Hearts ratings for Fuchsi
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Response: You're welcome! XD
Response: You're welcome! ^-^
Response: You're welcome! ^-^
Response: Thanks a lot, I love these envelopes and found them on one of the christmas markets here XD
Response: Happy 2025 and have a wonderful time swapping! ^-^
Response: I wish you all the best for 2025!
Response: Oh, that's a wonderful combination. I'm happy it matches so well ^-^
Response: I'm happy, whenever I can get people to become curious XD
Response: Ich hoffe du hattes ebenfalls einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr und ich wünsche dir alles, alles Gute für das kommende Jahr und vor allem Gesundheit und Glück.
Response: It was a lovely swap idea! ^-^
Response: Thanks for the nice words and I hope you had a wonderful start in this new Year :-)
Response: Thanks for the heart ^-^
Response: I wish you the same! I hope you had a wonderful christmas and a nice New Years Eve! ^-^
Response: Yeah, a prize! And it's getting more commong for me, due to the stamp prizes getting up this year XD
Response: Thanks for the heart! ^-^
Response: You're welcome ^-^
Response: Thanks for the heart :-)
Response: Hab' eine wunderschöne Weihnachtszeit und besinnliche Feiertage. ^.^
Response: Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr.
Response: Here some Lutheran families give out fortune cookies with bible verses instead of the typical sweets lately. But traditionally it's celebrated with a bun with raisins... I'm no fun of raisins. ^^°
Response: I love this postcard series, the have soo many cute animals! ^-^
Response: You're welcome and Görlitz is always a nice place to visit ^-^
Response: Thanks for the heart and have a nice december :-)
Response: You're welcome :-)
Response: The swap-idea was awesome! ^-^
Response: Huhu, vielen Dank für deine Nachricht und das Herz ^-^ Ich wünsche dir eine schöne Vorweihnachtszeit und allerhand guten Tee! Liebe Grüße, Maxi
Response: I had a lot of fun with this swap. ^-^ And thanks for the heart.
Response: Oh, this sounds good. I will keep an eye out for the book.
Response: Take your time, but I must confess: I'm looking forward to it. XD
Response: That's great! :-) Thanky for the heart
Response: Oh yes, now I'm also looking forward to christmas, but before this I'm happy about my birthday in 2 weeks and soon after the christmas markets will finally open again! Yeah!
Response: Hello ^-^ Luckily I'm back to (almost) full health again
Response: Maybe with the november letters it will match XD Let's see ^-^
Response: I'm looking forward to swapping again :-)
Response: You're welcome ^.^
Response: That's great to hear and I feel the same about autumn in general. It's the best time of the year! 🍁🍁🍁
Response: The letter got longer and longer during writing. At first I wasn't sure if I could say so much about role games until I got hooked. XD
Response: Thanks for the heart and until the next swap! ;-)
Response: Oh, I'm so relieved the second time it worked. XD I couldn't believe my eyes, when I saw the reason for the problem with the postal service 🙈
Response: Schön, dass es dir gefällt und gerne wieder bis zum nächsten swap! ☺️
Response: Don't worry, this can happen. Happy it arrived safely and happy Halloween soon
Response: It was great fun writing it! ^^
Response: It turned out Great! XD thank you
Response: You're welcome! :-)
Response: This sounds like an awesome time for Halloween! And it's coming nearer each day! :-)
Response: I'm happy, whenever I realise I can send something that people like! ^.^
Response: Hello Robyn, I haven't managed to answer you before my vacation started, but yes, autumn is awesome and thanks for the compliment. :-) have a great time! Yours, Maxi
Response: Das ist schön und ich freue mich immer, einem anderen Animefan was zu senden:-)
Response: Thank you, it's good to tell at least once!
Response: When I saw you like Harry potter as well, I knew what I had to do. ^.^
Response: Glad it arrived safely :-)
Response: Little town? What should I call Dresden? XD
Response: Thanks for the heart. ^.^
Response: Luckily I can now tell, that my friend is well and everything went fine. ^.^
Response: Yeah, I'm still speechless remebering it!
Response: This would be a little too hot for my taste XD
Response: That's just a wonderful feeling! ^^
Response: Thanks for the heart :-)
Response: You're welcome ^-^
Response: Oh, that coincidence is truly awesome! XD
Response: Yes, I always shudder by the story, as her last months must have been horrible...
Response: I'm glad it arrived. The postal system seems really slow at the moment here ^^°
Response: Hello ^-^ I'm glad it arrived so fast and safe with you and I love to just have stroll throughout the Oldtown on many days, just to have a look around! Yours, Maxi
Response: Have fun reading! ^-^
Response: Thank you very much :-)
Response: You're welcome ^-^
Response: Oh, in this case mission accomplishied XD
Response: Yes, they have a wonderful selection. ^-^
Response: You're welcome ^-^
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're welcome ^-^
Response: Oh wow, this swap went really fast to you! XD I'm glad it arrived safely and have a wonderful week. Thanks for the heart!
Response: Hello ^-^ Oh yes, spy x family is a cute story without too much hurt or tragic parts, but still some action and lots of comedy. Sometimes it's just nice to enjoy something harmless. XD Thanks for the heart.
Response: Uhh, thank you very, very much for this tip! I really need to check it out! *.* That's awesome!
Response: I'm glad it arrived safely with you ^-^
Response: You're welcome XDD It's good to be paired with you! ^-^
Response: Thank you very much for the heart :-)
Response: Happy spring to you as well! ^-^
Response: Oh yes, I know we probably will never know for sure, but I remember, when I've heard this theory, it felt like something just clicked in termes of making sense... ^-^
Response: Yes, when I have to decide between the cemetery and the hospital sites, I would choose the first option as well. - In my city we have a cemetery, were people live right next to it, with just a small border between, not even high enough until the knee and when I went there one time, the "neighbours" just had a barbecue. This felt strange.
Response: Oh, thats really cool! XD
Response: Yeah, I like living here :-)
Response: Enjoy your sunday!
Response: You're welcome ^.^
Response: I grew up with it after school XD
Response: It's always fun to write with you!
Response: Oh wow, this was a long way! ^-^
Response: Oh yes, the story is surpringly fresh in the citys memory and I was surprised how well they sold it touristic wise as well.
Response: Oh yes, I like this opportunity! ^-^
Response: Hello ^-^ Thanks for the nice words and the second-hand-book area is called "Antiquariatsmesse" in Leipzig. Let's see what it will bring this year. XD Have a great time, Maxi
Response: I'm sooo relieved it worked out fine and the swap arrived safely with you. I track the number myself several times, to make sure everything is going as planned. XD And I'm happy it matches your taste. ^-^ Also Happy birthday!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for tha heart :-)
Response: Oh, that's an interessting turn of events! ^-^ Thanks for sharing and thanks for the heart. Have a great day!
Response: Oh wow, it had a long journey! ^-^ But i'm glad it arrived safely in the end.
Response: I hope yours was nice as well and have a great time ^^
Response: I've wrote the swap for february today XD
Response: Thanks for the heart :-)
Response: Thanks, I wish the same for you! ^-^
Response: I've heard some stories about the public transport in other countries and I'm really relieved with the one in Germany. :-)
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart ^-^
Response: Oh, in this case I'm happy I selected so well for you! ^-^
Response: You're welcome :-)
Response: I'm happy about it ^-^
Response: Thanks for the heart and it was fascinating to write about Addams. I only knew the TV movies prior to this, but now I'm reading more comics online XD
Response: Thank you very much and take care of yourself as well!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart ^-^
Response: Hello :-) It might be diffrent, depending on the area as iI`m living in the east of Germany, were most people are atheists, but I found it difficult to find a note card (which is rarer in my city, than a PC) without a Christian message and just neutral greetings. But this can be different for example for more western cities, were more people are catholic or the north, were more people are protastant. - Honestly, now that I think about it, I will ask some friedns throughout Germany now, as I'm now curious! XD Merry christmas!
Response: I have other penpals from England I swap regularly and the time our letters need, varies a lot from surprisingly "What, it already arrived" to "Oh wow, this was a long way". XD And thanks, the flower stamps are older than I am and were already my mothers in her youth, before she lost interest in them.
Response: Merry christmas and a happy New Year!
Response: Thank you very much! ^-^ I loved this calendary and now will recycle as much as possible. XD
Response: Frohe Weihnachten! :-)
Response: I liked this swap idea a lot and thanks for hosting it despite the small number! ^-^
Response: You`re welcome ^-^
Response: Hello ^^ Oh, this food combination sounds amazing and I hope everything went fine during the holidays. I`m currently with my parents and enjoy the time there ^-^ Happy christmas
Response: Hello :-) I have no ideas how I wasn`t replying earlier to the comment, as I wanted to say: Oh yes, he was a total drama himself and I remember that I didn`t realised it as a young teen, when reading the books for the first time, but later I was surprised I saw him like this for the first time! XD Happy christmas!
Response: Oh yes, it's amazing how much happening already in this place! ^-^ And thanks for the heart
Response: I'm glad you like it XD
Response: You're welcome! ^-^
Response: I'm glad and thanks for the heart ^^
Response: You're welcome ^-^
Response: Danke für den Tipp! *.*
Response: I like these PCs as well. You can look for a while and still find something new!
Response: Don't worry and thanks for the heart ^-^
Response: You're welcome here anytime ^-^
Response: I just had to have it, when I saw it in the shop XD
Response: I like these Franken-letters. XD I feel like a spy, when writing them.
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: Reading and drinkung tea is just the best way to spend your time :-)
Response: Thank you very much for the heart and have a great week! ^-^
Response: You're welcome and I'm happy I could provide something new to try XD
Response: Nessie seems to be almost everywhere XD
Response: It's a fun swap idea and I will continue in more rounds ^-^
Response: I'm glad you like it and I can totally recommand a visit there XD
Response: Yeah, I was very surprised myself, as aliens always felt like this modern phenomena!
Response: You're welcome ^-^
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart. ^.^
Response: I had huge fun writing this swap XD
Response: I'm glad you like it :-)
Response: You're welcome ^-^
Response: Oh wow, I had no idea you live there. What a great coiincidence for both of us to have this connection to the snallygaster! XD Good luck with finding out more about it.
Response: You're welcome; so got it matches your taste XD
Response: Oh yes, it's one of my favourites on Swapbot! ^-^
Response: Have a fun time searching about them and enjoy the summer ^-^
Response: Oh, that's wonderful and I'm looking forward to you answer! ^-^
Response: You're welcome ^-^ I had huge fun with this letter-type, it's truly a great idea!
Response: You're welcome ^.^
Response: Thank you very much ^-^ I'm looking forward to it!
Response: Hello and thanks for the heart ^-^ I was really sick, but I'm good by now and doing fine
Response: I had lots of fun writing it XD
Response: Thanks for the heart ^-^
Response: Don't worry, real life always comes first ^-^ Thanks for the heart
Response: Yes, I don't understand the German postal system in some points either ^^° But I'm happy it worked on the second try!
Response: I'm happy you like it, as it really made me laugh XD
Response: Hello and thanks for the heart ^-^ And the reminder of the poem of Pushkin, which I read after reading you message for the first time. I like its atmosphere!
Response: You're welcome ^-^
Response: Jippie, it made its way to you this time; that's awesome ^.^
Response: I'm glad it made its way to you ^-^
Response: Yes, the timing for this swap was just great! XD I hope you have a wonderful weekend! ^-^
Response: Thanks for the compliment. I had a lot of fun writing it XD
Response: It's good the card arrived without any problems. XD In my teenage-years a truly liked Draco, but later... nah, so much anymore.
Response: Thanks for the heart and have a wonderful weekend ^-^
Response: Thanks for the heart and yes, I understand this urge to put all your money in notebooks and such stuff... a lot of these things are just too cute! ^-^
Response: Hello ^-^ I'm glad you like it and I also love stese kind of stories, so it was a wonderful pairing up! XD I have no idea from the deck, but would also want to know XDD
Have a great week!
Response: Hello ^-^ I haven't realized the missing rating, but I'm glad it arrived safely to you. Have w wonderful week!
Response: It's wonderful the swap made it to you! -^
Response: I'm glad you like it and thanks for the heart. ^-^
Response: Thanks vor the heart and I really had fun writing this letter! XD
Response: Thank you very much also for your nice words and the hearts. ^.^ Have a great day!
Response: What a funny coincidence with the assigned partners! XD And awesome both came to you the same day as well *g*
Response: Dear Karen, you're welcome and thank you very much for the heart ^-^
Response: Hello ^-^ Thanks for the heart and you're right: It was unusual to write you something, which didn't hinted at least to something ghostly. XDD Have a wonderful week! Yours, Maxi
Response: You`re welcome and thanks for the heart ^-^
Response: Hello Karen, thanks for the heart ^-^ You will get the next letter swap from me soon XD Have a great day!
Response: I'm glad you liked it and I can recommand trying it! It takes some time, but is fun ^-^
Response: Vielen Dank für deinen tollen Kommentar ^-^ Und immer schön einem anderen GoT-Fan zu schreiben! Hab' eine tolle Woche!
Response: Happy new year! ^-^
Response: Yeah, the second try worked! XD
Response: Oh yes, christmas was wonderful ^-^ Thanks!
Response: Huhu ^-^ Das klingt nach wunderbaren Feiertagen und einem gemütlichen Silvester. Ich bin zu meiner Familie aufs Dorf geflohen, wo kaum geknallt wurde und ging auch früh schlafen.
Liebe Grüße und frohes neues Jahr!
Response: Have a happy new Year! ^-^
Response: Thanks for the nice rating and the heart and have a (late) Happy St. Nicholas day, as well as a wonderful christmas and a happy new year! ^-^
Response: Merry christmas as well! ^-^
Response: I'm glad it will keep him busy. XDD I love to see foreign languages and my parents this year had send me something in the mail for Nikolaus-day. I hope you had a nice 6th december. *gg*
Response: Wow, it really took its time... ^.^°
Response: No wonder it's censored in elemantary school! XDD
Response: Hello and don't worry: Sometimes rating takes its time due to real life. :-) Have a great december!
Response: Huhu ^-^ Danke fürs Herz! Silvester gibts bei uns immer traditionell Fisch. XD
Response: I'm glad you like the selection. ^.^ Enjoy the teas on these cold days and have a wonderful christmas!
Response: Thanks for the heart, I had great fun! XD
Response: Hello and don't worry: I'm glad the swap arrived you safely and you had fun reading it. ^^ I hope you had a happy Halloween!
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart ^-^
Response: I'm glad you like them and smurfs just rock! ^-^
Response: Thank you very much for your nice comment and the heart. ^.^ I really loved the writing, even so this was the first time to do it in English. XD
Response: Yes, it's all upside down, when it comes to plants and seasonal fruits... ^^° Have a wonderful weekend; today we had the first snow in saxony. Yeah!
Response: Thank you very much, I love this swap series. XD have a nice weekend ^-^
Response: You're welcome! ^-^ Thanks for the heart.
Response: Have a wonderful autumn! ^-^
Response: You're welcome. ^.^ Thank you very much for the heart.
Response: Hello ^-^ I'm glad it found it way to your safely and it's nice to hear from another AHS-fan. XD
Response: You`re welcome. ^-^ Have a happy Halloween tomorrow!
Response: And have a happy Halloween tomorrow! :-)
Response: Yes, it`s a fascntaing place. Thanks for the heart and happy Halloween. ^.^
Response: You`re welcome and thanks for the heart. :-)
Response: You`re welcome ^-^ Thanls for the heart.
Response: I can highly recommand it as destination for a vacation. ^-^
Response: It' a lovely area to see so good luck when coming back. ^.^ Thanks for the heart.
Response: You're welcome and thank you very much for the heart :-)
Response: Oh yeah, I'm always having a smile on my face when remembering it ^.^
Response: Vielen Dank fürs Herz ^-^
Response: Yes, this tea is awesome! *.*
Response: You're welcome ^-^
Response: I can only give back this compliment to you! ^-^
Response: Thank you very much for the heart and I can highly recommand petting sheep! XD It never fails to make me happy.
Response: You're welcome. :-)
Response: Thank you very much for the heart! ^-^ and you, too!
Response: You're welcome! ^-^
Response: I like the questions on this swap! XD
Response: And I'm happy you recieved the swap without problems this time! ^-^
Response: Thanks for the heart. :-)
Response: Hello and thank's for the heart ^-^ No stress. XD
Response: Hello ^-^ Thanks for the heart. And to be honest: I have no idea when they started to produce it, but I saw this for quite some time in my local nerd shop, called "Elbenwald" (elves' forest), before I decided to give this product a try.
Response: Happy summer and thanks for the heart! ^-^
Response: Hello and thanks for the heart. - Aachen is a beautiful city, too. I've been there twice, when a friend of mine studied there and loved the cathedrale most. ^.^
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart ^-^
Response: Dear lefroggy, I'm sorry for all the trouble you had to go for this swap and thank you very much fr the 5 and the heart!
Response: I had great fun writing it! XD
Response: You're welcome. ^.^ Thanks for the heart and this awesome swap idea!
Response: Oh, that's a great timing! XD I wish you lots of fun trying these bands out. :-) The swap was a great idea.
Response: I love this swap idea! *.*
Response: We are paired a lot lately! XD
Response: Oh, this sounds awesome! ^-^ I wish you great fun watching it! And thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart! ^-^
Response: You're welcome! ^-^
Response: I'm glad you enjoy it! ^-^
Response: You're welcome. ^-^ I'm glad it arrived safely.
Response: I did the same with your recommendation XD
Response: I love this swap series! XD
Response: I'm glad it matches your taste! have a great june. :-)
Response: You're welcome. It was fun writing this way. :-)
Response: You're welcome! ^.^ (I totally forgot to answer the comments lately, so I'm a little bit late XD). Your will soon get another ghost-swap from me. *g*
Response: Thanks for the heart! ^-^
Response: Hello and thanks for the heart. - Yes, petting sheep is really high on my anti-stress-list. XD
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart ^-^
Response: I had the same problem lately with another swap, too ^^°
Response: Hello and thanks for the heart! - Yeah, I'm soo glad my tonsils are well again. It's now only the anxiety it might happened again, after a friend tried to sher me up by telling about her worst problems with tonsils. ^^° I wish you a great time and hopefully we're paired again in another swap!
Yours, Maxi
Response: Hello and thanks for the heart! ^-^ Yeah, the bunny luckiy turned out last weekend and the chocolate was delicous! XD
Response: I'm looking forward to it! ^-^ And thanks for the heart!
Response: Hello ^.^ And thanks for being my 300th five! XD
Response: You're welcome! :-)
Response: Hello and thanks for the nice rating and the heart. Let's see when we meet again in a swap! ^-^
Response: Dear Iolar, don't worry. I'm happy the swap made it to you! ^-^ Have a great time and enjoy the spring.
Response: Thanks for the heart and have a great weekend! ^.^
Response: You're welcome! ^-^
Response: Oh, I completly forgot to answer, sorry ^^° - But thanks a lot it arrived, even when it took its time!
Response: I'm glad you liked it and thanks a lot for the heart! ^.^
Response: Wow, what an awesome timing! XDD
Response: I'm suspecting the Geral postal system prefers the plain ones, too... XD But it's good, that in the end the swap arrived you! ^.^ Have a great time!
Response: Aww, that's a lovely story for one of your very own family members! ^.^ I'm glad Bobby found such a good home! - Also thanks for the heart. ^-^ Stay safe!
Response: I'm glad you like it and thanks for the heart ^.^
Response: Viel Spaß beim Genießen! ^-^
Response: Yeah, I'm looking forward to it! :-)
Response: You´re welcome! ^-^
Response: I'm glad you like it! ^-^ Have a great spring time
Response: Dear Phenyx, yeah, it finally made its way to you, I'm soo happy! ^.^
Response: Hello and thanks for the heart! ^-^ Yes, I also have a volume of his complete work and I love it very much! - Happy Reading and stay safe!
Response: Glad it made it's way to you so fast! ^-^
Response: You're welcome! ^.^
Response: Yor're welcome! ^.^ - Weird stuff is always funny. XD
Response: Hello ^.^ Thanks for the heart and yes: To my relieve I was able to find the package again. I started an intern search in the post officec of my city and found out my package was accidently send to the other side of the town... ^^°
Response: Das hatte ich noch nicht einmal realisiert, dass das Rating noch gefehlt hatte. XD Freut mich, dass ichs gut vom Geschmack treffen konnte. ^-^
Response: Wow, that's a fascinating family history! *.* I'm glad you liked the swap and the washi tapes.
Have a great day!
Response: You're welcome! ^-^
Response: You're welcome! ^-^ Please enjoy
Response: Das schnuppern an gebrauchten Büchern ist einfach ein muss. - Selten genug stoße ich auf einen Raucherhaushalt, aber dann lege ichs lieber beiseite... XD
Schönes Wochenende! ^-^
Response: Sehr gerne und auch immer wieder gern! XDD
Response: Gerne XD - ich finds super, dass diese PC den Tierschutz unterstützen.
Response: Das klingt doch gut! ^.^ Ich hatte letztes Jahr mal ungewöhnlicherweise einen Monat, wo ich nahezu nichts gelesen habe, aber nun bin ich wieder gut dabei. - Bin nur am Überlegen, ob ich künftig an einem meiner Arbeitstage mit dem Zug hinfahren sollte. Es dauert länger, aber vielleicht wäre es dennoch entspannend und ich könnte schmöckern... na, mal sehen XD
Response: Oh yeah, I enjoyed the books very much. - At the moment, I didn't had a book I misliked this year and now I started "Under currents" by Nora Roberts. I got it in a book-swap and I'm fascinated by the story! ^^
Response: Thanks for the heart :-)
Response: Hello :-) Oh yeah, I was also soo glad about your taste, because this way it was easy to pick something I would be interessted, too. Also your swap-idea was awesome and I would love to participate in another round some day.
Response: You're welcome ^.^
Response: You're welcome ^.^
Response: Hello and thank you very much for your awesome reply! As someone not even able to understand notes, let alone play the fiddle, I would probably be drowned... XDD - And I had no idea that reindeers are stressed out, when running in circles. I think I even saw a documentary some time ago, where this was shown and the narrator was more like "Aww, like how excited they are to see us!". Also great... so they had this stupid idea for a trial in other areas, too. I always wonder, how on earth the first one got this idea? Maybe someone just wanted to get rid of his wife and was thinking of a trial to 100% be a widower afterwards... Anyways, I wish you a wonderful day and don't worry: I like lenghty replys. XD Yours,
Response: Hello and thank you very, very much for your lovely, sweet comment! ^-^ I'm over the moon reading it and flattered! And right, maybe this letter needed it's second chance to be delivered, too! At least it matched the theme perfectly this way. XDD
Have a wonderful day and stay safe!
Response: You're welcome! ^.^ And I can't say it too often: Awesome nickname. XD
Response: Hello :-) I'm doing fine, neither being bored, nor planning too much, until my social battery is low. XD Stay safe! ^.^
Response: Thanks a lot! ^.^ And thank you very much for your heart. Stay safe!
Response: You're welcome! ^.^ the Winterzeit-tea is a seasonal tea from a company nearby my hometown. And they are famous for inventing our modern tea bags, as a fun fact. *g*
Have a great time!
Response: This movie is truly wonderful! ^-^
Response: Auf den Tagespropheten ist eben Verlass! XD
Response: Happy 2022 and stay healthy! ^.^
Response: Dear paharsiga, thanks for the good wishes and the heart, ^.^ Yeah, 2021 wasn´t my year, but it was getting betting with every month- XD Stay safe!
Response: Hello ^.^ - That's the same with me; I'm always fascinated to see goodies from other countries (or even better: continents! XD). Happa 2022! ^.^
Response: Yes, Germany has some really crazy creatures... ^^° I like this one, too, but I wouldn't want to meet i in a dark night. XD
Response: Happy new year and thanks for the heart ^.^
Response: You're welcome :-)
Response: Happy New Year! ^-^
Response: Hello Robyn, glad the tea arrived you and the christmas was nice. - Ours was qhite as well, but I enjoyed the time with my family. :-)
Happy New Year!
Response: Oh wow, die hatten da aber wirklich eine lange Reise zu dir! XD Es freut mich jedoch, dass sie schlussendlich noch ihren Weg fanden.
Guten Rutsch! ^.^
Response: Thanks for the heart. ^.^ - Enjoy the tea!
Response: Hello, I'm so happy the package arrived you safe and sound and you enjoy the surprises! ^.^ Take care of yourself and stay healthy!
Response: You're welcome. ^.^ Yes, my mother had the same subscribtion and when I moved out years ago, I decided I wanted to do it, too.
Response: Thanks a lot. ^-^ I wish you the same!
Response: Don't worry, thats just typical real live. XD Enjoy it and have a great time! ^-^
Response: Alles gute euch beiden! ^.^
Response: Thanks a lot for your nice comment! ^.^
Response: Oh my god, they really had a long run from august on to you, but I'm glad they finally arrived! ^.^ Happy christmas time. XD
Response: You're welcome ^.^
Response: I'm happy you like it and yes: I love this bath salt myself and can highly recommand it. ^.^
Response: Ohja, ich kann Milky Oolong auf jeden Fall klar empfehlen! XD
Response: You're welcome and don't forget to (if possible) open the long, white one at first. ^.^
Response: Hello :-) Yeah, the legend-book sadly has no English version of it, as it's far too small for being translated, but it has a nice, calming athmosphere before bed, usually with "the good will be rewarded, the bad people in this short story punished"-type of story. XD
And yes, the witcher-series is a bid recommodation. It's also good to start with the later published short stories for a first try.
Response: You're welcome! ^.^ Hope you slept well after counting the circles! XD
Response: Hello Singske, and thanks for the heart. Yes, a journey to somewhere else was a wonderful expierience after this strange last year! - Have a great time and stay safe! Maxi
Response: Hello Iolair, thanks for the nice comment and the heart. :-) my Halloween was wonderful, as I watched IT again, part 1 and 2 and there were even some children ringing on my door. Luckily I was prepared with sweets. XD
Ich hope you had a wonderful Halloween, too!
Response: You're welcome! ^.^
Response: Huhu ^.^ Das freut mich sehr; es war auch mein erster Versuch mal als Newt zu schreiben. XD
Response: You're welcome! ^.^
Response: Hello :-) I'm glad to hear you are fine. Vienna is a truly lovely city and it has sooo many museums and historical architecture... I was in heaven! *g*
Take good care of yourself,
Response: Mhm, after reading this, I think about putting this TV show better an my watch list. - It sounds like an interessting concept!
Have a great week and a wonderful Halloween!
Response: I wish you the same! XD - have a great time and stay healthy!
Response: Ich liebe diese Idee für den Swap ebenfalls und habe auch schon 1x eine solche Anregung gebraucht und mich dann auch beim Lesen prompt gefreut. XD
Response: Huhu Stachel, es freut mich, dass dir der Brief so gut gefallen hat. Ich war ehrlich gesagt selbst unsicher, ob ich ihn so abschicken oder lieber mal modifizieren sollte, weil ich eigentlich nichts Schweres hatte schicken wollen, allerdings beim Schreiben selbst dennoch ein gutes Gefühl gehabt hatte. Das war auch der ausschlagende Punkt den Brief so zu lassen. :-)
Liebe Grüße,
Response: Dear Loreta, you're welcome! :-) I had fun putting this swap together and I wish you a happy Halloween soon! Have a great day! 🎃👻🍬
Response: Freut mich, dass es dir gefällt und happy Halloween🎃👻🍬!
Response: Hello ^.^ So glad I could nail it for you. I really love these swap ideas and I'm curious how the party went. I could already imagine the men standing over some pretty expensive things, totally broken and Ron trying to convince them, to not tell his wife about it! XD
- Oh yes, I love this paper, but this version was brought in a surprisingly cheap paper store, who has some gems from time to time. *.*
Stay safe and have a great time!
Response: You're welcome. ^.^ Thanks for the heart
Response: Freut mich, dass sie wohlbehalten bei dir angekommen sind. ^.^ Ich liebe diese Gerüche!
BleibÄ schön gesund und alles Gute.
Response: Oh wow, this swap really took its time! o.O - But IÄm soo glad it finally arrived and yes: Sherlock Holmes is just awesome! XD
Response: I glad you like it. ^.^ Enjoy and have a wonderful week!
Response: Yeah, first i thought the title is "Anne Elliot" in English, too, because it doesn't make sense in my eyes to choose a totally diffrent title... but by now I learnt only the German title is "Anne Elliot" and the English one is "Persuasion". XD
Response: Freut mich, dass es dir gefällt! ^.^ Das ist tatsächlich einer der Wege, wie ich abends gut entspannen kann, während irgendwas auf Netflix läuft.
Response: Hello ^.^ I'm glad it matches your taste and especially Ponyo is such a cute movie! *g* First I've read Dojinshi (Fancomics about my favouite animes and mangas) and slowly I drifted into the webcomic section, too. ^.^
Response: You're welcome! ^.^
Response: Enjoy! ^-^ My grandmother loves "sour pumpkin" as dessert, but even as an adult I still can't smell it, let alone eat it! XD
Response: Yes, I can't understand how people can know of such things and still think: "Nah, I'm staying in this house/with this creepy doll and see what will happen." ^^°
Thanks for the heart! And have a great day.
Response: Have fun with it! ^.^
Response: I have the same problem: I know it's ok to do nothing or to say no to some social event, but in the end I usually feel responsible or committed to go somewhere or do something... But it's slowly getting better! ^.^
Have a great and calm weekend!
Response: Hello and thanks for the heart! ^.^ I fought hard to resist in not reading the thought when I got them and four out of five times I succeded... XD Have a great day!
Response: Hello Robyn, thanks for the heart. ^.^ - Believe me, this pie was almost 90% sugar and cinnamon! XD
Response: Gerne ^.^ Hab' ein schönes Wochenende!
Response: Enjoy the crossword! XD And if there are any problems while solving it, just ask. I hav the solution still here... anywhere... ^^°
Response: You're welcome ^.^
Response: Hello iolair, thanks for the nice comment and the heart. It was a very interessting swap and I liked the idea to think about what to ask him very much. And you're right, I haven't thought about this Dr. Who episode, but now I would like to see it again, as it was really fascinating to watch! XD
Have a great day and stay safe! Maxi
Response: Thanks for the heart! :-)
Response: You're welcome! ^-^
Response: Hello and thanks for the heart! ^.^ Yeah, the Hollywood-style versions of diffrent monsters are also more known in German culture by now, but the old legends are still told and almost every city has at least one case of a burnt witch or a werewolf in its city museum, to keep their sad stories alive.
Have a great day!
Response: This swap-idea is soo funny! XD
Response: And thanks for the heart in return ^.^
Response: Hello ^.^ Ui, the letter really took its time, but I'm glad it arrived safely! Tahnks for the heart. :-)
Response: Glad you like it! Have a great day! ^^
Response: You're welcome! ^-^
Response: Mine, too. ^.^ And because there were no German versions of this book, I've read it in English, waitng weeks for the shipping to arrive. XD
Response: It was great fun. ^.^
Response: Thanks for the awesome swap idea! XD - I would take part in more rounds, too.
Response: Thanks for the heart!
Response: After seeing you like history, too, I knew I had to use it in this swap! XD Have a great week and thanks for the heart. ^.^
Response: Ohja, die Idee war echt witzig und ich musste wirklich hin und herüberlegen, wie ich manches nun am besten ausdrücken kann. XD Sollte dich noch irgendeine Sachen irritieren, frag' ruhig. :-)
Response: You're welcome! ^.^
Response: Yeah, it's amazing how often we both are paired and it was fun writing to you about my daily life. ^.^ And yes, thats the brochure for some patients. We are working with all kinds, from PTBS to depression to social phobia... I like this wide range, so every session brings something else and thats the most fascinating for me, but it can be stressful, too, on some days.
Thanks for articipating! ^.^ Have a great week!
Response: Huhu ^.^ Das freut mich riesig, dass ich so gut ins Schwarze treffen konnte und ich liebe diesen Tee auch. Den könnte ich gerade literweise trinken. XD
Habe eine schöne Woche und danke fürs Herz!
Response: And thanks for the heart in return! XD ^.^
Response: Hello Karen, I'm simply stunned! I totally forgot about this swap and that there wasn't any rating yet and I'm impressed it found its way to you after 5 months! XD
Happy holiday!
Response: I liked this postcard immediatly and I'm glad it arrived you safely. ^.^ Have a great day!
Response: Hello ^.^ Thanks for giving my the offer of reading your own paranormal expiriences. I would glady hear them, if it's okay for you!
Also thanks for the heart!
Have a wonderful weak,
Response: You're welcome ^.^
Response: And thanks in return for the heart, ^^
Response: You're welcome! ^-^
Response: Oh wow, that's an amazing coincidence! ^.^ You should devinitivly check it out, its one of my favourite fantasy series. - And thanks for the heart.
Have a great day!
Response: Yeah, I'm sure we will meet again in this group! XD
Response: Thanks for the heart and have a wonderful day! ^-^
Response: Thanks! ^.^ Happy National Underwear Day!
Response: Thats awesome! ^.^ And thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks a lot for the heart! ^.^
Response: Hello :-) I'm glad you liked the view and decoration. The PC shows one of my favourite places in Dresden and especially in december, when the christmas market in front of the church is being held, it's a lovely place.
Have a great day!
Response: What a nice coincidence! ^^
Response: I'm glad it matches your taste and I'm happy to give you a nice start here at Swap-bot. Welcome! ^.^
Response: Huhu ^.^ Vielen Dank für das Herz und deine persönliche kleine Liste. Ich gestehe, dass ich ein tierisch neugieriger Mensch bin und so etwas gern vergleiche. :-) Allein-Sein ist auch ein sehr guter Punkt, bei dem ich mich vollauf anschließen kann, HelloFresh habe ich bisher noch nicht ausprobiert. Alles Gute und bis bald!
Response: Thanks for the heart! ^.^ It was an interessting scenario to write.
Response: Huhu ^.^ Das freut mich, dass das so schön gepasst hat. XD Hab' einen tollen Tag!
Response: Hello, I'm really happy it arrived you. ;-) have a great day!
Response: I'm glad it matches your taste! ^.^ Thanks for the heart.
Response: I'll do it the same way: I also usually wear black and than add a bracelett or something else, often a scarf, to bring at least some colour to the outfit, but most often its also enough for me. XD Enjoy! :-)
Response: Oh no, what a terribly emergency! You have to read one as soon as possible! XD
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart! ^.^
Response: Thanks, I also love to find out about others countrys traditions and so I like to add some, too. :-)
Response: You're wlelcome and thanks for the heart! :-)
Response: Hello, I'm glad you like it and after I got the idea, I was so hooked up with it, that I just had to try it out! XD That's always a story part I would have love to read/see in the movie.
Have a great day and thanks for the heart! ^.^
Response: Glad you enjoy it! ^.^
Response: Thanks for the heart and have a great day! :-) And yes, the MCU is truly addicctive! XD
Response: Oh yes, it is! :-)
Have a great day!
Response: Hello, I loved watching this movie very much, but it really took its time to arrive you! XD I can definititvly recommand the movie to be watched again; it's soo cute! :-)
Response: Thanks for the heart and have a great day! ^.^
Response: That's cool! ^.^ Stay safe!
Response: Enjoy them and thanks for the heart! :-)
Response: Oh yes, Neville is awesome! XD
Response: It was fun writing it and thanks for the heart. :-)
Response: I'm glad to hear! ^.^ Have a great day!
Response: Yeah, I got an origami juist some days ago in one of my letters and felt the urge to try it again by myself. I'm glad it worked! XD
Have a great day! :-)
Response: I felt like I could have brought every one of these PCs in this shop... XD
Stay safe and thanks for the heart!
Response: Sehr schön, freut mich immer, wenn es so gut passt! ^.^
Danke fürs Herz und hab' einen schönen Tag.
Response: Pokemon 4ever! XD
Response: I'm glad you like the types and I got something new and exciting for you. Stay safe! :-)
Response: Wunderbar, ich freue mich sehr, dass es ins Schwarze traf! ^.^
Response: I hoped to give you a nice welcome at swap-bat and I'm glad it worked out this way! ^-^
Response: Yeah, its truly amazing how perfectly we answered each others questions in the letters we wrote at nearly the same time. XD
Response: I'm glad you like it! ^.^
And thanks for the heart.
Response: With pleasure! ^.^
Stay safe.
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the idea of this whole swap! It was awesome!
Response: Das ist ja schön, dass es so gut passt! ^.^ Cool, das freut mich sehr! XD
Response: You're welcome and thanks for the heart. ^.^ Stay safe!
Response: Immer wieder gern! ^.^ Vielleicht werden wir beim Partnertausch mal wieder zusammen gewürfelt. XD
Response: Hello, i'm soo glad it finally found its way to you! ^.^ Have a nice day and sty safe! And thanks for the heart.
Response: Thanks for the heart. XD It was fun writing it. *g*
Response: Don't worry, I'm glad the mail arrived you! ^.^
Response: You're welcome! :-)
Response: I love them, too. XD Usually i brought them at a convention, but it was all cancelled last year and so I brought them by etsy (petpalz).
Stay safe and thanks for the heart. :-)
Response: I'm glad you like it! ^.^ Have a great day and stay safe!
Response: I'm glad you like it and thanks for the heart. :)
Stay safe!
Response: You're welcome! :-)
Response: Wow, das ging ja schnell! XD Ich hatte ein wundervolles Osterwochenende, fühle mich allerdings nun ein wenig gemästet...
Ich hoffe du hattest auch eine schöne Zeit und danke fürs Herz. Hab' ebenfalls einen wundervollen Frühling!
Response: Oh wow, it had o long way, coming from november last year, but I'm glad it arrived you and you liek it! :-)
Stay safe!
Response: Thanks for the heart in return. ^.~
Stay safe!
Response: That was the idea! XD
Have a wonderful day and stay safe. :-)
Response: Danke fürs Herz! :) Ja, ich hatte riesigen Spaß beim Schreiben und gleichzeitig tat mir Lupin immer mehr leid, während ich annahm, dass sich Sirius vielleicht aufgrund der Scham- und Schuldgefühle nie ihm gegenüber geöffnet hat? Jedenfalls spannende Geschichte!
Response: You're welcome! :-)
Response: You're welcome! :-)
Response: You're welcome! :) I had great fun writing the letter.
Stay safe!
Response: Thanks for the heart! ^^ - I had huge fun answering the questions. XD
Response: Huhu :) Das freut mich, dass es ins Schwarze getroffen hat! Hab' eine schöne Woche!
Response: Shortly after sending the swap, i finished it and started the next one. XD Have a wonderful day! :)
Response: Es hat mir großen Spaß gemacht und ich freue mich sehr, wenn jemand Deutsch lernt. - Ist so eine schwere Sprache... ^^°
Hab' einen schönen Tag!
Response: Oh Wow, that sounds like a looot snow! o.O
Thanks for the heart and stay safe!
Response: You're welcome and thank for the heart! :)
Response: Enjoy the tea! ^.^
Response: I'm glad it arrived you despite our lockdown! :-)
Response: Hello! :-) I'm glad you like it. I had huge fun writing this little adventure! XD
Response: Enjoy! :) And stay healthy!
Response: Thanks for the heart! ^.^ And I'm glad I could provide you some fun. I think the last animal I had also put into the wordsearch was dog... But I'm not soo sure about it. ^^°
Response: Your'e welcome and thanks for the heart! This postcard always made me laugh, so its perfect at a time like this. :)
Response: Sehr schön! XD Genieß' es und den restlichen Sonntagabend! :)
Response: You're welcome! :) Thanks for the 5 and the heart and stay safe!
Response: Huhu ^.^ Viel Spaß beim Genießen und bis bald. Und danke fürs Herz.
Response: Freut mich, wenn es vollauf ins Schwarze getroffen hat! :) Und immer wieder cool, wie Sailor Moon auch nach so vielen Jahren noch Leute verbindet! XD
Response: Your welcome! :)
Thanks for the heart! And stay safe and healthy.
Response: Hallo Anja, vielen Dank für die lieben Worte und das Herz! :) Es machte mir riesengroßen Spaß den Brief zu schreiben und von dem "Was, wenn..." zu schwärmen. Das machte richtig glücklich! XD
Response: Hello Robyn, I'm glad my mail arrived you safely! We are in lokdown, too, and so many letters take twice the time as usual. Stay safe! ^-^
Response: I'm soo glad it's on point, because I have no idea about postcards and even didn't knew the name of this type of postcard. XD
Response: You're welcome! ^-^ And thanks for the heart!
Response: You are welcome! :) I'm glad you liked it.
Response: Das kenne ich auch! XD Schlimmer noch sind wichtige Entscheidungen, die sofort getroffen werden sollten... aber eigentlich fühlt sich alles im Kopf noch nach Wackelpudding an.
Response: Oh cool, du kennst den Stallhof sogar. Perfekt! XD Den muss ich mir da unbedingt mal vormerken, wenn es mich mal nach Dortmund verschlägt... Danke für den Tipp. :)
Und danke für die lieben Geburtstagsgrüße!
Response: Gerne! :) Wunderbar, dann ist diese Stelle auch neu besetzt und ich würde dir nur wärmstens ans Herz legen dein zusätzliches Gehalt in Schutzamulette, Gegengifte usw. zu investieren.
Response: I'm glad you like it and I wish you a wonderful start in the christmas season! :)
Response: You're welcome! :) I had great fun packing the tiny tea bags! XD
Response: And thanks for the heart. I hope you will like it! :)
Response: Thank you for the heart and stay safe! ;-)
Response: You are welcome! Glad it works. XD
Response: You're welcome! ^.^
Response: Ja, das Briefpapier hatte mich sofort angesprochen, als ich einfach wahllos durch einen Laden bummelte und ich wusste augenblicklich: Das MUSS ich haben! XD Und freut mich, dass es mit Poldi so gut passte! *g* Ich dachte mir erst "Du kannst doch nichts mit Umbridge schreiben, wer will denn die lesen?" aber die Kombi lies mich dann nicht mehr los. XD
Response: I'm looking forward to it! ^.^ It's called "Schloss Drachenburg" in German and can be literal translated as something like "Palace Dragon castle".
Response: You are welcome! ^.^
Response: Thats great! Always Gladbach to find new types. :-) Thanks for the heart.
Response: Wow, Im so glad the letter arrived so soon despite its long way! :-) have a wonderful time and stay safe!
Response: Hello, thanks for the heart. Im Glad to hear you liked the tea. The last days in Germany were really hot, too, so despite its unusall for September I needed ice tea again. :-) but As a bigger Fan of fall I hope it was for the last time this year...
Response: Thats wonderful, so maybe you have found a new sort! :-) also sorry for the late response: I was in holiday
Response: Super, dass es ins Schwarze traf. ^.^ Vielleicht passt es mal wieder zusammen beim Swappen
Response: Oh wow, thats wonderful! :-) I'm glad you liked it and I will look forward to your letter!
Response: Thanks! :) You can never have too many christmas stickers, I think! XD
Response: Ups, I'm sorry I forgot this! ^^°
Response: It was also my first package and I had great fun preparing it for you! ^-^
Response: Oh yes, the Cathedral in Köln is amazing and I also went to the museum right next to it! - Because people settled far earlier in this part of Germany, most of the historical artefacts are way older than the things you can found in Saxony. :-)
Response: You're welcome! XD I don't think I will forget this book soon.
Response: A little bit late my reply, I know, but: I'm so curois about your answer and so glad it made it's way to you so fast! ;-)