think I've seen some of her works before. That's next level circle love. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you. I'm glad that you like the little gallery.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! <3
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was fun to make.
Response: Thank you for your kind words, I'm glad that you like it! :)
Response: Always a pleasure, thank you! Years ago it was a bit hard for me to make monochrome cards. But it changed over the years. Now it's fun!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! But now you actually have Medusa in your house. Sorry. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Sewing is always the best "glue". Have fun exploring it. :)
Response: Yes, that's it! :) Thank you!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like the little bit strage looking woman. :)
Response: After seeing this giant full moon yesterday, the people also could sit in front of a full moon. Always many possibilities for interpretations...
Response: My pleasure, thank you! So you've already a long list for several visits. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm happy that it arrived savely. So the photos aren't too sleek to send them in the mail.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I was very glad how it turned out.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it as much as I do. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! And it can be a kind of advertisement too, when people craft with packaging and such.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! We need to start to invent new colours. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like it.
Response: Haha, yes synchronised swimmers, that's fitting. I've a second (different) Wacken stamp. I will try to remember to use it the next time.
Response: The man with the googles is so hilarious, right? And the truth isn't too different from this old image. Thank you!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was fun to make!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like it. Happy swapping!
Response: Gern geschehen! :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it - it was fun to make.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! You gave me an idea - I will try brown for the next monochromatic round.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you also like the perfectly fitting pieces. I'm wondering if I could recreate it with different images some day,,,
Response: You're welcome, thank you!
Response: Vielen lieben Dank zurück! Hätte ich das gewusst, hätte ich die Karte auch auf Deutsch geschrieben .:) Freut mich, dass sie dir gefällt.
Response: Thank you #2! Now you have an old and a new creation from me. :)
Response: My pleasure thank you! I'm glad that you like it, it was fun to make!
Response: You're welcome, thank you!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I don't make ATCs very often so this swap was a good possibility.
Response: Vielen lieben Dank zurück! Ich habe gleich noch mehr dieser Karten gemacht, es ist eine echt schöne Idee.
Response: You're welcome, thank you!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I've made a couple more of these envelopes. I love this book! :)
Response: Haha, no problem. Next time I will put a hint onto the first card. :) The birds are Common pheasants. Sometimes I see some of them.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! And some more postcards will go out to you tomorrow. :)
Response: Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad that I can spread the fun I have while making them. :)
Response: Thank you #2! Should I tell you a secret? Reusing already used but uncancelled stamps is forbidden in Germany. But don't tell anyone. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Everything retro will be modern again later, right? :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It was fun experimenting a bit with the tea bags.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it! Yes, I'm also keeping my eyes open for further swaps.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Oh yes, the tiny wheels can go instantly missing in a blink.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like my mermaid.:)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Sharing is caring. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! As remembering this swap now, time to try it again now. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you!
Response: Yes, crows and cameras have their eyes everywhere! I had so much fun getting a bit artsy. Thank you!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It was fun to create this for you.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it.
Response: Vielen lieben Dank! Dir auch einen schönen Sommer!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Sometimes limiting your materials can help to. If you have to much great things to choose from... so many decisions. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Oh yes, I'm still experimenting with the spiroghraph. So many possibilities.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Have fun creating with it.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Surely napkins also would work instead of tea bag paper. Happy experimenting!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! And you've reminded me that I still have this on my to-do list for further experimenting. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! What will be the next colour? :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Thank you for the kind words.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like it!
Response: Vielen lieben Dank! Freut mich, wenn sie dir gefällt. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Now saddle your seahorse and search for Atlantis. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Now I should try it the other way round: add some b&w to a colourful background.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm happy that it arrived well!
Response: Thank you #2! Nothing can go wrong when crafting with the colour blue. :)
Response: I'm super happy that now in fact both, the original and the resend, arrived! I should start to browse through my stamp stash and look for some more animal head stamps. The duck person was so fun to make!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I never knew that I have a recognizable kind of signature style. <3
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Have fun working in your journal!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! A new monochrome card is going out to you tomorrow. Which colour will it be? :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Flamingo greetings! :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like it! :)
Response: Oh, a happy end! Thank you! If the card could talk...
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It's fun to work in bigger scales sometimes.
Response: Many thanks too! Happy swapping!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was fun making them, so I hope that you also will have fun creating with them!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy collaging!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I also love how they turned out. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Yes, the design is up for interpretations.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm happy that you like my study in red. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It was fun to make.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you enjoyed it.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! How fun to learn new things through stamps -thanks for looking it up!
Response: Vielen lieben Dank! Und beim Heften bekommt man keine klebrigen Finger! Dafür gibt es natürlich andere Probleme. Mein Heftgerät ist ziemlich klein, das schränkt den Spielraum etwas ein.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that it arrived savely - I've used my last Peanuts stamps for it. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that it arrived savely.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like the little bird card. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! So watch out for dinosaurs crossing. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Even easy looking things can be hard work too. Even for me. It can quite take some time till I'm happy with the results.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Spoiler: Scraps 3/4 is going out to you tomorrow. :)
Response: Das ist mein erster Kalender. Ich kann auch nicht so viele der Rätsel lösen. So detailliert ist mein Wissen nicht. Da bin ich beruhigt, dass es nicht nur mir so geht. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you also enjoy making inkbox cards. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Birds are always a nice motive to craft with. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I think we can count ourself lucky that we still have postage stamps. I know that you can pay the postage online and get a numerical code you've to write onto the envelope instead of a postage stamp.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! And sometimes it can be refreshing to craft outside the own comfort zone. I should try this more often too.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like it.
Response: Danke, freut mich, dass er dir gefällt. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I have a book full of pressed leaves. But when I like to use one, I tend to go out and find a "fresh" one and save the already pressed ones for later. Completely stupid, I know. :)
Response: Gerne, ich freue mich, dass dir die Karte gefällt. Danke für die lieben Worte. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Another swap with paper goodies will go out tomorrow. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was fun to make it.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm living so deep in my collage world that I can't imagine something else. Maybe painting is an option, is there anything else? :)
Response: I'm glad to hear that I was able to master the washi. :) Thank you!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It's always fun to give materials a second, third or whatever life. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you. I love the bird series. Already working on the next one. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Yes that's right, and at least real musicians were involved. Now with KI creating music this is another level. :)
Response: You're welcome! I hope you will have a good time creating with the papers.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! No, no special meaning for the number. Just found it fitting to include a number.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that I picked just the right colour for you. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: Thank you! Yes, why not keep a paper making swap in mind. Till then I need to be brave and start using my papers, not only looking at them. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like it. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! As everybody only gets one card, nobody can check which corner they actually got. :) But I marked the corners before cutting, so I was able to recall.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! :)
Response: Danke! Ich will ja immer Reste aufbrauchen. Da sind die masterboard swaps immer sehr gut geeignet. Aber irgendwie werden meine Reste nie alle. :)
Response: Gerne! Dann viel Spaß beim Umdekorieren. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Sewing is always the best glue, and the fingers don't get sticky. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that I was able to brighten your mailbox. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was fun to put it together.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy New Year!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! We even got some sonow yesterday. It's already gone again.
Response: Gerne! Und sie schmatzen wohl auch etwas lauter. :) Frohes neues Jahr!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I hope that your year will start out crafty.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Interesting that the sea has the same effect to a cat. Hopefully she enjoyed land
life as well. Happy New Year!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Happy New Year
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like it! Happy New Year
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I was super nervous if it will arrive savely. So it wasn't too much thread. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! The snow is already gone. And no new snow in sight.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It was fun to make it!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Happy Swapping!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like it!
Response: Always a pleasure, thank you! I will try now to use stickers more often. Like the circle stickers - they're fun to use!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! For me it's always a little adventure when a sewn envelope arrives savely and escape the hungry sorting machines. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you. I'm glad that it arrived savely!
Response: You're welcome, thank you. 'm glad that it had a save "flight" :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you. I envy that hedgehogs doing a hibernation. Just sleep and wake up when it's warm again. )
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Thanks for the suggestion, I will keep an eye open for it, the synopsis I've found sounds interesting.
Response: Always a pleasure, thank you! Good to know that everything was taped well. My sewing machine likes to do that as well - sending you a PM!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I also was happy then I found the image in my stash. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It was fun to make it.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it! :)
Response: Danke dir! Ja, Vögel sind immer ein gutes Motiv. Viel Spaß beim gestalten deines Journals!
Response: Youre welcome, thank you! Yes, go play with sewing, it's fun!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Also thank you for your kind words. It was fun to make everything.
Response: You're welcome thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: Always a pleasure, thank you! I'm glad it arrived this time. Maybe the first one will turn up next year or so. Miracles aren't impossible. :) Messaging you about the private swap!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! No, I haven't watched the documentary so far. But they also talked about it in the podcast.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it! :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like my little flower collection so far. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm happy that it arrived savely.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I never had the luck with potted hibiscus. But at work we have a thriving one. Hopefully it will bloom again this year.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you enjoyed the little piece of spring. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Keep your flamingo clean. :)
Response: Vielen lieben Dank! Ja, vintage geht eigentlich immer. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! You never can't have too much blue stuff, right? :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Lucky you, I will also send the next swap in your flower series to you.:)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Cutting the masterboard is always a little surprise as you can't plan everything in detail.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I glad that you like tThis for me unusual outburst of colour. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like it!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Now I'm thinking of which colour to use in the current round of this swap.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! First I was unsure about the castle one - but now it's also my favourite. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I wanted to pick some smaller lace but then I was happy with the bigger one. Like wings. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I only had the half image of the fish in my stash, so I can't tell how fitting it would have been.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I always enjoy this kind of swaps, so I'm glad that you like it.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you also enjoy making them. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! And it arrived right in time for the beginning of autumn.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Work with what you've got, right?
Response: You're welcome, thank you. That's also true. I try to avoid ending up with tiny scraps. It's very hard to learn that you can't save every tiny piece. I'm failing at this too. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that it arrived savely.
Response: My pleasure, thank you too. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you. I'm glad that it arrived savely.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Yes, that's the right translation. There will be a next swap some day!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! You can't have too many dots or circles. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you. I'm glad that it arrived savely!
Response: My pleasuere, thank you! The text shape I've made quite some time ago. As it would be a hassle to apply glue to it, I've never used it. No glue problems now with packing tape. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like it and that it arrived savely. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Also thank you for my now 1.111 hearted rating! :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Time is what you make of it. :)
Response: Thank you #2! Isn't using negative space a good way for recycling? :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was fun to make it.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like it.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was hard to let it go. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I also enjoyed creating it. It's always a nice "force" to use more than only paper.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Happy swapping! :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It's time for more see trough stuff. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! So you have a local frog party, cool. :)
Response: Gerne! Sonnige Grüße. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It was a great luck that I found this unusal stamp. Never saw a lower body / fashion stamp before.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It was fun going a bit crazy on my sewing machine. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it! :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Great to hear that all washi stripes survived the long trip. I guess I can make some more now. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it. :) Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Maybe you will also some day recycle this envelope. Then that art is a never ending circle. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was fun creating it!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like it!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm always glad when such a see through card arrives savely.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It's always fun to recycle old projects. So it can end up in a comletely different way.
Response: Thank you for your rating! Well, it's a mixed feeling that my card remembered you in such a way. Bugs aren't an easy theme. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Due to this swap I got into the mood and made a couple of washi backgrounds and another envelope. So I might join another washi envelope swap too!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Off with their heads! The Queen of Hearts would like it. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you enjoy my swearing. :) I'm pondering to join the second edition of this swap too.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was fun to make it.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it as much as I do. :)
Response: Vielen lieben Dank! Manchmal kann ja auch was schnell gehen. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Enjoy the spring time!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! And there's also a tiny bit green in the extra card, to stay in the theme. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was fun to create it!
Response: Yay, the rating is sticking this time! Thank you for your kind rating! <3
Response: Thank you! I guess when the parrots manage to take a trip under water, they also are fine with their hotel. At least it got some windows. :) Sometimes I hate my ideas when it comes to the point of glueing everything down (when there's a lot over-under-layering). Putting small glued paper bits (which tend to roll up) into slits makes me mad. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It was fun to create.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I was so happy that I was able to stitch around the light bulb perfectly. Mostly it ends up a bit wonky.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I only see bats in the summer here. Every year there are less and less - so it seems. About how to make these cards, I will send you a PM.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like it.
Response: Thank you #2! So fun to make these fun surreal things.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Funny thing: I'm reading the book Frankenstein right now. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! So fun to make!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I never saw those stamp motive before - it immediately inspired me.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: You'rw welcome, thank you! I'm glad that it arrived savely!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Yes, go for it. It's such a great size to work with (at least for me).
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like it! :)
Response: Danke dir! Die Ringe habe ich aus einfachem Zeitschriftenpapier geschnitten. Das kann manchmal schon so dünn wie Washi sein. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! And it arrived nearly right on time for Easter. :)
Response: Danke dir! Ich muss mir jetzt Nachschub an Zeitschriften organisieren, ich brauche frisches Material. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like it! :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Mixing body pieces always give some strange looking results. But I like it. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Sometimes it's good to make something outside your comfort zone. But sometimes not. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Staple collages can be quite addicting. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Haha, I sometimes like to go a bit wonky. But the machine says no. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you. I think that I never saw a real toucan in a zoo. So I can't check if they have arms or not. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you. I'm glad that you like it. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! :) No hummingbirds and I've also never seen a Bee Catcher. But we have Hummingbird hawk-moths! Well, that's not a bird but maybe comparable. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! When You eat the next cauliflower, check first if a fish creature is living in it. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I could add postage people to everything. But I can control myself. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Working in such a small size is a complete new world including tiny cutting and glueing. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it. I still need to practise to like shiny things. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I really liked the result. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! So it sounds like that she might have worn that dress. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I hope that I wrote clearly enough for you to read with my sloppy handwriting. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm happy that the couple arrived savely. So fun to make!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Sewing is a great thing if you don't feel like glueing. At least for me. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I have to start drying teabags again to make some more. :)
Response: My pelasure, thank you! Yes, it can be quite addicting, right? I'm glad that you also had fun creating these.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! And on your way up onto the top, you can always take a bite in case you're getting hungry. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Can't wait for nature going back to green again.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like it. It was so fun to make.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Colour is in the eye of the beholder? :) Try searching for the colour chamois. I had some paper in this colour which was light yellow and some which was more redish light brown. Welcome to the colour jungle.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Maybe I will create a second swap soon. So fun to make. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that it arrived savely. The Frida pictures I've found out of luck in a magazine, right when I read your profile. Right time and place. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Tangling is a nice variety to my collage only creations. Thanks for swapping!
Response: You're welcome thank you! Now I'm excited to get yours. Have fun experimenting with the clear tape cards. So fun!
Response: My pleasure, thank you. I'm glad that you like it. It's quite a perfect size to craft with. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Without workshops there's still plenty of inspiration online. Of course that's not the same...
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It's getting a little bit colder here. Maybe some light snowfall is possible.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! And the next card is waiting to go out to you end of this week. :)
Response: Thank you #2! :) Let's see when I will do some watercolouring the next time. Now after the series ended.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it.
Response: You're welcome, thank you. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was super fun to make it.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that it arrived savely. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Yes, that workshop was very inspiring.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! The workshops are organized by the Volkshochschule. I don't know if you have something similar. Maybe search for online courses- well it's not the same but close. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Yes, mixed media is a nice change to my usual paper only collages. Enjoy the pre-Christmas time.
Response: You're welcome, thank you too! :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like the chilling frog. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Yes, go for it! There's so much to try out. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Have fun creating (or just collecting) with the catalog card.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm happy that it arrived savely as it was hard to let her go. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it and that it was somehow inspiring for you. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! This was also a favourite of mine. So I'm glad that the unusual card arrived savely.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Ii'm glad that you like it. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Postcards can be tougher that you think. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! You can't go wrong with purple. And it's also a royal colour, right?
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that it arrived savely with a jump. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I should use more stripes, a variety to my omnipresent circles.
Response: Wow, your rating is my 1.000 heart rating. Thank you! After all those printing I enjoy making paper collages even more. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I still have many "stamp heads" which wait to be postage people. :) The screen printing was interesting. But my love still goes out to paper collaging. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you. It's a little pity - but now it is like it is. Till next time. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it. Have fun deconstructing the envelope. The craft workshop was awesome!
Response: You're welcome, thank you. Botanical greetings! :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I think you will have fun experimenting with more postage people. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! The picture wasn't a statue. A girl sitting on a post, playing guitar. You can find the card (where I used this image) here:
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Birds are always a good motive.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I enjoyed our swap. And I'm happy that it arrived savely. I was a bit unsure about the leaves... they might not be allowed to send as they're real botanicals. No risk, no fun :D
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Mushrooms are fascinating in general, but I won't eat them. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that I was able to pick some suitable stamps for you.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I just got some more stamps las week - oh some more stamp people are in the making. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I quite like to make and decorate envelopes right now.
Response: Thank you! So then the fish hid itself well. :) No wonder, I covered it up nearly completely.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Making stamp persons is never getting old. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It was fun to make!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Collage is the best. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you. The haptic feel of the paper is great. So soft (with the print on it you can't feel it). I still have to experiment with drawing on it.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I should use up more stamps, that is fun!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm always happy when I can find some words for the blackout poetry which make some kind of sense (as a non native speaker). :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I was also pleased with the lemons. Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like it. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you. Botanical greetings! :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like them. It's fun to see what everybody did with the theme.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! The postcard did a longer travel than I. But I think that I got the better view. :)
Response: Gerne! So ist Kunst zur Postkunst geworden. Und ich habe fast noch das gesamte Buch, was ich zu Umschlägen verwursten kann. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! :) I'm glad that you like it.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Just today I made some more cyanotypes. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Nothing is better than the classic vanilla + chocolate ice cream. :)
Response: Thank you for your rating!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I also love the smell of lemons. So fresh. I need some now, with that current heat wave...
Response: You're weclome, thank you! An iguana munching some red hibiscus flowers... that must be a great picture! :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! The printing mess is still going on. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Remembering the motive is so refreshing right now. It's getting hot again here.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Enjoy the hot summer times.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Mushrooms always give me some autumn vibes. I hope that the colourful paper made it a bit more summerly. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! So he is still confused. Well, it was a long travel for a cat. :)
Response: My pleasure that I left you puzzled. :) Birds just walk beside you. Just talk to your local birds. :P
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Oh, now an iced tea with lemon would be nice. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was fun to make it. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that my hike was earlier this month. It's so super hot right now!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it. You're rating is my 1.000 rating, wow! <3
Response: You're welcome, thank you! This was a fast travel!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like the flowery cards. Enjoy the summer! :)
Response: I'm glad that it made it to you! Thank you!:)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like it. :D
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Birds are always fun!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! :) Good luck watching the video. It's easy to follow.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm happy that you like it all. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm happy that I found an unusual card for you. :)
Response: Gerne! Danke für die liebe Bewertung. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you enjoy my umbrella art. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! What you can use up, you don't have to think about storing it.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! :) I'm glad that it arrived fast, so you can still enjoy the spring vibes.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I like following tutorials. Learning step by step is very helpful.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it! For this card I used matt gel medium as a glue and sealant. For me it works better than craft glue.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like the series. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it. Happy spring time!
Response: You're welcome! As I got some more of the red gelli prints, I made some more reddish cards!
Response: Thank you #2! I was already worried because it took quite long to arrive this time. But it got a happy ending. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that the fish travelled well!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Somehow you can call them facts. I used the index of a book about aquarium fishes + plants. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it. I just can hope that they will start over new with the future doctor. Maybe again a female one...
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I had fun making it, the pieces were a perfect match.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Happy swapping! :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that it arrived safely. Stay safe!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Actually I made the background earlier (to test the paint). Then I thought it would be fitting as little air bubbles for the fishes. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! We have a phone company which uses magenta, so the colour name is well known. :) I wanted to make sure that it's not baby pink. Yes, I'm fine again!
Response: Danke zurück! Ja, die Inkbox cards ziehe ich dem ATC-Format vor. Ich denke schon, dass es echte Federn sind, habe ich mal in nem Tausch bekommen.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Obviously they found the way. And that's the thing what counts.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! You should try one, they're fun!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I was a bit unsure if it could be too simple, obviously not. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like part one of my series. :)
Response: Haha, so it seems yes. No, I've used simple (used) office paper. The structure comes from the acrylic paint I guess. Thank you!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm already thinking about further themes for the inkbox card swap series.
Response: Thank you! The results are always a surprise. It's a fun process.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that it arrived savely.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was fun to make it, I'm glad that you like it.
Response: You're wlecome thank you! Happy New Year!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy New Year to you too. Guess what? A swap will get out to you soon. :D
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you don't get bored by my cards. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy New Year!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was fun to make it!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm happy that it arrived already before Christmas. Happy Holidays!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like my Holly experiment .:) Happy Holidays!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Hahah, blue ist also my favourite colour, so it was easy and no work at all. :) Happy Holidays!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm happy that it arrived savely. Enjoy the Christmas vibes. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Maybe now it's your turn again. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm done with my calendar postcards (it dind't turn out like I've expected, but it's done!).
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like it. Happy swapping!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I was lucky when I found something that would fit size wise into the hand. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm still stuck with the gelli project. For distracion I made some collages today. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Blue greetings!
Response: You're welcome, thank you. Now you have a start of a little painted bird collection. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I nearly maxed out the size limit of a postcard. But we don't have suitable big postage stamps like you have. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you. Yes, sometimes watercolour is amazing. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you for your kind rating! Inkbox cards are just the perfect size. I'm already planning in making more macrame plant hangers. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was fun to make this hybrid creature. :)
Response: You're super welcome, thank you! Sometimes it's worth to step out of the comfort zone once in a while and get some shine. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was fun to make it.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Black is the new colour. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you. It was fun to see how it turned out in the end.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that it arrived savely.
Response: My pleasure, thank you #2! :)
Response: I'm super happy that this card arrived just fine. I had fun making it! Since I send off the card I guess I've again collected more scraps than I've used up. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I had fun making this face. We had surprisingly good warm weather the last days. I don't dare to thing about freezing temps right now. :)
Response: My pleasure, as always, thank you. Hiking was great. Perfect weather, perfect nature. Now my feed need some rest. ;)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It was super fun to make it.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it. I still have it on my list to make some more skinny cards.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm happy that the little leaf arrived savely. Happy swapping! :)
Response: Thank you for your kind rating! After I've finished it, it was hard to let it go. :) So I'm happy that the toucan landed savely.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it. :)
Response: Thank you! Didn't planned it but when the envelope was ready, I realized that the chameleon also fits the spiral theme. :)
Response: Haha, thank you! A scary coincidence. A sign from intelligent alien life form? :P
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad it made it to you as I liked the result very much. :)
Response: I'm glad that this shaker envelope also arrived savely and super quick. It's getting hotter here too. But not for very long.
Response: Thank you for the kind rating! I also like how the fox turned out. In the tutorial there's a second fox which is sleeping. I might try this motive too!
Response: Thank you for your kind rating! It was a pleasure to make it. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I loved the leaf theme, so I made another one in a different colour.:)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy swapping.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I had fun making this Starry Night inspired background. And how fun that you like the original painting also!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like my "August Issue" :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you. I'm glad that it arrived savely this time! :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was fun to make this Napoleon Lincoln.
Response: Thank you! I'm super happy that the card made it as I really like the result. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like my little birdie. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you for your kind rating. It was fun making it. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I loved painting this for you! :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I think the break helped. Today I bought some new papery things in an art supplies store. Inspiration! Now I only need some time to craft. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like it. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Funny thing: the word was a random pick because the card looked a bit naked. It's wasn't planned but suited well into the context. :)
Response: Thank you! Good to know that you can send shaker envelopes without problems. I will make some more now. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It was super fun to make this card.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that it arrived savely.
Response: Thank you for your kind rating! =) Which is also the 900th 5 rating for me! :) I had to send it of right after I've finished it. If I would have thought longer about it, I surely couldn't let it go.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Happy swapping! :)
Response: Thank you! It's the little details that count. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like my little blue collection. :)
Response: Danke dir! Hui, die Post kann ja doch noch schnell arbeiten. Gestern erst abgeschickt. Da hat sich die Gans ganz schön abgestrampelt.:)
Response: Great, thank you! In the meantime I got a variety of great postage samps with heads. Can't wait to try them. :)
Response: Thank you! :) I'm super glad that it arrived savely as I really like how the card turned out.
Response: My pleasure, thank you, I'm glad that you like it! The ocean is such an inspiring theme.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It was fun to work with this folding style. So I'm happy that it arrived well!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like my stylish octopus. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Have a great summer!
Response: Thank you! Have a great flamingo summer. :)
Response: Hurray! I'm glad that it travelled quite fast this time. Maybe the Martians took the other one for inspection...
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that it arrived savely. Oh, "D" always stands for dangerous! Imagine those victorian hair pins - super dangerous. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! :) Haha, yes, the paint is everywhere! I was using black for the first tries, and oh my fingernails! Some time ago I also was able to make a successful image transfer. But like you I don't have a clue why it worked.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like it, it was super fun to make. :)
Response: Thank you #2! Keep an eye open for the next swap. :)
Response: Thank you! :) I just finished a macrame dreamcatcher this weekend. It turned out quite well!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was fun to make this dragonfly themed card!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Turn it round as you wish. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like the little birdy. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Shortly after I sent of the envelope I was lucky to get an appointment for vaccination, yay. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Sewing onto paper is fun - go for it. :) I have a sewing machine but mostly I'm too lazy to put it up for a couple of stitches.
Response: Gerne! Der Vogel mit der kleinen Haartolle wirkte mir etwas exzentrisch - der konnte nur gelegentlich frisch gestrichen sein. :)
Response: Thank you for you kind rating! I was super happy when I found the picture of the girl in the right pose to fit the stamp. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Inspiration is already back a bit. :)
Response: Thank you for the kind rating! Just go by the principle: is it trash or is it still good as a crafting material? :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I agree: I've learned a lot here for my creativity and that's super fun!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was fun painting the little birdy.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that it arrived savely. Happy swapping!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it.
Response: Vielen lieben Dank! Freut mich, dass sie dir gefallen. Mal sehen, wann ich mich das nächste Mal an kleines Geschnipsel wage. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you for your kind rating! I feared sending out this card as I really liked the result and don't wanted to get it damaged.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Just try it, it's fun!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like it! Till the next time. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy swapping! :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! :) I still plan to experiment a bit more with masking fluid, but haven't since I finished the lightning.
Response: You're welcome, thank you. I'm glad that you like it.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it. Due to the virus I haven't been to Berlin for nearly a year now, otherwise I would have had included more Berlin ephemera. :)
Response: Haha, I think so too. And it's always fun to make something for you. I will now only have to persuade the parents about the llama. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm happy that it travelled savely. Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like it. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I loved stitching onto the bug. Luckily the sorting machines were merciful and didn't tangled up in the stitching.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I had luck that I found the girl in the green skirt to match it with the green hair.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like the little motmot. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Today I saw many bees. Surely busy building honeycombs. :)
Response: It was super fun making the arty teabags. Thank you!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Everybody needs some colours these days. And spring knows it. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It was fun putting it all together. I also don't dare to craft with old postcards. They're like a treasure. But maybe one day I will. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! When in doubt: collage. :)
Response: I'm glad that it arrived savely, thank you! :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that the whale swam savely to you. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like the little bonsai. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was a fun little colour study. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It was fun to create it for you.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Blue in my favourite colour. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you enjoy the series! I never saw a real bee eater. For my surprise you can even find them in Germany. But they're very rare and only in specific areas.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I should work with the red, black + white combo soon again
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was fun to spread some botanical love. :)
Response: Dankedir! Ja, das musste schon eine verrückte Hutparty bei den Damen gewesen sein. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like it. :) Good idea with plastic wrap on a gelli plate - I will put this on my list to try it out!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I think my bonsai suffered from my tries of cutting it. So I better read the book instead of cutting it up for collaging material. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you. I'm glad that you like the little birdie. It was fun to paint it.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm really into the swing of making envelopes right now. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you. It was fun to make. I've finished the book now. It had some twists in it but it was still good to follow (for my kind of view).
Response: IMy pleasure, thank you! I'm happy that it arrived well. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! And by chance my January pages were already in the February colour scheme black, red + white. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was fun to create.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I hope that not my little card brought you the onset of winter. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm still in bird fever and I'm glad to share some of it. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! The scrap stash is inexhaustible it seems. So it's always enough material available. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that this little envie made your mailbox happy. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like my lavender person. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Circles are always fun to create with.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! :)
Response: I'm happy that the bird found its way to you- thank you! :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like my little watercolour study. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like the little robin. I'm still in watercolour mode and have prepared more birds. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like the rosy poppy. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was fun to make this little cat woman.
Response: You're wecole, thank you! I'm glad that you like my little exploring in poetry. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Enjoy winter!
Response: Some good news in the new year! I'm glad that it arrived. Thank you!
Response: Thank you, I'm glad they arrived savely. I was a bit nervous sending them off. So I'm happy that you like them as much as I do. :)
Response: You're welcome thank you! I just noticed that you did all 12 swaps of this series. Whoo! Thanks for your participation! I still don't know what would be a cool follow up series.
Response: Thank you! I'm happy that arrived so fast! I was worried how it might mail with the metal loop of the tag. The string I've glued down with double sided tape. Have fun creating with the papers!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that they had a save flight.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Actually we had some wonderful snow on Sunday. Yay! Snowmen everywhere.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Sewing with paper is fun! If I wouldn't be that lazy, I would do this more often. It always involves cleaning up my desk before I can put up the sewing machine. That's not so fun. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! There are always so many scraps lying around. More than I can use up. :)
Response: I'm glad that it arrived savely! It was super fun to create this unusual card. Thanks for the challenge!
Response: Danke! Freut mich, dass das Flipbook so schnell angekommen ist. Es hat auch super viel Spaß gemacht, nach langer Zeit mal wieder eins zu machen.
Response: Thank you for my 800th five! And I'm super glad that this experimental card travelled well.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I've bought now some better watercolour paper. Maybe I will try it for the next round of the swap series.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! We will see what the new year brings. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Postage stamp people are always so super fun to make.
Response: Haha! Yes, somehow nearly all my swaps have a bit of circle love. :) Thanks for your kind rating!
Response: I'm glad that it arrived savely! Oh for now the glass prints and I won't become best friends. It's a vey erratic technique for me. But I will post some pictures mid December on my instagram.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was fun to create.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Peacock rules. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! After finishing the sewing I regretted that I haven't picked a lighter colour for contrast.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad it arrived savely.
Response: Unfortunately the recovery effect was gone quite fast. :/ I'm glad that your day got a bit brighter. :)
Response: Good news, thank you! I'm happy that the address "design" was readable for the posties. It was fun to create.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It travelled quite quick!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It was fun to create.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Kermit is always right. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that the card brought some summer to you. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you. I'm happy that it arrived well! I love when the post is doing their job. :)
Response: Haha, you're welcome, thank you. Only sometime I'm feeling like the drawing looks like. :)
Response: You're welcome, I'm glad that the pages arrived well. It was so fun!
Response: Always a pleasure, thank you too. Yes this stamp was my very first try of stamp carving!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I hope that you will have as much fun creating your card as I had with mine.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm still not tired of using circles. :)
Response: Oh it's always a matter of camera angle! Maybe I should set up a image transfer swap so that I'm forced to do it again. :) Thank you!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Till now I've never been to Düsseldorf. :)
Response: Oh I'm relieved that it arrived well! Thank you too!
Response: My pleasure, thank you too!
Response: Quick travel as always! Maybe I was praising the summer too early, it's getting hot here too. :) Happy crafting!
Response: I'm glad that you like it! It was super fun to construct those people.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! The card must have travelled with tail wind. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you. Sometimes it feels like digging for gold when you're looking for matching stamp + pictures. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Sometimes it's very inspiring to work with limited materials. At least for me a bigger choice isn't very helpful. All the possibilities! :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It was fun to make this envelope.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Have a great summer!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that it arrived savely!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was fun to play with the blue circles. Enjoy the summer anyway!
Response: I'm glad that you like it. Thank you!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Flowers are always good companions.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! You can look on my instagram (link on my profile), I've just put up a picture of my latest painting.
Response: I'm glad that it still arrived savely after the long travel. Thank you!
Response: My pleasure, thank you. Some magazines are more fruitful than others.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like it. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Haha, and my art only costs a stamp (for now :)). Stay safe!
Response: Thank you very much for your kind words! It was fund to create. The background I've made with my gelli plate, I'm still exploring the ways to use the plate. Stay safe!
Response: I'm glad that it arrived savely. Stay safe and keep crafting.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was fun to create, I'm glad that you like it.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Bright colours are what we all need now!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It's a very refreshing colour to work with.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was so fun to play with the colours.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm happy that it arrived savely. It was fun covering the envelope!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that it arrived savely.
Response: You're welcome, thank you for your kind rating! We all need a bit of colour these days.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like the jellyfish. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It was fun to create. Thanks for hosting this swap.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I have to use napkins more often, haven't done this in a while.
Response: Oh great, thank you too! I'm glad that the tape stayed on the card.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I hope that I will find some time today to play with the plate again. So less time, so much to do. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that the fox arrived savely.
Response: I'm glad that the deer girl arrived quickly. Oh, I cheated a bit with the challenge. I made a little preproduction, all pieces are ready now. Time for doing something else. Like trying the bubble painting again this weekend for instance. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! No rat should be cold. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like the robot turtle. :)
Response: I think you're right about the tissue paper, maybe even sandwich paper! These papers act more like real paper than vellum. Yes, it's the challenge mentioned in the link. Till today I'm still going strong and I hope to serve every prompt.. :)
Response: Tahnk you! It's ok, I'm relieved that it arrived well. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It was fun to play with the colour beige.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Well, in the end the girl is now gifted with the third eye. :)
Response: Yay, thank you! I was also surprised how good the limited choice of papers matched. I'm happy that you found a good way of glueing (it's a science for sure!).
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It was fun to create. Keep crafting, that's all what matters! :)
Response: It was a pleasure, thank you! Also thank you for my 700 heart!
Response: You're welcome, thank you. It was fun to create it. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it! :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It was fun to see how the pieces started to match. All pieces are leftover bits from other cards.
Response: Wonderful, thank you! New year, new luck it seems.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I've looked it up right now: there's indeed a constellation named chamaeleon! Such a surprise.
Response: I'm glad that it arrived savely. I've saved some more ballerina pictures from the same magazine. They make great motives.
Response: Oh, what a miracle! That's a good start for the new year! Thank you! I hope that the second card won't take that long. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I hope that you had some nice and calm Christmas days.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was fun to create. :)
Response: Thank you! I'm glad that the polar bears arrived well. Maybe your rating was also wearing black, camouflaged. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! The stamp is also one of my favourites.
Response: Oh wow! Thank you so much for your amazing rating. I'm feeling honored that my little art made your day.. :) I had fun creating it. Enjoy the autumn time!
Response: I'm happy that the cards arrived enventually! Thank you too!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad you have the same fun like I had when making the PC. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm still searching for a good inspirational picture to try this again.
Response: Too kind, thank you too! :)
Response: Thank you! So go for it and make your own little wood. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like the stylish kitty.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Oh là là, I'm glad that you like my French cat. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! May it bring "Bright ideas" to you! :)
Response: I'm happy that it arrived well. Thank you!
Response: Thank you, I'm glad that it made it this time! Let's see when I will pull out the vellum again to craft with. Oh, envelope anticipation! :)
Response: Magic owl power! I'm sorry that not both eyes survived the travel. But one eye googly and the other closed must be cool also. You can find the "whole" card on my instagram.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like the vellum experiments.
Response: Finally something, I'm relieved that the postal service is still working. :) Thank you!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I had fun working with the bright colours.
Response: Yay, you did my 700th rating, thank you! I'm glad that the envie reached you this time.
Response: You're welcome, thank you. Postcards are always fun. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that the little apple mail arrived well.
Response: Oh, I'm happy, thank you, I'm glad that you like it. :)
Response: You're welcome! Doesn't she look way to happy for a model? :) I'm thinking of using papier maché in a postcard. But I'm unsure how...
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Fun fact for this card (I hope that the tomato is still on the card). We have a saying here which would translate as -to have tomatoes on the eyes- which means not to see obvious things.
Response: There is a time for everything! The theme will pick you when the time is ready. Well at least what I've sometimes experienced :) The workshop was so interesting, I will take a next one soon!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm happy that you got those algae bit.
Response: Aww thank you! I'm glad that the trains got to their destination... :)
Response: It took the direct way to you, great! :) I was so lucky that I found the astronaut picture in a magazin to make the picture complete. Next time maybe with a carrier pigeon on it. :)
Response: You're welcome! Yes the workshop was great. We got a step by step instruction and everybody ended up with a representable picture.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was so fun working with the vintage botanical image.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Now I think I should also have added an arrow to complete the card. But I guess it's good like it is. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Still have so many of the sticky notes left. Will take some time till they're used up.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was fun putting all the botanical stuff together.
Response: Haha, great, thank you! The spell did work. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm lucky that it travelled well. :)
Response: Oh great! The postal clerk paused for a second, but I think she's used to my mail by now. Nothing can shock her anymore. :) I'm glad that you like it.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! And the map helped for a decent travel time too. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! :) Yes, you're right, it's a tissue wrapping paper which comes with some new clothes. It's great to mute colours. A bright red background would be to much...
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad that it arrived savely.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! :)
Response: Sorry for spoiling the fun witht the IG preview. :) Thank you!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Good to hear that it reached your harbour savely. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Yes, all booklets are ready and went out last week. Happy! :)
Response: Oh and it arrived very quick! Thank you!
Response: Thanks for the kind rating! It was fun to cut out all the spirals. :)
Response: Thank you! I'm glad that you like this strange guy. :) Originally he was holding a fork with a sausage.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Yes, do it! bring more cows to the moon! :)
Response: Thank you. :) The serial project is almost done, I only need to seal the envelopes!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you like it. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It was fun creating!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It's going to be hot today and in the next days. I wish I would be somewhere near a lighthouse now. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Luckily the fires were very far away.
Response: Oh, you're welcome, thank you! :) I was glad that the clear tape didn't ruin the mail art. Better be save than sorry. I've just added the collaged version of the circles to my instagram @from_rocky_beach. It was fun seeing them again after all that time. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that the unusual light house found it's way to you! :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I hope that it won't take that long till I do some tangling again. :)
Response: Danke zurück! Freut mich, dass es dir gefällt. Bei dem Projekt bin ich noch immer in der Sammelphase. Immerhin habe ich die Briefumschläge dafür schon fertig. Nicht gerade die Hauptaufgabe, aber man muss ja irgendwo anfangen. :)
Response: I'm happy that it arrived safely. Thank you!
Response: Haha, thank you. Watch out, maybe the apples are still growing. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! So I picked right the perfect animal for you! :)
Response: You can't fool you mind. :) Thanks for your kind rating.
Response: Oh, finally! I'm super happy that it has now arrived. Thank you!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was fun to create this colourful cati envelope.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It was fun to create that woman. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! 😄 I'm glad that the Kitty arrived savely. Haven't touched my paints since sending off this card, what a shame!😉
Response: Many thanks for your rating! Sunny greetings 🌞
Response: Yes, I love that stamp too, it's a quite new one. Thank you for your rating!
Response: Oh, you're very welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like it.😄
Response: Vielen Dank für deine nette Bewertung! Jetzt wäre es noch interessant zu wissen, wie die Zunge eines echten Flamingos nun tatsächlich aussieht...
Response: My pleasure, thank you! So this card just found it's perfect owner now. 😀
Response: I just saved the Snoopy stamps for an occasion like this☺️. Thank you!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It was fun to create it.
Response: Thank you so much for your kind rating! I'm glad that the chameleon stayed green. :) Have fun exploring the collage world, it's fun!
Response: You're welcome! Have fun trying, I can guarantee that it will be fun! :)
Response: Oh good news! Thank you for your kind rating. Sorting machines like to play lottery. Destroy, not destroy... Without a system. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Oh and I think it would be wonderful to see some airships too. :)
Response: Thank you very much! Sounds like it was a good mail day for you. I should work more often with leftover bits. :)
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad that the vintage ladies found the right way. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! So the nest was in such a secure place, that it survived the long travel to you. Just feed the birds from time to time. :)
Response: Wonderful, thank you! Have fun with your new friend. :) Ah, I love that stamp myself too!
Response: Thank you #2 for today. :) Let's see which colour will be featuring the next card....
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that you can use the stamped images. Yes, I agree that fashion magazines are a great collage resource.
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad that my blue vibes arrived savely. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I still was too lazy this weekend to start preparing some blueprint sheets. Again postponed. :)
Response: Oh success, thank you! :) I drew the moon onto plastic film. So that works like a photographic film.
Response: Wonderful, thank you! Yes, gel image transfer depends on many things. Like the sturdiness of the paper. Envelope paper isn't the best base to take wetness.
Response: Wow, that was a very speedy travel. Thanks for your kind rating. Oh Provence! Now I have the smell of lavender in my nose. :)
Response: I'm happy that it made it save to you this time! Thank you! Yes, forcing can be counterproductive. If it doesn't flow, put it aside and pick it up again later.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm already thinking of a motive for the next Above The World swap. :)
Response: Dir auch danke! Es war interessant das Wimpelthema vom Foto aufzugreifen. PM mit Adresse folgt. :)
Response: Yours? No, I thought it was MINE! :P I would've offered my help at most.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! The leftover bit of this napkin is still waiting for me to use it up. Before spring ends. :)
Response: Always keep a sleepy eye open. :) Thanks for your rating!
Response: Thank you for your kind rating! It was pure chance finding the petals, not planed at all. You can guess that I was happy about the matching find. :) The workshop was great, I ever tried some techniques at home. Ah, so little time, some techiques are a bit time consuming...
Response: You're welcome, thank you. It was fun to create.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I was wondering how you should eat a pear Buddha? Bite the head off? How odd!
Response: Danke für deine Bewertung! Nein, leider konnte ich keine neuen Erkenntnisse aus dem Kurs mitnehmen. Da gabs nur Tapetenkleister, keine anderen Alternativen zum probieren...
Response: Thanks for your kind rating! And it was mostly made of scraps. Enjoy the pussy willows! Ours are already done. The first blooming tree of the year for the bees!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It was fun to make!
Response: Aww, thanks for your kind rating! It was such a chance find. Couldn't get a more thankful picture for the swap purpose. I'm glad that you like it as much as I do. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was fun to make.
Response: Ship ahoy! Thanks for your kind rating. Save travels are the best. :)
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad that the little dude found it's way to you. Thank you!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was fun to create it. And to remember myself not to waste my time. :) Oh, and my desk is back to be half messy again...
Response: Thank you #2! I never was a fan of rollercoasters but I visited the park several times. And I wanted to take a tour trough the abandoned park for years. I hope it will come true this year.
Response: Oh such a fast travel. Speed of stars I guess. :) Thank you!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Oh, I didn't know about my hidden abilities in mind reading. :)
Response: I'm glad that it arrived! Thanks for your nice rating. Your're right, you aren't able to transport the surface feel with a copy. I'm curious to see the pictures in your next projects. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! That was a quick travel. Have a nice weekend!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Remeber to ask your new buddy in case you need help doing some ironing. :)
Response: Thanks so much for your kind rating! It was fun to create. In case you need some more information about cyanotypes, just tell me!
Response: Haha, thank you! I'm glad that you like my piece of oddity. :)
Response: Vielen lieben Dank für deine tolle Bewertung! Freut mich, dass sie dir gefällt. Wir müssen den gleichen ominösen Schreibtisch haben, mir geht es genauso! Die schöne Ordnung kann ich immer nur eine sehr kurze Zeit lang genießen. Der Schreibtisch ist eigentlich nur eine große Ablage, die ich jedes Mal erst freischaufeln muss. Schnell mal was machen ist da nicht drin.:)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! The next update would be a crossover with a snow globe. A snowy world in a bottle. :)
Response: Thanks for my 600th five! Yay. No stamp at all? What a mystery. There were two of them on it. But I'm relieved that it made it anyway. :)
Response: Thank you! It was fun to create!
Response: A postal miracle! Happy, happy, happy! And I'm glad that you like it! It would be good to know with which sacrifice you could calm the postal deities. Burning stamps maybe?:)
Response: Great to hear that delivery is speeding up! Or it was the subtle hidden affirmation "movements". :) Thank you!
Response: Thank you for your rating! I'm sure that you will also have fun making yours!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! After I've finished the card I recognized that the woman seems to float or fly with the help of the yellow lights. Wasn't my intention but I like it a lot! :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! How fast time flies...
Response: Thank you! And maybe the cat did the stylist job on this model too. :) There's always something behind the scenes. Stay dapper!
Response: Unbelievable! Wonderful! :) Thanks for your rating. The compass card did the trick it seems.
Response: Oh, you're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that this cheerful envie fulfilled it's purpose. :)
Response: Oh, I'm glad, thank you! I enjoyed making all of them :)
Response: Best news of the day! I'm glad that it arrived this time. Thank you!
Response: It was fun to be a little bit poetic. Thanks for your rating!
Response: My pleasure, thanks for your kind rating. This was such a nice challenge.
Response: You're welcome, thank you!
Response: You're welcome, thank you too!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Let's make a habitat for all these special creatures. There are a lot more of them outside I guess. :)
Response: Thanks for the rating and the great news, postal service is back to work then! :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! She looks so ready for going on a ride (sorry for the pun). Maybe the stairs are leading to a space shuttle. Who knows... :)
Response: You're welcome! Can't wait will the nature will grow back green again! Botanical greetings. :)
Response: Oh, thank you fo your kind rating! B&W + colour is a classic thing which works so well together. Happy New Year!
Response: Oh, thanks so much for your kind rating! You should try this too, it's fun! The hardest part is to collect suitable travel catalogues pictures. :)
Response: You're welcome. It was so fun to create. Green greetings!
Response: Great, thank you! No scrap is left behind! :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Maybe the yoga exercise is called smoking mushroom. :)
Response: You're welcome! I'm lucky that Fra Mauro found it's way!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! And time goes by with elephant steps...
Response: Ah, superb! Good luck in making your own cyanotypes, it's real fun! I've looked up the book, you even can see the imprint of the foil she used to print her drawings on! It's a great idea to choose this way of illustration for a book about scientists.
Response: Great, thank you! I'm happy that it arrived well with all the bits and pieces. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! At least copper only gets green rust. :)
Response: You're welcome, it was fun to create something for a unusual theme.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I hope that the provisions (asparagus) was enough for the long travel of the bird. :)
Response: I'm relieved that it made it savely through the hurricane and that you were save too. Now I will pause making cyanos. I think the pile will be enough through the winter. :)
Response: Oh and it arrived way before Halloween. Yay. Postcards seem to travel faster. :) Thank you. PS: Boo!
Response: I'm happy that it arrived well! It was fun to see how everything slowly matched bit by bit. Thanky you.
Response: Thank you, enjoy your teas. I would have added some more Chai teas to warm up you autumn, if I could reach my swap tea box. :)
Response: Wonderful, thank you! And when it's dark outside you can spot a canary quite easily. :) I'm excited and will look forward for your tasks!
Response: My pleasuse, thank you! Maybe I should give some more from the photo stack a new life...
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I want to prepare some more sheets next weekend and than hope for some sun. :)
Response: Thank you #2! Even just yesterday I saw a documentary about deep sea creatures.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! You're right, maybe ask her about her beauty secret. :)
Response: My pleasure! Outside the colours also slowly start to match the autumn colour scheme.
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for for accepting my little challenge. :) The card I've got also had a much bigger version of the image on it. And I've the same feeling that it's a complete new motive!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Lavender has a calming effect, maybe also to the postal machines. Everything smooth. :)
Response: Great, thank you! Yes, and you constantly need new teas because you only have already hundreds of tea. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! So the little bird got a happy end. :)
Response: I'm happy that it still arrived in summer. :) Yes the content of the punch got a second life as the border of the card. Haha, what a Ikea coincidence. Thanks for your rating!
Response: Danke #2. :) Gerade bin ich etwas sehr uninspiriert. Ich werde wohl mein Vorhaben mit der ausschließlichen Resteverwertung wieder aussetzen. Für den Moment jedenfalls. :)
Response: Super, danke! Manchmal bin ich echt erstaunt, was man alles per Post verschicken kann.
Response: Thank you #2! There are so many amazing animals living in the sea. That Yeti Crab I wouldn't like to meet in the dark. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad the bottle stayed on the card. Otherwise there would be an urn which the woman is originally holding. That would be a creepy card then!
Response: Thank you too! In the meantime I've been listening to the song. No I can't get it out of my head. :)
Response: Yay! Wonderful, thank you! Mark the occasion and eat some berries today. :)
Response: My pleasue! Just follow Ariadne's thread. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It was fun. Don't ask about my craft desk chaos. :)
Response: Wonderful, thank you! It would be a super hard challenge to make something out of coupon flyers. I should be glad for my free magazines. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Green is the colour of hope.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! In the meantime I've dried some more tea bags, ready for use now. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! The sailor navigated well. :)
Response: You see, the gym wear association is a proof too. :) Thanks for the rating!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Have fun colouring!
Response: So happy, thank you! I should try this string art again soon.
Response: Ah, so you grew up (sort of) with art. That must have been fun! Thank you!
Response: You're welcome! It was fun to mix up the animals. Thank you!
Response: Thank you so much for your super kind rating! B&W is such a classic! I'm glad that it arrived savely and that you like it.
Response: A week, fantastic! No further improvement in shipping possible. :) Maybe it was the work of the fairy?
Response: So happy that it worked! :) Can't ignore such a possibility. :) Thank you. Hopefully your issue will work out soon.
Response: TY part three! And third try. You see it works when moon constellation is good for the mail. :) Do whatever you think is best for the card.
Response: TY part two! If you want to check the "lamp artist" out:
Response: Thank you part one! Hopefully they don't need a (group) therapy. :) They look pretty chilled.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Just this week I saw again some blooming waterlilies in a little pond.
Response: Toll, danke! Ja, manchmal ist es erstaunlich, wie tolerant die Sortiermaschinen der Post sind. Nachdem ich mal eine Karte mit baumelnden Eiffelturmanhänger (3D, nicht flach!) bekommen habe, wurde ich ein wenig mutiger. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Thanks for giving me this challenge. :)
Response: It was so fun, thank you!
Response: Wonderful, thank you! I hope customs didn't ruin the package or removed something. I was planning to send some typical German garden gnome bits along, but found nothing about them in my stash... :)
Response: Turquouise again, haha, you're right. Didn't noticed that. And so much better that you're like the colour too. Thank you!
Response: Wonderful, thank you! I'm glad that it made it savely to you.
Response: Oh, you're welcome! Yes, the postal spaceman seem to be on holiday, which is great. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Have fun playing with the napkins.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was so fun to find these matching pieces. Luck is a big element in crafting. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that it didn't travel via moon and outer space. :)
Response: Happy and thank you #2! I second the wish for the beach. Perfect idea right now! :)
Response: Happy, happy, happy! Thank you and your postie. :) It was a pleasure.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that I was able to spread some pink fun for us both non pink lovers. :)
Response: You're welcome! Bad thing is: when you've used up the leftover bits, you have a reason to buy new washi. And this is never ending good. The rolls always come in herds. :)
Response: And sometimes the multiple covering can be part of the look of the finished product also. Thank you! :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Green greetings!
Response: Wonderful, thank you!
Response: So you're right, I was a day too early with the worries. :) Thank you! Get your finger ready for travel!
Response: Oh, your're welcome, thank you. Was fun putting it together! Still in love with blue. :) Have a fun weekend!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that the ship sailed savely into your "harbour" this time :)
Response: At least a happy end. So Ijon Tichy saved the universe again. I should have asked him earlier to fix the postal problems. :) Thanks!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm super glad that mail is back to service again. Hosting credit goes to @RooBaRoo, she is the swap coordinator. :)
Response: I'm super glad, that's wonderful! I looked up the tracking a few weeks back and was excited to see that it has moved after such a long time! Have fun stitching!
Response: You're welcome, thanks! I'm so glad that it arrived well! It was such a fun to find this matching picture to the stamp.
Response: Haha, the two cards got friends during the travel. A lot to tell I guess. :) Thanks for your rating!
Response: I'm glad that you're not scared by "it". I had the feeling that the eyes could pop out every moment and start to haunt you. :)
Response: This is great, thank you! I'm glad that you like it. I love when things are working. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Ha, some things should better remain a secret. :)
Response: Wonderful, thank you too. Yes, that girl has no fear of the darkness because there are stars! If you like to exchange some more mail art, I'm here! :)
Response: Too kind, thanks a lot too!
Response: Speaking of millions: thanks a million for your kind rating!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: Ha, it arrived quicker that I could hit the send button. :) My pleasure, thank you!
Response: Oh my! Thanks so much for your kind rating! I'm relieved that you like my first ever journal of these fun type. Ha, I'm glad that the "secret" envie went without problem through customs without beeing opened. :) Have a a rosy day. :)
Response: So it arrived right in time for spring time. :) Savely this time, thank you!
Response: Oh I'm happy that it arrived. Thanks for your kind rating!
Response: No problem, I'm glad that you like it. Thank you! Enjoy the spring.
Response: Happy, happy, happy! Great that they arrived well and in a timely manner. Thank you!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm still in a blue phase and have to explore so much more about blueprinting.
Response: I love when the post is working well. :) I'm glad that you like it! Thank you!
Response: Thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm so happy that the experiment worked! Tag shaped cards seems to ship as well as normal postcards. It was hard not to cover too much of the blue print. :)
Response: Great news, thank you! It was fun, as always (aside from the post)!
Response: Oh I'm so happy that it arrived! Thank you!
Response: Oh I'm relieved! Thank you. Have fun using them!
Response: Thank you! Sorry that it didn't arrived in one piece. Postal machines getting hungrier it seems. Thanks for letting me know, I will think of using sealant again.
Response: Wonderful, thank you! Unfortunately the perfect spring weather won't be here for easter. Maybe spring can't read. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that the pink lady arrived well. Happy swapping!
Response: Oh I'm happy that the overstuffed bulky envie arrived well. I'm glad that you like my PL, thank you!
Response: You're welcome, thank you. If you feel beeing watched, check your chair... :) Oh, and I like your fast operating postal system. :)
Response: Oh, vielen Dank zurück! Mal wieder eine sorgenfreie Bewertung, das ist wie Balsam. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Maybe you should try one yourself. It's fun and addicting. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! That was fast. I haven't tried the outlining thing yet, but I will. Have fun working on your landscape.
Response: That is great news! Hopefully all people (to whom it may concern) have read it. Thanks for your rating!
Response: You're too kind, thank you so much!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I was fun to create it for you.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Have a nice spring.
Response: Again, thank you so much too!
Response: Thank you so much, too kind!
Response: You're too kind, thank you!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Purple rules! :)
Response: Oh I'm glad that you like it, thank you! Have some air mail fun. :)
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for your rating, happy swapping!
Response: Great, thank you! Maybe the sparrows lure the spring now. :)
Response: My pleasure! It's always fun to find those matching pieces. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you. I'm still in a green mode.
Response: You're welcome. It was fun creating. And a refreshing change of colour as right now I'm in a green mode.
Response: Thank you! I'm still on the look-out for the first ones of the year. It cooled down here right now. So still waiting.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Great to send you some bontaical vibes. :)
Response: Great, thank you! I just was thinking of the early bloomers. Wouldn't they get a headache with so much snow on their heads? :P
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that it had a save travel. Right today I was digging again in my pile of postal stamps for a matching one for one project. :)
Response: How sweet, thank for your wonderful rating! I'm so happy that you like my first attempt of an art booklet, I was nervous about it. :) When it made your day, it also made my day. :) Happy crafting!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I agree that birds are always a great theme and inspiration.
Response: You're welcome, thanks for the rating!
Response: Oh lovely, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It was fun!
Response: Oh I'm so glad that it arrived well without getting tangled in a sorting machine. It was so fun to do, I'm glad that you like it, thank you!
Response: You're welcome, thank you. It was fun!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Wings are my new favourite things to use. :)
Response: Oh, postal service is back on track to quick delivery, one week, I'm impressed. :) My pleasure, thank you! It was fun how everything was matching in the end.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Have fun creating!
Response: My pleasure, I'm glad that you like it. Thanks for the phrase, I will remember that! Temperatures are still above zero °C, so you can call that still pretty warm. :)
Response: You're welcome! I was so excited for it to arrive. Experiment succeeded. :) Happy New Year!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was so fun to make it UK themed. Happy New Year to you too!
Response: Oh wow, thank you so much for your kind rating, it made my day! There are also two sequel movies, but the first one is still the best! In the end every interpretation of the word is better than the real meaning. A whip, go figure! No fear, I can't wait to see your card.
Response: My pleasure, thank you. I enjoyed it totally to create this postcard, it was like beeing in a flow. :)
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad that you like the little moonlight fish. After changing the crochet project to a hat, it was quite easy to do it. But some other crochet projects are still waiting.
Response: So great to hear that all the stuff found a good home! I'm glad that the parcel arrived before Christmas. It was a pleasure, thank you!
Response: You're welcome! Thanks for that kind rating. The title of the tale seems familiar. I should keep my eye open to the Christmas TV programm, maybe I will spot this one.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Now it's feeling like I should create some winter bird things soon. So cold! I'm excited to receive the other swap from you! :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! So the button card arrived well, I'm glad. :)
Response: Toll, danke! Great to spread some fun through the mail. :)
Response: You're welcome, it was a pleasure! Sometimes stitching is the best glue. :)
Response: Thank you for the rating! It's good that not everybody has the same view. For me today has proven again my point: all rainy and grey. I will wait for now now. :)
Response: My pleasure, thanks for the kind rating! Oh I should pull out the paint again for one of my next projects. Paint it always a bit neglected.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I was happy when I managed to glue down everything. Sometimes too much glue is just good enough. :)
Response: Gosh, my pleasure, thank you! I'm happy that this favourite card arrived well!
Response: Great, thank you! It was fun putting it together. Happy swapping!
Response: Fantastic, thank you! The stamp I've used for the eye is a microscoped diatom. What a beauty in those tiny thing!
Response: Danke! Ach toll! Dann kann ich ja weiter damit probieren. Vielleicht die Stellen für die Briefmarken anrauen. Statt Klebeband müsste bestimmt auch Laminierfolie klappen. To be continued. :)
Response: Great, you're welcome, thank you! It was so fun. :)
Response: My pleasure, I'm glad that the bike arrived savely. I used the jute circle for the first time on an envie and so I'm happy that it worked out fine. :)
Response: Wonderful, thank you! Reminds me that I should use some watercolouring more often. :)
Response: Thank you, it was fun to create! Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome! The cool thing is, the town has two caves you can visit. And each is amazing different.
Response: Oh, thank you, you're welcome! Always nice to hear that the postman also had some shared fun with the envie. :)
Response: My pleasure! I even thought of keeping this card and create a new one to send. But it bladed away too fast to keep it. :)
Response: Wonderful, thank you! Oh, how far away the summer already is. :)
Response: You're very welcome, thank you! I'm still amazed how easy it was to sew onto the leaves.
Response: My pleasure, I'm glad that you like it! Surely you will find strange named towns in Belgium too. :)
Response: Oh, you're welcome. I'm glad that it arrived well. Happy swapping!
Response: Oh, thanks, I'm glad! I was thinking of an idea for a new card just yesterday. The long travel reminds me of something I learned last week: in Belgium they've experimented to deliver local mail with the help of cats in the 19th century. Well not very reliable and the delivery took longer than expected. Like this card. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! This was a real quick creation for me. The pieces matched like perfect. I'm glad that you like it!
Response: Have fun working on the card! :) When the bookpages are printed in an old looking font, yes they're German ones.
Response: Too kind, thank you! :) It was a pleasure to use that William Morris paper again.That I still have it in my stash pops into my mind always at the right time. :)
Response: Nice, thank you! When learning about the word, I saw that's exact the same in German. And I think I came across this word before.
Response: You're welcome! It was an interesting puzzle to solve, to find those matching pieces. :)
Response: Which wonderful news! Thank you so much! I couldn't stop sewing with the postcard, so I kept sewing this little flipbook too. :)
Response: Ha, cross rating today. :) A golden thank you! So better lock up the back door more often! Tomorrow they've forecasted some pretty strong winds. Bye bye leaves. :)
Response: Wonderful, thank you a lot! I went a bit crazy and couldn't stop making something maps related. :) I'm glad that you like it. Happy swapping!
Response: Oh great, thank you, it was so fun to create! The hope is growing as I saw yesterday which new stamps will be released till end of the year. Four new "heads". :)
Response: You're welcome! Never had the family tree in mind, but you're absolutely right. Family full of composers. :) So I wish you a autumn with less rain to help with drying.
Response: My pleasure, thank you a lot! <3 Yes, there's a saying with nearly the same wording in German too.
Response: Fantastic, thank you! It was so fun to create. Indian summer also can be great. Also thanks for hosting such an inspiring swap. :)
Response: You're welcome! Happy swapping and remember: don't feed the birds! :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! This was an unfinished card for a long time. I was glad that I found recently some "missing" pieces to make it complete. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I still remember well back that day when I started to prepare the background for the envelope. Great to hear that you can use the ticket right away. :) Have fun creating!
Response: Thank you! It was such a nice challenge. Same with the background. I had to glue the black parts twice because the first glue didn't stick on the background.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It remembers me that I should use this stencil again. When I will find it again in my stash. :)
Response: Thanks for your rating! The structure is maybe a bit challenging when it comes to glueing. Have fun experimenting with it!
Response: Perfect, thank you! I was putting the things together with no intention at all. But in the end I was surprised that there's still sense, when you want to find some.
Response: My pleasure, thank you! No ironing. I glued different coloured and patterned papers with a glue stick on top of each other and then ripped the layers. So it must be the glue stick. It stays flat, no wrinkles or bubbles.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I was surprised how fitting all parts in the in the end were.
Response: ê°ì‚¬! Do the signs show up? Should mean "thanks" in Korean. :) Till we swap again!
Response: I'm glad that you like it! Thank you! A last memory of summer. Enjoy a cup or two. :)
Response: Your're welcome! I like using book pages. :) Happy swaping!
Response: Wonderful, thank you! I still have one bubble card in the making (from the other side of the bubble mailer). Ship ahoy!
Response: My pleasure, I'm glad that it arrived save! It was fun to create. Thank you!
Response: Thank you for your kind rating! Just sit down and enjoy a cup tea and take a breath! Or even do a tangle.
Response: Wonderful, thank you! I was happy when I found the picture with the canvas like dress. Like an invitation to add something. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! After some difficulties where to start with this challenge, I was quite glad how it came out in the end.
Response: My pleasure, thanks! It wasn't planned but it seems that you always get some of my sewn PCs. Maybe a sign. :) A humorous parrot (or better: owner), great!
Response: Thanks in advance for working on it! It surely will be great.:)
Response: Oh thanks so much for the kind rating! It was a pleasure creating it. Thanks to the crafty weekend back then when it felt more like summer than now. The next time I will send some more tea from my massive stash. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! By thinking of it, I haven't heard a pheasant's call this week. Summer is over, the birds know it. :)
Response: You're very welcome! The eagle has landed. It was fun but long to create! I had to put the unfinished card aside for several weeks. After that the finishing was easy. Time will tell. :)
Response: Wonderful, thank you so much! It was also a favourite of mine. So my second twine glued card also arrived well. So happy! :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! First I was unsure about adding the twine with glue and if it would last. It seems that it did last. The mail system sometimes is amazingly gentle. :)
Response: I'm glad that you like it, thank you! A fun project to create.
Response: Ha, great, thank you! Good to know that it's not only my problem. Minimal isn't equal to easy. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm glad that it arrived savely. Still remember the fun I had while creating it.
Response: You're welcome! It was fun to work with pieces of a bubble mailer. I hope that still enough of the bubbles were inflated to have the bubbly look.
Response: So great to hear, what a nice story, thank you so much! Everybody needs some happy mail. :)
Response: Instead of the cat I wanted to add some bugs, as the card starter likes them. Somehow they got lost in my stash, so I picked the cat. And after reading your profile I was relieved as you dislike bugs. :)
Response: Oh wonderful, thank you! It was a pleasure to put it together. Always good to hear that the mail system was gentle to the envie. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm so lucky that it arrived with the button still on! The paper is storebought. I have some paper pads of brown paper with added foil patterns on it, like in this card the pink circles.
Response: "Wandering eyes", what a pitty! On my flickr you can see the whole card. Please share some pictures in case that you will do some streetart! :) Thanks fo the rating!
Response: Oh wow, thanks so much for your kind rating! I'm glad that it found a good home! :) It was fun to create it. And I was so happy when I wound the horseman I put in the back. Didn't he look a bit like Don Quixote? :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I started with season 4, so I can't tell how it's like in the early seasons. But I'm planing to catch up on them some day. Have fun preparing your swap! :)
Response: You're welcome! I always love to use strong constrasts. :)
Response: Great, thank you! Have a wonderful summer!
Response: You're welcome, it was fun creating it! And I addes some extra birds for you. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! It was a bit hard to let it go. :)
Response: Thank you! Good to know that I was on the right way. Of course I will show the finished card! Have fun creating!
Response: Thank you! Wonderful, so all the glue was worth it. :) So I also can keep using the rest of the wood embellishments on naked PC, too. Good to know. Till we swap again!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: Oh great, thanks for yor kind rating! It was fun to create. In the beginning I was stucked with this card, the fish I've chosen first wasn't the best match. When changing to these two fish, the rest was easy. :) Haha, were you feeling well before or after you drunk all the wine? :D
Response: So lovely, thank you! :) Was the wooden gear-wheel still in place?
Response: You're very welcome! And I'm not tired in sending you something. :) On the stamp it's an ibex, AFAIK. Till the next swap!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! I'm not a big fan of pastel shades, but if felt so right how it came together in this card. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Great that it arrived savely!
Response: You're very welcome! I'm glad that it arrived savely. Happy swapping!
Response: It was so much fun to create, thanks for your rating! :)
Response: My pleasure! So glad that this one arrived just fine. Have fun creating!
Response: That are great news! Thanks a lot. And right in time yesterday the two Pandas arrived savely in Berlin too. :)
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad that you like it. Happy swapping!
Response: Thanks for your kind rating! I agree, all that swirls must look amazing when beeing written by hand.
Response: Danke zurück! Und willkommen zurück. Da bin ich jetzt beruhigt. Hätte ja sein können, dass die Kreation durch die Applikation in der Sortiermaschine hängengeblieben ist. :)
Response: Thanks so much! It was so fun to create them.
Response: Vielen Dank! Es ist gut, wenn man eine Straßenkarte hat. :) Das hat auch super viel Spaß gemacht.
Response: Merci! I feel like putting the leaf skeletons on every card I make. :)
Response: You're welcome! Fun fact: the wood in the background I've taken from a brochure about the federal state Hesse, home of Brothers Grimm! Also with mention of them and Little Red Riding Hood.
Response: My pleasure! In this case first I glued the heard a bit to hold it in place and than sew it onto the background. But it is quite an idea to embroider that little bit first to give them a fake sewn look and then glue them onto the background. Would make things sometimes easier. :)
Response: Thank you too! Yes the exhibition was fun - also the ride in the cable car.
Response: Great, thank you! It turned out to be an amazingly big fish. :)
Response: Great, thank you! So my try with vaseline turned out into a happy end, in the end. :)
Response: Great, thank you for your kind rating! It was a pleasure to create it!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! So glad that the experiment worked! So it calls out for some more tries. :)
Response: Thank you- part two! Funny that both arrived at the same day. Now we're seem to taste the summer. At least for the next two days.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Fish mail is great. :) Unfortunately I didn't took a ride by bike since I send this card to you... what a shame. :)
Response: Thank you! Feeling honored about the special place! Happy crafting!
Response: My pleasure, thank you too. Greetings to Mr. Giraffe! :)
Response: Great that you like it, thank you! It was fun to create, just have to ease the process a bit and think more less. :)
Response: Wonderful, thank you! Glad that the picture didn't spoil the fun for you. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! The whole world is a stage. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! :) Have fun creating your own collages (Which it is in fact)!
Response: Thank you! A mushroom as a sign of spring... Something new indeed. Happy Swapping!
Response: You're welcome! This colour was very inspiring, instantly I made some more creations with this colour. :)
Response: Great, thank you! Happy spring time!
Response: My pleasure, thank you! For this card I was happy that I've found an interesting looking picture of a man, so rare to find. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! It was so fun so create. Happy Swapping!
Response: Oh wonderful, thank you so much! It's an amazing fish, isn't it? Actually I wanted to use a fish stamp but then I changed to use one from your wish list. Can't wait for your card! See you later. ;)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! And also thank you for my 300st heart! Oh, ships are just great. :)
Response: My pleasure! It was so fun to create. So both cards travelled at the same speed. Good to know. :)
Response: You're welcome! So glad that it arrived well. Via sea mail. :)
Response: Thank you so much, so kind! Great that you like it. Happy Swapping!
Response: I'm glad that you like it, it was fun to pick! And even more to doodle the envie. :) Thank you!
Response: Oh lovely, thank you for your kind rating! I like using brown as a neutral element, such an underrated colour. :)
Response: Thank you too! I'm glad that the hummingbird arrived well. Happy swapping!
Response: Great, thank you! Stitching is the best glue. :) Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome - thank you! Oh, everything what is limiting me can be a challenge. :)
Response: My pleasure - thank you! I'm glad that everything stayed in place. It was so fun putting it together.
Response: Thanks for your kind rating, you're welcome! Xie xie (thank you), after looking up that now I remeber that I know this word also. :)
Response: Great, thanks a lot! That blue card was also a favourite of mine. :)
Response: Thank you! Oh, I'm looking forward to my yoghurt with fresh added blueberries tomorrow. Yummy!
Response: My pleasure, thank you very much for your kind rating! I'm glad that it sailed savely across the ocean to you.
Response: Great, thank you! That was a fitting template to place the octopus inside the cup. Happy Swapping!
Response: Thank you, great to hear that I made someone happy today! Who can resits a butterfly? :)
Response: It was a pleasure, I'm glad that you like it! Thank you. Till we swap again. :)
Response: Lovely, thank you! It was fun to make it!
Response: So nice, thank you a lot! I was a pleasure to create it! Till we swap again. :)
Response: My pleasure, so glad the you like it! I love how it turned out. I was the same before the first swap last year, the name could be easily misinterpreted.
Response: Thank you part two! Mailing to you is always so fast! Flamingos seem to be a new trend or so. But indeed a nice one. :)
Response: Thank you! Great to share the fun. :)
Response: Thank you too! :) Happy swapping!
Response: Thank you for your kind rating! It was a pleasure. I'm happy it arrived well. Right now we have to take a swim to go there again. :)
Response: Perfect, thank you! Happy to hear that the journey didn't leave traces. Time to experiment further with ribbons. :)
Response: My pleasure, thank you! Maybe this will be en vogue this summer. :)
Response: Awesome, nearly high speed. :) Maybe it even travelled with a ship then. Who knows... Thank you!
Response: You're welcome, thank you. It was super fun creating this card. I think I will try to create some more of this kind soon.
Response: That is great, thank you! Have fun using all the stuff. :)
Response: Thank you! Reminds me that I wanted to watch some more episodes. Happy swapping!
Response: Thank you too to host such a fun swap! I'm glad that you like it! Sometimes it's great to get oneself surprised by inspiration. :)
Response: Thank you, it was fun to create! Glittery day to you. :)
Response: Great, thank you! Yes, right now I'm a slight bit addicted in adding some sewing everywhere. :) We're still waiting for the breath, still no spring in sight.
Response: Great, thank you! It was fun to make it. Right now I'm in love with using the zigzag stitch. My gan also owned a Singer. :)
Response: Thank you for your kind rating! It was super fun to tangle this for you. Green greetings!
Response: Great, thank you! It was fun to create.
Response: You're welcome, thank you too!
Response: Great, thank you! Happy Swapping!
Response: I'm glad that you like it, thank you! This card was also a big favourite of mine. And it remembers me that I should include a train soon in one of my next creations. :)
Response: Thank you too! It was fun to feel like a fish. :)
Response: You're very welcome, thank you! I loved the wind/sea illustration and it fitted so well the ship stamps.
Response: Great that you like the doodles, thank you. I'm still waiting for the real flowers to come back again. :)
Response: Again it was a pleasure, thank you! Well we both then don't seem to be the target group for particular fashion. :)
Response: Gern geschehen, danke! Dieses Kratzpapier macht echt Spaß. Happy Swapping!
Response: Great, thank you! We started the new year with snow. New Year, new snow. And all slippery.
Response: You're welcome! It was fun do do that envie. And it had a quick travel.
Response: Finally, awesome! Thank you! And I bet it will take 6 weeks minimum again. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! That was so fast, I should send all my mail now only via octopus. :) Octopuses work very efficient.
Response: Oh, you're welcome, thank you! Good to know that the postal people are able to handle mail with care too. :) Happy New Year!
Response: Great, thank you! Enjoy the teas and Happy New Year!
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad that it found it's way so quick during the pre holiday rush. At least it had a map. :P
Response: So nice to hear, thank you! :) It was super fun how it turned out! Sending you a PM about the background infos. Happy holidays!
Response: Great, you're welcome. I love retro/vintage themes. :) Happy holidays to you too!
Response: Thank you so much for the kind rating! I'm glad that the bulky envie made it fine to you. It was so much fun to find all those green things. And just yesterday I've already restocked my green washi :P I'm here for new swaps.
Response: Great to hear, thank you! So instead of tulips I'm enjoying my poinsettia right now. :) Happy holidays to you!
Response: Thanks for your kind rating! I'm glad that I was able to pick the right things for you. Without question, that's a huge handy advantage of E-books. As I always carry to many things around, so a book doesn't make a difference. :) Happy holidays to you too!
Response: Thank you too! Right now I'm drinking green tee with ginger. Oops, that's a quite strong ginger today. At least the inside is warm. :)
Response: Oh, thank you for your fun rating! It was the same fun putting it together. Today the air was so humid, you might mistake it for rain. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Great that it also arrived before Christmas. :) Enjoy the teas. Happy holidays to you too!
Response: Thank you for your lovely rating! It was fun to create it. I've bought my first single pattern punch now. So far I'm loving it! See how it developes. Happy swapping!
Response: Oh, you're welcome, thank you! I think cars are a different story! For cars only pink would be a problem. :)
Response: Thank you in return! That's how I like the postal system: working well. :) This flip book was my first try in making one out of one sheet of paper. And mabe not my last try. :)
Response: You're welcome! It was so much fun to create this PC. Plus I realy like how it turned out. :)
Response: Great, thank you! With this I've used up the last of the paper. Now I have watercolour paper made from cotton... That's not half the fun. But well, I have to use it up now.
Response: You're welcome! I'm relieved that it made it to you. Would have been a pity if it got lost. Glad that you like it! It's moss time here again! :)
Response: Thank you too, I'm glad that you like it! Happy Swapping!
Response: It was a pleasure, thank you! :) And so fun to make. I need to work some more with using strings.
Response: Thank you! I'm glad that you like it. By now most of the leaves have fallen off...
Response: Great, thank you! Such a fun swap. Happy swapping!
Response: I'm glad that you like it and that it arrived savely. Thank you!
Response: You're welcome. It was fun to create. Happy swapping!
Response: You're very welcome! Last weekend I've gone wild with my sewing machine and created a sewn all over card . Now I'm more an more confident that this also will find it's way savely.
Response: It was a pleasure, thank you! Great that it has found it's destination. :)
Response: Thank you too! It was hard to let it go, so I'm glad that you like it. :)
Response: You're welcome! This was my first ever envie send with tracking. It was interesting to follow the travel progress :). Enjoy the teas! Just for the record: the ATC wasn't my creation, you can find the crafter on the back of it. :)
Response: You're welcome! It was fun to create. As long as the thread is sewn tightly without loose loops (O.o) the chance should be good. :) Just have a try!
Response: Gern geschehen! Gerade richtig für so einen grauen Tag. Ich hoffe, dass das Glöckchen die Reise auch gut überstanden hat. Dann viel Spaß beim Basteln!
Response: Great, thank you! So Alice has found it's way savely through the mushroom-land to you. :)
Response: I'm glad that you like it, thank you! It was fun to create it. Maybe some day I will try it too!
Response: Thanks part #2. :) It was a pleasure! Keep trying with zentangling, it's just "one stroke at a time".
Response: You're welcome, thank you. It seems now like ages since my short travel.
Response: You're very welcome, thank you! If you mean the home made stickers... I made them out of an old biology book page. Oh, I know that mess very well! :)
Response: Great, thank you! Glad that you like it. :)
Response: You're welcome! I hope that you will have some use for the picked things. Happy swapping!
Response: Super, dankeschön! Da bin ich aber erleichtert. Eigentlich war die Karte schon viel zu schwer für "normales" Briefporto. Aber erstaunlicherweise hat der Mann von der Post nicht protestiert, nachdem ich den frankierten Brief abgegeben habe. Meine Postkarten habe ich bisher noch nie gewogen, hat immer geklappt. Aber ein Umschlag ist ja etwas anderes. :)
Response: Great! Thank you. Sometimes my memory is amazing. I wish it would also work on important things too. :P
Response: You're welcome! The exercise is of a book of gymnastics. It was fun to make, glad that you like it!
Response: Thank you too! It was fun to make. So glad that it worked out well with the pocket.
Response: What a relief, thank you! :) It was a pleasure!
Response: You're very welcome! Such a surprise how good it worked out!
Response: Wonderful, thank you! I'm glad that you like it. I was on the verge of keeping this card for myself and make a diffenrent one for this swap. :) But better let it go and make someone else happy. :)
Response: So nice, thank you too! This watercolour card came in a pad I've bought at Xenos. You can send me a picture when you're coloured it. :) (to be honest, I haven't tried it out myself yet. Oops!)
Response: You're welcome! It was fun to pick and use all the France bits. Salut!
Response: Thank you! Have fun delving into the Meander! Maybe you will find something...:)
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad that you like it! It was fun to work with a colour which isn't on the top of my favourites. :) Opens up new possibilities.
Response: Great thank you! It was fun to creat the PL. So the bamboo label is approved now. :)
Response: You're welcome! Thank you. I was happy that I found a bird stamp with matching colours (which also fits the theme)!
Response: Thank you! I'm glad that you like it! Oh, I'm sorry that not all parts made it. A golden butterfly was glued onto the flower. So it has flown elsewhere. :)
Response: You're very welcome! Thank you, that's my #200 heart. :) I really like using this flower gems. They're still "flat" to send, but make a little highlight.
Response: Purrfect, thank you! :) And it had a fast travel! So glad that you like the card. It was so fun to create it.
Response: Great, thank you! So glad that my envie bag has arrived well. I was a bit unsure about the readability of the address. It travelled not too slow, so everything went well. :)
Response: Thanks for the rating! Good to know. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Have fun using the goodies. :)
Response: Great news! :) Thank you. So glad it has arrived. Enjoy the last days of summer!
Response: Thank you, I'm glad that you like it! And again it's melting-away-time. The circle is closed. :)
Response: You're welcome, it was fun to work with the train! Glad that you like it. One year on a train? That must have been quite an experience!
Response: Wonderful, thank you. Fun to think that the two cards were together all the time. Even today I found another toucan picture. And I've learned that these birds are doing thermoregulation with the big beak. Are they following me? :)
Response: You're welcome. Thank you part two. :)
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad that you like it. It would be nice to know where the PC had travelled to, during the trip. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! That arrived amazingly fast. :) Have fun creating!
Response: So lovely, thank you! It was such fun to create it. Oh, and I was surprised how many golden things I've found in my stash. I'm more the silver type. :P I hope that everything was still in place with all that tape. Happy swapping!
Response: Thank you! I'm glad that you like it! I was fun to tangle it.
Response: You're welcome! It's so true. Pilining up never helps. Usually I prefer the originals too. I'm just not used to antiques. :)
Response: Oh wow, thank you too! Happy Mail worked again. :) Funny, the collaged washi was my latest buy back then. Mr. Bomer as a Dinsey prince, yes imaginable. But please without the typical singing... All good things come in threes, see you then. ;)
Response: Fantastic, thank you! So glad that the ship reached its harbour. :)
Response: Sehr schön, danke! Eigentlich bin ich schon wieder urlaubsreif. :) Dann wünsche ich dir einen tollen (stressfreien) Urlaub!
Response: Thank you! I'm glad that you like it! Yes that play was great- and nearly dry. A light rain started five minutes before the end.
Response: You're welcome, I'm glad that you like it! It was fun putting it all together. Sometimes I'm surprised what fitting things I find in my unorganised stash by chance. :)
Response: Thank you for your lovely rating! So glad that it worked out as I intended to. :) With that Goethe/Kästner quote bothered me! Ha. On the backery bag Goethe was printed as the author. When I searched for a proper translation into English it was also always Goethe. Now I know it's was more likely Kästner. Or maybe both said similar things. Both never told me the quote in person, so I can't prove. :P
Response: Wonderful, thank you! I was very ecxited for this to arrive. It was so fun to create it!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Maybe it's time for planning a boat trip too. A nice idea. :)
Response: Great, thanks a second time! Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome! So glad that you like it. I still remember very well how I've created it. :) Thank you!
Response: You're very welcome, thank you! The tea manufacturer is Cha Gorreana. Good luck that the shipping costs aren't too high. I hope you will enjoy the teas even in hot summer.
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I didn't plan about using matching stamps in the first place. But it was a surprise when I found some (r&y aren't the most polular colours for stamps).
Response: Lovely, thank you! The front of the leaves of this poplars are green and on the back white. So the tree changes it's look from green to white every time the wind goes through it. Very nice to watch. Oh, a little detour or better a round trip. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you. :) Same to you!
Response: That's great, thank you! Seems that flowers aren't too fragile to send them. :) Have a wonderful day!
Response: Thank you! It was fun to create it. The next step would be thinking of things which are black & white. :)
Response: Oh I'm happy it arrived well! And that the Marsupilami wasn't too furious about the monks so that they could stay and travel along with it. :) Thank you!
Response: You're welcome. Thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome! Oh yes, it was a lot of fun, I'm glad that you liked it. I haven't tangled since this swap. Maybe I should do some more this weekend. Offline days sounds like a good plan! And so easy to realize. Enjoy the tea! Thanks for hosting this swap.
Response: Thank you! Same here with the summer. The last week was super hot, the week before super rainy. Well that were my holiday weeks. All in. :)
Response: You're welcome, I'm glad that you liked it. And I'm also glad that it arrived in good shape. It was a big fun! Thank you.
Response: Thank you, it was fun to create it!
Response: That's cool, you're welcome! Good luck for your stamp hunt.
Response: Thank you! Great to transport the fun I had while making it. :)
Response: Oh, you're welcome! I'm glad that you like it. I hope you will have the same fun when creating yours. :)
Response: Gern geschehen! Thank you too. But better not cook the snails. :D I hope you enjoyed the teas while eating the cake.
Response: You're welcome! I was surprised how well my idea turned out. Happy Swapping!
Response: Thank you! It was fun to create with the paper bag bits. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! So glad that you like the randomness. :) The secret of the cows...
Response: Thank you too! Happy Swapping!
Response: Wow, that card must have travelled with the help of the Gulf Stream or so. That was fast! Thank you!
Response: You're very welcome, thank you! Oh, I'm relieved now. That's a good start for the weekend! :)
Response: You're welcome! Happy Swapping!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I'm glad that you like it! It was so fun putting it together.
Response: Thank you! It was fun creating, I'm glad that you like it! :)
Response: You're welcome! Have fun creating with the goodies. :)
Response: Thank you! I'm glad that you like my flower gallery. Now I know that corrugated cardboard is also mailable as a postcard. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Let your mailbox bloom. :)
Response: You're welcome! So glad that you like it! The standing feature is interesting, haven't tried it myself. I'm feeling that I should do some more. :)
Response: I'm glad that it found it's way. :) Thank you!
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad that you like it!
Response: You're very welcome, thank you! Always nice when the "happy" part of happy mail works, makes me happy in return :) Happy swapping and may the rest of the week will be better for you!
Response: Thank you too! I'm glad that it arrived savely. Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Nice to hear that I was able to make this a Happy Mail for you.:)
Response: Thank you, you're welcome! I'm so glad that it arrived savely. Happy swapping!
Response: Thank you! Happy swapping! :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! I can still remember very well when I created this card, and also the fun. :)
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy swapping!
Response: Oh, thanks a lot for your kind rating, you made my day! :) I'm glad that I made the right pick for you, it was a pleasure! Happy swapping!!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Happy spring time!
Response: Thank you! It was fun creating the card. Yesterday night I was listening quite a while to the lovely song of a nightingale. Spring is wonderful. Happy springtime!
Response: You're welcome, I'm glad that you like it! Yes, sometimes it's a surprise what nice crafty stuff you can find in a cheap store. Happy crafting!
Response: You're welcome! And good luck with the seeds! When I send off your letter, I planted some of them myself. Now they're about 10 cm high. :)
Response: You're very welcome, it was a pleasure to create it! I'm glad that it found it's way to you. Happy swapping!
Response: You're welcome! I've had to look up the ceiling of the National Gallery. That looks amazing!!
Response: Sehr schön, danke! Freut mich, dass ich deinen Geschmack getroffen habe. Viel Spaß damit!
Response: Marvellous, thank you so much! :) I'm happy that you like it. Have fun trying it out, happy crafting!
Response: Sehr schön, danke auch! Manchmal übertrifft sich die Post selbst. :)
Response: Thank you, I'm glad that you like it. :)
Response: You're most welcome! I had the same fun creating it. So glad it found it's track to you. :)
Response: Thank you, it was a pleasure to create the card and to hear that it arrived well. :) Happy spring to you too!
Response: You're welcome! The Greenfield Melissa is the only sort I have of this brand, nice to hear that this one is your favourite taste.:) Enjoy!
Response: You're welcome! Have fun creating. :)
Response: Thank you! And it arrived well, gorgeous! Thank you to the tape also. :P
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad that the chameleon found it's way. :)
Response: Oh thank you, I'm glad that you like the things I've picked. And the napkin was the main cause for joining this swap. :)
Response: Thank you, you're welcome! Making at least two people smile, todays goal fulfilled. :)
Response: Thank you! Please no bad feelings, we all have to start somewhere. Just take it as an inspiration. :)
Response: You're welcome! I've considered for a long time if I should save (for creations) this uninspired small amount stamps or not. Looks like they have a bit creative potential. :)
Response: Oh, glad to hear, thank you! Have fun using them. Happy crafting!
Response: You're welcome! I had much fun creating it.
Response: You're welcome! Enjoy the teas! :)
Response: So nice to hear, thank you! :) I never visited the Bodensee. Maybe you've also visited there the island of Mainau, this must be great place!
Response: You're welcome! :)
Response: I'm sorry that something was missing, nevertheless thanks for the rating! :)
Response: You're welcome, I'm glad that you like it! I found this picture and simply had to use it on the envelope for you. :)
Response: I'm glad that you like it! Warm thanks back. :)
Response: Thank you, you're welcome! And enjoy the tea!
Response: Brilliant! Thank you! I considered to keep it myself but then I have to change my name. :)
Response: Great that your week starts with a giggle. :) Thank you too.
Response: Oh, you're welcome, thank you! I hope you will enjoy the other teas too. :)
Response: I'm glad that you like it, thank you! I'm surprised how fast it made it to you!
Response: You're welcome! It was much fun matching both things. :)
Response: Thank you too! It was a pleasure to make it a happy mail for you. :)
Response: Thank you, you're welcome! I'm happy that you like it. :)
Response: That's great to hear! Thank you! You made my day. :)
Response: You're welcome! I'm relieved. :) I hope you will find some time to relax soon!
Response: You're welcome, thank you! Enjoy the teas!
Response: Oh, you're welcome, thank you! Now in winter it's the best time to dream about the next holiday, found in this postcard. :)
Response: Thank you! After I've finished it, it was hard to let it go. So I'm glad you like it. :)
Response: You're welcome! The hardest part was reducing the bits to prevent an overload. So many envies with nice patterns on the inside were on the short-list. :)
Response: Oh thanks a lot for your kind words! I'm glad it arrived savely and still in shape. It was fun creating.
Response: Oh, you're welcome! At the moment I also have a weakness for green. :) Happy Holidays!
Response: Thank you too! Weather feels like spring at the moment, so maybe summer also isn't far away. :P Happy Holidays!
Response: You're welcome! Enjoy the teas and Happy Holidays!
Response: Great, thank you too! Happy Holidays.
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad that you like it and that it arrived savely. Happy holidays to you too!
Response: Great, thank you! Happy relaxing! :)
Response: You're welcome! Thank you.I hope everything was still in place when it arrived. I'm still looking for the best and easiest way to hold the bags in place.
Response: You're welcome! It's like the first window of the advent calendar. :)
Response: You're welcome! It happened that I did serveral Paris themed swaps short before the terrible things happen in Paris...
Response: Thank you! Cool that you had fun unpacking it. :) Oh, I hope your dinner was still fine. Have fun creating!
Response: You're welcome! Green trees are needed in wintertime. :) Enjoy your cuppas!
Response: Danke! Bei richtiger Lösung gibt es leider keinen Preis zu gewinnen. :) Dir gleichfalls ein schönes Wochenende!
Response: Thank you, that's nice! I had fun choosing this colours. But hey, you also have nice teas. My fav ginger+lemon is the Twinings one. :)
Response: Thank you. I'm glad that you like it! And it arrived so fast!
Response: Gern geschehen! Das war zur Abwechslung mal wieder eine schnelle Sendung. :)
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad that you like it. :)
Response: Thank you too! I'm relieved now. :)
Response: You're welcome! Have fun trying. I'm also feeling like doing this again.
Response: Thank you! Also thank you for letting me know that my display isn't that shipping secure I thought it is. :) This is really a help. I will think of refinement without using tape (which was my goal). Maybe I will think it over with a cup of tea. :)
Response: Thank you too! I'm glad it arrived savely!
Response: Great, thank you too! :)
Response: Oh, you're welcome! Happy sewing. :)
Response: You're welcome! The same fast as yours! :)
Response: Gern geschehen! Das wünsche ich dir gleichfalls!
Response: I'm glad it arrived savely! You're welcome!
Response: Thank you! Luckily the letter didn't took the route I wrote on the back. :P
Response: Haha, great! I'm glad that you like it! Have fun sailing. :)
Response: Oh, awesome! Thank you!
Response: Cool, task fullfilled. :) Thank you!
Response: You're welcome. Never know of that effect, I'm glad that you liked it. :)
Response: No problem, You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! :)
Response: Thank you in return! Enjoy!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Thank you! Have a "green" day. :)
Response: Oh, you're very welcome!
Response: Fantastic, thank you! Enjoy them all! :)
Response: You're welcome! :) I'm glad it arrived savely.
Response: Thank you! I'm glad that you like it!
Response: Thank you! I'm relieved now. I hope you had fun drinking the teas. :)
Response: Wow, that was a super fast travel! You're very welcome. :)
Response: You're welcome! Good to see someone happy. :)
Response: Nice to hear. Thank you too! :)
Response: You're welcome! Also good luck for your new lavender! I also tried to grow some from seeds (I got the seeds as a gift) and they're doing fine for now!
Response: You're welcome. Enjoy!
Response: I'm glad that you like it. It was fun creating!
Response: Nice to hear, thank you. :) You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! Funny thing: all my three send envies for this swap arrived on the same day (send to three different countries). :)
Response: Thank you too! Enjoy!
Response: You're welcome! Happy relaxing. :)
Response: So glad that you like it! Oh ice cream. Thanks for the re-rememberring. A good idea now. :P
Response: Thank you too. Enjoy! :)
Response: You're welcome! It was fun creating.
Response: Thanks in return!
Response: Nice! Thank you!
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad you like it. Tropical temperatures, tropical flavour, that was a fit... :P
Response: Thanks in return. :) A happy summer to you!
Response: You're welcome and enjoy the tea! :)
Response: Many thanks! Great that you liked the surprizes. I somehow couldn't stop stuffing the envie. :) Well the owls were easy for me as I also like owls. :P
Response: You're welcome, thank you. :) Perfect time for the young firefighters (on the stamp) at the moment in the summer. ;)
Response: Thank you! I'm happy it arrived savely. And that you like it, of course. :)
Response: So nice, you're welcome!
Response: Brilliant, thank you. Happy drinking. :P But well, not that particular tea. ;) (I still have some of those)
Response: Cool, thanks in return! :)
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Thank you, I'm glad you like it! Wow that letter travelled faster abroad than average national letters at the moment. :)
Response: I'm happy you like it! What a honor for the elephant.:) Yes I did the bows. I can give you the instructions if you're interested. You're right they are addictive and I will do some more for sure!
Response: Have a bright day. :)
Response: I'm happy that it arrived savely! I was a bit worried about, as this was my first MA. :)
Thank you!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Klasse, Ziel erreicht. Danke zurück. :)
Response: Nice, thank you! She's also one of my favourites!
Response: You're welcome!
Response: Thank you in return! I'm feeling encouraged to do some more now. :)
Response: Sehr schön, danke. Dann noch weiterhin viel Spaß hier. :)
Response: Thank you in return. Nice to hear! Enjoy the rest of it too. :)
Response: I'm glad you like it!
Response: So cool! You're welcome!
Response: So nice, thank you! Cool to share the fun which I had while creating. :)
Response: I'm glad that you like the tea. Enjoy your cuppas. :)
Response: You're welcome!
Response: You're welcome! I'm glad that you like it. :D
Response: Ha, ha. So if you will ever find it out, feel free to tell me. ;)
Response: Thanks back for the even faster rating. :P I've heard they are planing now a theatre production of Monkey Island in Germany. :)
Response: Das freut mich! Ich mag die riesige Auswahl in den Bioläden. Da findet man immer mal wieder was neues. Dann viel Spaß mit deiner Teewoche. :)
Response: Shhhh... secret is: glasses with coloured lenses. :P
Response: Ich hoffe, dass noch alles drin war. :)
Response: You are welcome. :)
Response: I'm glad you liked it! That card did a real speedy travel, I'm surprised!