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Response: Thank you very much for the 5 and heart. Sure, would be happy to read your reply. :-)
Response: Thank you so much <3
Response: I am happy to hear that you recieved it on time. :-)
Response: Vielen lieben Dank für das Rating und das Herz ❤️
Wenn er nicht abgegeben ist, müsste unten links auf der Karte ein Sticker mit meiner Adresse drauf sein. Sollte er abgegangen sein, schicke ich dir meine Adresse gerne und freue mich über eine Karte von dir 😊
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart and thank you, I can´t wait to get ont the plane. Vietnam is such a great place to visit.
Response: Thank you so much for the lovely rating. Maggi Sauce is a liquid seasoning. Would say it is the German version of say sauce. You can add it to nearly anything. Don’t tell it to any Italian, they will possibly punish me for pairing it but as a kid I loved noodles with ketchup 😂
Response: Vielen lieben Dank für das liebe und ausführliche Rating. Der Swap hat mir wirklich viel Spaß gemacht. Danke, ich freue mich auch schon riesig auf unseren Urlaub. Da das Jahr bisher recht stressig war, kann ich die Auszeit kaum erwarten.
Response: Thank you so much for the 5 and the heart. I am so happy to hear that you liked my flip book. I am looking forward to make some more in the future.
Response: You are very welcome. Hope you will like the tea. I am happy that finally one of the letters I have sent out for this swap series arrived. They have been traveling so, so long. I think my #1 swap did not arrive in time :-(
Response: We have been in Warsaw and it has been so, so cold. We have been there around Easter for a week. We had snow and it was windy so it felt very cold. But beside that we had a good time and enjoyed our trip. And in the last two days the sun came out. Happy swapping :-)
Response: You can find it in Asian or Mexican groceries or just mix some salt, pepper, lime juices and chopped Chilis. So yummy.
Response: It is so good. I had it in Vietnam and tried that recipe it home, taste nearly sam (the vacation vibes were missing lol). Thank you for the heart.
Response: Thank you for the heart. We will first go to a little place outside or Tranås. It is so small I can’t even find it on google maps lol. After a week of relaxing we will visit family in Kalmar and stay there 5 days before going home.
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart :-)
Response: Thank you for the 5 and the heart :-) Would love to swap postcards with you. Send me a pm to talk about the details please.
Response: Thank you for the five and heart.
If you don´t mind would you send me a pm tell me more about the grammar issues? As English is not m native language I do not see them. But only if ou have some extra time :-)
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart :-)
I got the postcrossing stamps at the local post office.
Response: I am happy to hear that the box arrived and that you like everything. Enjoy :-)
Hope to see you in the next round.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart :-) Here in Germany I can find pumpkin spice latte at McDonald’s and Star Bucks. But online you also find recipes to Malerin at home. It is so yummy
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. Yes, you should give it a try. It is best on toasted bread
Response: I think you already found my e-mail :-) Thanks for the rating and heart.
Response: Yes, ones at the zoo in Berlin. They were so cute. However when we been there they were only sleeping but it was still great.
Response: Thank you for the rating and heart. I am happy that you found the mail. Read your comment to late and just sent it by private message here haha.
Response: Congrats, you guessed right :-)
Response: Thank you so much for your wishes and your rating and heart. I wish all the best for your sister.
Response: Thank you very much for your wishes and the kind rating.
Response: Thank you so much for your wishes and your kind rating.
Response: Hi, yes, I am your swap partner in this swap but I just sent the letter two days ago and my name is in the letter. I don’t think that it arrived so fast.
Response: Es freut mich zu hören, dass dir die Karte gefallen hat und so schnell bei dir ankam. :-)
Response: Thank you so much for your rating and the heart :-)
I will send you a PM right now.