Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: thank you for the 5 with heart. Big HUGS for being so understanding :-)
Response: Thank you for the 5 with heart. Big HUGS OOOOOOOOOOO
Response: Thank you for the 5. Lots of hugs for being so understanding OOOOOOOOOOOOO :-)
Response: thank you for the 5.lots of hugs for being so understanding OOOOOOOOOOO :-)
Response: Thank you for the 5. Lots of hugs for being so understanding OOOOOOO
Thankj you the letter box was down the road of where we are staying and is a slip cover :-)
Response: Thank you, enjoy thank you for the beautiful card that arrived on Saterday :-)
Response: Thank you we are sleeping with friends and Im on a borrowed lap top.
Response: Thanks for the heart :-)
Response: Thanks for the heart :-)
Response: Hi Barb, I'm happy you enjoyed them, I had a lot of fun finding some new ones and reading lots then trying to deside the ones to send. Happy and blessing for Christmas to you and your mum :-)
Response: Barb I'm so happy you enjoyed them, thank you :-)
Response: Thank you happy it arrived all OK :-)
Response: Thank you the sunflower I played with and made it a B&W negative ;-)
Response: It is a short but peacefull walk and will be taken my 100's this January on their way from the camping ground to the beach to swim and surf :-)
Response: I'm sooo sorry, that has never happed before and I have sent lots that way even with out and envelope as postcards. I will remake and send another, but it will not get there before the 25th.
Response: Yes catkins, thanks for the heart :-)
Response: about 1/2 and 1/2 so sorry :-)
Response: It's not weird for us as it has always been that way for us, hee hee :-)))
Response: Yaa, you have it, thank you :-)
Response: We have lost so many and more being demolished every day!
Response: No not by me it is one I found on line and that is how it is signed. hugs XXX
Response: Thank you, it took me ages to get that photo I think I took about 12 or 15 untill I was happyish then the tide started to go out and so the splash became lower, thank you :-)
Response: Thank you it is a programme that came with my Epson printer, thanks for the heart :-)
Response: Your welcome, so happy you like it and that it arrived OK XXX
Response: Yes, but a few years ago thanks :-)
Response: Thank you, I'm happy you liked what I sent you :-)
Response: it's for you to write Hee hee
Response: Thanks for the heart sweetie Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢ËœÂºĂ¢â„¢Â¥
Response: Your welcome, I enjoy stitching together cento Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢ËœÂºĂ¢â„¢Â¥
Response: Thanks I enjoy scaryĂ¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢ËœÂºĂ¢â„¢Â¥
Response: Thanks for the heart Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢ËœÂºĂ¢â„¢Â¥
Response: Your welcome, enjoyĂ¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥
Response: thanks for the heartĂ¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢ËœÂºĂ¢â„¢Â¥
Response: Your Welcome. Thanks for the heart Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢ËœÂºĂ¢â„¢Â¥
Response: Thanks for the heart Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢ËœÂºĂ¢â„¢Â¥
Response: Happy it arrived all OK Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢ËœÂºĂ¢â„¢Â¥
Response: Thanks for the heart Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢ËœÂºĂ¢â„¢Â¥
Response: Thanks for the heart Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢ËœÂºĂ¢â„¢Â¥
Response: Your carft room and mine sound the same. I can only get into mine through the door out on the decking as stuff has fallen down against the hall door. Will take lots of Saturdays to fix it Hugs for the heart Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢ËœÂºĂ¢â„¢Â¥
Response: I'm'e so happy you enjoyed them, thanks for the heart Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢ËœÂºĂ¢â„¢Â¥
Response: Your welcome, thanks for the heart Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢ËœÂºĂ¢â„¢Â¥
Response: That tree has gone now but I have lots of photos of both knots and what is inside :-)
Response: may be we need a swap to finish the first lines we have recived Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢â„¢Â¥Ă¢ËœÂºĂ¢â„¢Â¥
Response: No comment! Did you not like what I sent you?
Response: No comment! Did you not like what I wrote for this swap?
Response: No comment! Did you not like what I wrote for this swap?
Response: Hi June, not they are not called cootie catcher in New Zealand they are a Fortune teller as a child a school I always had one in my pocket as did my friends. So happy you enjoyed it and that it brought back memories for you. I found out they where called Cottel Catcher in your part of the world through another swap on the Bot a couple of years back :-)
Response: Hi Kay, perhaps is forgetfulness does not beset Janine you will get another letter next Christmas!!!
Thanks for the heart :-)
Response: Thanks, that was the whole point, hee hee.
Did you enjoyit?
Did it give you a giggle?
Thanks for the heart :-)
Response: Thanks for the heart, I hope you enjoy your new job :-)
Response: Happy you got a giggle from the story, thanks for the heart :-)
Response: Thank you for your kind comments. They where fun swaps to do. Thanks for the heart :-)
Response: Ruby is a sweeti in real life :-)
Response: Sorry you where unhappy about the spelling. I do edit about 5 times before I send. Well I have done it again and the spell checker has not found any spelling mistakes but I did find 2 words that where wrong usage. 11th line from the top exhorted should be exhausted and 5th line up on the fist page acutance should read acquaintance. I hope that is a help. In New Zealand we use the English spelling of words and that has not been a problem in the past. :-)
Response: The house is a picture I found on line after a hunt to fine one to suit the story I had in it's first draft. The picture is one of a collection of old photos I have in my collection with no names on them, I collect old photos that I take a fancy too. The flu epademic was a fact. The grave is one in the church yard of the church I attended as a child and I wove the story around it. hugs :-)
Response: I am so happy this one arrive, I gess it's the resend not the first, I think somone else liked the look of the envie as it was a floral one:-)
Response: I love what you did with my sentences, hugs :-D
Response: Blame the New Zealand postal system, they where all posted in the right order as I did not know where the next one was going untill the previous one was posted or I could have posted them all together and so save on postage. Thanks for all your great ratings and comments, hugs :-D
Response: Yes, I wave my arms about, no, I dont tap my chest. I just might try that, thanks :-)
Response: So sorry, the note got left on the table and i ment to Email to tell you. hugs :-)
Response: I gessed somthing had happed to the first story as you always rate. It was a great story to write, thanks for your comments :-)
Response: Ultra fine gold embossing powder over a rubber stamp and heated. Thanks for the kind comments :-)
Response: I love adding pictures to my work, thanks for the heart, hugs :-)
Response: NOT true! The eyesight thing was so she would get noticed.
thanks for rating, hugs :-)
Response: It was good to be swapping with you once agine, it has been a while and yet at one time we swapped a lot. Thanks for the rating, hugs :-)
Response: thanks for rating and the heart :-)
Response: Thanks for rating.
No comment, no thanks?
Response: I'm happy you enjoyed it, hugs :-)
Response: Your welcome, I am taking a break from making row houses for a while untill I have done some writing. hugs :-)
Response: It was lots of fun to make for you,hugs :-)
Response: Thanks for your lovely commet, hugs :-)
Response: I tried to send you something different this time. You can read more of McGonagall at
Hugs :-)
Response: This one was great fun to make, hugs :-)
Response: I love making Christmas ornaments, hugs :-)
Response: This angel if my fav, hugs :-)
Response: Making this was great fun, hugs :-)
Response: Skinnys are a great size to work on, hugs :-)
Response: Im happy you liked it and that it arrived OK, thanks for the heart :-)
Response: I'm happy it arrived OK and that you liked it, thanks for the heart :-)
Response: I''m happy you liked it and that it arrived OK, thanks for the heart :-)
Response: I'm happy you enjoyed reading them. I have had great ones sent to me too, hugs :-)
Response: Yes, I found them interesting as well. We seem to get each other for partners and that is great. Hugs :-)
Response: well you know what they say "great minds think alike". hugs :-)
Response: Hi Patty, no problem, thanks for doing so, hugs :-)
Response: I'm happy I was able to send one you enjoyed, hugs :-)
Response: Sorry it was not what you where expecting, I'm new to this. Would you like me to resend?
Response: I;m so happy you liked it and that it arrived OK, hugs :-)
Response: I hope you liked it, I did try to work to your profile :-) I saw you liked green and hand made cards so the green hand made card. Have you read the book by E. H. Shepard "Drawn From Memory" about when he was 7 and 8 and was already drawing?
Response: I'm happy you liked what I did, the Boo book was not my idea, got that from Lisa, hugs :-)
Response: I love crochet angels, so happy she arrrived OK, hugs :-)
Response: I love making these crochet anges, I'me happy she arroved OK, hugs :-)
Response: I'me happy you like it and that it arrived OK, hugs :-)
Response: I love making these crochet aneles, glad she arrived OK. I have stacks of patterns but even 2day I was downloading 4 more. hugs :-)
Response: Happy you liked it and that it arrived OK, hugs :-)
Response: I realy enjoyed making these so I'm happy you like it, hugs :-)
Response: the kitty was so simple to make, I found the pattern online too, hugs :-)
Response: thanks for the heart :-)
Response: I just knew it would be, hugs :-)
Response: Thankk you, they are so much fun to make :-)
Response: Thank you for all your lovely comments. As I said the extras where written for past swaps. I only write two or three a year. Hugs :-)
Response: Thank you. I enjoyed planning and making this swap :-)
Response: HI, the dates for this year are 18th -22nd November and it's in Oamaru. Send me a Emil before you come and we may be able to meet up 4 coffee. I can Email you the web site for it if you would like :-)
Response: Hi, no problem, thanks for the heart :-)
Response: Thanks for the heart, I will have to send you more Katherine Mansfield, I have a book of hers. Hugs :-)
Response: YES it is lichen and it is on my red bricks, this was a fun swap, :-)
Response: No guess! Sorry it is too late now as I have responded to junemoon :-(
Response: Thank you for the heart, They are tic tac that I then put dots and lines on as I thought they would last longer and go though the post OK rather than jelly beans. hugs :-)
Response: No comment? Thanks for the heart :-)
Response: Your more than welcome, they are so much fun to bring to life, hugs :-)
Response: Your welcome :-)
Response: Thanks, they are so much fun to bring to life :-)
Response: Thanks, they are so much fun to bring to life :-)
Response: Thanks, they are so much fun to bring to life :-)
Response: Thanks, they are so much fun to bring to life. Living in NZ almost all my partners are international! :-)
Response: These houses are fun to create :-)
Response: These houses are fun to create :-)
Response: I enjoyed making them for you :-)
Response: It's mushroom/toadstool time in NZ now, why not join me? :-)
Response: Your welcome, Im' happy you like it and can use it :-)
Response: Thanks, they are so much fun to bring to life :-)
Response: These houses are fun to create :-)
Response: These houses are fun to create :-)
Response: Your Welcome, I'm happy you like them :-)
Response: Your welcome, Im' happy you like it and can use it :-0
Response: HI, thanks for the heart. I send the Dali Lama teaching as an extra. "Biff" I think is a song but I only have it as a poem. I have more teddy poems and will send them if you would like? hugs :-)
Response: Hi, thanks for the great rating and heart, I have just been talking to him on the phone to wish him happy 6th birthday today the 19th. I will pass your message on when next on the phone to him. They have moved onto a farm and I don't see him as much. :-)
Response: Thanks for the heart, When the girls do let me know if I can send anything else to help them :-)
Response: No Sorry, he is on a poster. Thanks for rating me. :-)
Response: CatMom6, thank you for your kind comments, I hate to tell you this but that baby was me(many, many years ago. hugs :-)
Response: Yes I had a giggle when I saw I was posting across town. I got the idea of printing the other pages last year in this swap as that is what my partner did. Thanks for the heart :-)
Response: Thanks for your comments. This type of door, or like it can be found on churches that are around 100 years old :-)
Response: Thnanks, some times if after writing the comment you recllick on the 5 the box for the heart becomes "live" :-)
Response: Your welcome :-)
Response: Your welcome :-)
Response: Hi , Thanks for that,, I found the pattern on line, I will try to fine where as I'm shure I saved it and send you the link when I do but it will be a few days. If not I will coppy mine and post it to you hugs :-)
Response: Have a go, it is really simple to do, good luck with it, hugs :-)
Response: Thanks for your comments, I love making the ice skats and it was great to be sending to you once again, it has been a long time since I sent you. hugs :-)
Response: Yes it was a lot of work but back in high school I had the time to do large projects.
Response: Thank you for your comments, I love making and swapping these angels, thay are fun to make, :-)
Response: Hi, if you are not happy with it would you like me to resend?
Response: Thank ;you, I would think like me you have lots and lots of these wee darlings :-)
Response: Your welcome, I love making them for others.
Response: Your welcome, I love making them for others.
Response: I'm so happy you like it. I enjoy making these angels. hugs :-)
Response: I'm happy she arrived OK after her long flight and not too tired to play with your other button fairies, hugs :-)
Response: Thank you for your comments, I love making these wee sweeties, hugs :-)
Response: I hope she is not too tired to play with your other button fairies after her long flight,hugs :-)
Response: Thank you for your comments about our courntry and my city. I lived 4 1/2 years in Australia and I love NZ best. The senary in real life is even better, but then I'm very one eyed, it have the knick name of Godzone. :-)
Response: Thank you, I'm happy you liked it, the fabric was my way of decorating the jar, hugs :-)
Response: Sorry Carroll, next time I send a postcard with no theme or a black theme I have some beautiful black kitten pictures I can send you. Hugs :-)
Response: Thank you, I love to chrochet and all the "coloured" Christmas Handmade Ornament swaps gives me plenty to do. Hugs :-)
Response: Thank you for the great rating it is good to know the book arrived and that you enjoyed it. hugs :-)
Response: I have resent this as an PDF emil so as not have it lost in the snail mail againe.
Thank you for the heart :-)
Response: Not that beach but one like it. Right now you would not want to be here as I'v just woken to a -6C frost. Hugs :-)
Response: I use a good quolity glue stick "Amos". Thanks for the heart :-)
Response: Oh Dear I have made and sent 30 -40 of these all the same way and this is the first one to have a bad time. I am so sorry. Do I need to send anything so you can mend April? Hugs :-)
Response: Hi Barb, you are so kind, I put that togeter, took it apart and put it together agin, just cannot work out where I went wrong, I will keep trying as I hate to be betten, my friend from another group did it first time when I sent her the link to the instructions so I will not let it get the better of me! When I get it right I will let you know. Thank you and hugs for the heart as I don't think my work was up to it's usual standared. I love swapping with you together with other "old" swap-bot friends. I hope you are feeling better not it is summer your way. Hugs :-)
Response: Your welcome, I'm happy that it came at the right time for you. Hugs :-)
Response: Thank you, as they where comming from NZ I therefour used all NZ stamps hoping they would be "new" to you, hugs :-)
Response: I'm so happy she has settled in so well with your herd of fairies, I know she will love it and will be having lots and lots of fun.Hugs :-)
Response: I'm gald it got to you OK and in one piece. Was worrind about sending that shape through the mail. :-)
Response: these where fun to put together, :-)
Response: Just something the local departmant store sent out, :-)
Response: I had fun putting these together, :-)
Response: Stamps are fun to work with as they are just "little works of art" :-)
Response: these "colour" cards have been fun to to. :-)
Response: Thank you I loved putting them togeter for you. It was hard to leave so many out. :-)
Response: I love swapping poems, :-)
Response: I love all the different ideas that come with the "colours" :-)
Response: It's great to swap poems, :-)
Response: I love to take photos like that, thanks :-)
Response: I'm happy you enjoyed it. I enjoy making these little books for others. Hugs :-)
Response: No, but I do teach the little ones at Children's Church :-)
Response: I'm so happy you enjoyed it, hugs :-)
Response: Your welcome, they are fun to make :-)
Response: Thank you, I love taking photos and being able to share them is a great bonus, hugs :-)
Response: Thank you for your comments. It was done with UTEE and stamped, hugs :-)
Response: They are new to me as well. The embossing was done on a friends Cuttlebug machine :-0
Response: Thank you, I found some great images when I did a google image search, and the old ones I really liked :-)
Response: It was good to be sending to you again and she is one of my many fav, poets :-)
Response: This was such a differnt type of postcard for me to do :-)
Response: Thank you, they where fun to make, :-)
Response: yes they did, they have been asking to go back, & we will next month :-)
Response: Thank goodnes for that, I wonder what happed to it! May be the workers where using it for a frizbee and it went into a machine!
Response: Thank you, I will emil you about the embossing later.
Response: I donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t understand why you thought it plain. I had used lovely chocolate coloured card, stamped and gold embossed a pair of bunnies with a heart, that heart was then finished with a red metallic heart brad and the flowers the bunnies sat on where touched with glitter. Then above that was a large stamped and gold embossed Ă¢â‚¬Å“Happy EasterĂ¢â‚¬? egg done on marbled paper and glued on beside an Easter faux postage stamp, and then a small bunny charm/bead glued on. Than on the back a small Easter illustration and a small reproduction of a very old Easer postcard, then my signature stamp. How was this plain?
Response: These where such a callange to get the poems to fit the tiny pages and not have the print too small but fun to do all the same, I'm happy you liked it, hugs :-)
Response: I only found Shel Silberstein a few months ago through another Swap-bot swap (is'nt this place great) and have had all the books out the libary has. I love his sense of humour. Hugs :-)
Response: I'm so happy you like it. I get worried when I do books that what I like and although I try to follow their profile the end product will not be all the receiver may have hoped for and that it it not liked. Thank you :-)
Response: I'm so glad Maeve made the long flight safely to you, hugs :-)
Response: Hi Yarntails, I'm so happy that Alona has arrived safely and that she and Ada get along so well together, Hugs :-)
Response: Hi Tereas, I'm so happy you liked it, thank you for the heart, Hugs :-)
Response: I'm so happy you enjoyed it. It was fun to make for you and as soon as I read your profile I know how I was going to go about it. Hugs :-)
Response: I'm s glad you had a good laugh, when I found that image I did the same and knew just what I would use it for. Hugs :-)
Response: Hi there, No, that man is the wizard and he now lives in oamaru. Fancy a biking huneymoon!How long ago? We had our 33rd yesterday the 12th. I'm so happy you liked by card. I use plenty of dimensional magic to stick the button on.
Response: These postcards are just sooo much fun to put together. Hugs:-)
Response: I'm so happy you liked it. I hope you followed all the instructions OK? These are just so much fun to make. Have you joined the Chunky book group? If so I will see you over there. Hugs:-)
Response: I love making these wee sweeties and thank you for keeping her toasty. I's great swapping with "old" friends, Hugs :-)
Response: Thank you, it was really fun to find the images and then put it all togeter for you, hugs :-)
Response: I'm happy you liked it :-)
Response: Thank you for keeping the girls warm. They are just so much fun to make and send on their way. Thank you for hosting a lot of swaps, hugs :-)
Response: Thank you, I'm happy you enjoyed them, they are so much fun to stitch togeter I have made a start ready for when the next one is listed on Swap-bot. Hugs :-)
Response: Thank you friend for your comments, I love making these as they are just so much fun and like you have signed up for them all, so may be we will swap again :-)
Response: Thes are great fun to make :-)
Response: I had great fun making these little ones and I'm going to make some for the ATC group that I belong to :-)
Response: Thank you for the heart, I enjoy making these as the just come to life under my fingers, hugs :-)
Response: We hardly ever get snow less than one fall a winter. thanyou for the heart, I'm happy you liked it, hugs :-)
Response: Thank you, from one Santa collecter to another. Im posting to you today. It's good to be sending to usual swapping friends :-)
Response: Or was it? Thank you for your commente, I'm happy that you love it :-)
Response: Hi Mims, I enjoy swapping across the world and don't offen get to send to spain. Thank you for your comments, hugs :-)
Response: Thank you, yes we get some great stamps and I love using them on altered art work, hugs:-)
Response: Thank you, these are so much fun to do :-)
Response: Thank you for your comment. I love to crochet and as I collect angels they go together. I make about 1/2 my Christmas cards.
Response: I love to chrochet and as I'm really into angels I love to crochet them :-)
Response: Thank you, it's great to work with.
Response: Thank you, I found deciding what to make for the BLACK swap hard :-)
Response: I love to crochet and these where fun to make.
Response: Thank you Phoenyx. I enjoyed putting it together for you :-)
Response: Thank you, I love it when I can send back to a Swapping Friend who's work I have hanging up :-)
Response: I love putting the wee books of poems together, thanks :-)
Response: Oh Luvcatzzz you make me blush. I just do it because I enjoy doing it and I just love to share. Thank you for your kind words :-)
Response: Barb, thank you for all your lovely comments, it is alway great to swap with you and other "old" Swap-bot friends. Hugs
Response: Thank You, I do love these poem swaps.
Response: I'm glad you liked at as it is one of my favorite stamps, thanks
Response: Yes, I just love that quote and I DO try to live by it!!!!
Response: Thank you I had lots of fun making it for you :-)
Response: And you responded with such a great poem. Thank you :-)
Response: Thank you and I hope all the others do as well. It will be great to see it when it eventuall arrives Home.
Response: I have not idea why I only have a 3 for this swap as I feel I meet all the listed requirements and it was posted on time. There was no reply to my PM! :-(